(((Kurt Eichenwald))) is preparing a hitpiece on a conservative school shooting survivor he insulted
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Kurt Eichenwald returns
Someone basilisk the fuck again.
All of this is happening as Metokur rips him a new one, redpilling his normie followers on this disgusting sack of human flesh.
(((Kurt Eichenwald)))?
Do you mean Kurt "Tentacles for the whole family" Eichenwald?
I love how all this happens immediately after he gets fucked over for insulting the same kid. Kurt is not well, but entertaining nonetheless.
If only we could weaponize our memes.
you mean Kurt "I'll show you my hentai if you'll let me be your senpai" Eichenwald?The same one?
Oh i see,so this is how he's gonna get his ass out of the fire.
Pick one.I think it's mostly ooga booga tier and even i know the fucking difference.
Guess the education system failed him,clearly.
Kurt 'Seize the Day Away' Eichenwald
Jesus wept, this faggot has no shame. He should give up on Twitter and keep to his milf/scat/cuck hentai (or whatever the fuck it is he faps to).
I'm a degenerate, hate to admit it and trying to nofap to stop being one. This guy makes me feel a little better about myself
Wait. The Kurt "I love Hentai but I will blame it on the next guy" Eichenwald?
Holy lel, Kurt is melting down so quick. Is /cow/ involved?
There's a thread about him. Someone stop him before he kills again.
It's astounding how Kikenwald is a veritable checklist of negative stereotypical jewish traits. If someone created a jewish character and wrote them exactly like Kurt, they'd be accused of antisemitism.
The kikes are all imbred.
It's a beautiful thing to watch a kike commit public sudoku.
To be fair, who the fuck would want to hire someone who constantly threatens trolls with lawsuits?
An international Judeo-Bolshevik corporate cabal hell bent on turning the West into a malleable cultureless strip mall?
Psychiatry is basically the same as Neurology. Ie, it's an actual science. Not like (((Psychology))) aka Freudism.
As evil and depraved as our enemies are, even they occasionally have some standards when it comes to their own representation. Eichenwald is an absolute embarrassment to them
How dumb can you be?
I might be dumb, but at least I can read.
Whoops :^)
But for real though, the only difference between a psychiatrist and psychologist is the ability to write prescriptions. A psychiatrist is worse than a psychologist. You can eventually purge your mind of dumb thoughts, you can't easily purge your mind of the neurochemical imbalances wrought by antidepressants.
this is my attempt to save face after that egg on my face moment tbh
The moment psychology becomes based on verifiable, testable, biological systems it becomes neuroscience.
That said, Jung is still worth reading.
That's why the entire field is moving away from pharmaceutical interventions towards behavioral ones, but for some (((reason))) the school system can't keep up.
Wrong. Psychiatry overlaps so much with Neurology to the point that here in the US it's governed by the same board: American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology (ABPN).
You are correct that a psychologist may prescribe drugs. They are medical doctors. Psychologists are Freudists and not medical doctors.
I have Epilepsy, and take meds for it so I don't croppy-flop like Kurt when some faggots Japanese Seizure Robot troll me.
fml i just earlobe spaced
also *psychiatrist may prescribe drugs
god damnit
I think you need more drugs
(((Eichenwalds))) cell phone
914 552 2588
have fun
I knew an MK Ultraed chick who had epilepsy. Maybe the two go hand in hand.
Snowden has it too.
Reminder that "conflicts" between e-celebs and zog puppets such as this are all part of the rigged game. They're designed to get you emotionally engaged and invested in supporting "your side".
Note that Vanity Fair was also the source of much of the information used to "hunt down" the "meme factory", thus it is being used as an outlet to leak breadcrumbs which right-wingers are expected to follow.
Nah. I was trying to do too many things in a hurry. Keppra sucks enough already, and as it stands I'm at the maximum dosage so if I do ever need more that most likely means adding Depakote.
Don't be a "all drugs are bad" fag. I like living and not having seizures makes things better.
I am just laughing that hes blaming controlled opposition kike (((Ben Shapiro))) for his woes.
I didn't say all drugs are bad, but SSRIs should be banned outright.
(No, really. Maybe CBD-only if you don't want to be stoned all the time, but I've seen it work in extreme cases.)
So we're giving him the Hogg treatment right? This should be interesting.
All psychopharmeceuticals are.
Don't be offensive, no one could accuse Kurt "Banned from Seaworld for doing unspeakable things to the octopus exhibit" Eichenwald of being a shrewd man.
this guy is literally everything people hate about Jews distilled into one man. unbelievable.
Psychoanalysis can be helpful. Some of us really are just lonely and need a person to talk to about our problems. I can never talk to my family or friends about my problems.
You need new friends.
l m a o quick man the battle stations retweet everything you have about kurt showing hentai to his nonexistant wife and children
No, it's not helpful. The entire institution of psychology and psychiatry are meant to be a stake to the heart of healthy social organizations.
Thank god, it was all just a big misunderstanding
Has he ever considered not lying for two fucking minutes?
He's physically incapable of it. He's the avatar of every jewish stereotype.
Exemplar, not avatar.
daddy just stop it and come home
And no, "neurology" knows fuck all about the human mind, it's not even close to psychology. You cannot even explain how conditioning works, describe emotions, explain memories or anything else which defines a human by using neurology, except to throw out "muh chemical reaction" cover-all. Psychology may not explain the underlying chemical mechanisms behind these processes but it does provide us with working models with which to make predictions.
How does "muh chemical reaction" help you do anything? How does it help you to know when a particularly effective tactic is being deployed via propaganda? How does it help you to design a speech to influence an audience in a particular way? How does it help you to train a useful animal?
Show us a single case of neurology being used as the basis for propaganda, social engineering or persuasion. Oh right, you can't. You might as well try to explain how the Windows operating system works by looking at an X-ray of a computer.
No, they can't. An MRI scan tells you as much about thoughts as a FLIR image of a running motherboard tells you about the program that computer is running. All you see is a rough approximation of activity, oxygen metabolism in one case, electrical power consumption in the other. It's the same deal as filming your board with the FLIR while you run a variety of programs, recording which parts heat up, then making a look-up table to enable you to guess what is running in future. MRI scans work exactly the same way, they just measure a different metric of activity.
If you think that thoughts will ever be explained or decoded on the fly by MRI scans, you're fucking insane.
Psychology is the best tool we currently have for understanding the human mind.
Did you know that medicine isn't a science? Did you know that many orthodox treatments work through mechanisms which have not been explained in terms of pharmacology or biology? That's to say, doctors have no idea why a given treatment works, but they use it anyway because it works. Are you saying that medicine is useless then? Applied psychology is to the mind, what medicine is to the body, an art based on science. Science is not prescriptive, it is descriptive, a method is either effective or it isn't, and said effectiveness or lack thereof exists independent of any explanation.
Skepticfags get this causality back to front. A skepticfag will not say "here is the equation which describes this behavior", he will say "here is the equation which causes this behavior."
Classic example:
skepticfags will probably not even see the problem with this
If psychology was not useful then our nations and our people would not be in the dire state they are. It is precisely because psychology works that the jew has managed to replace White Western values with an entirely alien system. It is little wonder then, that kikes wish this immensely powerful knowledge to be kept secret and firmly under their control.
The way you explain something doesn't impinge on its effectiveness, so long as your explanation agrees with what is observed and allows you to make predictions.
Whichever you believe, you will be able to predict what happens when you drop a cat. The latter explanation being complete bullshit has no effect on predictions made by those who believe it. A scientific explanation has the benefit of allowing other predictions to be made by extrapolation, but in practical terms, for the task at hand, it is completely and utterly irrelevant which version one holds to.
Things like "penis envy", the ego and the id are similar. They allow real phenomena to be modeled and discussed without necessarily being a true explanation and they beat "chemical reactions" any fucking day of the year.
Holy fucking shit. I knew that guy was trash but I had no idea how bad..i can't even…
Epitome, not exemplar.
I appreciate where you attempted to go with this, user, but I think that's a FAR stretch.
How could they not? Kikenwald is perhaps the greatest lolcow ever.
I'm actually almost at the point of feeling bad for this kike. All he had to do was play off the tentacle porn as a troll and shut his stupid jew mouth. he digs the fucking hole deeper with each twaater rant. Doesn't he have a wife supposedly to put him in a psych ward and get meds adjusted? All of his jobs he claimed have turned out to be phony. He thought his fellow jew shapiro would side with him, that didn't happen. In 5 years he'll be brother nathaniel.
He can't stop, though, user; his jew psychology won't let him. Even as neurotic jews go, Kurt is an unparalleled specimen. That's what makes it so funny.
it is funny but usually jew enemies are far more calculating and ruthless and put together. It's odd to watch one have such a total psychic break even his fellow jews abandon him. I know, he'd have no mercy if it were me. It's been the downfall of the West. If the Germans were actually as ruthless as they should have been, not a jew would have gotten away.
This is a guy who lied about a seizure to dox and sue a solder. He doesn't deserve sympathy, but it's nice to see you have enough of a soul to feel bad for someone like this.
The pedo Kurt that watches tentacle pornography with his family is back!
Fine folks over at >>/cow/ have found out that he isn't even a NTY bestselling author.
You have to hand it to Eichenwald-kun, he really commits to seppuku
Call (((him))) home, Satan.
OY VEY im literally shaking
He's a complete sicko and freak who is an endless source of amusement. He belongs in the circus or behind bars where he can't cohere small underaged children into his paedophile activities or force his family members into watching monster rape pornography.
I'm starting to believe these people aren't that smart
How could you not? The poor holocaust survivor is wrongly accused of financing child pornography because he was accidentally admin of a CP site and totally didn't' financed this site through paypal transactions!
Wouldn't be surprised to find out that his wife and kids have left a long time ago
I bet we see Kurt an hero by summer's end
I'm not sure jews an hero because goyim knows. Reality always disappoints.
Doesn't that set legal precedent though?
Like if you are a pedo with overwhelming evidence proving your guilt, just tell the court that you did it for "research purposes" even despite all evidence proving otherwise and you'll be free to fuck kids another day.
Pedos everywhere should venerate Kurt Eichenwald as their new canon saint.
Oh boy, Kurt sure fucked himself this time
Come on, redditor. He's a jew, so he doesn't go to jail.
At least not yet.
Kurt is an interesting specimen. He's as Jewish as a Jew can get without going full Orthodox.
Even Maddox managed to be a NYT bestselling author.
Lol the fact Shillary lost only makes him look even more pathetic
Careful, he might sue you over posting that.
It's amazing what moving into a liberal coastal city can do to you. His whole bit for years was being the original internet asshole, now he's thrown that all away to appease his fake liberal friends.
Same for this guy. It really is something else, and I have to know why. Is the city life that subversive? Were they not tough enough to begin with? Or simply ignorant and unprepared? Something else? A combination of the above? It's a mystery to me how "Triggering dude-bro asshole" can turn into SocJus spearhead.
He was all fine and dandy with Dick up until he slept with his ex. I think he was always an asshole, he just had the benefit of hiding his face on the shitty website before, and with Dick, he couldn't easily come out on top like he did with the countless idiots sending him hatemail when he first stared out.
shoe us your tits
Why are you surprised a non-white is a total lying cuck?
Jung was not Jewish.
Now take one guess why his philosophy and methods never really became part of "mainstream" psych.
Don't remind me of this. It still hurts.
Sort yourself.