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They just keep making these movies more EPIC lad. Who can blame them.
Attached: 20190428_122659.jpg (648x532, 154.85K)
urge to double slap rising
Attached: 9ee.png (688x578, 31.67K)
tbf that lad is actually fixing himself
Attached: as.png (578x914, 600.57K)
So is that mark on his face a syphilis spot or something, l thought it was a bruise
they abused that lass on the set of that film
And a midget hung itself.
No idea, could be a weird birth mark.
Attached: D5H (1)
Attached: cawcawcaw.PNG (782x717, 654.34K)
Eh, we've still got nzl beat, with leading a rape gang getting you 15 years and someone accidentally running over a muslim getting 50
smdh capeshite normies are cancer
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>"we've removed all sense of identity and replaced it with soulless corporate shite now clap your hands and cheer"
Attached: hiraeth.jpg (500x706, 78.5K)
Probably heavier to lift just your arm, isn't it, fatboy?
Attached: wewuz.PNG (1296x651, 1.02M)
BREXIT: 28% (+5)
LABOUR: 22% (-)
TORIES: 13% (-4)
CUCK: 10% (+2)
GREENS: 10% (-)
LIB DEMS: 7% (-2)
UKIP 5% (-1)
Attached: farage.gif (498x464, 3.28M)
The Nigenriech begins. Civic gfs for everyone.
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Reminds me of a Portuguese word - saudade - with a very similar meaning.
I can finally post my homage to her again.
Attached: DtfTtKSW0AIpyFk.jpg (1265x2048, 360.98K)
Hail our Glorious Leader, Kim Joy Un!
Attached: north korean gondola.webm (640x360, 5.88M)
I met an MP on Friday, didn't expect her to have 6 people surrounding her smhtbh.
Just slept for 15 hours
Attached: existential homer.jpeg (393x527, 43.89K)
They cant go out in public alone.
Attached: 1556448901096.webm (640x640, 1.33M)
Good lad hope you've got something to do for tonight
If only we invaded somewhere with attractive lasses
lad after the End we are getting the Zig Forums fleet together to raid the coast of europa for qt slave gfs
Attached: how the chinese fight.mp4 (480x600, 6.59M)
Even there the lanklet has the advantage smh. THe manlet should have started spitting when he was seated
I've got a nose bleed. Smh
Attached: Nosebleed-56a2a7903df78cf772787ab0.jpg (768x512, 27.79K)
It looks kinda neat but it's not art.
I have an assignment that I need to complete tonight because my toil hours have more than doubled and I have no freedom anymore
Attached: existential homer (3).jpg (373x191, 16.9K)
Well you are going to be up until 4-6 in the morning now anyway so you will have plenty of time to finish your assignment lad
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This. Scandinavia will get a taste of their own medicine.
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*actually goes to rape and settle*
smh 15 years imprisonment
The future of the h'white race is as nomadic pirates and I like it.
Attached: 1519718687813.webm (400x600, 3.83M)
I think BAP talked about this in his book tbh
Keeeek. That looks vicious.
Not on my watch sonny jim.
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Attached: crimesofbrits (1)
Surely a bigger crime of Britain would be the fact that we and the yanks funded the mafia to undermine his regime?
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They're commemorating the man who ended the Ethiopian slave trade.
he was a knight of malta tbh
Attached: muh.PNG (790x915
335.39 KB, 360.48K)
not fair that others get life handed to them and I have to go through the slog tbh, why even bother
Babylon just raid the barn smh plant the seed.
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reminder than non white men are exactly like the stereotype, just obsessed with WHITE WIMMIN and they want us dead and our women raped
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a romantic idea but in reality its not glamorous
Is this a metaphor for plummeting testosterone levels in Western men?
Oh when the beans come out the tin.
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the machinations of the big boys certainly know no bounds tbh
that doesnt help
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There is no fair, sorry, lad.
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When did the fair leave town? smh
Put a cheeky fiver on ETC tbh.
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1035x1292, 686.43K)
Yeah I thought the same thing while it was posting keeeeek based dad humour. You have a kid, right?