>(((George Washington University))) is hosting a Kike training session this week for (((Kike students and Jewish faculty members))) to learn about “Christian privilege” and how Christians “experience life in an easier way than (((non-Christians”))) in America.
>The (((private D.C. university’s Multicultural Student Services Center))) will host a 90-minute session Thursday titled, “Christian Privilege: But Our Founding Fathers Were All Christian, Right?!” The Christian Post first reported.
>“How do Christians in the USA experience life in an easier way than (((non-Christians)))?” a description for the training session asks. “Even with the separation of Church and State, are there places where Christians have built-in advantages over (((non-Christians)))? How do we celebrate Christian identities and acknowledge that Christians receive unmerited perks from (((institutions and systems))) all across our country? Let’s reflect upon ways we can live up to (((our))) personal and national values that make room for all religious and secular identities on an equal playing field. All are welcome!”
>The description says (((attendees))) will learn how to list at least three examples of Christian privilege and how to be an (((“ally with a non-Christian person.”)))
>(((Timothy Kane))), the (((center’s associate director))), will direct the seminar.
Of course, the ((("Alt-Right" TRS ShitDick Faggots Like Penis Spencer and Milo Faggopolis))) are nowhere to be seen. Unite the Right Faggots are also NOWHERE. What the Fuck. Can this be disrupted and halted? (((They))) are focusing on Christian White Males.
(((They))) do not want Christian White Males to live,, breed, or otherwise receive any type of benefits.
George Washington University to host seminar tackling ‘Christian privilege’
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Should kill him.
That's hilarious, even more hilarious when the self-awareness hits them that their precious pet shitskins are even more Christian as a percentage than the current white population. When people look at the stats that separate income by religion it'll be even more devestating to (((them))).
>(((They))) are starting to throw away the pretense and are attacking Christianity directly.
Interesting. We'll see how this turns out.
Who imports the most rapefuges to the US?
Jews, dummy. Who do you think makes the weak laws in the first place?
Blacks and Mexicans tend to be Christian, if anything. This will hopefully go over like a lead balloon.
is this a joke? the kikes are the most privileged uni fags arounds
This privilege thing is a texbook example of a group inferiority complex.
Mel Gibson's passion sequel can not come soon enough.
Priviledge = Sin
Racist = Evil White
You need to understand that the narrative is engineered to strike subhuman IQs. It doesn't use new, sophisticated mechanisms: it's literally prehistoric rethorics that you would find in the bible.
>(((They))) are starting to throw away the pretense and are attacking Christianity directly.
They're doing it on this very board, mate.
Christianity doesn't belong on a National Socialist board.
and neither does judaism
fuck off and die, jidf.
> how to be an (((“ally with a non-Christian person.”)))
Step one is to explain to them that Jesus died for their sins.
Did your rabbi teach you to spit everytime someone says "Jesus?"
Do you have any actual rebuttals to the fact of Yeshua being a Semitic idol standing for degenerate ideals distinguishable from Marxism only in their theistic element (which was a heretical element added later by Saul against the wishes of the OT Law focused zealots who comprised the actual early Christians and thus who denied that Yeshua was god)? Christianity is a pile of shit derived from the political machinations of Israelite scum. The "true" version is nothing more than ultra-orthodox Mosaic Yahwehism and the Sauline version is a universalist lie.
Jews are the richest and most privileged group in America. Yet they fantasize about how rich and privileged your average working class Americans are.
Let them do this - I have always found the easiest way to red pill people is point out the blatant hypocricy in how we are all allowed to criticize Christianity. But no one is even allowed to talk about Judaism or Religion of Cuck™ from a doctrinal point. This is them over playing their hand and it's priceless.
Do you have any evidence besides your shitposting?
>Why Were People Allowed To Play Naked Tag In A Nazi Gas Chamber?
>(((They))) are focusing on Christian White Males.
>(((They))) do not want White Males (ftfy) to live,, breed, or otherwise receive any type of benefits.
Checked. Heil kek.
And you kind sir, are checked right back.
Heil Hitler!
I saw this trending on twitter yesterday (right next to #LoveAMuslim) and out of curiosity I scanned the posts about it and about 90% or so thought Christian Privilege was a ridiculous concept. Some Christians were posting about how indeed they are privileged to go to heaven, kek. But overall people aren't buying it and it looks like it shook up some moderate-democrat leaning Christians. This is honestl, exactly what we need to help push fence-sitters to our side.
Mel Gibson's passion sequel can not come soon enough.
You should go ask those people who were shook up if they are ready to support National Socialism.
One step at a time. I know it took me a couple of years.
I thought beans were heavily Catholic
Depends wildly on their individual microculture. They're overwhelming Catholic-influenced, but they have all kinds of native faith counter influences. I seem to recall having heard about them venerating a Saint Death. They're huge on skull and skeleton motifs, semi-Catholic or not. They've still got a streak of Mayan in them, for better or worse. Probably worse.
You mean Santa Muerte, who they worship as a patron saint of prostitutes and drug sellers?
Yeeeeeaaaah, they're "Christians" much the same way sub-Saharan Africans are "Christians". They slap a coat of Jesus-colored paint on their animism and call it a day.
Yeah, that's the one.
==Check out these two threads ==
It's the same Jew every fucking time.
Fucking kikes. I'm tired of all the anti-Christian D&C on this board.
Go to your containment board then, because Kirchenkampf is not going to end. Christcucks do not belong here.
I think you're just tired of the anti-christian part. Or do you also complain when christians (frequently) inject their views into other religious,and nonreligious, topics on this board, knowing it will be received as astroturfing?
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
So did you, Efraim.
Does anyone have this in a higher resolution?
Preferably in .png format——
Oh boy we Harrison Bergeron now
Hmmm…this makes one wonder why the phrase "Jew privilege" isn't in use?
get it trending again
thanks - I guess - I was looking for something to print out like 100 copies and just leave them at places
Bearing in mind IOTBW got ripped down on sight, you may consider posting the image as an anonymous upload and print out a QR code of the URL if you want the code to linger in the wild without being instantly torn down
the link is dead
Going to leave them on tables, chairs, desks, public offices, doctor's offices, DMV, etc….
Especially wherever I see blacks.
Sante Muerte, patron saint of the underground, of cops, taxi drivers, whores, addicts, thieves, drug dealers, cartels, and every other kind of scum you can imagine. Offerings to her shrines include smokes, chocolate, little bottles of liqour, pot buds, and blessed coins.
Oh and before praying before her, her adherants crawl on their bellies for a mile to her shrine because all are humbled before death. Quite Aztec of them.
Print BLM on one side, and that on the other for top keks.
beware of printer doxing via yellow dots
As much as I personally hate Christianity, I have to agree.
Don't pretend you don't know they're only going to target whites with this, just like "Muslim homophobia" doesn't matter.
And when does that happen?
Seems like the odd one out here.
Leaving aside that Eisenman is a disgusting heeb the Dead Sea Scrolls have been dated to have been written decades before he claimed so don't cite him.
This is how I'd like to be remembered if I was a jew, a faceless block in an undulating wave of pure inhumanity ruining a perfectly good european city block.
So they're extending their typical white hatred onto all christians now. Interesting. This probably won't turn out well for them.
Why do they hate Mexicans?
Who gives a shit about mexicans?
Aren't they Christian, is the University against them?
I look forward to the day this is demolished.
Mexicans have some weird aztec voodoo crap mixed in with their beliefs like said.
That or they're Marxists and have no religion altogether.
"Holocaust" "memorials" are just Jewish world supremacy temples.
No they're not and the idea that mexicans are the real christians or real conservatives or real _ the cuckservatives want them to be is a load of horse shit.
When will whites cast off this shitty desert religion? When our race is being destroyed why should we also be burdened with Levant superstitions
stupid christian conservatives who cuck out for israel caused this, so whatever.. losing your 'muh christians were victims of romans' privilege now lmao
you thought jews were going to let anyone else be privileged with them?
Inserting Jewish canon into natsoc movement is totally fine, though?
hitler was anti christian.
drop the kike on a stick fairytales and get woke
does that imply that canonical laws discriminating against jews were repealed? who repealed these anti-jewish canonical laws?
further, where are these supposed anti-jewish canonical laws?
Sicut Judaeis (Latin: "As the Jews") was a papal bull setting out the official position of the papacy regarding the treatment of Jews.
The first bull was issued in about 1120 by Calixtus II and was intended to protect Jews. It was prompted by the First Crusade, during which over five thousand Jews were slaughtered in Europe. The words sicut Judaeis ("and thus to the Jews") were first used by Pope Gregory I (590-604) in a letter addressed to the Bishop of Naples. Even then the Pope emphasized that Jews were entitled to "enjoy their lawful liberty."[1]
The bull was reaffirmed by many popes including Alexander III, Celestine III (1191-1198), Innocent III (1199), Honorius III (1216), Gregory IX (1235), Innocent IV (1246), Alexander IV (1255), Urban IV (1262), Gregory X (1272 & 1274), Nicholas III, Martin IV (1281), Honorius IV (1285-1287), Nicholas IV (1288-92), Clement VI (1348), Urban V (1365), Boniface IX (1389), Martin V (1422), and Nicholas V (1447).[2][3]
The bull forbade Christians, on pain of excommunication, from forcing Jews to convert, from harming them, from taking their property, from disturbing the celebration of their festivals, and from interfering with their cemeteries.
Civnats already fucked the kek meme.
Kekistan was already seperated and denounced. Fuck off.
It's all stupid.
You fuck off.
Let us get real.
Trump has the power to retaliate cutting federal funding, but he is not moving a finger.
Outlander ! OUT
Uhh, religious identity is a choice, like political affiliation. Just be a Christian, mkay?
(((Dr. Warren J. Blumenfeld))) is author of (((Warren’s Words: Smart Commentary on Social Justice(Purple Press); editor of Homophobia: How We All Pay the Price (Beacon Press), and co-editor of Readings for Diversity and Social Justice (Routledge) and Investigating Christian Privilege and Religious Oppression in the United States (Sense), and co-author of Looking at Gay and Lesbian Life (Beacon Press).))) It's all kiked. fuck it.
(((Warren Blumenfeld))) an Adjunct Professor (not a real one) at (((University of Massachusetts))) in Amherst whose research topics include religion, gender, and LGBT Issues.
His Twitter
His Website
His Facebook
Writer and Public Speaker at Blumenfeld Social Justice Consulting
Lives in South Hadley, Massachusetts
From South Hadley, Massachusetts
this guy is a member of a hereditary secret religious order.
get ur shit straight, theres layers to this onion that are being kept unpeeled because ma aryan race blood is being pushed so hard. aryan and the nazi party and ideology were made up by madame blavatsky and aleister crowley. read a little and then figure out that holohoax is still only half right
i love how most of the privilege bullshit comes from being a majority.
like white privilege is, among oppressing everyone by existing, not looking different to others like when you're a nigger. as if that would not be chinese privilege in china and so on.
but nobody tells the chinese they have chinese privilege…yet.
or the fact that christians are the ones that have their religion shat upon more than anyone else.
or that muslim privilege is much much stronger in muslim countries, like being unable to built or even restore places of non muslim cult. and plenty of other perks of being a non muslims depending on where you are.
they also fantasize on how much average americans want to put them in an oven.
Sure he's a Druze?
(Near the bottom of the page)
>Note: The Druze community in Israel numbers some 104,000 people out of a world-wide population of about a million. Their secretive, closed religion is an offshoot of Religion of Cuck™ which came into being in the 11th century. They believe Moses’ father-in-law, Jethro, was their founder. There has scarely been any Druze who have come to believe in Yeshua until now. God has not forgotten the Druze, and today there is a stirring of the Holy Spirit among the them but not without persecution.
BEEN doing it on this very bored, and others for years
They arent hidding anymore, why american protestants are supporting this people?
It certainly does, just as pro-Palestinian stuff does. If something is anti-Jew OR anti-communist then, pragmatically speaking, it is pro-white.
I'm done reasoning with these fucks. Put a bullet in their heads already.
Reminder that GWU is run by a bunch of untermensch these days, and has been essentially a Jesuit / Jew school since the early '50s. But it is an accurate reflection of the elite plans for our nation, always has been. Oppression of whites and Christians is now official US policy.
heil is a shitskin turk and skeletor is the the mod from r/t_D