The National Guard will be deployed to the border immediately. Embed related. It's fucking on. (((Leftists))) are now kvetching at the top of their lungs, insisting that Trump has no right to defend the border from foreign invaders. Let the salt flow.
National Guard to be deployed to border immediately
Other urls found in this thread:
Sadly the OP of the other thread sucked too much dick and died of GRIDS. But to his credit he did collect some nice salt before succumbing
Been waiting 20yrs for this!
hooo boy, YES - here we go!
And I want shots fired this time around, not just sick, dank burns, but actual bullets!
Why do so many people say that stupid bullshit? They're a federal force that respond to the Commander in Chief as a department of the Army. They can be called to help in giving civilian aid in major tragedies but that's not why they exist.
Mt Rushmore should be relocated to the border to act as the wall.
Weekend Warriors to be Slave Labor replacement for WetBacks.
Anything is better than Afghanistan or Syrian Duty.
Tfw you notice that the Department of the National Guard logo has not one but two fasces on it.
At work at the moment but once im home itll be a comfy night reading this salt and (((e-celeb))) salt. This solution was exactly what i texted a friend of mine when i first saw the headlines of the caravan.
this is what the nasty girls are for, protecting the actual nation
God damn, fuckin' yes!
Maybe he's finally doing something.
Within 2 years Trump will bulldoze nigger hovels across America.
Now all we need is one stone thrown when the caravan reaches the border and then it's open season.
yes I know its supposedly being broken up for a more surreptitious entry
Remove the heads from the mountain and turn them into 4 giant stone and steel mechas. Freedom enforcement gargants.
well my salt thread was deleted and me banned but good to see one lives on sieg heil!>>11447132
You hear that? That's the deafening silence from the shills.
Bad idea. It is already crumbing all on its own, the illegals picking at it won't help.
Pretty sure they are just waiting for their new marching orders telling them how to spin this.
It's still nice though.
(cricket sounds) ahahaha!!
lol trips
leftist salt mine open for business
I like her. She knows how to deal with these faggots like a trial lawyer.
of course not that's what their bullets are for
So, where does it say their mission is to prevent illegals from entering?
I would unironically fuck Nielsen
because OP is a faggot and didn't include sauce, here is the full press briefing:
jewtube or hooknosetube that runs through jewgle servers, both are cancer
They aren't going to touch immigrants. They are going to shoot invaders.
53:50 onwards will be of interest to you user.
It's worse than you think
They won't be touching "immigrants"
Their bullets will.
A small group of ICE Agents will be assigned National Guard troopers to "assist" them. ICE will be doing the touching.
I find it hilarious how these people are essentially still outraged that they lost. And the main contention point of the outrage is that Trump being ellected shows not everyone is party to their agenda. It's like they are all baffled people can disagree with them on this - like disagreement is impossible.
That comic perfectly captures the mindset. Copied for later sharing on some cuck's Facebook wall.
There's already two 'C's in that puzzle. If it were 'catching' anything the 'C' would already be uncovered
It has been happening more and more often lately. Good things ahead.
It's AmeriCAN, not AmeriCan't
Regresa a tu casa, invasor!
Download and spread it. It's like ISIS invading
Also, 2013, you fucking faggot. Reported.
Is the unorganized militia going to be called to arms?
That's bullshit. National guard is basically the home guard. You could shitpost on here and be part of the national guard while far away from any border.
>Playback has been disabled for (((some reason))).
No it hasn't
I didn't see that. That doesn't mean you go telling on me to daddy you fucking cunt piece of shit. Fucking soyboy
leftist memes lol
So fucking what? The guard can’t touch the invaders, can’t arrest them, basically can’t do shit.
And now I’m hearing the invaders are going to break up into smaller groups to evade detection.
I’ll admit that Trump has done a lot of great things for our nation, but I’m sick of the constant disappointment over the issue of immigration.
So what is Trumps endgame with this?
Obviously he's responding to Soros' baitbomb migrant wave, but he usually maneuvers stuff into a favorable situation for himself. So what does calling the National Guard accomplish, besides immediately ending the threat?
Tell it to congress. It's 100% their mess.
One way or another, the border is going to be closed.
childish and cringe as fuck
that makes sense. ty user
Why doesn't he just order a hit on that old sack of rotting flesh
Obama did the same thing in 2010, so they have no room to cry.
The national guard actually guarding the nation is cringy as fuck?
Top zozzle.
Shills are getting desperate.
Hey ZOGbots , shoot south then due east towards pissssrael
Ctrl + F - "Omnibus". No matches. Come on, motherfuckers.
Is he re-assigning the Omnibus Bill funding as speculated by the 4D Chessfags?
People wanting to wipe the floor with invaders is cringy as fuck? Nice way to tell everyone you're low test and insecure,
What does two imply ?
Bonus Fascism.
Apparently so Mr Satan
Good fuck this is great
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
No. Playing make believe is cringy as fuck. They're not shooting anyone and you know it.
I just wanted to play some honest games with anons. What a time to be alive.
Says fucking WHO?
Not with that attitude.
Bullshit, the National Guard has way fewer restrictions on when they can shoot to kill than civilian Law Enforcement.
Says the ICE agent assigned to the platoon/squad.
S.O.P. for escalation of force is clear and taught well to any service member that carries a rifle for more than 1 hour per day. If the mud blood mob of parasites want to die, it will be on them to instigate it.
If NG iced every last one that crossed our line I would have no issue. Moral, legal or otherwise. Fuck the Jews.
At least put your leafshit music here, faggot.
An ICE agent was given command over the N.G.?
they won't need too, the mere presence of armed soldiers escorting the smiling ICE agent will be enough for any group excepting drug smugglers/cartel.
And their ROE are likely going to be very very strongly worded to the effect of "Your safety stays on until you are under fire by small, or greater, arms."
And should they happen upon armed cartel members who decide to open fire….well they are U.S. soldiers and I feel their helmet cams will show they gave back much more than received. And said helmet cams and bodies of the slain will help Americans push against the traitorous filth we've let nestle to our breast.
This is a board of peace.
I imagine USNG are going to be helping ICE detaining people, while these do the actual deportation due process.
The 2nd link was to the same image but on the tv board. I would fix it but the thread was nuked for obvious reasons.
It means that the jews give you the illusion of impotence, to tie your hands. The reality is that you have the full power to do anything that serves your own interests. Just like Israel does.
So shills being desperate to demoralize and blackpill? business as usual.
The N.G. will not be under the ICE agent's command, per se, they will be his/her escorts/ force multiplier.
Why would you ever let them take you?
The militia will be entertaining i am sure.
I don't get the context, but I agree. Hail Alabama.
Also, I hope every spic gets cut down with a fusilade of 240b fire
Make that Bradley and LAV fire
Reminder that the only ones that can stop national guard/border patrol/ICE from killing invading illegals at the border is the persons themselves and if everyone there wants the illegals dead, suddenly nothing can stop them. 'They have made their ruling, now let them enforce it.' When the traitors tell them not to defend their shared country, they should join their Mexican pets.
Not only fasti but ne festi. Party time.
You better not be putting women in that situation, you heartless jerk.
Seriously though, I don't think that's how it works. I'm sure they'll cooperate, but the National Guard won't be bringing bread and milk this time.
This is the best you can do?
Sorry, darling. Going to have to play a bigger game.
Hey lad I'm just making a joke, relax.
I invite you down south anytime. You'll find sweet love around you.
They're not "immigrants".