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If only she called out that the same Jews who advocate Israeli homogeny also call for multiculturalism in America
pic related is moving forward apparently.
oy vey goy what do you mean? are you accusing me of having ulterior motives?
Say whatever you want about Coulter but she at least said it.
No fuckin way. Coulburner called out the fucking kikes.
I have mixed feelings on Coulter. But I can't dislike her since she has stuck to her principles.
requesting a 56% face photo shop of the kid
1.What year was Israel established as a nation?
2. Are the people who were there before Israel was was established as a nation , "Native Israelis"? like how the US has "Native Americans"?
Were she half her age, hadn't fucked a nigger, and less manly, I'd marry her.
Checked and KeK'd.
Literally no proofs. kill yourself
There's no data to support the claim that white rural Americans/white conservatives are particularly inbred. It's a baseless slur repeated by low IQ fools.
Ironically these people will call you a "racist" for factually stating where the real inbred populations are located while they call you a genetically inferior hillbilly.
I had no idea that the United States was founded by native Americans. Do these people not fucking understand that a country is more than a specific piece of land?
They understand it as long as it suits Jewish interests.
are you retarded?
Isn't this him?
Why is Matt saying that?
Pointing out the hypocrisy in a cringe sorta way
There's pointing things out by being ironic, and then there's using (((their))) language which is not good. At all.
Could have meant it ironically. Poor effort, though, because it's easily misinterpreted.
This. If he'd said "this is pure jew hatred." or something, it'd have been clear he was taking the piss.
It happens. Let's get him banned from twitter again lol jk
Ann and everybody else could just demand the borders be closed, immigration shut down, and illegals deported and be perfectly sane, logical, rational, and within their moral and ethical right to do so. No excuses needed, no third party examples required.
not sure if this is just a sperg or if it's another variety of the
… aaaaaannd we have the first "coalburner" shill itt
no (you) for (((jew)))!
kinda disappointed that the "everybody is a tranny" jew shills haven't shown up. usually they're already in any coulter thread before it gets two dozen posts. that team of crack schlomos must be sleeping …
He could have executed it better, aye. It can spawn a conversation though.
second pic got ate?
That was epic.
The flag in France needs to go.
holy shit ann coulter is so fucking based i hope she primaries trump and gets his fat orange ass out of the oval office so a REAL nationalist woman can take the reigns
I'd have just sarcastically tweeted it's "anudda shoah" not what Matt did. Hope he's still in his right mind, but have you ever heard his voice? He's got a really faggy voice.
Get out.
Yro here, would Ann Coulter prove a good candidate after Trump?
She burnt the coal, and was one of the few to actually wake up to the that she was mind-controlled by holyjew. She is now paying penance.
lies. notice no proofs.
No. She's a woman, and women have no place leading nations.
That's satire.
no (you) for (((jew)))
The images are out there.
She dated and had sex with multiple ugly non-white men. Just like the Canadian youtube alt-right jewess.. forget name.
What happens if you stick your hand in the chest hole?
You get zapped by Edison.
So between the next cuckservative and Coulter, you'll take the cuck. Because there's no other Trump on the horizon, afterwards.
Nice strawman. Even Coulter admits women, including herself, have no place in the realm of politics. And on top of that, no woman of Coulter's caliber is even running.
I'm not going to engage with this stupid hypothetical.
no (you) for (((jew)) shill
there are no pictures of any such activities
there are pictures of her in social situations with non-Whites, both men and women, but these mean literally nothing
Silly goy
No they're all terrorists. Anyone against israel is a terrorist.
No specific Creed eh? America is just like every other country, and every other country is just like us? It's always the same arguments with marxists, it is so tiresome. Personal Liberty is not, and never was, a multicultural idea.
There's a big difference between settlers and immigrants: settlers actually create a whole new world, immigrants come to leech from that preestablished world.
Reminder that your average nigger is extremely inbred. The girls all get molested by their 37 uncles before they are 16, and on top of that all the boys impregnate their 59 half sisters (the number of half siblings grows exponentially though out the average nogs life). Blacks really don't travel very far from home in their lifetimes either, so with the next generation the cycle repeats causing further inbreeding, save a few coal burner genes (mostly low IQ, genetically deficient, obese white women) that get circulated.
the fuck are those
I'm pretty sure any race that isn't white is severely inbred. The reason slave owners would specifically target white girls for prostitution shows that they have absolutely no interest in their mystery meat women.
There is nothing wrong with being orange you cocksucking nigger faggot shareblue shill.
what he nice digits said for ameriniggers and spics.
niggers in da hoam lan all live in villages where everyone is a second cousin or closer, so anyone that isn't a child of a marauding rape gang from another tribe is inbred.
mudslimes all marry their father's brother's daughters, it's in their books, it keeps their property in their clan
every jew living is no more than a 5th cousin of any other jew with the only differences being between ashkenaz, mizrahim, and sephardic
the pooinloos all arrange marriage to cousins of the same caste
if i had to guess, only the Whites, and primarily because of the Church and its canon-law rules, and maybe, just maybe, the nips, chinks, and ko-reens, aren't all inbred as shit.
Shifting the goalposts. Yeah, she fucked a streetshitter, sadly. But not a nigger.
You know what's funny with them using that insult though? Inbreeding isn't nearly as destructive to the offspring as miscegenation is.
Someone should ask him what the demographics of America were for the past century. We didn't put a man on the moon with diversity hires.
I'm cautious. They seem to be acknowledging the right and paying lip service. Not just her but even some shitty vidya companies are scaling back their judaism. Not because they care but they're preemptively trying to hide and save face.
Remember that a Jew would stab you in the back as soon as it can.
Is that Matthew Lillard?
Easy rebuttal. "It's time to bring real prosperity to Israel - must must insist, for to fail to do so would be anti-semitic. It must be done."
I still don't understand how most people don't see the double standards there. Even some leftists notice, but they of course never get to talk about it in a public manner.
It's stop-think. "Only the bad people criticize the jews." Brainwashing definitely works.
The correct rebuttal is
Perhaps include a nice oven pic.
Ironically we used Nazis to put a man on the moon. So obviously we need more Nazis.
Remember to promote the message, not the messenger, especially when the messenger is Tranny Anny.
Under our influence the execution of the laws of the GOYIM has been reduced to a minimum. The prestige of the law has been exploded by the liberal interpretations introduced into this sphere. In the most important and fundamental affairs and questions, JUDGES DECIDE AS WE DICTATE TO THEM, see matters in the light wherewith we enfold them for the administration of the GOYIM, of course, through persons who are our tools though we do not appear to have anything in common with them - by newspaper opinion or by other means …. Even senators and the higher administration accept our counsels. The purely brute mind of the GOYIM is incapable of use for analysis and observation, and still more for the foreseeing whither a certain manner of setting a question may tend.
In this difference in capacity for thought between the GOYIM and ourselves may be clearly discerned the seal of our position as the Chosen People and of our higher quality of humanness, in contradistinction to the brute mind of the GOYIM. Their eyes are open, but see nothing before them and do not invent (unless perhaps, material things). From this it is plain that nature herself has destined us to guide and rule the world.
Shill shift just rolled over, and they've added DDoS attacks to the fray. I'm getting CloudFlare errors, and a whole bunch of garbage posts like the (1)s directly above me showed up everywhere simultaneously. No direct quote because no (You)s for shills.
DDoS confirmed. Site has slowed down.
I got the same exact thing last night, at around the same time. I wasn't sure if it was maintenance or what, but I'm thinking not now.
(You tried)
Kikeshills are getting more desperate by the tweet.
So the Native Americans have a right to the US, but the Palestinians don't have a right to Israel?
If mixed race equals better genetics, then Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and Creoles must be the most successful people in the world.
Ashkenazi Jews were either intermarried with Germans (Freud, Einstein or Marx) or Eastern Europeans have some Cossack DNA from numerous raids on their villages. Jews and Hasidic Jews are the most inbred people in the world. There are about 20 genetic diseases associated with Ashkenazi Jews and good luck naming Sephardic Jews more successful than the average Greek person.
This is not the first time she does it. Although amount of pro-Jewish and anti-Nazi shilling in her books is unberaable.
Wait for it, wait for the Olympic tier reaching.
In reality it's a tranny anyway, so the point is moot.
That's obvious but some just can't see it, so it's still worth showing proof of "her" Coalburning for those half awake.
Milk for babes, meat for men.
Nigger. The word is nigger, son.
Gimme that proof.
Ive been getting tired of these so called right-wing women that are coalburning that were obviously set up by (((them))) as means of subversion and ridicule, i still need proof tho incase that shit ever comes up again.
As much as I don’t think women are fit for politics Iron Ann has definitely become an exception to the rule. Good on her for having the balls to call out Jewish hypocrisy. Look as the Jew shrieks when not confronted with derogatory remarks or insults but plain and simple facts. Once you break the conditioning you truly see how vile they are.
End dual citizenship for everyone and end “aid” to Israel. See how long they last in their “chosen land” when they can’t feed off America like a parasite.
why is there threads on Zig Forums praising a childless coalburning ebook merchant?
So hes admitting slavery made america great thus was great? Because thats what I am hearing.
…of Europe, not dumb niggerville.
Fucking cunts. They are evolving because they are stealing superior genes, we are being held back because they are stealing superior genes.
This isn't half, nigger.
Yeah it was all that mixing with niggers that created Wright brothers, Ford, Tesla, Edison, Fulton, Westinghouse. It's all that mixing with niggers that made China the current leader of innovation too.
It's a good thing women are not included in the draft, isn't it, goys? Join the US military and die for israel.