Jews are evil and are the cause of everything evil in this world. Here's a few quick facts about Jews for you:
-Jews created feminism -Jews own the media -Jews start all the wars, the neo-con politicians and advisors are mostly jewish -Jews control Hollywood -Jews are the ones pushing for mass immigration of 3rd worlder subhumans into the West -Jews own the global banking system -Jews created pornography -95% of all "terrorism" attacks worldwide are FALSE FLAG attacks that are carried out by undercover Mossad agents -Jews created and/or control all the major social media networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Google, etc. -Jews were the ones responsible for slavery (the ships which brought African slaves to America were owned by jews) -Jews did 9-11 (google Masters of Deception PDF) -Jews created the bogus science of psychiatry, which creates fake diseases like ADHD in order to justify selling billions of dollars worth of drugs like Ritalin to "treat" these fake diseases -Jews are the ones pushing all of the pro-transexual, pro-homosexual propaganda -Jews turned the religion of Christianity into a jew-worshipping cult that promotes Jews as the "Chosen Race" -Jews are trying to destroy free speech (the ADL and SPLC are both run by jews) -Jews are trying to take away our guns (Jewish politicians are leading the fight to take away our guns) -Jews are 6 times more likely to be mentally ill than non-jews (Jews are a disease) -the educational system is overwhelmingly run by Jews and this explains why modern universities have become communist Marxist indoctrination institutions -Jews are 10 times more likely to be homosexual then non-jews -Jews lied about the HOLOCAUST and claimed 6 MILLION jews were killed when in reality there were no gas chambers or death camps. The holocaust didn't happen but it should have.
I see you're new here. Here's a tip, Lurk. That's not a meme, that's a rule
Jackson Gray
i am. I am posting this 21 facts about jews to over 300 blogs comments section right now. It's the internet equivalent of posting flyers around town.
Josiah Murphy
i've been on Zig Forums since the beginning and halfchan since a couple years before that
John Watson
Just a slow learner then.
Michael Mitchell
I'm glad you're redpilled, Op, but we all know this. Maybe make this on cuckchan.
Jace Cruz
well mainly i posted to 4chan
Ryan Turner
i did and got banned. So I went and posted it to like 300 blogs, in the comments section.
I think anywhere from 500 to 10,000 people will see it.
Jayden King
Who are you quoting?
Jaxson Hughes
they are pussies who don't have the balls to go out and preach against the jews in such a missionary-style fashion
Lincoln Morris
Please post reactions.
Ethan White
Idiots like OP are why this ideology is never taken seriously. For every user that knows how to drop redpills that lead people into 'wrongthink' territory with their guard down and can articulately defend his beliefs with sources and facts, there's a dozen of these faggots who masturbate to how enlightened they find themselves because they unthinkingly follow our beliefs instead of the normal ones.
Polite sage but the kind of people you must convince will exhaust you with demands for sources. Arm yourself with knowledge then accept the fact that most everyone will not be redeemed and it's a better use of time learning field sabotage techniques and how to shoot.
Yes it did, user. 6 MILLION GERMANS WERE KILLED Look it up. Never forget.
Ryan Walker
LURK The difference between cuckchan and here is that there is actual discussion here. cuckchan is for shitposting and arguing. Think of this place as more of a library than a coffee house.
Lurk more. The less unsourced uninteresting low quality posts and threads like this the better. You aren't going to find any communists to argue here. If you want to shitpost and argue with robots go back.
Jace Miller
This is fake white liberals created this shit. Jews are your friends.All the jews went to do is spend their business without being persecuted.
Look up the fucking Hooton plan, it's still happening. Probably more like 100 Million if you count demographic displacement as genocide as per the UN's own definition.
Nathaniel Foster
the white race will rise to the top, as we always do, and SLAY these subhuman hordes!!!!!!!!
Xavier Jenkins
This should be an eternal sticky.
Samuel Phillips
It's not JUST the jews. They are just one of the faces of Mystery Babylon. Concentrating just on them and ignoring others is idiotic. Do you assume that jews, who constitute a fraction of the percentage of the European population are the only ones who are evil and work for their own ends. IMO the jews are the financial arm of the operation. You've got others that do their own thing.
guys, copy and paste the OP post and post it around to blog comment sections and so on.
Why the fuck am i the only one that ever does anything practical? Let's stop jerking off on 4chan and start redpilling the masses about the jews. Find blogroll lists. Hell, I'll send you guys a list of 500 blogs with blogrolls, if that will help get you started.
Chase Morgan
Nothing will get done before the Jew is brought to his knees.
Oliver Parker
yes, jews are the head of the beast. Once they are cut off, all other problems will be fixed very easily
Joshua Reed
oh yea and post them on various message boards too
Dominic Gonzalez
this copy and paste is getting old
literally the only people who think babylon was some kinda of satanic empire are dipshit niggers that think reggae lyrics are the word of God and dipshit baptist christians that know nothing of history or theology and thus have no sort of context with which to read the Bible
Babylon was one of the first Great Aryan nations and one of the originators of civilization. They were closely related to the Aryans that invaded India and brought Hinduism to the disgusting Dravidian savages that have now overtaken India, they spoke a language closely related to Sanskrit known as Avestan. They along with the Sumerians, Egyptians and Assyrians (all also Aryans, and also coincidentally all considered evil and Satanic by the ancient Jews) built the first civilizations, wrote the first languages, and refined religion from primitive jungle voodoo nonsense (like what the Jews practiced at the time) to a complex moralistic system where there is a conflict between good and evil. The retards that think "The Jews were good until they were enslaved by Babylon and took some of their ideas" should fucking shoot themselves. Literally the only even REMOTELY redeemable things about Semitic religions come from Babylon, Jews didnt even have a concept of good vs evil before the Babylonians taught them, they worshiped Yahweh and Moloch not out of love or the belief they were good, but simple niggerish fear of the unknown.
Anyone that speaks ill of such a glorious people is either a jealous kike or a dipshit Christian that knows nothing of his own people. Never forget that ISIS and other Muslims (who are nothing but pawns of the Jews) go out of their way to destroy any artifacts connected to these ancient cultures. I'll let you ponder as to why.
Complette bullshit. The Sumerians were arguably partially of Aryan stock, but Babylon was a mixed-race, quasi-semitic empire.
Brandon Fisher
Ayden Gonzalez
Source your shit before you go WE WUZ tier with your nonsense. You think hooknoses would be capable of the glory of Babylon?
Brandon Sanchez
He's not going to source his info, because its either coming from out of his ass or its coming from some schizophrenic on youtube. Seriously, thats what counts as "sourcing" with half of these idiots, Youtube videos about how the Jews were the real Aryans. Researching actual history and archeology is poisonous to the Semite and his golems. Thats why they are hellbent on destroying all of it.
there is actually good attainable information and knowledge here, aka quality content your more than welcome to stay and sop up the information and learn, just dont shit the place up ill be honest, i too once came from cuckchan, i came here, got a temp ban for cuckchan habits, and soon saw the error of my ways, and now i actually partake in quality discussion and have had several good threads, you can too, just be patient as said, just lurk, youll become more solidified in your stances and beliefs as you do, gott mitt uns, user
Levi Garcia
bumping just to spite (You) Sure OP is halfassed but any thread calling out the Jews is a good thread BUMP
Even though the things you said are quite obvious for anyone who have lurked or posted in here, in order to convince others, you need to provide sources for your claims. Otherwise you'll just be another "anti-semite" in the eyes of a normalfag, which should be your target audience.
Hudson Edwards
This thread is a great reminder and also a great starter for some newfags lurking, Bumparu.
Also, the lynchings have to be started at the media, the Jews weapon.
India was a great ARYAN civilization but then the lower castes started stealing, raping, and killing whites so the whites left India and migrated elsewhere.
Sound familiar? Niggers gonna nig
Gabriel Nelson
apparently it's too basic for the ELITES of Zig Forums
I understand that the Ashkenazi/Khazarian jews are the turkish fake jews. are these the same people that are occupying Israel and controlling our media and banks? Who are the actual semites from Jesus' day and where are they now? Is there a "civil war" type of thing going on between the fake jews and the real jews?
Samuel Johnson
Those digits! The only thing I know of dharma is street shitter related, though. Any good sources to start reading?
The real question here is why do whites own almost nothing of consequence? It's as if the huwhite race is inferior somehow? lol stay mad lil' bitch (your new nickname). Your grandkids will be brown lel
Grayson Adams
The City of Babylon itself was founded by nomadic Semitic Amorites from the Levant you dumb fucks. Read a fucking book before spouting your we wuz Ayryanz bullshit here. Can't accept the fact that a bunch of sand niggers advanced civilization to create the foundation of Roman and Greek civilization? That's the reality, your writing systems even come from the Phoenician writing system. Not every one in the Middle East is brown as a Saudi, it's full of very light skinned people.
The Akkadians and Sumerians were the natives of Mesopotamia, and they were conquered by other Semites, Indo-Europeans, Iranians and Anatolians countless times, yet it was the native Mesopotamian Akkadian people (Assyrians and Babylonians) who ended up conquering all of their neighbours and creating the first true empires in the region, what everyone else failed to do.
Oh, and in case you didn't know, Babylon was under constant foreign migration/invasion, especially by Levantine Semites like the Amorites, Arameans and Chaldeans. Even the Jews settled in Babylon. That's what they get for being a bunch of poofter merchant artfags instead of an honourable military culture like the Assyrians were. Babylon literally was a mixed race merchant meme state.
Kayden Long
I should add that Babylon was never as successful as the Assyrians, as they were in constant revolt, most being started by foreigners like the Chaldeans who usurped the throne countless times, with Babylonians even asking the Assyrians to help remove them. It wasn't until the coalition destroyed the Assyrian empire that Semite Chaldean rulers of Babylon (Nabopolasser, Nebuchadnezzar) were able to create a real empire that rivaled Assyria's. So, yes, the height of Babylon was under foreign Semites.
Assyria was the ultranationalist military powerhouse civilization that you want to praise, not Babylon. If you want to we wuz Assyrians, then feel free because they conquered and absorbed the Caucasian Hurrians, hence why we have so much European DNA (look at Syriacs). The reality, though, is that Assyrians have always been sandniggers. You don't have to feel bad about looking up to sand people, we're still one race, the neanderthal race :^)
Semitic refers to language group. Babylon was Semitic according to the (((Official narrative))). Do you actually believe hooknoses could muster the brains to build such a glorious civilization? Now, I'm not saying the original people were blond Nords or even specifically Aryan (The invasion most likely came later) but the fact remains that they weren't Heebs and they weren't Arab. Most likely something akin to the Egyptians.
Christian Anderson
Meant for
Check my digits while you're at it.
Luke Morgan
The Mesopotamians were akin to the Egyptians, even though the Arabs and Heebs lived in between the two? Mind you the first record of Arabs comes from 700BC when Assyrians documented Arab mercenaries, so we can't really say they were that similar, but the original Heebs would've been similar to the Levantines around them (Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Amorites etc). Semitic is simply a language group, and Akkadian is the oldest documented written Semitic language. Jews don't have a monopoly on what is Semitic. The name itself irks me because the language family is older than any Jew story of a man named Shem. The reason our languages are called Semitic is cos the Jews state that Shem is the ancestor of Ashur (Assyrians, Aram (Arameans), Arphaxad (Heebs and Arabs). So yes, our languages are related, but it doesn't mean they have a Jewish origin, since Akkadian is older than any other Semitic language as far as we know.
Also, there's no reason Middle Eastern people weren't capable of creating these civilizations. The only reason the Middle Eastern population today is so braindead is because Muslim Arabs effectively colonized the entire region and mixed with all the natives. You find native remnants of pre-Arab colonization in each region you go to. For example, the Assyrians in Iraq today aren't that related to Saudi Arabs, but they're related to Iraqi Arabs who are basically crypto-Assyrians/Babylonians/Persians who converted to Religion of Cuck™ and mixed with the Arabs. The following generations of Muslim inbreeding took a toll
Christian Bailey
There's a sentence missing at the start but I'm implying that Levantines, Egyptians and Assyrians were all related to each other, Jews today are just a mixed bag of random genetics
Christopher Russell
Are you telling me the Jews stole their own Semitic status too???? What the FUCK have those goddamn Kikes NOT stolen?!
Evan James
Also, don't assume the Levant = Jewish because muh Isra-Hell. Remember the Canaanites.
Charles Clark
Got a source? Dravidian civilization wasn't as it's depicted here on Zig Forums - be best if you learn up on it yourself.
Jeremiah Collins
Semitic is a bullshit classification for a family of languages that existed before the Jews created the idea of a man named Shem. Same reason why it's retarded that people can call Arabs "antisemitic" when they are Semites by the Jews own, made up definition
Canaanites are by definition Semites. IIRC Canaanite is a regional term like Mesopotamian. Not everyone in the Levant were Jews, but they were all Semitic like Assyrians and Babylonians. Canaanite languages belong to the Northwestern Semitic branch
Kevin Hall
REEEEEEEEE!! I knew it!
Angel Jenkins
lurk more
Adrian Hughes
Wrong. Aryan peoples and their more or less white descendants lived all around the Mediterranean up until Roman times. You also ignore the Sumerians, who by all accounts were a distinctly non-semitic people (who later intermixed, of course).
Dylan Butler
Semitic is a language group, not a genetic group, and I'm talking about the Levant, which as history shows very clearly has been dominated by Semitic languages since the 3rd millennium BC. The oldest written language in the region is Eblaite, which is Semitic. There's no proof at all that there were Aryans in the region, unless you're using Aryan to define "White" people.
As for Sumerians, I'm not ignoring them because I'm talking about the Levant. Sumer is a Mesopotamian civilization. Mesopotamia is not part of the Levant, it's its own region. The Sumerian language isn't Semitic, it's a language isolate, and it's far closer to Semitic than Indo-European or Indo-Aryan/Iranian. The fact is that no one has any idea where Sumerian came from, hence why there are so many theories in the field of Assyriology to determine it, such as that Sumerian borrowed from many extinct languages from the region, or that there was a "Proto-Euphratean" language. Someone already tried to argue that this was an Indo-European language, but I'm sure you can understand why that's retarded considering there's no proof the language even exists in the first place. What we do know is that Akkadians and Sumerians took a lot of influence from each others languages.
ye the guy is tarded because "Aryan" refers very specifically to a group of people that invaded at a later time.
Joseph Rogers
Posting the shit OP suggests would be instantly met with a "conspiracy theory, boring". Also, the way OP posts in comments indicates that he is either really dump (and therefor useless) or really shill (and therefore dump and useless)!
Incompetent failure shill can't even slide. Pathetic.
Carson Cooper
Andrew Price
Aiden Scott
It's also used to make your text green and
Isaac Morris
Bro, you're such an oldfag I wish I used chans as long as you.
Speak about the ethics surrounding your arguments first, then you can add all the controversial shit.
Looks like you need some better sources.
The difference between cuckchan and here is that cuckchan is overwhelmed with CIA niggers and this chan is a hugbox.
Let's also blow up some federal buildings!
There are enough fucking stickies on this board, this should already be common knowledge.
Chase Taylor
I did touch myself to this bread tbh, but mostly out of halfchan nostalgia.
Brandon Bailey
Jews are not evil.
Jews are merely misunderstood little ones of the Synagogue of Satan.
Consider the tale of the The Scorpion and the Frog, it is not that the Jews are evil, it is merely in the nature of the Jews to Jew.
Simply put, Jews are a pest, vermin. Not a final boss of the demon lord himself.
One need simply invent an insecticide to take care of the natural infestation, no evil is involved.