DHS is looking into constructing military installations along the southern border
DHS is looking into constructing military installations along the southern border
Hot damn. I seriously want to see this.
FUCKING GOOD This is exactly what i predicted he'd wager for. Fucking turretforts! Oh tonights a good night for twitter/faceberg salt boiz.
I love how Trump is getting the blonde woman to deliver the news.
This is going to set the commies OFF. Oh man.
Nice digits in a stickied thread.
>N-n-n-n-n-n-no goyim no NO NO NO! You can't do this! Racism! Discrimination! Illegal! Unconstitutional! The United States military absolutely does NOT have the authority to defend the territory of the United States! This is another Holocaust!
You better believe it's happening.
I cant wait to see gonzales and hogg crying crodile or pedo empowering tears about this in some retarded spring pep rally.
Nearly every part of this black line is DHS land. Almost half of the border can be militarized with Pentagon funds, and the other half is private land in Texas.
Too many keks, my brethren, too many keks. I wish I had something substantial to add to this, but all I have is good eill, stacked with laughter.
Will, ffs.
Im tempted to trace the lines of that and make an oil or acrylic painting.
All we need next is some space walls or him enkindling the space program with jet engine assisted deportation.
We have plenty of designs to pick from I wonder if we'll update some old forts
Wow that's a lot of cannons. Which fort is that?
Does the grass on the upper terrace above the cannons serve any particular purpose?
Dirt will absorb shrapnel instead of reflecting it.
Wew. The salt will be endless.
this, and the grass minimizes erosion
I get the feeling this may out-gun the DHS, lol
Maybe Alcatraz; I don't know because I pulled the image from the internet
pretty sure alcatraz is not in the ocean, nice trips tho
It's not alcatraz, but alcatraz is on an island in a bay
Anyone else chuckle when the "reporter" asked "what military installations and later the "News" robot said the closest installation we could find was some base miles from the border.
Can they really not take the hint?
Trump only did this because we roasted his ass for not getting anything done w/ the omnibus. That said, this is great news. I wonder how this is going to pan out.
This is great,we also need to do something about our northern border canidicucks are also the enemy.
Maybe he can be bantzed to give the order for pre-emptive lethal force. He should know that the silent majority not only wants to see illegals deported, but also fired upon.
Distinct lack of shills ITT
Reminder with that dumb cunt in office we would have abolished our borders and be getting nuked by Russia and North Korea while millions of shitskins pour like liquid shit over the border, World War Z style
People bitching about the omnibus weren't shills, faggot. That's why 'there's no shills'. We convinced Trump to do something right so people are happy.
There's one that slipped on your radar:
Not enough to set off the shill radar but 'positive' enough to allow a bit of leftyshit insults to pass through
Are you from the_Donald by any chance good le sir? If so thank you for defending the god empruh against these obvious fuckin shills
Fuck off reddit faggot. KYS.
We as in people who aren't faggots who were rightfullly mad at Trump for the shitty omnibus a la Coulter.
Mods please ban this fuckin shill before I go ape on his ass. There's not one legit criticism of Trump in his post history I guaran-fuckin-tee he's here to spread fud fuck 'im
The grass also keeps the dirt from being compacted.
You are a limp wristed effete soyboy
And here's another one
I simply have faith in the guy and is also aware of how he operates long before he even announced his run for 2016, you're just a brainlet who is easily swayed by fancy jewish word spells and doesn't know jack shit on how he gets shit done
wow nice buzzword posting you soyfaggot, GTFO of here
Fort Point. It's right underneath Golden Gate Bridge.
I played a lot of midtown madness 2 as a kid
I sure as shit didn't throw a fit over the omnibus bill, but I distinctly remember the shills going full retard over it. Are (((you))) trying to damage control?
I'm a fuckin veteran bud spent time overseas you stupid ass shillboi, been a supporter of Trump since November 20 fuckin 16. I STILL haven't seen one god damn legit criticism against the god empruh.
What the fuck are you talking about kid? Piece of shit millenial bitch
Who cares faggot? Go back to reddit. That you've never heard any criticism is because you cry like a little bitch to get anyone banned if they offend your tender sensibilities.
Trump announced this whole military thing AFTER Sean Hannity and Pirro talked with Trump 1 on 1 about Coulter's article. Trump could have done this from day 1 but he didn't until we got mad at him, that's what you faggots need to understand. Trump needs to be guided in the right direction by pressure from his base. You screeching about LE CHESS does NOT help if you actually want shit to get done.
If you think you faggots have finished this war by electing Trump then you made a mistake. Electing Trump was just the first salvo in the war we should be still fighting.
Pardoning that kike who ruined Postville is one but I'm sure you loved that.(sockpuppet)
Just bask in the fact that kikes got outplayed by 4D chess, again.
Commutation, not a pardon. Send in the next shill please.
Wait, you've been a Trump supporter since twelve days after the general election? Holy shit KEK. I've been supporting Trump since the escalator ride. We don't need lemmings, we need people who can think for themselves.
That border wall and military has got the shills reeeing
Wow, you kikes really are mad about this.
don't even get me started on those fuckers. working a retail store in NE Iowa that was frequented by those 'people' made me hate jews before I ever knew about Zig Forums
same fucking difference
Great moderating you fucking stupid turkroach
Git gud.
Pottery.(ban evasion)
Coulter's a cunt and has no consequence on the Pres' thinking. Now, Jeanine Pirro on the other hand.
Trump has made it so Conservatives are applauding troop withdrawal from Syria (to be put on the border) and Liberals / the hate trump media will say troops should be left in Syria, because it is still a very dangerous place.
So, they're making the argument for the Muslim ban.
I said "git gud," not "hop onto another IP and post snark while pretending not to be assblasted."
You're dumber than wojack drool. Do you suck tranny dick ironically too?
Let it be known that if you argue with the hallowed turkic moderation staff of IMKIKEY then you get banned. Especially for mentioning that Trump isn't 100% perfect, instant ban, post deletion, getting unpersoned by a fucking room temp IQ mongrel.
Imkikey was active in the mod log less than 2 months ago, and VERY INTERESTINGLY now """""heil""""""'s ban reasons and lengths are identical to IMkikeys. Really makes me think.
oh wait let me guess, 'imkikey derangement syndrome' + LE EBIN trump meme quote
How many boomers can I get banned tonight?(ban evasion)
We all know its you kikey, it's not even worth keeping up the charade. KYS
Well at least we know they don’t have a good way to spin this as bad. I can only dream of the salt created if when the spics get into a confrontation with the military and it gets violent.
You'll never be white, Berkay
I wonder what Soros is feeling, knowing he might as well have personally signed a check for the Wall because of his little caravan stunt.
All that means is that he actually listens to his constituents. If anything, it also shows how to get him to move on this or that in the future.
This. Shit is hilarious.
This was exactly my point, but careful you don't get banned by out redditor mods for pointing out the obvious
Why don't you torfag a little harder? Perhaps that will soothe your burning asspain bursting with AIDS at the thought of all your little taco nigger buddies being forcefully shoved back into their own piles of diseased bean shit.
It won't, because you're eternally BTFO
You'll never be white, imkikey
"Exit bags"
Kek thats the new word for it
Funny how when I (and many other anons) said that this is what Trump wanted the omnibus for, the shills screamed "1488D chess!". When are they going to admit that Trump's 4D chess isn't a meme and he's so sly that he runs circles around the Chosen and their shabbos.
Funny how Trump only announces the military wall thing AFTER Coulter rips him a new asshole for three days straight, as well as anons burning up the white house switch board. Funny how that works.
Funny how it's much more likely the Coulter is working for Trump given the fact that if he hadn't been planning this for months already he couldn't have everything ready so the National Guardis beginning to ship out tonight. Funny.
Iowan user here. My sides you bastard! Im dying over here! I haven't laughed this hard in awhile thanks!
Idk how anons here do it. I can’t stand liberal salt. I can’t stand retardation at these levels. I was saying years before the 2016 election that our troops should be removed from their kike adventures overseas and deployed to the border. Trump admin is doing that. Salt over this just infuriates me now.
Your anger likely stems from a sodium imbalance. Eat some potassium rich foods and you might be able to laugh at the idiots.
He has good people behind him, imo at least. It’s not just him. Perhaps they are people who have become just as aware as we have.
Haha no I just avoid the comments from women and soyboys. The Harry Potter signs at the latest leftoid event prove that females have no place in politics. And leftist men are avowed enemies. I’d laugh if I could shoot them, but maybe I’m the salty one : )
what a bunch of faggot mods i would throw you into the oven
So what about the northern border? Canada has let in countless of threats and that border is pretty much wide open
Pffffft ha ha ha ha. He's fired people for less cunt fits than Ann's. She's nothing to him. You are nothing to him.
Yes he did.
And then being promptly shipped to the ovens along the border, preferably with a few fake gas chambers to trigger the kikes even more.
Yeah, that's totally it, and not the fact that you're a massive faggot who's never added anything to a thread. You might as well be bitching about fairies. This is an user board, nigger.
Yes. There is something poetic about using kikes' own tyranny to fuck them over.
I will admit, I thought the omnibus was absolute garbage. However, this has reversed my opinion. Trump proves again he's a master of manipulation.
lol i own 10 acres of desert land less than 10 miles from the mexican border. i bought it on a whim years ago for some reason. Maybe that was God himself telling me to buy that. If Trump asked me if he could build on it, id just give it to him for free.
I'm worried how the military will handle this though. If they go on the offensive, the media will scream bloody murder. If they are passiv, the media will scream that border walls dont work anyways. Not trying to be blackpilled here, maybe you guys have some other scenarios besides my two extremes.
The media has been screaming bloody murder for almost 2 years now. At this point it is less of an opinion and more screeching background noise.
That's not what the blackpill means. I, for one, look forward to the first violent confrontation between the military and illegal enemy combatants.
I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner.
political capital and leverage.
first The Donald gave the dems a 6 months "extension" on the Nightmares, with an ultimatum for congress to find a solution that involves the legislative process instead of executive fiat gives him the high ground of saying he didn't do what obongo did. he knows that there is a core of hardcore republicans who are actual true republicans instead of the GOPe-types who are a part of the cucked uniparty system alongside the demoshits. this core will ensure that, at the very least, nothing will pass the house. furthermore, he adds demands of his own; a full wall, long-term but very stringent/difficult path to citizenship that still leaves open the option to deport them all if need be, and a significant strengthening of legal immigration standards. in short, he poisons the well with his demands in such a way that he knows the dems and GOPe will never accede to them.
then he ups the ante, by granted them even more than they asked for if they gave him what they wanted. the dems know that without constant influx of shitskins they'll lose the demographic war, so they hold out against Trump. to normies and moderates, this shows the dems as being unwilling to compromise for a sweeter-than-expected deal, basically showing the normies/moderates that the dems (and GOPe's) are obstructionist, and simply against Trump because "le evil drumpbf nahtzee rayciss cheeto man." so Trump can now triumphantly claim that he gave them a better deal than they asked for, yet despite this, they didn't meet in the middle for a "fair" compromise, this destroying the dems in the eyes of their illegal alien pawns the protest outside schumer's residence was such delicious salt.
Trump has now announced the - to the lefist commie dems and media - crazy, fascist idea that a nation's military should be used first and foremost to defend that nations borders. furthermore, he has not only announced this idea, but put it into motion, utilizing the funds granted to him in the omnibus spending bill. the average normie/moderate has ample justification to believe that what Trump is doing just makes good sense. first, Trump tried to find a legislative solution by asking congress to do their fucking jobs. that didn't happen and the various congresscreatures now appear even more obstinate to the normie, so Trump offered a sweeter deal if the dems/GOPe would give him what he wanted, when he wanted it. that didn't happen either, further cementing it in the mind of the normie that congress is just out to be as obstructionist as possible. now there's been big news about some yearly caravan of shitskins from shitskinistan, and Trump comes out swinging with a perfectly reasonable response. meanwhile, the normies and moderates see the efforts Trump has taken to come to a "fair" compromise and compare that to what he's doing now, and most of them are shrugging and going "yeah, that makes sense" because it's clear that the infighting in congress means nothing is going to get done. so, like a stern father, Trump has to take things into his own hands, further destroying the image of the dems and GOPe in the eyes of the public, while Trump appears strong, confident, and in control. and not just to America, but to the world as well. that caravan is already broken apart, and sure, some small groups will try and make it north, but hopefully the cartels will see them for the easy meat that they are and save us a bit of trouble. and even if they still make it here, Trump is already setting the stage for the elections in 2018 and a near-future change of immigration/deportation laws.
if this keeps up, 2018 will be another Trump-slide, but this time it will be on the senate and house level. the normies and moderates have seen Trump bend over backwards and still get nothing from congress, making it easy to vote out the "obstructionists" and bring in people who will actually try and get shit done.
It will be hard, back breaking work to spin "Military Skirmishes with Heavily-Armed Smugglers" into a negative, especially after King "Drone Strike the Whole Fucking Mudskin Village" Nigger just left town.
They won’t use lethal rounds it will be bean bag guns (which can still kill), gas, maybe water cannons, maybe paintballs. Think crowd control more than firefight.
Funny enough Israel killed some Palestinians and the US blocked a UN resolution. Because rules don’t apply to kikes. The irony.
The presence of military alone will likely keep many out.
This administration really needs to get cracking down on deporting the millions of illegals already here as well as the visa fags.
Make it legal and so help me God I will have vans full of every shade of brown zip tied and ready for swift deportation. And I’ll do it for free.