all wordfilters are cancer at least the obvious ones that are immediately recognizable as wordfilters are used without disrupring the conversation
but changing ethnic to civic, is not something other anons are going to interpret correctly and could quickly disrupt a conversation into shitflinging as again this is a cancerous attempt by the compromised mods to stiffle discussion, watch the thread get banned or bumplocked
end all wordfilters
Gabriel Barnes
An ethnicity IS a nationality, so by saying civic nationalism you're really saying national nationalism.
Fucking kill yourself.
Carter Evans
trumpniggers are cancer lmao
Tyler Carter
So you're saying different ethnicities can't be part of the same nation, or that nationality somehow confers ethnicity?
Americans never cease to amaze me. They're incapable of understanding even the most basic nomenclature and then wonder why they never manage to get shit done.
Zachary Martinez
ethnic naionalism
Tyler Parker
civic nationalism
Mason Richardson
problem 1 you are arguing pro word filters only shills intend on destroying open communication would be pro language limiting as this is a premier leftist technique, limit the vocubulary of a people and limit the range of thoughts they can express amongst eachother
point 2 an ethnicity is not a nationality, retard go ask the basques and catalans in spain how they feel about that also for burgers every mystery meat being born with the geographic borders is a citizen so explain how you can maintain ethnicity under those conditions
Adrian Butler
Ethnicity implies nationality, they are one in the same. 2 ethnicities cannot share a nation because they are each a nation unto themselves.
Luke Rogers
So almost every nation that exist doesn't comply to your private definition of nation then? Must be difficult when everyone in the world uses words differently than you.
Christopher Bailey
what kind of a retard are you the nations in europe, africa and south america are largely still a representations of the range of ones armies back at the end of the napoleonic era
brazil is a nation if barely, but has no correspondong ethnicity and are you arguing that for instance a bavarian and a prussian are the same or a breton and a corsican
Agent Jamal be having mad fun up in here. Your tax dollars at work.
You'll be dead soon, Jamal. Once the Chinese war for independence from the shekel economy begins, white people will regain their appetite for killing assholes. Not one nigger or jew will survive.
Bentley Phillips
You have been misinformed by Jews, the term ethnicity is specifically created to fragment and destroy the concept of nation.
I'm not pro wordfilted, I'm just anti cuck nationalism.