Former Diablo Valley College adjunct professor Eric Clanton’s pretrial was moved after initially being set for Feb. 22.
Clanton was arrested in May 2017 for the April 2017 protests in Berkeley where an individual wearing a mask assaulted attendees of the “Patriot Rally” with a bike lock.
In May of 2017, Clanton was charged with four felony counts of assault with a deadly weapon and one misdemeanor offense of wearing a mask to avoid identification.
Clanton’s lawyer, Dan Siegel said that Clanton plead not guilty to all the charges.
The pretrial has been moved to April 5 at 9 a.m. at the René C. Davidson Courthouse in Oakland.
Eric Clanton (Berkeley antifa bike lock attacker) in pretrial today
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Did he lose his job cos of this?
Off topic but that t shirt is great.
unsure wish I had more info
What does "adjunct professor" mean?
sorry not a burger
He didn't get his tenure track yet
Ah good old Clanty, the bikelock bashing ethics professor. It seemed like it was only yesterday.
Adjunct professors are the workhorses of universities. Tenured professors often direct research and teach either an advanced class or no classes at all, which is like being a provincial baron. Adjunct professors are more like Renfield from Dracula – they eat bugs and hurry to do their masters' will.
The fun part is that adjunct professors are a lot like burger flippers. They can be hired, fired, overworked, underpaid, put on short-term contracts that may or may not be renewed, or pushed into various low-tier jobs in the department.
The adjunct professor gigs have exploded over the last 10-15 years, mostly because they're way cheaper than full professors, you can abuse them while they beg for more, and there's an absolute glut of half-talented know-nothings with graduate degrees in bullshit who are scared of working with their hands, so there's no end of the applicants.
Think of our boy Clanton as the academic version of a bus driver, and you're in the ballpark.
This is the people RAM fucks up.
Real life
Any predictions Burgers?
On an somewhat unrelated note, what this communist did disgusts me to the core.
I'm an Ultra and I've been in a fair share of streetfights, organized or random we have a strict no weapons rule for organized ones some cold weapons could ve used in other cases but the main point however is recognized across majority of Ultra world:
When a man falls down, he may get a kick, but then move on to the next guy.
Do not cause him damage when he is unable to defend himself.
Second and most important unwritten rule: with weapons never go for the head, hit soft tissue arms legs: below the neck.
What this faggot did is disgusting and I hope some Aryans in jail fracture his pelvis and let him bleed to death from his torn sphincter.
We need to stop these people.
I really didn't understand this user
They are typically part time.
Perfect for when you're a terrorist trying to bring down capitalism, but still need a few shekels for that new iphone13
user with all due respect it sounds like you are talking about some kind of sport that has rules
that's not how war works, and we are absolutely at war with antifa
In war you have the support of your own government.
Not sure you understand the definition of war at all, bucko
Ultras is
antifa aren't ultras or anything else other than mindless rabid animals and should be treated as such
I know. Ultras hate antifa with a passion. The absolute worst of the worst. No honour at all.
What RAM is in America, Ultras are to antifa in Europe. We are their natural predator
This try-hard shit only makes RAM suspicious af. srsly go.
it's so easy to spot you I don't even know why you bother trying
stay scared
have any good videos of Ultras taking out antifa?
No you aren't
No you haven't
Why don't you fuck off. No cunt is buying your bullshit, same old tired pictures of masked fags. Before it was Football Lads Alliance. We know what you are, you're full of shit.
i'll try and find some recent
First two from the top of my head are "german ultras v. Antifa"
English footbal hooligans vs antifavin dover
This is a hopenothate shill.
Immediate hit.
what shareblue is stateside, hnh cancer is in uk
thanks, always fun to watch and post good screencaps when shills try to "act tough" in these threads
here is antifa getting destroyed by a smaller group of non-faggots in the US:
they really are soft, weak, cowardly, terrible at fighting and have no honor, they are lower than animals
R.A.M. it up your ass you larping faggot.
You don't even know what the videos are of, and I fucking do. I live less than 10 mins from the second one. And the first one is sober russian organized hooligans attacking drunk english football fans. They injured women and children that day too.
They're pricks, and so are you.
You gave yourself up with FLA.
Just end your life before we reach your offices.
Btw how does it feel that I killed your shill operation immediatelly after you smeared Roy Larner
Stopped you midway trying to desperately spam slide derail FLA thread and rendered you useless against Defend Europe (btw, we raised around 180.000$).
How does the fact that FLA2 transpired in even larger force and that you couldn't prevent Defend Europe's C-star from reaching Libya?
I told you I would end you. I don't play around.
When you'll hear me knocking on your door, you'll already run out of time…
And you give yourself up with your same old tired recycled shit.
Video of yourself fucking having it with an antifa, leave timestamped calling card on their unconscious body or fuck off.
FLA are allied and and controlled by zionists, so enjoy working with jews. Not that you even do that, you're full of shite pal.
Yeah, no.
Why are you posting English fights, you clearly aren't British. You don't have a fucking clue about anything in my country.
Ultra faggot is what you are.
Your shilling is so pathetic it isn't even worthy of reporting it to ban you.
This is how useless it is. You don't have any power here
I'm predicting they let him off easy and someone tied to one of his victims beats him to death with a lock afterwards.
Also, when you filterplus the larping Ultrafag, half of this thread disappears, what a (((cohencidence))).
Awesome video, Proud Boys are great too, as is Identity Evropa.
Thanks for bringing it up, they do good work it's not just RAM )
He's the spammer from Slovenia.
Was Eric Clanton already in jail?
What exactly is this ultra thing? I am curious. I wrestled in high school, and though I’m sure it’s very different and I wasn’t very good anyway it was still the funnest part of high school for me.
Actually, am hacker from MOCKBA. Ask. mod, can confirm if reads ip insted of hash
Best way to describe it is: Fanatics
underated post
If he already had a trial and verdict this might be an appeal case, if not he might be just sitting in Alameda County Jail when he's not in the courthouse.
What's the max time he is facing? en.wikipedia.org
Hm wish we had something similar in US. I don’t even know if it would be possible to be an ultra for a baseball team ha. Maybe an American football team. Some people are already fanatical. But watching the violence of the game itself is a kind of pressure relief itself. Plus half the teams are owned by kikes anyway.
Rolling for prison
Oh, you moved to Marseille. How unexpectedly charming of you.
wtf? sounds gay as shit.
while they're coming from a good place, they are one huge bundle of faggots
I somehow suspect that was kinda the point.
It would be a delight seeing this piece of shit thrown into general population.
Fairly sure he'll have no trouble fitting in. Tough guy, attacking an unarmed unsuspecting kid, fracturing his skull with an u-lock from ambush!
So how do you like France compared to UK? Is downtown Marseille harbour as romantic as you expected? Enjoying the vibrant local community? What about the language barrier I'm sure it presented no issue
you dumb lying piece of shit
It's called a vpn you fucking fucktard.
No timestamp of you with your fagultrafag buddies yet? No.
Quelle suprise.
This is the most drawn out assault trial I have ever heard of in my life. It seems obvious that they intend to simply delay over and over - the Mayor of Berkeley is a confirmed antifa supporter and so are the people who work for him and under his influence, no doubt.
Not meaning to blackpill but I will be very surprised if this comes to trial, but hopefully it illustrates that being a white liberal in the bay area, you're afforded privilege in the legal system. Maybe we can use this on the lefties, point out that BLACK people would already be locked up and have the key thrown away, but this WITE BOI is being protected by that same legal system!
You live 10 minutes away from your VPN, Marseille or UK?
Choose 1 shill fail
I live 10 mins away from where the second video you had no business posting took place.
Ooh look now I moved to Germany. Pimmel.
My name is Eric. I’m currently facing years of prison time as the result of accusations made in the most shockingly hateful parts of the internet. On April 19th I began being targeted by a dedicated swarm of internet trolls known for spewing racism, xenophobia, and misogyny onto the web. Suddenly a hit piece by Milo Yiannopolis caused the targeting to go viral. Several old social media photos were posted, online accounts hacked, addresses published, hundreds of calls to my employers, and countless threats of physical violence made against me, my coworkers, friends and many others. This harassment campaign is where the accusations against me originated.
Dealing with an unintelligible internet force smearing and threatening me online was not easy, and created stress to say the least, but I had every expectation that very few people would take them seriously, especially considering the character and credibility of their sources. However, five weeks later the Berkeley police smashed into two houses, held guns to peoples’ heads, handcuffed, verbally abused, and stole the belongings of over a dozen people including books and zines.
All of this after my attorney Dan Siegel had reached out to Berkeley police on my behalf, and all on the basis of an ‘investigation’ that largely involved detectives reading far right forum posts and studying unverified youtube videos. When I was interviewed at the police station detective Hong had the nerve to say to me, “the internet did the work for us.” My case threatens to set a new standard in which right wing extremists can select targets for repression and have police enthusiastically and forcefully pursue them.
This is just one example of the police doing everything in their power to facilitate and to legitimize the violence and the rhetoric of the so-called alt-right. They are also criminalizing protesters who stood up to neo-Nazis last summer, hundreds of J20 and standing rock defendants. All of this from a system that has perfected criminalization through centuries of racist policing. All of this moves in a strategy to further chill dissent, and to clamp down on resistance to the dangerous and aggressive growth of the exact kind of white supremacist violence that we saw this last weekend.
RIP Comrade
Heather Heyer gave her life trying to stop the growth of this hate. She died defending decency, and may she rest peacefully knowing that struggle will continue and multiply. There’s little comfort in words at times like these especially for people directly affected, but love and solidarity to her family and to everyone who is still physically and psychologically recovering from this brutality. We’ve got your back.
To all my supporters
I want to thank everyone who came to court for me last Thursday or tried to. I know it was much quicker and less climactic than we thought. Supporting me in this bizarre time is not only an act of care, but one of bravery and strength. Seeing that on display makes me feel our collective power. Thank you all for showing up and for all the diverse, creative, and intimate ways that support has materialized outside of court. Thank you especially to the close friends who have cared for me fearlessly and unfailingly.
The fear and anxiety that this creates is by design, and it ripples out by design, BUT we get to decide its effectiveness. Look out for each other, be safe, be careful, and think hard about what all that means in the changing landscape. Keep caring for one another too and don’t be afraid. Keep building unity, creative struggle, and long-term strategies for expanding, and strengthening the communities that we live in and want to defend. We’re stronger than they are! Solidarity always!
Special thanks to the Bay Area Anti Repression Committee and the Labor Action Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal for helping build support, the Community Readiness Corps for helping keep me safe, and the amazing lawyers who have been donating their time to help me fight this!
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Whatever fag
Notice how in his opening statement, the accusations magically go from preceding the harassment, to the opposite in the course of a few sentences.
Typical example of how kikes (and their parrots) subvert language. The letter is full of it. I like hearing abou how difficult it was for poor little Eric though.
Agreed. I feel like he will walk. Jesse Arguin and the Police Chief of Berkeley are in Antifa's pockets, and the cops aren't allowed to do anything so don't expect a police report at the trial.
APRIL 19th
that's bold
kek at this faggot trying to say he assaulted a random kid with a deadly weapon in an organized crowd, fled the scene, and hid until the 'homicide police read: the serious cops' had to track him down on an attempted murder warrant because he got bullied on the internet
You mean like the left does to anyone who publicly voices opinions left of Lenin?
If he walks he will need to get the fuck out of cali.
Things have drastically changed since a year ago. pantyfa used to run the streets in cali. now it is just running
Nice catch of circular logic.
Low IQ faggots always fall into circular logic.
So what are the odds that he walks and then gets put into some sort of witness protection like program? Then what are the odds that he gets found after that?
Why don't we see groups of people who go around and demask these leftist?
This case could set new precedents for allowable, repeated, attempted killings for political reasons. Let's hope it doesn't do that.
What's up with all of the RAM shilling lately?
I get that they are a great group but its kinda annoying seeing people spam their stuff in threads where it isn't really relevant.
Most people are too busy raising families and feeding them user. It always starts and always will with the fringe going after the fringe. What we've not seen yet is a prolonged escalation. That's what starts to draw the normalfags in. The bullshit Kek waving thing may have looked like a psyop it was but it also had the effect of getting splashed all over (((mainstream))) news. It helped polarize more. This dipshit is just a useful idiot. Each side has them and the (((press))) will bury this. I hope they give the fucker life
Interesting, I'm a lone wolf when the shit hits the fan because I'm a bit of a recluse anyway, I have/had friends but in your 50s you don't get to see the mates you grew up with very often.
My weapon of choice is a baseball bat, it would be a gun if I could get my hands on one, but I also fear for my soul. A good hit to anyone's head and I'll eventually be asked by the Eater of Souls why I didn't just go for a kneecap.
Have you been involved in any fighting from a racial or ideological aspect? And if so, what did you think of the quality of your opponents?
I'd like to know about the quality of the opposition because if you only have history to go by (our history has been poisoned) we should be fearing thugees and assassins. One story I've seen multiple times is of some Large Sand Owner impressing a visiting delegate of his power by commanding a soldier to throw himself from the battlements, which the soldier did.
Big Fucking Deal, that LSOnigger took the gift another man had given him and trashed it on the stones below.
Have the Ultras ever caught any undercover agents?
You're deluding yourself if you think a bunch of local oafs beating on faggot commies will make the faggot commies holding public office relent.
user who is in deep with with the Proud Boys here. You only know that half of it. Faggots is an understatement with these guys.
Attack the enemy where they are weak user.
And what is the cane made of, asbestos?
Ultras are the hardcore groups within a football club (usually Italian,Eastern Europe sometimes German, Spanish) who set off the flairs, make the journey for opposing team and fans intimidating, fight opposing ultras and such. In Britain they're firms or casuals… Like in Green Street, tho that film was shite imo.
Oh and always extremely nationalist. I also forgot Russians and Ukrainians. But the Lazio Fascists vs Roma are good always.
wtf this happened so long ago
whatever happened to a speedy trial?
justice delayed is justice denied
I really hope you're just pretending to be retarded
Lads… Formal recognition. We officially right wing consulting detectives working and police officers. RWPD when?
It looks like the faggot made sure to never write that he didn't do it. This could possibly be meme'd further to drop some red pills.
I also noticed how he completely disregards the fact that he's on video sucker-bashing a random dude in the head with a deadly weapon.
Spread the news about this cuck, his lawyer is trying to memory-hole his retardation.
What possible excuses can the lawyer be coming up with to continue delaying a trial? At what point does the judge just come out and tell him that taking over a year to get a case together shows gross incompetence and that he's tired of the bullshit? Or is this judge on par with the cucks on the 9th Circuit?
Aren't most judges lawyers and other (((lawmakers))) in Berkeley going to be antifa faggots?
That's exactly what they'll try to do. There's no speedy trial here. Drag it out so long that people forget.
I'm not shilling for them you triple fucking nigger, it's
Thread related
Ultras are hardcore supporters of their local footbal squad.
They are fanatical to a point of religion.
They represent a town or a city's army.
Fiercely territorial, patriotic and violent.
ultras is like a religion, it's about loyalty, pride, honour, adrenaline, fighting and fun