Keep mother nature away from this you retarded sad fucks
What did she ever do to you? Keep your nigger hate separate from her.
Keep mother nature away from this you retarded sad fucks
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I agree, but at the same time there are techniques that involve restoring land that has specifically been salted. That being said, I doubt the farmers would need to do anything themselves for the land to become sour.
Sure faggot because all the sarth effrikan niggers aren't destroying the environment on a daily basis
So the fucking niggers will starve to death and we won't have to repeat Zimbabwe a second time after the ungrateful niggers there stole all the white farmers' land.
Salting the fields is a mercy kill compared to what the niggers are going to do with it
Sounds kosher to me!
There is something completely natural that ruins farmland.
It's called niggers.
As if they need to salt the earth to prevent blacks from being able to farm.
Why shouldn't they?
I'm sure nature can deal with salt better than whatever backwards farming the local witch doctors and going to tell the nig nogs.
They can't properly farm even if the soil is fertile.
Salting the earth is Aryan as fuck. ANC delenda est.
Not only don't salt the earth, but leave a field full of bountiful crops, so when the niggers fail to feed themselves they won't have any excuse.
What techniques restore salted land?
Thanks kike.
Thanks Tor Kike.
Thanks Kike.
Thanks Kike.
Thanks Kike.
How many fucking shills are here?
This isn't 4chan. You people truly are retarded.
I think blacks are even a bigger detriment for fertile soil than salt is.
This is funny, but you don't even need to destroy the land to prevent niggers from utilizing it.
What exactly am I shilling? Right now you are generating publicity for halfchan and twitter.
You should sow the earth with iron, not sat. Fertilize them with nigger blood.
Oh this shit is Zig Forums related. Maldraw is the fucker that made those horrible Christ-chan comics, where her actions were purposefully exaggerated and kept posting that shit. He was trying so hard to fit it, but no one actually liked his comics. So now he's on the liberal side (he always was, but he's too much of a dumbass to infiltrate properly) and just constantly rats out what is said here and on 4chan. He's some malaysian piece of human trash
Sage because OP is Maldraw and needs to fucking kill himself already.
A fire is more environmentally friendly for faggots bitching about making it unusable and ruining the Earth, a simple controlled burn to destroy their crops. It would be highly unfortunate if any of the squatters who have already traveled to these farms got caught up in these controlled burns. If it happened to spread further than planned, well, that would be regrettable as well, especially how places like Capetown are facing no-water conditions. Who would want such a disaster? Not I.
This retard hasn't forgotten how to breath yet?
Also, this is implying the niggers won't salt the land themselves.
What a dogshit slide thread.