Scholar Andrew Whitehead: Right-wing evangelicals think Trump can make “their vision of a Christian nation” real
>How do you explain Trump's victory and his enduring popularity among right-wing Christians?
Scholar Andrew Whitehead: Right-wing evangelicals think Trump can make “their vision of a Christian nation” real
>How do you explain Trump's victory and his enduring popularity among right-wing Christians?
Other urls found in this thread:
>The Democratic Party has been described as a coalition of interest groups while the Republican Party is an ideological movement. How does your new research speak to that dynamic?
lel the Demonicrats are a coalition of hate allied against White Christian families; they're composed of niggers, spics, mudslimes, (((jews))), faggots, and some assorted anti-White Whites who have been brainwashed by the (((marxists))), so they're kinda-sort right with regards to calling them "interest groups" i guess
>How do right-wing Christian evangelicals conceptualize politics and society?
>Is right-wing Christian support for Trump merely transactional or is it more than that?
>How does Christian nationalism fit into this political moment, when liberal democratic norms and institutions are under siege?
I like how Christian and non-liberal White are completely interchangeable in this little diatribe.
I also find it amusing that the leftist faggots kvetch so hard about subjective religious morals being a foundation of social behavior and law while at the same time imposing their subjective emotionally derived morals via the law and acting as if the two things being principally opposed rather than principally identical. Funnily enough the difference lies in the material results, "rightist" subjective morals are adaptive while theirs are maladaptive.
This has to be some kind of trick, double-reverse psychosis or something. There's no way anyone is actually this thick in the head.
If Pence is the puppet-master, there's nothing "Christian" about it. He's such a worshiper of the killers of Christ, that kikes ask him as mother's maiden name, by his own admission.
I think this guy is playing too much Far Cry 5.
Hello my fellow (((Whitehead))) people, as a Jewish male just let me say Oy Vey when it comes to Christianity.
See they're still playing this like Hillary won. There was to be a world wide culling of whites, and it's working in places like Europe and Canada, but the whites in the USA aren't quite ready to turn their guns in to La Goblina and then get killed off. Why not, even Newsweek is now saying that white genocide in South Africa is no big deal and Trevor Noah confirmed it last night.
The American left has a really irrational fear of Christians turning America into a theocracy. As if American Christians aren't 99% worthless cuckolds.
I wonder if there's a way to rectify this. The left just keeps getting more and more blatant about persecuting Christianity and, more importantly, whiteness. Could we make an entirely new sect of Christianity, one actually devoted to strong nationalist values?
Many Christians support Israel because its existence is necessary for the events in The Revelation. No Israel = Jesus won't return.
We're arming them so that hubris takes over even more and they attack their neighbors, which will result in Gog and Magog taking the place over and burning it out to the roots.
Gog and Magog have been traditionally identified with Russia and Turkey. Turkey alone could easily stomp the shit out of Israel (look at their military forces and compare) and teaming up with Russia they'd double stomp it. Putin just helped Turkey build their first nuclear reactor too.
I'd feel comfortable being on the other side of the planet if it weren't for ICBMs and nuclear hypercavitating torpedos.
t. Lives on a peninsula and surrounded by high-value airbases
It's just kikes trying to change history and reality with semantics again. In Germany when they talk about the war, their media makes reference to Hitler talking about "the (((so-called))) German people" to make it seem like Germany was always a wonderful bastion of multiculturalist depravity. It's the same shit they do everywhere they're allowed to publish.
I seem to have misplaced my image of a Jewish paper, in English, calling for the forced sterilization of all Germans pre-WWII. Anyone got that lying around?
How the fuck do you get a Ph.D. in a soft-science like 'sociology'?
Whitehead, Andrew L. "Institutionalized Norms, Practical Organizational Activity, and
Loose Coupling: Inclusive Congregations’ Responses to Homosexuality.” Journal for the
Scientific Study of Religion
Perry, Samuel L. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Only Bad for Believers? Religion,
Pornography Use, and Sexual Satisfaction among American Men.” Journal of Sex
2018 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Homosexuality, Religion, and the Family: The Effects of
Religion on Americans’ Appraisals of the Parenting Abilities of Same-Sex Couples.”
Journal of Homosexuality 65(1):42-65.
Whitehead, Andrew L. and Samuel L. Perry. “Unbuckling the Bible Belt: A State-level
Analysis of Religious Factors and Google Searches for Porn.” Journal of Sex Research
55(3): 273-283. *Lead article*
Whitehead, Andrew L. and Christopher Scheitle. “We the (Christian) People:
Christianity and American Identity from 1996 to 2014.” Social Currents 5(2): 157-172.
2017 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Neighborhoods, Family Functioning, and Mothers’ Mental
Health for Families with a Child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder.” Applied Research
in Quality of Life 12(3):633-651.
2016 *Baker, Joseph O. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Gendering (Non)Religion: Politics,
Education, and Gender Gaps in Secularity in the United States.” Social Forces
Whitehead, Andrew L. and Samuel L. Perry. “Religion and Support for Adoption by
Same-Sex Couples: The Relative Effects of Religious Tradition, Practices, and Beliefs.”
Journal of Family Issues 37(6):789-813.
Perry, Samuel L. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “For Better or For Worse? Gender
Ideology, Religious Commitment, and Relationship Quality.” Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion 55(4):737-755.
*Perry, Samuel L. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Religion and Public Opinion toward
Same-Sex Relations, Marriage, and Adoption: Does the Type of Practice Matter?”
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55(3):637-651.
Perry, Samuel L. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Religion and Nontraditional Families in
the United States.” Sociology Compass 10(5):391-403.
2015 Whitehead, Andrew L. and Samuel Stroope. “Small Groups, Contexts, and Civic
Engagement: A Multilevel Analysis of United States Congregational Life Survey Data.”
Social Science Research 52:659-670.
Whitehead, Andrew L. and Samuel L. Perry. “A More Perfect Union? Christian
Nationalism and Support for Same-Sex Unions.” Sociological Perspectives 58(3): 422-
Perry, Samuel L. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Same-Sex Adoption as an Alternative to
Welfare? Conservatism, Neoliberal Values, and Support for Adoption by Same-Sex
Couples.” Journal of Homosexuality 62: 1722-1745.
Thomas, Jeremy and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Evangelical Elites’ Anti-Homosexuality
Narratives as a Resistance Strategy against Attribution Effects.” Journal for the Scientific
Study of Religion 54(2): 345-362.
Perry, Samuel L. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Christian Nationalism and White Racial
Boundaries: Examining Whites' Opposition to Interracial Marriage.” Ethnic and Racial
Studies 38(10): 1671-1689. *Lead article*
Perry, Samuel L. and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Christian Nationalism, Racial Separatism,
and Family Formation: Attitudes toward Transracial Adoption as a Test Case.” Race and
Social Problems 7(2):123-134.
2014 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Male and Female He Created Them: Gender Traditionalism,
Masculine Images of God, and Attitudes toward Same-Sex Unions.” Journal for the
Scientific Study of Religion 53(3):479-496.
Whitehead, Andrew L. “Politics, Religion, Attribution Theory, and Attitudes toward
Same-Sex Unions.” Social Science Quarterly 95(3):701-718.
2013 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Gendered Organizations and Inequality Regimes: Gender,
Homosexuality, and Inequality within Religious Congregations.” Journal for the
Scientific Study of Religion 52(3): 476-493.
Stroope, Samuel, Scott Draper, and Andrew L. Whitehead. 2013. “Images of a Loving
God and Sense of Meaning in Life.” Social Indicators Research 111(1): 25-44.
Whitehead, Andrew L. “Religious Organizations and Homosexuality: The Acceptance
of Gays and Lesbians in American Congregations.” Review of Religious Research
2012 Whitehead, Andrew L. and Joseph Baker. “Homosexuality, Religion, and Science:
Moral Authority and the Persistence of Negative Attitudes.” Sociological Inquiry 82(4):
Whitehead, Andrew L. “Gender Ideology and Religion: Does a Masculine Image of
God Matter?” Review of Religious Research 54:139-156. *Lead article*
2011 Dougherty, Kevin D., and Andrew L. Whitehead. “A Place to Belong: Small Group
Involvement in Religious Congregations.” Sociology of Religion 72(1): 91-111.
2010 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Financial Commitment within Federations of Small Groups:
The Effect of Cell-Based Congregational Structure on Individual Giving.” Journal for the
Scientific Study of Religion 49(4): 640-656.
Whitehead, Andrew L. “Sacred Rites and Civil Rights: Religion’s Effect on Attitudes
toward Same-Sex Unions and the Perceived Cause of Homosexuality.” Social Science
Quarterly 91(1): 63-78.
Journal articles under review
Christian Nationalism and Policing of African Americans. Sociology of Race and
Racial Variation in the Effect of Christian Nationalism on Explanations for Racial
Inequality. Ethnic and Racial Studies
Disability and Religion: Variation in Attendance Rates for Children with Chronic Health
Conditions. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Gun Control Attitudes in a Christian Nation. Analyses complete, drafting manuscript.
Christian Nationalism and Attitudes toward the Environment. Analyses complete,
drafting manuscript.
Gendered Images of God and Punitive Attitudes. Analyses complete, drafting manuscript.
2012 Finke, Roger, Christopher D. Bader, and Andrew L. Whitehead. “Innovations in the
Development and Use of Social Science Data Archives.” In Leadership in Science and
Technology: A Reference Handbook, William Sims Bainbridge (ed.), pp. 668-75.
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
2016 Whitehead, Andrew L. “The Battle for Yellowstone: Morality and the Sacred Roots of
Environmental Conflict.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 55(1):198-199.
2013 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Pray the Gay Away: The Extraordinary Lives of Bible Belt Gays.” Sociology of Religion 74(2):281-82.
2010 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Holy Mavericks: Evangelical Innovators and the Spiritual
Marketplace.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 49(2):383-84.
Reports and other publications
2018 Whitehead, Andrew L. and Sandi Dolbee. “A Wealth of Data for Wise Decision Making.” In In Trust (New Year 2018).
2017 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Christian Nationalism.” In American Values, Mental Health, and
Using Technology in the Age of Trump: Findings from the Baylor Religion Survey, Wave
5. Waco, TX: Baylor University.
2014 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Community Profile Builder Guide.”
Coe, Deborah and Andrew L. Whitehead. August “What Seminary Can Do For You.”
Presbyterians Today p. 7.
Whitehead, Andrew L. “Responding to Violence and War: The November 2012 Survey.”
Presbyterian Panel Report- Research Services PC(USA).
Whitehead, Andrew L. “World Mission: The February 2013 Survey.” Presbyterian Panel
Report – Research Services PC(USA).
2013 Whitehead, Andrew L. and Jack Marcum. “Spiritual Growth Experiences and Church
Retreats: The May 2012 Survey.” Presbyterian Panel Report – Research Services
2011 Whitehead, Andrew L. “Attitudes toward Homosexuality in the United States: Restricted
Equality.” In The Values and Beliefs of the American Public: Wave III Baylor Religion
Survey. Waco, TX: Baylor University.
Whitehead, Andrew L. “Attitudes toward Homosexuality in the United States: The Power
of a Perceived Cause.” In The Values and Beliefs of the American Public: Wave III
Baylor Religion Survey. Waco, TX: Baylor University.
2017 Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Clemson University, Summer Mini-Grant
Project Title: Religious Service Attendance and Childhood Religious Socialization for
Children with Chronic Health Conditions
Amount: $5,983.60
2016 Lilly Endowment
Project Title: Increasing the Content, Features and Outreach of the,
2017-2021 (PI: Roger Finke, Penn State University)
Amount: $176,354 sub-award to Clemson, 2017-2021 (Grant total: $1,393,567)
Role: Co-Principle Investigator
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Clemson University, Summer Mini-Grant
Project Title: Ambassadors, Accommodators, Resisters, and Rejecters: Examining the
Varying Responses to the Christian Nation Narrative in the United States
Amount: $3,200
2015 Association for the Sociology of Religion, Joseph H. Fichter Research Grant
Project Title: Is a Christian America Also a More Patriarchal One? Gathering Data to
Examine Gender Traditionalism and Christian Nationalism
Amount: $3,000
Role: Principle Investigator
Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Jack Shand Research Award
Project Title: Christian Nationalism: Gathering Data to Examine Its Social Contours
and Consequences
Amount: $5,000
Role: Principle Investigator
College of Business and Behavioral Science, Clemson University, Dean’s Excellence
Project Title: Analyzing Christian Nationalism in the United States
Amount: $5,000
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Clemson University, Summer Mini-Grant
Project Title: Analyzing Christian Nationalism in the United States
Amount: $2,000
2011 Graduate School, Baylor University, Continuing Education Grant
Project Title: Politics, Religion, and Attitudes toward Same-Sex Unions: Testing the
Mediating Effects of Attribution Beliefs
Amount: $1,000
Department of Sociology, Baylor University, Continuing Education Grant
Project Title: Politics, Religion, and Attitudes toward Same-Sex Unions: Testing the
Mediating Effects of Attribution Beliefs
Amount: $3,000
2010 Paul B. Henry Institute Graduate Student Research Grant on Religion and
Civic Responsibility
Project Title: Small Groups and Civic Engagement: The Effect of Small Group
Participation on Community Volunteering
Amount: $750
Samuel Perry
>His second book, under contract with Oxford University Press, examines how pornography shapes the lives of conservative Protestants in the US.
Wew lad.
I swear to God, these people just can't help themselves but to put some kinda faggotry like this in their bio. Every single libshit professor you find a bio of, there's some gay little faggotry like that in there, usually at the end.
Maybe it's time to repent, user?
Anyway it's obvious to any Discordian minded person that immantization of the Eschaton is right on track.
Why do all these religious groups try to help out their gods with the god's plan? The Jews, Evangelicals, and Muslims all try to. If their god truly were powerful, he wouldn't need the help.
Wew lad. Anyway this type of thing has absolutely infected our institutions. I've been dismayed over the last decade or two since I started reading The RAND Corporation's papers on their site - these days it's obvious that Obama hires have taken over the agency. There is precious little on topics which used to abound, geopolitical and military subjects, analyses of hyper-diseases and epidemics, the future of underwater colonization, etc. and now it's basically two thirds shit like in our boy's publication list now.
We really must recognize that the full-spectrum war on our nation and Western Civilization as we know it has fully taken the liberal arts and soft sciences. Japan realized this problem years ago and Shinzo Abe has instituted policies to combat it at the national university level. He eliminated all the separate non-STEM departments and merged them into one generic Liberal Arts department at all the national universities, severely reducing the number of professors and importantly de-platforming them at the administration level so they are not able to steer the future of education. Japan's doubtless seen these types of academics multiply there and also likely has an eye on the US and is aware of the damage they are causing if allowed to multiply. If you extrapolate this out over a couple decades, it will hurt our ability to fight wars because instead of a white or asian nerd getting a physics or engineering degree and being able to contribute to technology and ultimately the national defense, we will instead have open Antifa professors directing hordes of 26% goblinos to torch anything related to "war" like in the 1960s but 10x as bad at least. China and their commie allies such as the EU will defeat the USA without firing a shot if things stay on track, and it won't take but a decade or two, tops.
Joseph Baker
Introduction to Sociology
Social Statistics
Research Methods
Sociology of Religion
Deviance and Social Control
My research interests are primarily in studies of religion and secularity, deviance, penology, and ideology. I am currently finishing a book outlining and testing a parsimonious yet powerfully predictive theory of the strategies individuals and groups use to manage the stigma of being branded as "deviant."
I am also a senior research associate for the Association of Religion Data Archives.
Paranormal America
American Secularism
>I was born and raised in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. When not working I enjoy gardening, listening to music, spending time with family, and reeling in trout. My partner is a comparative-historical political scientist. We have two daughters who are are characteristically adorable, curious, and spunky. Our cats, Barnaby and Hansel, are too cool for school.
I swear to God, every single fucking one.
The 'partner':
>A native Californian, she has lived in Costa Rica, Venezuela, England, and the Netherlands, and traveled extensively throughout Latin America and Europe.
"A rootless international clique…"
What a surprise.
But America is already a Christian nation?
Is that true though? Maybe God uses humans as His instruments, and I don't know where in the Bible or Talmud or Koran it says that God would keep His instruments ignorant as they play their parts in His plan.
I've heard this said before, too, where'd you get it from? I think I saw it on Reddit.
Sounds an awful lot like this book from the early 20th century.
Its horrifying. Especially when you realize that they're all married to each other.
I swear, find me a liberal professor in higher-education that isn't married to/fucking another such person and I'll give you a fucking dime.
People are angry with 'Christcucks' because it's been corrupted by scofeld bible synagogue of satan worshippers and Evangelicals in particular are ground zero of that. They can be considered everything wrong with modern Christianity compared to it's based kike beating past following Jesus' warnings.
It's one of the reasons why the shilling and media games are at all time lows - affirmative action and nepotism have really fucked over mass manipulation. Sure, our memes are dank and so on but one of the reasons we're effective is because the (((media))) and public influencers like CTR and SB, heck even the CIA are run like family mafias where idealogical commitment and family relations are what get you the job and promotion.
So it's a terrible state but at least there is a silver lining - they've created cultures that drive away actual talent which is eroding their very foundations. The media's trustworthyness is at an all time low because the subtle messaging and crafting of narratives, has become transparent screeching by bald lesbian 56%ers as the literally Jewish boomers who are as smug as they are deluded cackle with glee.
The Soviet Union had the same problem with Pravda - enough people saw with their own eyes that the situation on the ground was so substantially different than that portrayed that it became a joke.
Meh, Christianity was always a foreign Semitic faith bra, but we don't need to get into that discussion in this thread.
We've hit that threshhold it seems.
These people have accrued enough power institutionally that things have gone full-Cown World, and now they're finding their gimmicks don't work on anyone but those dim-witted cowards who can't or won't bring themselves to face reality.
It's entertaining watching the jewish establishment work overtime to give Trump and themselves cover with everything but reality.
Damn, checked. What I've never understood (because I'm a sane human being) is what (((they))) feel doing all this, division of nations, genocide of people they deem unworthy, I just can't even imagine it. And the fact that this all has been so obvious not just for decades, but centuries, is astounding.
>is what (((they))) feel doing all this
They feel nothing.
That's phony Zionist eschatology. Literally 0 Christians believed that before the 20th century when Jews made it up to advance their geopolitical goals.
Yet now huge swathes of them believe it.
Its almost like…. Embracing a foreign semitic faith derived from ancient Judaism wasn't such a good idea after all… What a surprise!
If only Trump would shut down social science funding. We are forced to pay for leftists to subvert us through taxes. It's ridiculous.
If only Trump would do a lot of things…
… But he won't.
That's the lesson.
Of course by Christian they mean evangelicals, the Christians who believe jews will convert to Christianity after some temple is built in Israel.
Goddamn, I hate kikes. Such ugly creatures, biologically and mentally.
Checked, I've become kinda blackpilled on Trump, obviously it's justified, but I did always like to believe. Faith can be a bitch sometimes.
The academics, enlightened intellectuals, and media has given up persuasion completely and has reverted to repetition. The Internet is also a big factor here - these days anybody with a brain can take a couple moments to fact check a story by reading different accounts of it, and even reading official reports and publications which are merely referenced in media reports.
Look at how misleading headlines are now, you can just see the editorialization dripping off them and if you read the articles and of course look into things yourself you will see how many are just flat out lies couched in Jesuitical hair-splitting technically true statements.
Nobody is going to be convinced, not even the children, with the low-craft brainwashing being practiced in current year. It's part of the reason why I think (((they))) are accelerating their plan - they know their power is on the wane and if this keeps up it will simply be too late.
You sound worried.
I've been following the group of Jews who are rebuilding the Temple. They started a long time ago, decades, and their first mission was acquiring enough gold and silver and other materials to make the Temple furnishings and implements. They finished this and had recreated everything they needed by 2002 or so, the Menorah, the Table of Shewbread, the Bronze Sea, everything. Then they were working on getting timber from "the cedars of Lebanon" for the actual structure and a bunch of other stuff. They are finished with this, too - the Temple is completely modular and ready made and can be assembled in a day or two now. At this stage all they need to do is truck a bunch of stuff to the proper spot and assemble it allll they are missing is a red heifer and it seems that because of selective breeding or genetic engineering (they are secretive about this) they are confident she will be born soon. They thought they had her last year but she developed a white spot, and much wailing and gnashing of teeth ensued. If you're smart you'd realize this means they were even ready last year for their sacrifice inside the new Temple.
You don't have to be a Christian or a Jew to believe any of this - it's all real and it's happening and plenty of people who DO believe have made this stuff happen. Look into it yourself - it's bizarre and fascinating and I've been casually checking in on their progress since I learned about them in the late '90s.
Dubs recognize dubs.
I'm not even blackpilled at this point, its just being honest about whats happening.
Theres a whole fuckton of things Trump could do, that would make things MASSIVELY better, but he won't do them, because they would put him at risk personally.
On one hand, I understand, on the other hand, fuck that guy.
>Nobody is going to be convinced, not even the children, with the low-craft brainwashing being practiced in current year. It's part of the reason why I think (((they))) are accelerating their plan - they know their power is on the wane and if this keeps up it will simply be too late.
And that right there is why I say 'fuck that guy'.
The enemy sees (((they've))) been found out, and while we're being distracted with all this Trump-cheerleading bullshit, the problems - the REAL problems, not the fake problems of the economy that don't really matter and are basically just distractions from all the other shit that exacerbates those faux-problems into actual issues - just keep getting worse and worse.
Reminder to filter all transparent anti-Trump blackpilling kikes like this poster.
kys ratman
they're gonna be shocked as shit when they rebuild the temple and …
nothing happens.
because the restoration is the second coming of Christ, just as Christ's reference to tearing this temple down and rebuilding it in three days was a reference to His resurrection.
God needs NOTHING from us to prepare the world for His coming.
and no amount of scheming, or prediction, or planning, or work on our part could make it come any faster. the day of the Lord is coming as a thief in the night; He warned us specifically not to play games about predictions, but merely to be watchful, as the servants waiting for the master, as the strong man waiting for the robber, and as the wise virgins carrying their lamps with oil.
the fools who think the temple must be physically rebuilt on the same site are Biblically illiterate. i can understand the God-attacking (((kikes))) believing that, because they were so ignorant that they missed the coming of their own Messiah, but it's a shame that any Christian would believe it.
God damn you people are cringe.
yeah he is a blackpilling kike mother fucker, huh?
but always remove the ">" from your responses to these fuckers, they're paid by the (you), and remember to flag the id and its count itt so people can see for themselves what's up.
no (you) for (((jew)))!
[*cringe intensifies*]
You don't understand my point - (((they))) will make things happen. It'll probably be some combination Project Bluebeam slash using management engines to make all the world's computers and smart TVs and cell phones show some billion dollar fake Return of Christ. How else would the Antichrist perform miracles? It's going to be faked and convincingly enough that many will fall for the trick.
The cucks who go to a megachurch and read a Beast Bible and never cracked a KJV themselves will lap it up, there will be mass support for a literally fake leader, and things might go to the tune of Revelation. (((They))) will try to force God's hand you know, it's a big evil plan and it's been cooking for a long time. The time might be right, all the pieces are in place, instant brainwashing on the screens people have been trained to worship and carry with them is now a technical possibility. We just need the actors and one hell of a laser light show over Jerusalem.
Will do.
Every day I am reminded of just how fucking dense these people are.
If you had servants but could do any task yourself anyway, wouldn't you still use them?
It's more a case of people wanting it to come faster, anyway.
Its not so much that they think that, as much as they want others to think that.
Have you seen the articles these literal-faggots have written?
These people don't believe that shit, but they're being paid to make you believe it if they can. The atheistic/soullless NPC castes they've created lap up the idea of the ebul Christians coming for them.
Its almost funny, in that they're (((so close))), and yet so far.
actually, i don't think you understand my point.
i get yours, they believe and they're doing things, especially the (((jews))). they may fool some people. antichrists have been around since the beginning and these are just more of them. many have been fooled before, that's why we have so many cults around like watchtower and adventists and lds etc.
when they get the temple rebuilt and start using it, even if they go whole hog on the special effects, it's gonna fail, and fall flat on its face. it's gonna expose the fraud and quite likely bring many people around to the right side. i'm not worried about that.
about Revelation, it's widely misunderstood for three reasons. first, the elements of historical context and analogy tend to make people confused because they don't know their history. second, it's deeply allegorical and is essentially a regurgitation of multiple apocalyptic old testament literature, and seeing as how modern Christians rarely read the ot, especially the prophets, they have no basis for interpreting it. third, it's descriptive, and not predictive; as said previously, speculation about when and how specifics are above our pay grade.
yeah see how the troll responds when he's not given a (you)? he'll leave soon if he's ignored, and anyone that sees him pointed out, with id and count, and checks his posts against our reference to his tactics, will filter him and he'll be neutered.
What the fuck is going on in this thread?
Christian LARPers arguing about nonsensical Judaic writings and similarly nonsensical plans on behalf of yids derived from those ancient shitposts, coupled with exposure of a Judaic media attempt to utilize the faux-threat of Christian 'nationalism' to get their base worked up.
Same thread, different year.
don't give the (((jew))) any (you)s
they're paid by the (you)
always remove one of the ">" when responding to them, and respond only to flag them for others and to ridicule them
What is going on here is intentional misunderstanding on your part. You could try to be quiet and observe the next remotely Christian thread.
Why am I not surprised.
Judaism isn't a religion and hasn't been one since 70AD when they let the covenant lapse by failing to protect the Temple. Yahweh abandoned them, then. Notice how the accepted date of the writing of the Gospels is immediately after?
god that first video, fucking kikes
What projecting kike wrote this?
also that fucking kike kid in the 2nd vid singing that gay little song is doing a bit by comedian jon lajoie that went viral in early youtube days with the lyrics being
look at him panic for a second as he almost says:
It will never cease.
Isn't real bro.
Its just jewish nonsense by people who shat in holes in the sand, which was spread by especially-subversive faggots to our lands and became this monster we have today.
Jews are wretched creatures, and in that little yid you can see a jew as jews are, before being trained to conceal it from the goyim.
Does not matter. The phrase is memetically designed to freeze up the Jew.
Hey, if you're trying to fuck with kikes, you generally won't hear me complaining, but if you try to ply this 'Yahweh' shit as anything more than ancient kikeoid sand-shitters trying to make the various diabolic forces they've worshipped over the ages seem less obviously evil and deserving of destruction, I'mma have to stop you right there.
Evangelicucks aren't christian, they're all cucks for israel.
Summed up all of Christianity quite nicely.
There aren't many possibilities here:
Yahweh is just their understanding of Vulcan. If you go by their texts, he's actually a lot less irritating then they are. Hell, most of the books consist of him trying to get them to fix their shit and become decent people and them absolutely refusing, so he wipes them out time and again. There's a reason the Jews hate him, after all.
I can't tell if you're joking or what. Christianity is Judaism 2.0, just like Religion of Cuck™ is 3.0. Shit didn't get more factual with age, it's just a way to control the common folk.
i thought yahweh was baal hammon
I don't think its Vulcan bro. I think its something older and fouler, we're talking Lovecraftian-tier levels of carelessness, malignancy and cosmically-horrifying bullshit.
Meh, the Jews hate everyone who turns against them, no matter how justifiable.
That's basically the hallmark of kikery right there:
Repeat forever and that's the history of the Jews in a nutshell.
That they'd manage to piss off even the various cancers-upon-material-existence they chose, repeatedly, to worship, to the point that the monstrous fuckbents they've sided with choose to fuck them, causing them to hate, is par for the fucking kike course.
You have to realize that you'll never convince them of that shit, because deep down, they know its true, but choose not to believe it.
You'll no more convince most adamant Christians than you will convince a kike or a muzzie - they're all in the same semitically-derived boat, and whatever it is they're praying to, its got them wrapped around its no-doubt-horrifyingly-evil finger.
I used to have a soft spot for Christianity because of its role in European history, but once I actually understood that role, it feels like being in an invasion of the body-snatchers or some shit, more like invasion of the soul-snatchers, while we wander in the midst of the transitional period between marinating in one form of awful kike bullshit and ascending to a somehow yet even worse form thereof, with the closest thing you have to an ally being the people who mindlessly want to perpetuate the current form of madness-made-manifest because, like a sentient caterpillar afeared of the prospect of flying, the next form terrifies them even as it espouses the culmination of their ideals on the prime material.
Kikes lie, as Our Saviour explained.
I'm partially with you but (((they'll)) try it anyway. Maybe they fail, maybe they achieve a victory for themselves for a time, maybe it's really happening. As you know no man knows the time of His return, "He will come as a thief in the night."
This summer will be amazing I think either way, some happenings are already afoot.
As I said it doesn't matter if you believe or not, enough people do that there are plans already underway.
The Jews worshipped Ish-kur.
Remember: moser = (((Stop Snitchin')))
They don't worship anyone anymore. They don't have priests, only rabbis, who are secular teachers. Judaism is a racially exclusive rhetorical college and business school.
They actually worship themselves as a collective Messiah in modern Judaism but generally yeah.
considering most of them are ziocucks I hope not
>moser = (((Stop Snitchin')))
I don't know that meme.
If you'd read the thread you'd know that a lot of these "ziocucks" want to see Israel destroyed so Jesus can return.
Evangelicals aren't just supporters of Israel because they're dumb, it's necessary to support Israel so the events in the Bible can transpire. We already went over this you retard.
Sure if you believe the ((Media))
Search Gnostic Cross if you want to see what faith you're most similar to and all the symbols you've been posting actually mean, my not-imperial cult Christians brothers. You get to wear the sun-cross where ever you like too. People can get into serious trouble for harassing you over your religion in most of the West.
Kinda like if you say you're a Buddhist you can wear polka dot swastikas in public… Ya know, we honestly should do White Buddhist march on the synagogues; just toss some orange towels on skinheads and they're Tibetan monks! They can say that Hitler was their Buddha.
the kikes did an massive propaganda op around the "schofield study bible" that subverted many churches in the US.
None of the shit you're talking about is based on the "real" Bible.
Christ is the Shaoshant, though. He was recognized by the Magi, the priests of Ahura Mazda, but never by the jews.
Nice pic.
Add the trannyposter shills to it.