>Orban has also been obsessed with demonizing the financier and philanthropist (((George Soros))), 'falsely' portraying the Hungarian-born Holocaust survivor as an advocate of uncontrolled immigration into Europe. In what critics denounce as a state-sponsored conspiracy theory with anti-Semitic overtones, the Hungarian government spent $48.5 million on anti-Soros ads in 2017, according to data compiled by investigative news site atlatszo.hu.
>In a recent speech, Orban denounced Soros in language that echoed anti-Semitic clichés of the 20th century. He said Hungary's foes 'do not believe in work, but speculate with money; they have no homeland, but feel that the whole world is theirs.'
>In the same vein, an official tapped to create a major new history museum has condemned the postwar tribunals in Nuremberg, Germany — where top Nazis were judged — as "the greatest judicial farce in the history of Europe." Arkadiusz Karbowiak said the Nuremberg trials were only "possible because of the serious role of Jews" in their organization, and called them "the place where the official religion of the Holocaust was created."
Sounds like Kosher aut-kike more than real far-right. Shame. Everything seems like the kike's work right now. Pure controlled opposition.(>comparing Poland to the alt-kike)
Jackson Reyes
Nice dubs OP. Kykes beat me to first post. Ignore black pills. They're empty anyway.
He's technically not wrong. I mean just look at George Soros. Pointing out his fellow heebs to save his own yid skin was the "best time of his life".
Juan Sanchez
Hudson Young
Let's assume their wildest fantasies were true. It wouldn't be for destabilization, but to prevent a bunch of inbred Muslims from seizing control of all those nuclear weapons and defense networks right next to them.
Checked. Guess im going to call them gibbers / robbers or just niggers.
Ian Gomez
i guess no matter what the niggers will always miss massta. they were better behaved under the whip anyway.
Nolan Davis
Day of the rope won't bode well for those who engage in beastiality. Assmad Hapa mutt 100% confirmed.
Dylan Lopez
PiS is a Kosher party. I'm from Poland. Everyone besides Korwin and Braun is a kikelover (remember the bill that was supposed to outlaw the expression 'Polish Death Camps'? After 'negotiations' in Israel, they quietly scrapped it and nobody ever mentioned the law again) and 100% Jew approved. They also imported about 1.5 million hohols to do seasonal work and low-paying jobs (which resulted in wage dumping). The problem is that there is no real alternative (I'm a former Korwin party member (left after the election but I still vote for him) - but every time his poll numbers rise he spergs out about women/disabled people/abolishing the income tax/another controversial topic and with that he tanks every single time, in 2015 we were projected to get 7-8% in our internal polling and with those numbers we were supposed to coast into parliament, forge a coalition with PiS and get some good stuff done but he went full autist about rape and women so we got 4.76% - 5% needed to get into parliament). PO/.N are globalist kikes (.N gets money from Soros and they're not even trying to hide it), Razem are commies (their leader is (((Zandberg))), that name says it all), Braun is a Zig Forums-tier candidate (a hardcore Catholic extremely woke to the JQ and Jewish tricks) but the Lugenpresse keeps smearing him and Korwin so he never gets past 2%.
Lucas Campbell
Feels good living in an economically conservative land.
Since we're on the topic of globalism, does anyone have any specific examples of "globalization"? I figure the 'modernization' of architecture counts in some form. What else is there? I've heard of NAFTA and TPP, but, being European, I don't know the details. Can anyone spoonfeed me and fill me in?
How exactly does nationalism destabilize a country? As far as I can tell, the only thing that's destabilizing European countries is the EU forcing them to take in so many useless third world migrants that their own countries are becoming unrecognizable.
Christopher Price
Poland, Belarus, and Russia are still fucked by holohoax propaganda. Hungary and Bulgaria are on a slightly better track, though still jewed and much work needs to be done.
Julian Collins
I should add to this though, Poland, Belarus, and Russia are still miles better than the west right now when it comes to where their overton window is at.
David Adams
They're also in a great position because just as the degenerate shit was to start in their countries it was killed right in beginning as they had the opportunity to see the results of it in the west. They're also perfect examples of comparison we can show to people in the west. Back then many in the west made fun of the poor slavic economy and living standards, but now the situation is quickly reversing and as people look over to slavic countries begin to understand how kiked the west is becoming. In some way slavs and the rest of the west is learning by looking at each other while kikes are starting to sweat because they gradually lose power in both regions at the same time.
Isaiah Rogers
Be careful because some jews will pop up and call you a vérnarancs, and explain how Orbán actually raised taxes and reduced wages even though the opposite is true.
Holy shit this is so true. Even on the right some fucking retards have the audacity to call Eastern Europe a shithole (maybe you can argue that Romania is a shithole, but that's it) based on financial metrics like the kike-spirited faggots that they are. They measure worth by money, and they don't notice the irony. I would rather be "poor" (meaning that I have food/shelter and I can save a respectable amount of cash every month) than be spoiled by material excess and have niggers treat me like a second class citizen in my own country.
Alexander Rogers
Grayson Turner
When life imitates art. Generation bright eyes will carve the way, and now they have the handbook, written and documented.
That is easy to explain, Hungary and Bulgaria belonged to the Axis and were fucked over for it. Poland, Belarus (little Russia), and Russia were Anti-Axis, pro-Holocaust and benefited by it greatly. Rejecting their anti-Axis and pro-Holocaust stance would mean an inversion of the moral base of their post-war existence – not going to happened – until there is a violent revolution removing the “international types and their helpers”.
You have no idea how degenerate post-Soviet eastern Europe was.
Well, it is. Or why do you think did 1 million Poles go to England?
What about nigger fucking your gal in public, on video? Do you think East-European (((Sex Industry))) is just a meme?
Why do you think Prague was so celebrated by US pundits, for more than a decade, after the fall of the iron curtain, as Europe's most attractive destination and place for long term stay? I tell you, it was cheep. Cheep beer and cheep women. It were the roaring 20’s in the 80’s and 90’s in Prague, just not for the Czechs.
Yeah, I agree. But you know what, the 'Polish Death Camp' law was an enormous red pill to many Poles. If there is one thing that the Polish people don't like is when others brush off the fact that our country was burned to the ground during the war (even though it was mostly our government's fault though, they knew refusing Hitler's demands would mean war - one we couldn't win. They also knew that Anglos and baguettes wouldn't come to rescue us. Obviously I can't praise Hitler for what the Germans did to us (even though they were much, much better than the Russians in terms of how they treated us. My great-grandmother was taken into slavery in '41 to work for a wealthy German family but she always praises her former masters and Wehrmacht soldiers; they were, at least according to her, very kind and respecful towards her; she also describes Soviets as 'savages and animals') but I understand why he did it.). 'So many Poles died because they wanted to save and protect kikes and this is how they repay us?' - this was the typical reaction, even among the most bluepilled normies. This and the fact that they are demanding reparations from us redpilled millions of Poles (and I'm not exaggerating at all about the number - that was probably the biggest mass redpilling I've ever seen in my life). I also tried to do my part and drop subtle redpills about the JQ.
Austin Hill
The demands to end the massacres of Germans in Danzig? Study more before you talk
Luis White
I want to offer another case of the overton window shifting in Poland as far as my family goes. Me and my dad are pretty redpilled, and the rest of the family is redpilled enough to actively debate with us, but not as redpilled as us, mostly civnat or liberaretarian tier with a strong dose of Ultra Traditional Polish Catholicism. For example my older cousin was a Alex Jones (has water filters and his own garden the whole shebang) tier civnat who unfortunately bought into the catholic church to much and married a Peruvian with whom he is raising three kids with. Hate to say it but his kids are retarded compared to the full polish kids my youngest aunt has whenever i see them at play dates. In any case the whole Polish Death Camps has been a better red pill for my family than anything I could hope for. Before it whenever there was a holiday and we met up the conversation would get a little funky after one or two vodka bottles, with muh 9/11, god damn communist Jews, but whenever I brought up the holocaust there would be awkward silence or my dad would tell me to fuck off for doubting the stories my great grandma told about the EBUL Nahdzees which honestly weren't that bad, all she did was make bombs in a factory, not the best situation but like user said the (((polish government))) could have avoided it entirely The mentality to be summed up before hand was that kikes are kikes and you should never trust them but the holocaust was an overreaction that became a mortal sin against Poland by the fact that Hitler killed poles too. After the Polish Death Camps phenomenon my dad by himself started researching the death camps realized they were bullshit and went full kill all jews. He called the Alex Jones uncle and after some intense discussion he proved the holohoax to him too. I don't think it will take a war to subvert the Jewish government remember not even Hitler did that. Just a couple more (((typical tricks))) and we're in the clear, but hopefully Israel and their greatest Allies don't nuke us when we're there.
Lol another one of you Kurwas
Assuming that we did go full slav one a couple prissy krauts who were to stubborn to recognize rightful slav clay, that's what makes Europe strong, it is our Nation state warlike mentality. For this same exact reason I thank Hitler everyday for cleansing Poland in fire and war so that we can rise up pure and strengthened. We've been killing each other for centuries, and when we finally discovered other fucking monkeys fucking around on holy Terra we were certifiably the best at killing their subhuman asses as well.
However we need to understand the larger context you beer drinking faggot. If you're having a bar fight with your friends against some stuck up neighbor and some smelly as pakis start crawling into your bar by the thousands to implement sharia do you laugh as your neighbor gets btfo by some monkeys, or do you realize that shit, pakis are infinitely times worse than any neighbor with AFS and beat the shit out of them? We can settle our differences when our existence isn't at stake you dense 56% motherfucker.
So, over 50% of the German population in Poland was killed between 1919 and 1939 and only then Hitler decided to act? Come on. Let's not play dumb. The only (kind of) well-documented massacre was the Bromberg/Bydgoszcz one (300 killed according to Polish historians, 3 to 5 thousand according to German ones) and it happened on September 3rd, 1939 so during the war. (I'm the guy you replied to, had to use a different PC)
Matthew Perry
Parker Anderson
You're a fucking retard. Hitler was a tool who ruined this country and killed the best Polish generation, leaving it bare-assed to be savagely raped by the commies. All thanks to Hitler and Stalin (and Polish sell-outs who collaborated with both) the country hasn't recovered to this day. Even if you'll nevermind the kikes (fuck the kike crybabies for their kvetching about death camps) the war with Hitler has done tremendous damage to the country. Gestapo was rounding up people in the streets and shooting them (pure Poles too) as a retaliation for Polish underground armed forces' actions - shooting traitors, those that were ratting the Jews out, German officers, destroying the infrastructure etc. Even without the Nazi ideology Germany is, together with Russia, Poland's worst enemy. They are -always- going to be Poland's enemies, regardless of treaties, alliances and all that diplomatic crap. Just because of where the Poland is placed on the world map. Regardless if Bismarck or Hitler is ruling the German nation, Poland is going to be lebensraum for them, not a partner.
Mason Morales
Yea, bullshit. There must have been severe harassment and killings for Hitler to take action. None of the allies disagreed with Hitler's statement, and none of them did a thing to stop it. You don't go from 0 to KILL ALL GERMANS in the span of an invasion, not unless there was already some deep seated hatred and harassment/killings still going on.
Again, it was your fault for not stopping the Danzig situation and giving in to Hitler's demands.
Jace Gutierrez
Even Ukrainians here are starting to refuse to work for scraps, so our local (((capitalists))) begun to import Poos from India to replace them. We got the Australian treatment. We stopped illegal immigration to calm the public down, but we are still getting ethnically displaced either way via legal means.
Yeah no thanks, the only good person was Piłsudski and even he was to much of a cuck to fight the international jewry that infested our country.
Nigger with that kind of logic why would the allies invade hitler if the holocaust didn’t happen. Use facts to form your world view not your prepubescent feelings you absolute retard.
Nah, I think Germany shouldn’t exist, they’re just a bunch of uncivilized snowniggers who take technologies from the superior post Roman nations and use them for endless slaughter. Rome should have killed all of them. See how your retarded abstract logic works? Who cares that your dumb kraut ass hates Poles so much your gonna rant like a d/c shill despite all logic. Go kill yourself woth muhamheds gun.
Christian Stewart
It's just the first few steps along that journey which we ourselves took at some point.
When you're being fed the Holohoax from preschool, you're naturally going to believe it. However, at some point, you begin to question it, for whatever reason. I myself found it odd how, despite the Holohoax allegedly affecting millions of persons of all sorts of backgrounds, the only one that anyone really seemed to care about was thode fucking Christkilling Jews. It sure didn't help that any Jew I ever came across oy veyed about it, and was intellectually disingenuous in their arguments in regards to why it affected them in particular, when the Holohoax allegedly affected anyone who didn't belong to a small subset of the population of the territories controlled by Germany throughout the war.
It was in my eighth grade year that I had to do a book report, and Mein Kampf was one of the books I could choose. I could've also chosen to do the report on Napolean's Maxims, but I thought Hortler was edgier, so I made my choice. The book my mom bought was actually a biography of Hitler, but it was good enough for the English teacher. Once I read the book, though, I realized that Hitler wasn't the monster that he had always been portrayed as. He wanted to be an artist, but was repeatedly rejected from the art college in Vienna. He ended up being homeless at some point while he was there. He later went on to serve Germany in the first World War, and was awarded for his valor, while only officially being a message runner. It was because of his bravery that he got the gas, and was sent to a Hospital, having gone blind. After several months he recovered his vision and was released. It was after his service that he became politically active, and after rising to Chancellor, implemented reforms that brought Germany from the depths of poverty and depravity into a new golden age, in only a couple dozen months. Once I realized Hitler's true character, everything else fell into place with only the occasional nudge from Zig Forums.
You're right, these politicians giving credibility to the Holocaust is disgusting, but the fact of the matter is that we couldn't even get that only a couple of years ago. Give it time, and I think this bud will blossom into a beautiful flower.
Jaxson Martin
Except the allies didn't invade because of the holohoax. It was (((discovered))) after the war.
[citation needed] Except they couldn't handle the might of Germania. They defended themselves from a force that actually genocided people. I'm not a kraut, but even I know the superiority of the vanguard of Europe(Germannia). You did the same you fucking slavnigger.
CIA, FSB or mossad, doesn't matter. Believe it or not but eastern euros are sly at getting cash with promises they have no intention of upholding.
Once the gibs run out half of EU is going to break off.
Owen Campbell
oy veeeeeeeeeeey
Adam Howard
i hate stormfaggots
Cooper Howard
A country that lost a great number of its residents in the holocaust is now supposed to shun it awa I'm a Pole and you people are even worse than 4pol
Hudson Ross
Thomas Cox
I'm a Pollack so I think I know better about Hitler and his crew and how they raped our country and nation than some amerifat. I'll forever despise Hitler.
Like hell he did, you commie kike. He tried to save you and the rest of Europe from Bolshevik commies and you fucked it all up and got destroyed by commies way worse than any nazi.
Like I said, go be a kike somewhere else.
Robert Jenkins
the mental gymnastics here are astounding
Dylan Hall
He did no such thing, kike. Listen to the video.
Chase Williams
The same was said about my country and guess what it was fucking bullshit. Read Hitlers War if you have time. Hitler never wanted to exterminate the Pollacks, that's a kike lie and you keep eating it, Hitler numerous times praised the Pollacks for being hard workers calling them people that "work as hard as animals" which in Germany is meant as a positive thing yet kike authors and "translators" sneakily turn that into "the pollacks are animals".
Also when Germany invaded Poland a lot of people welcomed them with open arms, even go so far as to capture kike communist that fucked up a lot and tried to take over villages. The SS soldiers had to stop the Polish villagers from brutality murdering those kikes too.
Also the reason of invasion was very simple, Polish authorities (with communist kikes in the background of course) allowed Germans to be killed without any punishment and even said people to join in with the killings on the radio, which did happen. Hitler for 6 months straight pleaded with Poland as to have them send the Germans into Germany, even willing to pay for the whole migration back into Germany. They simply ignored the pleading and they kept killing them, knowing full well that if Germany invaded the Brits had to join and protect Poland because of the agreements that where made after WW1.
If nothing was done the German in Poland would've been killed and the Pollacks themselves would've been taken over by the communist and be purged completely. There was no simple way out.
Same. That's why I'm trying so hard to get through this bullshit to normalfags. The kikes are still fucking up translations, I had to learn myself. Same was what happened in modern times when the (((media))) "mistranslated" what the Iranian leader said. The kikes never change, I will not fall for brother wars again.
Logan Stewart
They didn't ally in that treaty, it was nonaggression/neutral agreement which isn't even an uncommon thing during wartime. There is a difference there.
Well said. Best you can do is learn German and read the original material, much like Irving did. It will save you more time in the end as well.
Isaiah Scott
Germans really shot themselves in the foot with Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. It alienated Japs who, for a brief of time sought closer ties with the US, but couldn't get into agreement on how to divide the South-East Asia. In 1941 furious Japanese government recalled their ambassador in protest. A couple of months later, pro-IJN faction took control of the government and the Soviet–Japanese Neutrality Pact was signed, allowing the USSR to move a vast amount of men and material from the Russian Far East, to the front-lines in Europe. With the failure of Operation Barbarossa, Germany was doomed to fall by 1942. It was only a matter of time before the Soviet Union mobilize enough troops and shifts its economy into war focus, and starts pushing Germans back.
Nathan Rodriguez
being right-wing is being normie REEEEE
Christopher Rivera
The Japs never wanted to pick a fight with the SU. They got their asses handed to them so hard in Khalkin-Gol that they realized that they really couldn't at all afford to challenge the SU militarily and win. The Japanese military simply wasn't up to par technologically. Thus they scrapped their plans of attacking the SU and picked the much softer target that was China and naval expansion in SEA.
Ethan Flores
It had nothing to do with technology, of which Japan was technologically superior even to the United States for large parts of the war. It's just that the Soviet manpower was so overwhelming and unstoppable, you can't win a landwar against them.
Noah Walker
We have to remember, Japanese government was a ever-shifting clique of conflicting interests groups with only nominal Imperial control. The situation was so dire that, both the Army and the Navy assassinated their political opponents on more than one occasion and inter-service rivalry broke out into open hostilities from time to time. After Khalkhin Gol the anti-Soviet and pro-American Army faction was humiliated and the Navy took the helm leading to the disastrous attack on Pear Harbor
Jack Gutierrez
being right wing is being normie²
a triggered mod deleted it, I appreciate the liberty here
Jayden Ramirez
And yet China had a couple times more manpower than the SU, not to mention the USA, which also had more manpower than the SU. The only thing the Japs had that was modern at the time was their air force. Their land troops meanwhile were still stuck in late WW1, their artillery was inferior, their combat vehicles and tanks were woefully inferior to the soviet ones, and finally their ability to produce their inferior equipment was also inferior. Their naval advantage would be almost immediately negated as the SU had no major ports in the area aside from Vladivostok and they would be entirely reliant on their inferior and outdated land troops to take on cutting edge(at the time) soviet heavy tanks and massed artillery barrages.