How long until Greece becomes a non country like Skopje?
They are really fucked..
Greece bends over
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As long as they have cowardly communists in power.
Why are they so attached to nato and the US since forever? What has the US promised them? Are they hostages of the US?
Greece has not been a sovereign nation since the economic crisis in 2008. It is completely at the mercy of the int. banking cartel.
It is time for the Golden Dawn
Quads confirm.
Also logic and a basic understanding of modern history confirms.
Where's Jewish America? don't think I've heard of that one, D&C kike.
Greece is in NATO because the US and that is to say ZOG needs them. Greece and Turkey collectively control access to the Straights of Bosporus and thus can harm Russia if they get out of line. If NATO chose to close the straights, Russia would lose all access to the Mediterranean.
Turkey controls the straights and they are legally obligated to let all countries that have a shoreline on the black sea to go through due to an old treaty.
I mean, realistically speaking, Greece has been a non-country since the EU debt fucked them.
For the time being Greece can hold their own. Do you really think Putin would fuck over Greece? He'd have riots at home. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin is luring in Erdog, giving him rope so to speak. There's a balance of power between Greece and Turkey, world powers made sure of this. If Erdog thought he could take a few Greek Islands in the Aegean he would have done so by now. He'd have to deal with a pac 2 and 3 missile defense system Greece has, and some other LANTERN system that would light up Turk fighter jets in the whole Aegean like christmas tree lights, then they have some cruise missile types that would just about hit every dam in Turkey and flood the place, we're talking several hundred, so every air field and dam would be gone in Turkey. Then you have a population in Greece that would rage at the fact turkic fucks are trying to invade and probably fight to the death. Then factor in the fact Romania would rage like no tomorrow and Bulgaria would follow joining Greece, then you have Armenia and the Kurds. Erdog would be gang banged, it would turn into a total shit storm of 4 orthodox christian countries and the kurds, and you think Putin won't do a 180? mmm hmm.
As if the Papandreou, Mitsotakis, Karamanlis were any better.
Oh vey, those bad people oppress the noble Greeks.
Greece is a no-country since the Romans made them a colony. Today’s “Greece” is a parody played on the historical site of the original Greece.
Damn 4 bases. Time to invest in whore houses and liquor stores to get the jewbucks from the tens of thousands of niggers who will be occupying those bases.
Are you a fucking retard or what?
No guns either? Jeez. The party's over and staying that way.
lol, you guys…
Greece will be okay, Golden Dawn will rise, Greece and Turkey will be alligned afterwards by a shared disgust of degeneracy.
They're not (((the ones))) who should be worried about Putin arming Turkey… and arming Iran… and arming Assad. Also keep in mind Xi is getting in on it too. Iran is part of the Shanghai Cooporation Organization. India is also going to become greatly aligned with Russia and China due to BRICS. And if they deal with the people who've been causing problems in the US, even Trump will becoming unleashed. Essentially, a world-order will rise soon, but it's not the type of one (they) wanted. It will be a nationalist based right-wing world order. Although they'll probably still allow for some liberal countries to give liberals a place to go to. Then everyone's happy.
This right here is big hole in the lie that people spread about "nationalism always inherently leads to war."
Why didn't they build a base on Altis Lemnos instead?
I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white asss gonna be the long arm of the bankers and collect debts from greeks, Rustards also playing their part.
Lol that word filter, talk about mutthurt.
I can't come up with any reason why Turkey should continue to exist. Get the roaches out of Europe, return Constantinople to orthodoxy, maybe then something productive can happen. Russian-Greek alliance is much more organic and beneficial to the white race than anything involving the king roach.
Since I'm gonna get perma banned anyway :)
Why did you guys pick a face that looks so much like one of your own?
I mean I'm not a kike, not sure why you'd think I'd be offended.
Kek, yeah, says the d&c kike. I'm shocked that this worked over on 4chan. That should end soon.
Why even bother with a reaction image, you aren't trying either
Damn you got me, truly I was the kike all along and not the retarded I am a d&c kike, ban my stupid non-white asss with their cult like worship of their jew loving leader from jew york who has broken ties from all his 'right wing pals' like le iron Ann and Bannon (or whatever his name was).
Honestly I hope the kikes do take your guns so that they revolution gets sped up and the ameri-mutt population gets massively culled.
You're right there's no talking to you retards, enjoy being raped to death by a pack of niggers, trump was thee worst thing to ever happen to Zig Forums, Obongo was a godsend in comparison.
Yeah I know what you mean and I actually agree with that. But things have to happen one step at a time. Itsnotreal is the bigger threat at the moment when you think about long enough because they and the other diaspora are the ones cucking the US and Europe into diversity / enrichment from the sand-cult. However there's a lot of things to consider about that and I'll try and keep it simple. 1. Keep in mind that their current strategy of utilizing and weaponizing the sand-cult is contrary to their interests and I've come to realize, perhaps the dumbest thing they could have done. Even IF they utilized them to the point of "getting rid of the wyppl" they'll end up just spread the people who are the most aware of them. Notice how after these yids thought they could kalergi the EU by starting the "arab spring" and trying to subvert Syria as their impetus, but they basically sent the people who've been pissed off at them since 1945 and further back, sent these people to the EU thinking it would further itsnotreal interests but they wonder why anti-semitism is spreading? That won't work for them in the long run. I agree Putin should support Greece and Golden Dawn. I have a feeling in the long run, after itsnotreal and zionists are handled, that Russia, China, and The US (who will be unshackled from their itsnorealian influence) as well as India (4th strongest military, mainly Hindu, and you should look into the Hindu Kush, I have a feeling they're not going to just be inclined to handover the world to kosher, nor kabbab influence. Stability, Prosperity, Decency, and Rationality will win at the end of the day. My feelz: India will be given part of the middle east or what remaining arabs will liberalize and keep to themselves in a given zone possibly for some time. China will take Africa. There's some worry I had about China getting "blacked" after watching some documentaries about some black-chinese couples. But the thing is, I think it's more like the blacks are going to get slanted. As in, think about this. It's common to observe that even within the black communities, they have hierarchies in themselves, usually by how "white" they are. Like all organisms follow naturally emerged laws, they will seek out those with what they perceive to be more preferrable traits to produce offspring better than themselves. China will develop and isolate the genes that encode for the traits they want. I saw this shill posting something about how he thought Dugin was anti-white. I don't know, but the whole Eurasian thing, I think will inevitably lead to mainly white-asian traits. China will eventuall probably even make a procedure eventually for one to create designer babies with whatever traits you want. If you notice how much blacks desire whites, it's clear they want some of those traits to pass to their offspring. (higher intelligence, facial structure, hair, lower melanin). Eventually even mixed race people will essentially be able to, albeit sort of synethetically, give birth to what would be the mirror imagine of a pure blooded person. And if you look at the Chinese, what are their women fond of? Traveling to South Korea in order to get plastic surgery to acquire thinner faces, more angular nordic looking features. Pretty sure the whole transhumanist thing is going to become the new-eugenics, and a right-wing transhumanist party will emerge eventually with a national social-capitalist system. Then space-marines.
Why are you so mad?
More sad that Zig Forums has finally succumb to white house shills and the ameri-mutts own retardation.
Those dubs
Kek, Israel getting a taste of what they want for the Whites. Yids just can't help themselves, can they?