Kate Brown, the Democratic governor of Oregon, said Wednesday that she'll refuse to comply with any Trump administration request for National Guard troops to patrol the nation's southern border
Oregon Refuses to Send National Guard Troops to the Border
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She literally cannot by federal law.
wake the fuck up already
Somebody kill this bitch.
She's a governor of an irrelevant hipster state, not HRC.
I don't think she has a choice.
Well that's it, time to give up everyone. Trump simply can't do this without help from the precious border state of Oregon.
Just the usual cucky Oregon bullshit. Hopefully Trump has something special planned to bypass the governor and grab Kate Brown by the pussy to put her in her place.
The "good" news is that if the various gun-control measures floating around the state are put on a ballot, we'll have a red wave.
under title 32 authority (what trump applied) the national guard is still at the mercy of the state government, they can say no
Its deliberate, Trump is giving them a chance to look unpatriotic running up to 2020.
very possible, though oregon's no swing state
Bisexual, but married to the same man for 30 years, Gov Brown received 25k from Soros.
What I love is that this is expressly forbidden by the state's Constitution. She gets to pick and choose what laws to follow.
I hate my state because of this woman. She continues to do retarded things, but not only retarded things but IMPEACHABLE offenses. No one I know cares, because no one watches the news. Even the Eugene Hippies/Hipsters don't seem to care and the ones that do are simpily "She's a liberal and we all know how liberals are *harr harr* *quote "Love Me, I'm a Liberal" by Phil Oches*"
The only outspoken person I can find against her is the conservative boomer Lars Larson (whom I disagree with enough to not like him anymore). This woman needs to be imprisoned. Lest we forget how she ran her re-election campaign on a proposition she made while she was ain interum which would have been a giant tax hike (it was voted out) and then vowed to break her oath of office by saying if any person was sentanced to the death penelty she would personally pardon them of all crimes. OH, almost forgot about the SIX MILLION DOLLARS that went missing. And the ODOT fiasco of 2016. Remember that? Jesus christ, the audacity of this Jew.
ashkenazi jew
t. classifier
Don't feel too bad, Oregonanon. I can't think of a single good governor right now.
Then she should be arrested.
But she won't be.
And that's the fucking problem here.
I hate when I see comments like this.
This is the problem with the right-wing in general - when the left spits in your eye, instead of doing anything about it, so often you try to pretend "ah, its not big deal, pussy lefitsts!", when, in reality, it is a big fucking deal.
Does ANYONE 'need' Oregon, in any capacity?
Fuck. No.
Its not about whether or not we 'need' Oregon's aid - the point is that libshit faggotry in the administration of that state is spitting in the eye of the Conservative-elected president.
And instead of being fucking viciously angry about it, Conservative Americans are prone to pretending its not big deal, as though trying to save face, behaving like god damned niggers.
Its disgusting.
Stop it.
its dangerous to send people, they might die of dysentry on the way or their wagons might drown.
Always kill a traitor before an enemy, Mr. President.
doesn't matter, if he applied title 32 specifically to get what the other user said, the context doesn't matter, just the trickles of news, it's like fishing.
If for some weird reason Trump really wants Oregon to send troops he could federalize it, but he doesn't need to. Plenty of other states to send troops. The only border state that might not send National Guard would be California, all the others have Republican governors (New Mexico's is Hispanic but this article says she will too: santafenewmexican.com
She wants to protect illegals committing crimes in Oregon as well.
I think exploding is far more nigger-like than shrugging like a retard at everything. I'd hate to sound 4d but refer yourself to these posts; >>11450665
Trump might be an utter cuck for Israel but there's one thing he did say on his campaign trail that really stuck with me, and it's that he'd make sure nobody would know what he was doing, I assume that means for his fans too. It's not about turning a blind eye, Americans have the memory of a goldfish and if the other user's were right he's deliberately trying to let little instances like this trickle in and subconsciously skew people's perspective on these mischievous and subversive elements with the same practice they've been trying to project onto the general masses for decades.
Oh, and more Oregon facts.
Its not, at all. When someone does something to insult you, NOT getting angry and trying to brush it off as its nothing is the niggardly response, attempting to save face rather than doing anything about it.
And its become the go-to move on behalf of White Americans of a conservative bent whenever these faggots thumb their crooked noses at you.
Then don't.
I told you NOT to.
Seriously though, that's fucking retarded. There are myriad instances on record of the US president calling out the National Guard of a state wherein that state's government wasn't necesssarily supportive of that move.
You just have to have the balls to say "No, fuck you", but we haven't had a president of a conservative/right-wing bent able/willing to do that in decades, which is why these verminous faggots are so willing to say "Fuck you" to begin with, without any real response on our behalf.
Making them look 'unpatriotic'? Nigger, they've got fucking Lenin statues and shit out there, they don't give a single fuck what the rest of the nation thinks of them, aside from the West and East coast.
4d af faggot.
It is though.
This is so retarded as narratives go.
This isn't strategy. Its not some grand plan to save the White race and the US.
Its just Trump being a right-wing Republicuck president who doesn't want to put the boot in and set things to rights, probably because, like most modern politicians, he's an owned man.
If you want to indulge in your fantasies on your own time, that's on you, but don't piss on my leg and tell me its raining; and don't try to pretend its not about turning a blind eye when a lower-ranking executive figure outright refuses a presidential order in a symbollic gesture of refusal like this, because that's EXACTLY what it fucking is, and I'm tired of it.
Jerry Brown isn’t sending troops either
Plenty of other states who will.
Not to nitpick, but that's convictions. Got any data on arrests?
I saved that from some crime statistics website. Don't remember which one, or if they had convictions and arrests or just convictions. Some web searching on crime statistic websites with racial breakdowns might be productive but I don't have the time/energy for that today.
pretty sure trump can federalize the national guard and relieve her of duty
Would be funny if she got killed by some of her pet niggers.
He probably prefers boys. They often hook up with "bisexual" women (read: disloyal dykes).
Then she'll be arrested.
how difficult is it to citizen's arrest someone for such a glaring display of negligence and open insubordination? can LEO's interfere in the process of a legitimate citizen's arrest?
Oh fuck I forgot about cuckservative backstabbing ziocuck. Seriously, when I tried out conservative talk radio just to see what conservatives listen to, this cuck would not stop glorifying Israel. He must say, "When I took a trip to Israel…" at least 2-3 a single radio session.
Cuckservative sellouts like him could gargle on rabbi dick an entire radio program and sound exactly the same as when they normally talk. That's how much they cuck for Israel.
Is there seriously no due process for putting these kikes and kike servants in jail for intentionally ignoring the laws they are supposed to follow as laid out by their job? It's almost like these government systems were designed to function under the pretense that white men would uphold it and they had an unwritten expectation to honor it. The honor system is exclusive to white men.
Not going to archive this shit for whoever wants to bitch about data mining. The headline is the jist of it, anyway.
The only state where what?
I'm trying to find an update, here is an article from last May:
And this seems to be the amendment proposal:
Although I can't seem to find anything about it passing or failing.
This. Oregon is part of the Unholy Alliance of Washington and California. You don't need to make them look unpatriotic or treasonous. The governments just flat are and always will be. To give you an idea Steve Jobs in the 70's or 80's fled to Oregon for awhile because California had lost its hippy faggotry spirit back then.
You're better off nuclear holocausting the entire left coast there isn't a single area worth saving.
Trump should bypass these guillotine bait governors and form a people's guard. There are plenty who live near the border who are already experienced with the brown scourge.
Could do that, but he's going to get natgee support from most states anyway. Oregon and California being gay isn't going to stop the operation.
1. The world is looking at you, America.
2. Realize that this is a soft civil war.
3. You are unprepared to fight it, because you prefer escapism in DOTR fantasies.
4. So you are going to fight a war on the enemy's conditions, on the enemey's favorite ground.
5. You can still make it if you put your weight into it.
6. The greatest threat is to take refuge into escapism and refusing to fight.
7. There won't be another chance, this incident has been planned to go down in history.
From this map you can see that liberal boomers want to retire an easy day's drive from Portland.
welp, there ya go.
Not giving you a (you)
I believe California actually said they would be willing to comply, which is shocking.
She came into office at first because the previous Governor helped Oracle steal a couple hundred million from the state in exchange for a non-working Obamacare exchange web site.
What are you doing about it? I'm guessing nothing whatsoever. I'm guessing you're the kind of enormous faggot who bitches at others while doing nothing himself. You're as useless as Oregon.
If Americans don't give a fuck about lifting a finger for their country, I assure you they will learn on their flesh that DOTR is something you make yourself, not something you wait for.
It does not matter whether or not Trump can do it without Oregon. This is a matter of how far the liberals think they can rebel against a duly elected official without any blowback, and they keep escalating their rebellious actions, first from court actions, the declarations of "sanctuary" cities and state, and now this which deals with the control of armed soldiers. He 'needs' to force the issue and federalize the Oregon National Guard in response to this slap in the face to assert the control he should have in this matter as commander-in-chief of the entire armed forces, including the entire National Guard. A weak response or lack of one will lead to more states robbing him of control of their own National Guard and further the collapse, which accelerationists might want, but it should happen with an advantage towards the 'actual' right i.e. the common people stuck in all this, not the traitorous left, the kikes, and their tools.
There's definitely the scent of blood in the air either way as things are finally seeming to come to a head, both here and between us and the beaner invaders and their masters.
That's a very outdated view of Oregon, now they're much more at risk of succumbing to the ravages of AIDS.
Until he places the US into martial law;
civil war when?
they're going to lose federal aid, they're desperate to end increasing debt.
That's a sign of autism.
no thanks fbi
Why is the pacific northwest full of liberal faggots? You would think it would be the opposite, with all the fishermen and lumberjacks.
Also, is Idaho going to become like Washington, Oregon?
Kikes, faggots and their subhuman pets flood all the major cities, some more than others (and of course the coasts, like when the kikes flooded into NYC via Ellis Island and settled in to accomplish their usual kike shit, making that city one of their biggest hives).
Ok then, do nothing and keep playing pretend.
Y-yeah join my anti-antifa group of larping feds! See you on Discord fellow white person!
I fail to see how that explains it away.
No it makes it worse.
Realistically what would happen if all non-suicidal whites fled the cities? all of them
It's been happening for years and has greatly accelerated over the last decade. It's called white flight and it leaves a desolation. See Detroit.
Didn't mean to sage.
The only thing soft is your micropenis.
You're literally retarded. They want us on mainstream social media where they can enforce (((bans))).
Funny story: I looked into buying one of those war zone homes in Detroit. They were selling for like $500 but they also wanted you to be liable for (((back taxes))). No thanks.
Know your enemy faggot.
This irrelevant hipster state is home to (((Intel))) and offices of many other international ~surveillance~(((tech))) companies, and a branch of Union Bank of Switzerland for reasons. It's also home to ~50k kikes and being the 33rd state is a favorite vacation spot for jewluminati tier pedos.
It's almost 50/50 red/blue but they have all the money, and (((corporate backing))). Idaho is next. (((They))) have been sneaking in dreamers and rapefugees since 2011.
That face. Do you suppose Kate Brown is part Cherokee?
Judea for the Jews
Ireland for the Irish
Lesbos for the Lesbians
Nah, the Irish get everything south of Scotland and west of Russia.
your post simultaneously brightened my day and darkened my door
Even if they technically couldn't rest assured that they would. Govs and shit all have armed state guards at all times and wouldn't hesitate to firebib on anyone. Anyone. Fuck them.
When one plans a citizens arrest make sure you have the force to back it up. Art of war it out to infinite random what ifs
Whatever faggot, please write me more multi paragraph posts on your nuanced political strategy of loudly screaming "Fuck you!" every time some mayor does something shifty in a blue state.
What fantasy? Our enemy is assiduous, and as shown by our forebears, not easily defeated trough emotion, anger, and raw agression. We're being realistic when we say the best way to deal with these cunt is to wait a while. The bitch will sweat, and if she really puts up a fight she can be literally ordered out of office. How is this a problem from a strategic perspective?
You have every right to be angry; but it won't help "conservatives" win. Yes we should punish leftists who refused to follow orders from God Emperor Trump; but a parent who relishes their emotional release as they punish creates a vindictive, not submissive child. Anger will eat you up one day user, then how will you resist?
Well what do you expect, most of the people on here are either autistic or still in high school. I just read this thread: 8ch.net
I don't know what to think anymore. The majority of people on here are completely retarded and can't even read.
Back taxes at the pre-fall of Detroit assessed value no doubt.
So I have to play Devil's Advocate:
So how easy would it be to instate martial law if the Nat Guard gets federalized? seems like it could be some 666deep chess kikery going on here
instate martial law where? in oregon?
The Net Guard isn't already federalized?
FEDERALized, as in the whole country. lol. it could start at the border and then move to the sanctuary cities. Maybe the other cities next, then the countryside. total takeover?
I don't believe Oregon has an entirely state run militia like Texas does in the form of the Texas State Guard. The Texas State Guard is unique in that they are unpaid volunteers who ONLY answer to the Governor. If Trump wanted to he could just federalize the National Guard and tell this cunt to fuck off.
Appeasement be damned.
Well within range of a well placed MIRV cluster. Pic related.
I'd normally agree but with everything else coming together I feel this is (((their))) way of countering any future form of States Rights or rights of rebellion when WE need it which I think is this next election cycle.
Don't forget the national guard are mostly cuckservative citizens that just wanted college gibs. They take the no step on snek meme seriously and would side with their communities over the Feds tbh.
is that per 100,000 people in the overall population or per 100,000 people of that race within the population?
IE is that saying 200 per 100,000 blacks (0.2% of blacks) has felony meth possession, or that 0.2% of 100,000 Oregonians is a black meth convict? If 10% of the population was black, this would be 2% of blacks, for example. This is important to know and your chart does not clarify.
The government will never collect taxes on these properties again. If you owed $50k, would you pay $10k against it knowing you could still have your house confiscated over the remainder? The government would make more by seizing the property, clearing the taxes, and selling them for as much as the market will bear. But they won't do that because it'd mean taking property away from darkies.
Fuck off leddit.
Do something about it. pic unrelated
If that was how Seattle saw Eastern WA Seattle would be apologizing to Eastern WA for being racist.
Good thing we have up to around 47 other states who will gladly take the mission lol. Pointless virtue signaling.
There isn't really any more to it user.
When some mayor - a servant of the enemy - does something shifty in a blue state - like spitting in the eye of a conservative president trying to defend the US from Southern-border invasion - you SHOULD be fucking angry about it, because that's how things get done.
If you try to brush it off as 'haha, stupid lefties! n-no b-big d-d-d-deal!" you're behaving like a dumb cuckolded nigger.
This one.
That's a fantasy.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
You are such a fucking cowardly faggot.
Nothing about what I said was vague, nothing about it was demoralizing unless you're a redditor cuck, absolutely none of it was bullshit, and it has nothing to do with being 'as angry as me' - it has to do with BEING ANGRY AT ALL instead of pretending its no big deal, trying to laugh it off, trying to save face when slighted by an enemy. The original post I responded to was the conceptual equivalent of your wife telling you she fucked a nigger and you respond "Haha, stupid niggers, didn't know she was on the pill!".
Yes, actually, it will.
When men get angry, they tend to kill their enemies.
And when men kill their enemies, those men win.
That's how it works, reddit.
kek Trump's doing a tally count which ones are to be voted out in midterms or severely weakened as a whole.