Amazon Bans Thousands of Accounts

Amazon has banned thousands of accounts with zero warning, causing panic attacks from lemmings everywhere. Banned accounts are unable to shop, and unable to access digital purchases, ebooks, movies, etc. Fire, kindle, and echo devices also go offline. Banned users attempt to login, and are rejected with claims that their accounts no longer exist.

Amazon has been tight lipped, but the butthurt has spawned its own hashtag on twitter #amazonclosed. Amazon is sending generic copypaste emails out now accusing some of the customers of writing paid reviews. Amazon support in India bounces customers back and forth between apartments, and tells them to wait on calls and emails that never come. The butthurt on this one is massive.

Reminder never to purchase digital goods. Amazon eservices are no different than steam purchases, they can cancel your account at any time for any reason, and your library is gone.
CNBC has extracted a statement (in the video) from Amazon, Amazon claims the entire event doesn't exist and the reports on social media are coming from "Bad Actors" russians

Groups coming together on facejew claim to be organizing class action lawsuits.

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Other urls found in this thread:

some news organizations attempted to report on this days ago, but have since retracted and deleted their stories, likely under threat from amazon, fox news is one of them. Businessinsider finally published something about it today

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Meh. I hate the subsidized slave labor enabler as much as the rest of what's left of the white race but I'm sure ebay does the same thing often.

begone kike, he is our swollen saviour

The Trump Curse strikes again

i don't think it's been done on this scale before. and there was recent change of their terms of service prohibiting paid reviews, many people were doing it. it seems like what happened here is amazon flagged all these people with an algorithm and then mass banned, lemmings were caught off guard.

a lot of people bitching on twitter claim they've never reviewed though, so who knows amazon isn't saying shit hoping this goes away. i forgot to mention gift card balances are also forfeit when your account gets banned, as are any outstanding balances in amazon payments, which mainly applies to sellers on amazon and mturk workers, if you have money in there, it's forefeit too.

amazon has terrible support, and 100% of it comes from india, most of the lemmings eating bezo's shit up constantly don't realize it though, until now, when they get the runaround from razeesh and pajeet 10 times a day desperately trying to get their kindle's and echo's working again.

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How much you wanna bet most, if not all these banned accounts belonged to Trump supporters?

might be a little hard to base that off nothing but reviews and purchases, wouldn't suprise me at all though.

also if the account is banned, all of your accounts under that name are banned, for all services, including AWS. AWS hosts half of the worlds servers. A lot of small time websites likely went down also as a result of this ban.

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