I work in a million person city (Charlotte N.C.).
Last year a black felon was shot by a black police officer because the black felon refused to drop his handgun while he was in the process of getting high out of his mind waiting to pick his kid up off the school bus. This occurred under a black police chief under a majority black liberal controlled city council.
The national guard had to be called in to stop the looting, rioting, arson and blacks from violently openly attacking whites right in the middle of downtown in the hispter liberal area. The blacks marched into the middle of the interstate and shut down traffic half way into South Carolina, hijacked a tractor trailer and burned it right in the middle of the interstate. They put the entire city under undocumented "marshal law". The totally incompetent Jewish female mayor tried to blame the police for everything.
Then a black protestor was shot in the head and executed by a black rioter who was shooting his gun sideways right in front of fucking city hall in front of dozens of cops and the national press. A communist hatchet wound tried to provide him with medical aid, and the niggers violently attacked her lol. Pure insanity. Pure nigger fucking insanity.
I make sure to pack a small bit of firepower with me during my commute to and from work. I carry a 9mm arm braced PDW and no less than 300 rounds of ammo with me in my vehicle. I would take my AR pistol but my loadout is for a get-home-bag. I might have to ditch my car and walk home on foot roughly 30 miles trhough groid infested territory to make it to the woods my house in. I am trying to go lightweight and a 9mm PDW is way lighter than my 5.56 pistol. I carry a gas mask and goggles, some duct tape, flashlight, and good running/waling shoes and water and water filtration. Not much else besides a few thises and thats.
I don't mind the lone single black person, but niggers are not black people, and when they get into large groups, the nigg animals instinct takes over and they go feral. 400 years of whipping and beating still hasn't tamed the savage groid. It took thousandsof years for wolves.
If you are not preparing for the nogs to chimp out at the drop of a hat, over any perceived slight or injustice, then you deserve to be culturally enriched and diversified.
They are completely unpredictable.
I cannot avoid the groid, but I can stay as heavily armed as possible to defend myself from them. No libshit will ever get my guns from me. I would publicly rape their corpses if they tried to ban guns in this state.
Also a gas station clerk was shot and killed less than a mile from where I work recently. By a groid of course.
Stay heavily armed. Buy as many guns, ammunition and magazines as you can. Put them on Jewish credit if you have to. Stay heavily, heavily armed. If shit begins, you want to be prepared.
Something could happen to cause a national riot to occur, for massive unrest and rioting looting. Be ready. Stay armed. Stay prepared. get some training. Practice.
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