Post your fantasy civil war timeline below:
2020 Trump reelected
2021 California secedes/Fed declares war
2022 New York, Washington St. and California MOABed
2023 ground invasion of Mexico
2023 ground invasion of Canada
2024 Trump reelected!
Post your fantasy civil war timeline below:
2020 Trump reelected
2021 California secedes/Fed declares war
2022 New York, Washington St. and California MOABed
2023 ground invasion of Mexico
2023 ground invasion of Canada
2024 Trump reelected!
Other urls found in this thread:
How is it a civil war if we're invading other countries? That doesn't make sense.
That was a good read.
Left spergs out. Gets punched in the face. Goes home. Civil war over.
Post the one about Tom. He was a real hero.
always the first post
What would an all out ground conflict look like in some thing the size of LA. I mean the true size of LA, From venice to irvine and all the way east to riverside. It's all city block. Bladerunner 2049 flight into LA is accurate.
2 for 1 special
I've been having a lot of hyperrealistic dreams lately which rarely happens to me and they often come true, sometimes minutes after awaking, sometimes months later and they've all involved unarmed street riots (and everybody here has funs, even my grandma). I personally don't know how to feel about it, as it could just be my subconscious working in overdrive, but it may actually be deja vecu, and if it is the latter, shit is going to get very real, very quickly.
Yeah, it's pretty much NYC, LA, Seattle, the cities themselves.
I'm pretty sure those cities were "taken" by liberals in a soft civil war/coup attempt.
When did the demographics of Washington DC change? They've done it there, as well.
Picked the wrong career.
I'll take Kek and our merry little band of quantum memetic butterfly warriors over any dod shit ever
It would be nice to be paid to shitpost here all day. I would just feed the (((feds))) falsified information and have fun with it.
fuck one for on topic.
you kikes are absolutely delirious, youll all be gassed and the big orange jew long past senile
The makings of a novel, here.
The caravan has already dispersed and been given visas by Mexico. The organizers told them that the Nuclear Option Trump tweeted about was the option to nuke them. With a bomb. I'm not joking.
Dispersing means nothing. They are still northbound, and dispersing means that they aim to pierce the border at many points rather than concentrated at a single point. They are all still invading parasites and need to be purged like the rest of their kin.
man i would give my soul to see that
Pic related
Exactly this. They have distributed now. Border interdiction, no matter how well manned, will miss a few of these savages. That's what pisses me off and why we need a fucking wall.
This pleases me.
I've been trying to make a somewhat realistic timeline of what could happen:
You have to drop part 2 of this
Nice, and plausible escalation.
Absolutely terrifying, this better not be how it plays out.
If whites don’t manage to push back the brown tide and a Democrat becomes president, I could see all this happening.
based Tom
but is Israel still intact?
in this scenario, a war in the middle East would be largely conventional, and by this time, much of the Jewish population would be getting on the older side thanks to horrendously low birth rates, and with no US to save Israel, bye bye Israel. the sampson option would likely only help European Nationalists since nuking London would only kill mostly Muslims and would make Jews hated around the world once more.
So what becomes of the kiddie fuckers & masons in the upper echelons of society, do they finally get cleansed out?
So what becomes of South Africa?
You mean the ones outlined in >>11452890 ?
The comfortable and well-entrenched (for peacetime - motion detectors, cameras, police) ones of Europe, especially the UK, will be butchered by their brown-skinned pets for their TV sets within a week.
Zimbabwe, until a bunch of Whites do what needs to be done and make sure that future generations understand that browns should not be trusted.
Hitler was able to take power without breaking a single window. I would much rather our country free itself from its abusers, and our hostilities be reconciled than to engage in a war that kills millions, erupts the world into chaos, and has an uncertain outcome. Violence should only be used against Americans when necessary. No more brother wars.
the South African Civil War would see a volkstaat established in South Africa
i dont want another brotherwar ether but getting a hitler these days is completely impossible.
with the msm, leftist academia and fucking antifa any politician even close to being fashist would be liabled to no end if that dosent work then outright murderd.
it was a miracle that we got trump but the powers to be wont let that happen twice and sure as shit not with one of /ourguys/.
absolute best we can hope for at this point is that trump will fuck there plans to such an extend that (((they))) show there hands prematurely which wakes up the military leadership that remains unpozed, who then march into washington to put the traitors aganst the wall and start emergency elections.
absolute best we can hope for is that one or two of the generals still have a bit of patton still in them.
other then that the us will look like bosnia by the mid 30's.
and my home europe is even worse off.
at best the v4, austria italy and hopefully finnland will come together in a mutual defence packt that puts our militarys together to first tightly secure our borders and later repell an assault from the soon to come eu army.
western europe is already burning, at this point the only question is if they can take middle and eastern europe with them.
America is already balkanized, racially, to some extent, and this means America has problems the Weimar Republic did not have.
Civil unrest is held back to a large extent by taxing mostly white people (and some Asians), and giving to black and brown. It's a kind of ransom. If civil unrest were to ever boil over, the most likely conflict would occur between races, not among them.
If a race war were to ever break out, white Jews might be ok living as a minority in a mostly black and brown coastal municipality, but I doubt there would be as many whites as you see in those places today. Just take a look at a demographic map of any major city.
You might see many whites fighting alongside minorities, just as was seen in BLM marches, but you would also see their status in these movements lowered, and they would be forced to externalize their racial consciousness.
The real problem is nuclear power. Nuclear power is the greatest deterrent to an attack, and this is why in many of these future war scenarios, nuclear means essentially represents sovereignty.
With that in mind, think of how the press was referring to Donald Trump having the nuclear codes. We never heard about what danger it might be for Hilary Clinton to have the nuclear codes. But, when you think about what it means to control nuclear weapons, and how that in turn sends a message to all opponents, foreign and domestic, what future dystopia did we avoid with Trump as opposed to Hilary? This nation would be no country for white men.
If a minority is voted in as president in 2020, antifa might look like a joke. That's just my guess, not my plan. White racial consciousness has been triggered, not by AltR but by minorities who think they've taken over many areas in society, including some cities like LA. In truth, those areas were infiltrated by anti white bolsheviks, who then activated minorities, used obama's consent decrees to prevent common-sense policing, and anti-poz shaming to attack whites. Jews allowed and promoted this, but never counted on Europeans overcoming their holocaust-programming in which they always see themselves as potentially more evil than Jews.
If a race war were to ever break out, white Jews might be ok living in Potomac, Maryland and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
I suppose so. Isn't it odd that Jews, allegedly, a middle eastern derived stock, want to live in such cold places as Iceland?
All we would need to set things aright, would be to plunge back into the days before electricity. Whites would live in the north, blacks and browns in the south, Jews–in Potomac, Maryland and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania!
doubtful, the niggers cant differentiate between white and jid, and if a gang if angry niggers hears that a bunsh of "crackus" lives just a mile away from them in really nice houses with just 2 guards, then the niggers will storm the place for no other reason then loot.
same exact shit happend in rhodesia and south africa, niggers neather see nor care about the nose, just the loot.
quoting me a little out of context, but raising another interesting question.
Jews are pretty much eternally racially conscious. They always and everywhere have some kind of escape or defense plan for situations like these. Blacks might get a few of them, an old-fashioned program, but by the craziest low-iq black people. And then Jews would take their precious metals, and poop-diamonds, cry to some more powerful race begging them to let them in, and get the fuck out of there.
I'm sure, they would at first try to lead the blacks and browns, MLK style.
You would have said the same in Weimar, you spineless faggot.
Just openly and strongly back whoever is at the fashmost point in the Overton window. E.g., ethno.nationalists in Israel's Best Ally, AfD if tears are your energy drink, UKIP if your mayor is muslim, etc.
No, they'd all die off.
It would make for an interesting chapter in this worst case scenario.
well we will se what the fucking jids will do.
im more interresstet what the mexicans will do, niggers and mestizos hate each other even more then they hate us, in racewar conditions they might kill each other even more then us.
you redardet faggot, 30's waimar was a compleatly different beast then the modern west.
back in the day the only (((news))) people got was from papers they had to buy and most people were starving from the hyper inflation.
so hitler and göbbels were able to convince people with the beerhall thing untill he had critial numbers to be a poliical player.
now try that these days with fucking everyone being bombardet with propaganda 24/7 that tows the jids line.
fucks sake in the 90's we had a moderatly right wing politician here in austria that as soon as he was able to run for parlament the media annihilated him.
From CofC
thanks for the citation
Do you know why bullshit like that happens? Because we don't keep pushing. Slander needs to be countered.
That shit is only of consequence if you let it be. They show outrage, and you show outrage at their insulting meddling. They protest, you counter-protest. The media talks shit about your protest, you make an even bigger protest.
If there was a second C.ville, slander wouldn't work, because it was worn out. And people would know americans aren't joking around. then again, faggot alt-kikes would need to be kept at bay, because C.ville was probably an intentional fuck-up.
I agree that there needs to be IRL activity against marxists. They need to be forced to reckon with the fact that there are large numbers of people willing to show a force in numbers against them. optics/boptics. It's equally optically bad never to organize and protest.
C'ville was an interesting test-case. I wouldn't do C'ville 3.0, instead I think a rally against illegal immigration/human trafficking would be far more effective.
Shame works with whites, you have to shame our brothers and sisters back to their own side.
Shaming them for monuments they're already ashamed of (not of their own doing, of course) will only provoke their own sense of righteousness, and that is what Jews are counting on.
In a sense, we have proxy optics with Trump sending NG to the border. I guarantee that if he hadn't, minute-men all over would have gone, and the optics would have been phenomenal.
We need that phenomenally good optics moment, it'll just have to wait until next time. It may not be long. I think an organized protest against human-trafficking/modern slavery/illegal immigration would get many right of center out in the streets.
you just made my point for me dumpass.
>(((unruly elements))) start a charlotsville
at this point there are 2 options
>more (((incidents))) happen that combined with more msm slander turnes public oppinion which lessens the number of protesters untill the remaining /ourguys/ are labled a domestic terror group and wacod.
just remember what happened to george lincoln rockwell and he never got as big as we are now.
Volta para o 55 Chan, filha da puta.
The following circumstances would be conducive to "UTR" under illegal immigration/modern slavery/human trafficking:
Honestly, we should be getting paid for this shit.
In order to organize such protests so quickly:
Meme this:
no optics is also bad optics
no optics heisst auch bad optics
you mean "keine optik ist schlechte optik"
if you want to write german do it properly faggot
google translate is shit so just fucking ask.
The Storm begins tonight at 6pm eastern.
We are going to take back our country and we are going to do it utilizing the truth. Our goal is to mass redpill the masses on an unprecedented scale. Every person on the planet needs to wake up to the sickening things going on inside our country. We have to outreach the redpill to everyone utilizing every method and tactic at our disposal.
Arm yourselves with redpill ammunition here.
We have strength in numbers, but we need to harness our chaos.
Tonight’s the best time since we have the element of surprise and the shill rats will be away for the weekend.
We have to split our ourselves into 4 core teams broken down into 5 roles with the 6th role entirely being optional.
Each team will have a different focus
Team 1 – Exposing the Democratic Party's ties to Pizzagate to destroy the Deepstate
Team 2- #metooJr and exposing Dan Schnieder to collapse Viacom and Pedowood
Team 3- Redpills, the lies of the Jews and the JQ to collapse the (((msm)))
Team 4- Anti-shill team + amassing soldier’s.
Now these 4 core teams will be broken down into 5 roles, with the 6th role entirely being optional.
1)Twitter vandalism
2)Facebook vandalism
3)mass chain text redpills to everyone you know
4)Instagram vandalism
5)fueling redpills on the Chan’s/ directing. Coordinating tactics
6)shitposting irl
*If we need to go out there and post pictures of pizzagate then so be it. Go apeshit. Go ballistic. Vandalize everyone, everywhere and everything with the truth.
If you want to make it easier on you text message this thread to everyone you know. Anonymously or not. And tell them to text message this thread to everyone they know. And it will run as a chain letter of continuation. **Or create your own thread retrofitting the redpills the way you like and deem most effective to then mass chain text.
* We need to rally support on all of 8ch, Voat, 4chan, and everyone and anyone we can think off. Twitch, Reddit. YouTube, Twitter, everywhere we can think off
*best way to coordinate ourselves is through the Chan’s , Voat and Discord
*Ignore any opposition
We need to rally 10,000 of us we to begin, and this is just the start. The more we keep at it, the more people will join us making our efforts even easier. 2500 per team, 500 for each role. By Monday morning, Viacom, the MSM, The Democratic Party, Pedowood and Israel’s influence on the world will be destroyed.
Shadilay my brothers, and Deus Vult +++
mein Deutsch is aber so-so. Ich habe in Deutschland für elf jähre gewohnt, und danke ihnen für ihre helfe.
these organizations should be Christian at their core, this will help prevent their being co-opted by Jews, at least for a little while.
In before "hurr u fbi for say do thing"
In before "hurr u blackpill for say no one ever do thing"
Trump org names:
#herToo (or whatever it's called) could ally with 120DB
ebin thread, the_zogald!
You mean Christianity not (((christianity))) of course.
lol christcuck ameri-mütts
lol reported for paid shill
Cry harder, faggot
If the U.S. didn't have nuclear weapons, Marxists would have started a very bloody revolution right after world war II. I bet there's some proof of this out there.
I would suggest the John Titor collection for the interested in American civil war tales.
"These crony politicians are so corrupt, that they not only refuse to recognize the will of republican voters, but they also rigged the votes"
July 30th 2022: Nato officially recognizes the union as the official government of the United States
I'm out of energy to finish this. I'm not even half way through I'm sure. Someone else should have a go at it.
Good reading, quite realistic and specific, too.
2020 ZOG collects guns
2021 Ointment sales skyrocket while americans treat their collective butthurt
2018: The Left continues to wage a cold war on White America through their control of finance, banking, media, and silicon valley. They push too far.
2019: A small fringe element of the Right begin hunting key elements of the Left. Taking out top the brains, money, and Jews who run things. Cutting the head off the snake. In disarray the middle men villify these noble hunters. The leaders of the Alt-Right distance themselves. The public love them.
2020: No longer satisfied simple shooting kikes at a distance of say 300-500 yards with bolt action rifles they begin abducting the families of these leftists for ransom. They use the ransom money to fund propaganda and to donate to charities. This only strengthens their appeal to the masses. This culimnates with the abduction of the Soros heirs. After the ransom is paid the the children have their throats cut on live streams seen worldwide.
2020: All efforts by the Left to push a narrative or crush rebellion only make things worse. Exposing their power and lies. Hunted by sport the ultra rich flee the United States. Their crony politicians hide in their armored mansions guarded 24/7. The illegals begin repatriating en masse. With the top echelon decimated and their base making a run for the border Trump is re-elected.
2021: The rebellion has grown to begin the next phase. They begin pamphleting major US cities that are Leftists strongholds. The pamphlets are warnings to all Whites of good character to flee these cities immediately. The rebellion begins targeting the infrastructure of these cities. Already strained, these cities fall into chaos within days. Trump orders the National Guard to enter these cities and take control. Troops march into places like San Francisco, Chicago, and New York. Politicians are frogmarched into camps. Rioters and looters are gunned down. In a single month over a million blacks are killed in the chaos.
2022: Following the lead from these urban centers "fly over" America pushes further right. True nationalists gain a majority in congress. New pro-America policies such as deporting all non-whites are enacted. Trump, spurred on by his base, complies with these orders. Blacks are shipped to Liberia. Hispanics to Venezuela. Jews to Hell. America has purity. Rebuilding can begin.
2023: The War is won. We train our future generations to be vigilant against the Jew menace.
Yeah and they'd be denounced as CIA mossad FBI agents doing a psyop by most people here.
Not with the kikes in complete control of the media. If the alt-right wants nothing to do with them, then no one would be producing any propaganda online and thus the kikes would have 100% monopoly on talking about these "terrorists"
They'd just make up lies about them if need be and the public would start gung ho-ing about "taking out these anti-American terrorists"
Oh so it's an organization eh? 100% chance most people here would say it's controlled by the CIA and shill against it.
Not bloody likely. I wish it were so, but until and unless the welfare checks stop coming, the spics will sit right here on our land taking our money.
Trump saves the day.
That whore isn't getting anywhere near the oval office.
Why is this LARP shit still up?
You're mentally ill. You know nothing about how jews OR Americans think or behave.
Col. David Hogg, now with nationalist forces after seeing how badly he was manipulated by (((M4OW))), becomes a war hero after the successful Push to the Sea.
Newfoundland leaves confederation in 2020, massive cod fishing and oil makes up most of their GDP.
Because it's fun, Q. You don't have the monopoly on war gaming.
That was a hellava drug.
No, they would only try to leave if the rest of the country is lost to them and it looks like they are next.
2022 legislatives sees numerous anti-Establishement candidates coming to power. A wide coalition of activist movements relentlessely fight Cultural-Marxism and Conservatism Inc. "Overtone window" is steadily shifting.
2023. Teaching cultural-marxism is made illegal in "nationalist" states. Trump have much more of a free hand than ever before to make America Great Again.
With judges put out of the way, it becomes clear that California will have no recourse and to "save Democracy", leaves the Union and other states prompty joins, forming a pact with Canada.
Large-scale population movements encouraged by mass arrests and steady preparations for a confrontation and hardship.
2024. Trump re-elected due to the crisis.
2025. Beginning of the second civil war despite the threat of nuclear warfare, turning to Union advantage but there are still a lot of enemies to kill and cities to fully occupy.
2026. Most of the remaining major cities have fallen, most Feds flees to Canada, which becoems their last base of operations. Cucks and most "minorities" are not elligible to vote.
2027. Victorious in the US. the attack on Canada begins, cutting the east from the rest while the US navy blockades the Canadian coast, subduing eastern Canada with hunger.
2028. Australia, Japan and New Zealand surrenders to America reborn. With Canada crushed, the US navy strikes at the British isles, resistance collapses quickly.
Eastern Europe sides with the US, isolating western Europe.
2029. West european regimes are increasingly demoralized as US forces are gathering in Poland and Austria.
"The US will never nuke its own"
(((They))) would not hesitate for a second if that meant keeping power.
Who would send an expedition force against the US gov, that might retaliate with more nukes? No North American version of Assad's Syria.
On the other hand, narcos and the Mex federal gov would side with the CIA, thought the latter would face a collapsing economy.
"CNN would report every rebel killed as civilian"
Really? More like CNN itself would be a propaganda target for resistance groups.
Biggest flaw is what is left out, Feds and their loyalists would still have unified communications, supply lines and coordination, (even if considerably weakened) while rebels groups would not. Establish secure connections ad coordinate actions, make ammunitions and fuel etc.
Once republicans leave the union, most democrats will throw nearly everyone under the bus for their post structuralism. Muslims and illegals first. Theyd happily claim its an act of bipartisianship.
I follow alt history discussion pretty vibrantly, cascadia would easily be the first group of states to declare themselves a nation. I live in cascadia and I can easily say that there are flags in support of it in nearly every other window.
You also didnt even notice the state of jefferson, a wonderful tidbit that I threw in for realism. Fuck a you.
The best timeline involves going back in time and fixing their bullshit.
You're an idiot if you think you understand what you're talking about. The world isn't static. Oh wait, I just realized why. You're really young. Probably not old enough to post here.
That user is probably too young to remember when the dems were all about border control and the republicans were all about amnesty. I thought it was a pretty well thought out timeline.