UK GUNS LAWS TOUGHEST IN THE WORLD - London knife carnage: SIX teenagers are stabbed within 90 minutes of each other tonight in FOUR separate knife attacks across the capital Six teenagers have been stabbed within 90 minutes of each other in a night of knife carnage across London. Four victims are in hospital with serious injuries after four separate attacks broke out in different parts of the city. Police have arrested one youth for attempted murder and taken four more into custody on suspicion of GBH with intent. Pictures show the bloodied aftermath of a stabbing in Mile End, which saw two seriously injured in a brutal attack in broad daylight. Clothes and rubbish have been left strewn across the street as police have cordoned off the Roman Road junction while they carry out their investigation. Tonight's events come as London is amidst a violent crime crisis, with gun and knife attacks at their highest levels since 2010. Fifty-five people have been murdered in the capital since January, with 13 people killed within two weeks last month.
Precisely this: the eternal anglo acts not to better itself, but to pull others down it its level like so many crabs in a bucket. Please Dagda, purify the lands of Arthur.
Ireland is itself being invaded. See Ireland Project 2040 Short version: the current government of Ireland wants to bring over a million blacks and browns to one of the Whitest and most ethnically intact countries left in the world. because (((reasons)))
Never heard that before, but I find it very plausible.
Landon Walker
The sodomite Prince Albert was Jack the Ripper. Yes, the same Prince Albert after whom is named a type of penis piercing. The story goes that Albert had the hole punched in his glans and the piercing therein placed, attached to a chain around his thigh as an anchor, so that his frequent erections would not be visible in public. Albert did not sire any of "his" children, they are Rothschilds, which is how the jews took over the British royal family. Of course, the story about the piercing could have been an early version of: Many FtM trannies have a hatred of women.
She's also a murderer. She's the one that ordered the murder of Jean Charles de Menezes. I think he saw and/or heard something he wasn't supposed to. Like the police working with the terrorist that was in the same block of flats that they claimed to have mistook him for.
Ayden Ramirez
Ban knife youtube channels.
Cameron Morgan
The government has already banned buying knives online unless you go to the shop to collect them. (Making buying them online virtually pointless.)
oi mate. even thinkin' about thought crime is a crime. Off to jail for diversity training.
James Powell
Well UK, your capital is now reverting to Chicago. Enjoy it. Most of the violence won't affect ethnic Brits. Maybe some Poles or Eastern Euros might get caught up in it, but other than that…
Violence always makes things interesting. If you live in London, I'd get out while you can. The worst of the worst live in London, and honestly the city should just be given city-state status.
Carson Stewart
There is some Italian Knife Youtuber who recommends wearing fucking chainmail under your clothes to defend against knife attacks. Removing guns and you basically go back in time in terms of the arms & defense race. What would be the ideal weapon counter in a knife heavy meta, barring the use of guns? Something with greater reach? Pic seems cool.
Metatron is a good guy but getting well made maile that fits well enough to your body to wear comfortably under your clothes is not really viable for most people.
Nathaniel Perez
One of these bad boys, fast, light and if you go for joints a bad fucking time for whoever decided to try and stab you in the gut.
These cunts seriously think that banning guns curbs violence. I don't know if it's malice or ignorance or both? But god damn, the causes of violence in the contemporary Western world is so obvious..
Guy on your pic is Albert Victor and he had no children or "children"
Christopher Thompson
Christ, we've got the same problem if not worse in the United States. The most recent Dallas County Sheriff was a lesbian beaner. Now she's trying to run for governor of Texas.
Reach is king. Going off experience, bicycle chain beats knife but anything with more reach is the correct choice.
Anthony Sanders
It's been both an amazing thing to have happened and also a curse at the same time. While the Revolution was financed by (((Haym Salomon))), it also gave us the kind of civil liberties most in Europe can only dream of. But, we're also the main workhorse engine of international Jewry's tyranny upon humanity.
Caleb Taylor
They have plenty of gun crimes too, pretty much all the guns are illegally smuggled into the country.
Jacob Myers
Yes. That was (((Aaron Kosminski))). Other suspects considered are (((John Pizer))), (((David Cohen))), and (((Joseph Silver))). George Hutchinson, a witness, said that the suspected killer had a "Jewish appearance." I think out of all of them, it was most likely Aaron.
Cameron Collins
Wouldn't surprise me. You often hear this about FBI agents that are caught dead by "friendly fire." I never believe the released story, most likely one of them knows too much and had to be killed for fear of going rogue.
Xavier Williams
Of course this couldn't go into many of the bongistan threads that already exist and another thread has now died for this one, ironic.
This is the bong equivalent of Chicago. It's a nigger-nigger problem
Caleb Wright
John Charles de Menezes wasn't the policeman, he was just a Brazillian guy (at most mestizo, he didn't look like he had any black in him) who was living in the same block of flats as one of the terrorists called Hussain Oman. The official story is that the policeman that was supposed to be watching the terrorist was literally taking a piss when Jean Charles left the building and the policeman supposedly mistook him for the terrorist and contacted other officers to follow him. Jean Charles got on a bus and used his Oyster card, which means the police should have known who he was as they could have checked whose Oyster card was used instantly. Then he went to the underground station and Cressida Dick ordered what was basically a death squad, instead of the officers previously following him, to follow him in the underground and shoot him. They waited until he got on the tube train then grabbed him and held him against his seat, shot him in the head then held him down on the floor and shot him 6 more times in the back of the head and once in the shoulder, but I'm guessing that shot was just a shot that missed his head.
The pic on the left is Jean Charles de Menezes and the pic on the right is Hussain Oman, the terrorist they supposedly mistook him for.
I mean the official story up until he got on the bus but before he used the Oyster card. After that the police lied through their teeth and even claimed all the CCTV in the underground wasn't working so they couldn't get video. Luckily underground workers called out their bullshit and managed to get the video before the police could get hold of it and destroy the evidence. Not that it mattered as all the police involved got off scot-free anyway.
Jaxon Howard
Like last year on 22/3 (322 skull&bone the death number). On Westminster bridge. They said all the cctv was turned off to save money. The only video we got was from a company called "Crisis Solutions" who specialize in creating and running realistic disaster situations for the emergency services to practice. Bong is more jew run than anywhere, with the population completely unaware and highly programmed with "jews dindu nuffin, remember they are always the victim, holohoax, nazis, etc etc" knee jerk reactions. They have a complete iron grip on the government, justice system, media, education. It kind of explains why the US state education has been attacked so hard. It's the only place that could possibly resist international jewry, literally round them up as traitors at gunpoint. A tyrannical semi shadow government. But that would take educated gun owners.
That is not a halberd on the pic, it's a glaive. Just saying.
Jaxon Morgan
I counted 16 stickies last week that no one cared to comment about. It appears either a kike or a christ cuck has taken over the reigns of Zig Forums
we're doomed, lock and load boys and girls it's going to get nasty from here on out and there is no light at the other side
Connor Williams
Sadly the acts of these "youths" will mean laws get drafted that will affect the whole country, especially the average white Brit.
Zachary Thomas
There's an old guy living near me that showed me something that looks a lot like that but with a modification: It's essentially a light hammer made of metal, but it's then covered in a tube of wood (for the handle) and a decorative wooden head. The guy can carry that thing around and everyone thinks it's a wooden cane. But you can hit someone with it, and the metal will do a proper job of crushing bones and skulls alike. The only downside was the need to make a new wooden decorative head everytime it's use (since it breaks with ease) and the fact you couldn't take it to places with metal detectors. But for walking around at night? It was great. I gave it a try once, actually caused someone to jump me because he assumed I was a poofter since I'm not that old that I'd need a cane (nearly 30). The best thing is that when you attempt to strike someone, they'll raise their arms trying to catch it, thinking it's wood, and then you break their arms and fingers. Carefull to not hit the head unless you're actually committed to killing the guy. Please, Scotland Yard, don't arrest me for doing your job, I'll get that cane permit.
gj also yes, kill the scum you want him around to try again? cops are absolutly incapable of finding randoms
Matthew Wright
Unironically a walking stick.
A bigger knife/sword is too committal (and conspicuous). Some chav pulls a knife on you and you pull this , well either one of you runs away or one of you dies. With a walking stick you can give the fellow a good hiding and not have the police bother you, as it's reasonable force in self defence.
kek, the UK's gun laws are tough, but are in no way the toughest in the world. I've known several gun owners. They do need a massive relaxation, though. And home defence absolutely needs to be made into a justification for ownership.
Owen Myers
Oh god the dub is so shit, fuck jewtube.
Jack Young
Alas in bong courts no such thing as reasonable force anymore. The closest thing to reasonable force they permit now is removing your trousers so the criminal has better access to your anus.
Hudson Bailey
True, but you're not likely to end up in court in the first place. Chavs aren't going to go crying to the police for getting beaten up a bit with a stick, especially as they were guilty of threatening you in the first place. They don't go to the police, and the police don't take them seriously if they do complain. Police would only get involved if you killed your attacker and left him lying there as evidence, then they'd have to at least go over the footage from the 150 different cctv cameras that were watching you all the way from your house to the incident location and back.
Leo Harris
leave no evidence
Chase Watson
dem mongolian eyes…
there are tons of brazilian illegals in Ireland and the UK btw. just like Menezes
salaries are lolbad in Brazil so they come to Europe to live like dogs for years while saving some shekels for a decade sometimes with forged stamps
Jackson Jackson
dude got unlucky imo and it's not some grand conspiracy
he lived as an illegal immigrant in a shady sublet next to sandniggers in equally sketchy arrangements
bong ZOG enforcers couldn't really find out who he was in that kind of situation and they just went
Ryder Davis
I have a hard time believing this to be a reliable self defense weapon
you'll need a lot of force to break bones and if someone jumps you from close distance it's too late
also savages tend to roam in packs / gangs and you aren't jackie chan
just carry a pepper spray and a knife and run away if you ever have to use it or do your time
pepper spray is very effective, even mudshits use it these days in Berlin to incapacitate victims because their fellow mudshits carry knifes as well and their fights tend to be ingroup first and foremost whether it's over drug biz or muh imaginary mud honor
Jacob Edwards
Not one of the stabbers was English. I don't need a source, but I am willing to bet good money on this anyway.
Although I also don't know the race of those involved many who were stabbed and those taken into custody have gang affiliations and were already known by the police, many of the stabbings happened in east London which is again, an area known for crime.
So putting this into perspective for Americans, just imagine Harlem in NYC.
Parker Smith
Open hand. Yes, you may be cut, but you can grab their arms and lock up their joints. If you look around, you may find some security/warfare type martial arts in your area. Pocket stones are also a good idea. Get in good range and pitch it to their face.
James Long
Well, I'm just going off the simple fact that England wasn't exactly known as a place where you'd get stabbed in broad daylight before it got flooded with niggers and pakis.
Gabriel Clark
London has unfortunately always been shit and dangerous. Knife wielding gangs have long been a fixture of the city. Though in the past they were more concerned with robbing you rather than stabbing you
Living in a city where there's practically zero chance of being shot but criminals all carry knives, I've seriously considered doing this.
Good mail isn't overly difficult to make, it's just time consuming. My main concerns would be noise/visibility and rust prevention.
This. People have been using walking sticks as an excuse to carry around a decent weapon for centuries. It's just a pity that there's no way to carry a walking stick without looking like a massive faggot unless you're older or obviously disabled.
Easton Thomas
Dress the roll, also a bring back the brigandine as a fashion thing.
Cooper Cox
Who cares? Only a butthurt waste of life would be upset that others earned their Liberty.
Hammers are unwieldy and would not be good against crowds. They are very good generally against armored foes. Lightly armored or unarmored targets don't need that much impact. Now, if you lure your targets into a choke point and are physically strong, that hammer can still be mighty useful.
It all depends on the situation. If you are by yourself (or even if not), it's advisable to use choke points anyway. They are even better in melee. You can use them well against numbers. If huge hordes of enemies come at you, you can literally clog up a doorway, hallway, or whatever with their bodies, much like Thermopylae.
I would NOT disregard firearms either, just because they may be less common. Don't stand in the open. Also, chainmail is fucking heavy and very very niche. I suggest you go out in the field and train with a variety of things to make up your mind better and maybe get yourself certified in killology via military (yes, that is an actual field).
Cane/short staff is actually the hard counter to sword in Japan. It's workable against knives. Middlestaff is a workable counter to sword (just a bit longer is the only difference).
Always leave the area after violence. Also, no one is "Jackie Chan." Murphy's Law #1: "you are not superman."