The Storm begins tonight at 6pm eastern.
We are going to take back our country and we are going to do it utilizing the truth. Our goal is to mass redpill the masses on an unprecedented scale. Every person on the planet needs to wake up to the sickening things going on inside our country. We have to outreach the redpill to everyone utilizing every method and tactic at our disposal.
Arm yourselves with redpill ammunition here.
We have strength in numbers, but we need to harness our chaos.
Tonight’s the best time since we have the element of surprise and the shill rats will be away for the weekend.
We have to split our ourselves into 4 core teams broken down into 5 roles with the 6th role entirely being optional.
Each team will have a different focus
Team 1 – Exposing the Democratic Party's ties to Pizzagate to destroy the Deepstate
Team 2- #metooJr and exposing Dan Schnieder to collapse Viacom and Pedowood
Team 3- Redpills, the lies of the Jews and the JQ to collapse the (((msm)))
Team 4- Anti-shill team + amassing soldier’s.
Now these 4 core teams will be broken down into 5 roles, with the 6th role entirely being optional.
1)Twitter vandalism
2)Facebook vandalism
3)mass chain text redpills to everyone you know
4)Instagram vandalism
5)fueling redpills on the Chan’s/ directing. Coordinating tactics
6)shitposting irl
*If we need to go out there and post pictures of pizzagate then so be it. Go apeshit. Go ballistic. Vandalize everyone, everywhere and everything with the truth.
If you want to make it easier on you text message this thread to everyone you know. Anonymously or not. And tell them to text message this thread to everyone they know. And it will run as a chain letter of continuation. **Or create your own thread retrofitting the redpills the way you like and deem most effective to then mass chain text.
* We need to rally support on all of 8ch, Voat, 4chan, and everyone and anyone we can think off. Twitch, Reddit. YouTube, Twitter, everywhere we can think off
*best way to coordinate ourselves is through the Chan’s , Voat and Discord
*Ignore any opposition
We need to rally 10,000 of us we to begin, and this is just the start. The more we keep at it, the more people will join us making our efforts even easier. 2500 per team, 500 for each role. By Monday morning, Viacom, the MSM, The Democratic Party, Pedowood and Israel’s influence on the world will be destroyed.
Shadilay my brothers, and Deus Vult +++