Orban is the European Union’s second-longest-serving government leader after Germany’s Angela Merkel.
Orban is the European Union’s second-longest-serving government leader after Germany’s Angela Merkel.
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If trips Orban is crowned King of Hungary and Bohemia. If dubs I am. If no get - we all go to Disney Land.
Fuck Neo-Disneyland. Uncle Walt wants out of cryogenic slumber so he can gas the kikes
Orban is probably controlled op tbh.
Hunganon here.
I don't care as long as the niggers are kept out of the country.
No I don't care about his supposed corruption either.
No Jobbik is not our friend, they are bought by the mediajew Simicska.
b-but he isn't literally Hitler!
who cares about stopping shitskins if he isn't simultaneously gassing kikes!
I like orban
Trump should take notes
OK user, explain the hat
Is this translation correct? Why is 'Soros' translated?
Simicska wasn't bad when supported Orban. Supports Jobbik, suddenly becomes a bad jew.
Orban is NOT good. By himself he would have been a good goj, but Fidesz supporters would have become Jobbik supporters (not the current, the old, radical, naming the jews Jobbik) but Orban saw the problem and did what Jobbik said. That's how the strict border control happened.
How do they want to rig the vote if the vote is by the people?
Support from Poland
Don't disappoint everyone!
Also what the hell… Orban is the second-longest-serving? He's only in power since 2014 i think…. So one term, wut.
Anyway time to kick some kikes out of the country
2 terms plus one starting before 2000, so 3rd. If Fidesz wins, it will be the 4th.
How? By renovating synagouges from billions of forints? Doesn't sound too antisemitic for me.
welp better give up then and let the mongrel invasion begin
Jobbik only has itself to blame for their failures. The wanted to have power instead of serving the hungarian people. Protecting the hungarian people wasn't good enough for them, apparently they also wanted to be in power and now they crash and burn.
Also, Orbán learned on a Soros scholarship.
DO you think I give a fuck? Nope. I don't. He supports my interests so he has my vote.
It's either Orbán or liberals.
Fuck liberals.
Dubs for our neighbour's victory!
There's no way he will lose. It wouldn't need Shlomo's typical tricks, but an outright genocide to pull off.
Support to Orban!
Complete agreement user, how karmic. It's a shame really.
Reminder that Soros NGOs are still active in that region.
Absolutely agree. The leaders must hang for driving the party in the shitter.
They practically ruled for the last 8 years and gave up their position. Too bad. And too late to kickstart a new true alternative.
Fun fact:
Jobbik could have slowly defeated FIDESZ through co-operation and through supporting stuff that is a de-facto good for all hungarians.
Instead they decided to shit on making deals because they didn't get their way 100%
If they went along with Fidesz, Fidesz would have slowly but surely bled voters that would have landed in Jobbik, because everyone would've seen that it's Jobbik that comes up with the good ideas (border wall).
But instead Jobbik decided to throw a tantrum over "you stole muh Idea evil fidesz, the wall is a bad thing because you made it and it would only be good if we made it".
And then they didn't campaign for anti-immigration when we held a referendum on whether we wanted to have migrants or not.
Undermining FIDESZ was more important to them than keeping migrants out.
Fuck Jobbik. They are traitors. If I was dictator of Hungary, I would hang them all right after the leftists are dealt with.
It's never too late.
I think it's mostly a tounge and cheek statement against government-propaganda, although unknowingly those guys indeed serve Soros and co.
yeah right
They are literal retards and propaganda is a good thing if it preaches the truth. And gues what? It does. Soros is the inheritor of the Kalergi plan.
Maybe for the next election, but for this, not really.
Wasn't there news of the leader being a traitorous pro-muzzie?
love the taste of Turk cock apparently
He is specifically pro-turk and pro-EU.
He also loves Religion of Cuck™.
This. A bit of corruption is preferable to opening the borders for mud and shit.
Aren't Jobbik into all that disgusting turanism "oogabooga turks and mud are our friends" too?
It already started with the jews in Fidesz.
How do I get her to vote for him?
Are you blind or what?
I'm voting for Orbán but I wish I could vote for Ron Paul instead.
Oh well, guess it's one vote less for something left leaning and "serious"
better wait for Hitler then
Why not build a more permanent wall? Can Hungary not afford to?
Why would you build a wall you would have to tear down in a few decades when you reconquer your old lands?
Even if they do get the old Hungarian lands back(funny how the jews divided up those old kingdoms that are all right next to turkey, almost like they want them to be small, poor and easily invaded), what would be the downside to having a good large portion of the country protected by a sturdy wall?
You can have a moat with crocodiles in it, the point is the law that the fence defends. The fence went up all the way through 2015 but was useless until the law which allowed hungarian police to smash people's ankles and chuck em over the border went into effect.
Oh shit, Hitler had Jewish bodyguards too!
Guess we better just invite the niggers in.
But a physical barrier makes enforcing those laws way, way easier - which is why Israel has several, and tries to stop anyone else from building them.
Orban and whole Visegrad (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Croatia, Bulgaria) are kept muslim free to enable to upcoming reverse migration from Israel to the new Jewish state to come in eastern/ middle Europe.
A lot of Zig Forumsacks would do exactly the same thing in that position.
When did Ukraine, Croatia and Bulgaria join?
More like Zig Forums should be classed as an essential utility.
Jobbik were originally Hungarian fascists. They were rapidly gaining popularity in Hungary, then Orban, a bland conservative, was like "hey that whole defending your country thing seems pretty popular these days" and basically took their whole gig and applied it to Fidesz. Since Fidesz was already big, most Jobbik supporters went over to Orban.
Jobbik, instead of doing the sensible thing and aligning with Orban's new Fidesz or just merging in, instead decided to focus on success of Jobbik as a party rather than ideals and flipped into being globalist leftie swine.
I suspect most genuine fascists leaving Jobbik to support Orban instead just left behind the opportunists who had no particular ideological motivation and just want to win election.
Fidesz is the least bad option we have, but I would rather choose them than an obvious traitorous party that turns it's back on the hungarian people for power. Fuck Jobbik. And fuck all liberals too.
No no no. You do not understand. Fidesz called for a vote ona contitutional modification which would enshrine in the costitution of hungary that the only people allowed in would be those approved by the hungarian government and nobody else.
Jobbik voted against this because of some non-issue about rich chinese people being able to buy 4 year residence permits.
This was after jobbik campaign for this exact constitutional change. Jobbik didn't vote for their own proposition because of political manouvering. They're assholes who just want power.
That sounds exactly like Fidesz. Our army is completely shit, yet they waste a retarded amount of money on football stadiums, simply because Orbán likes to watch grown men running around in a field.
20 000 people from the Middle East and China bought Hungarian citizenship for buying special government bonds. Which means they will get all of their money back, and it will be financed by the Hungarian taxpayers. It's only good for the private companies that sell these bonds, because they too get paid by the buyers. And of course those companies are controlled by Orbán's people. If you don't think of it as treatchery of the worst kind, then you too should be executed as a traitor.
Moreover, in addition to that 20 000, Orbán also approved 1300 "refugees" to live in the country. I really don't understand how anyone can believe the lies of that fat gypsy and his jewish comrades.
Seriously, I've been searching for someone worthy of my vote, every politician I every saw is controlled opposition.
Democracy has been usurped, or maybe it was never good. Even when you vote the party in that says they'll change things they usually don't, how is it different than a fucking monarchy?
Those 1300 were the 15 people aday they allowed through the fence. As soona s the news of those 1300 hit the media they decreased the number to two a day.
They're trying come on.
This is one of the most retarted shit said about jobbik in a long time.
And you guys blame them for not cooperating with fidesz like you haven't heard what happened to fkgp and mdf. They just learnt their lesson from history.
should have be to
It doesn't matter what they originally were, when now they are disgusting kebabasslicking turanist swine. They are as bad as any communist party would be.
Jobbik is nothing but a bunch of pathetic janissaries today.
Dude. If you know fidesz you know they are racist and anti semitic as fuck.
Fidesz are jewish
They promote and protect the children of the communists who murdered Hungarians in the highest office in Hungary.
Over 80% of Fidesz politicians are jewish dual passport citizens, which was the reason for Márton Gyöngyösi's demand to record the numbers of dual citizen isreali's in government.
Only an isreali-American would try this shit as you and your pals are doing
I haven't shilled for anyone, I merely point out how much of a disgusting, traitorous and cucked party that Jobbik has become. You squirm too easily dimmy
middle ages were wierd in general
Literal kike, shilling for jewry
I have provided clear evidence that
a) Hungarian nationalists all know and say Fidesz is jewish
b) Orban is a gypsy jew
The problem in Hungary is the gypsy and the jew, only American alt-righters and American-isreali's push the kosher candidates here for every election
Any chance you could refute the clear evidence I have posted.
Shouldn't be too hard for such dedicated Hungarists as you fellow anons say, who all appear to know each other ITT, discussing how best to get rid of the non-jews ITT
You fucking retard. That one party and leader thereof is a filthy gypsy and kikewench, does not mean that licking kebabass is the solution.
at this point im curious, is all this shilling another group like ctr or are these genuine usefull idiots that belief the shit they say.
Useful idiots for the most part, turanism - which makes absolutely no sense for anyone with a brain - has a great hold on the nationalist fringe.
I'm convinced there is a dedicated shill group just for Hungary at this point.
Do your own research, here's a very well known Hungarian nationalist website.
(google translate is rough but gives a fair understanding of it)
Better to hear the opinions from Hungarians than lying isreali-American jews on Zig Forums
here's a very well known Hungarian nationalist website.
Hungary is a joke. If you think he isn't a controlled puppet you're pretty blue pilled.
I'm German and used to live there. The economy has been jewed to death and populist politicians like him are only controlled puppets to keep the plebs from changing the system that keeps them impoverished.
You're a fucking idiot. None of what you said is true at all.
Eh, but Turanism is actually getting quite a bit hold on many parts of Asia and Turkey. Actually the only country that has remained silent is Finland (which I think will grow an interest once things gets goin')
But well, I hope whoever is best for your country gets the election Hun-sempai.
Pic unrelated.
Do you even know what Turanism is, and how is it relevant to the development of the Hungarian national identity?
Is it a requirement for members of the Hungarian parliament to reveal if they have dual citizenship, or is it not?
It's better to be a poor white country than a rich multiethnic one.
Truer words have rarely been spoken. Rooting for Orbán to break 50%.
And this is why you don't cuck out.
Please it's fake fiat money in a Keynesian system where all the wealth goes to a select few in their corporatocracy or a actual up kleptocracy with a finish line straight into a ravine, it has no future.
Soros organises and finances attacks against Hungary
Soros is using german ministry cabinet as a meeting place for lobbyists with german car nanufacturers to launch an attack on Hungary
In the case of Hungary the organisation started engaging in “major mine laying work” with the German government and economic opinion-makers in connection with measures adopted to ensure that non-governmental organisations receiving grants from abroad declare such funds, he said, indicating that they sought to change the Hungarian government’s position through Mercedes, Audi and Bosch, among others, by exerting economic pressure and endangering Hungarian jobs.
That will be fleeting
Retards still shilling 'muh soros' narrative, because it's only one half-dead old philanthropist kike right? He's not some front men for the men who gave him his wealth aka the Redshields (warburg and rothshilds) right?
Hmm, funny how Congress pushed the omnibus which very much funds anti-conservative actors in eastern Europe and radical right wingers in southern America. Gee, what a odd behavior from a (((nation))).
Just some noteworthy omnibus bill funding:
2.579 billion for the (((Commision))) on Security and Co-operation in Europe.
1.371 billion for contributions to (((International Organizations)))
218 million for promoting (((Democracy))) Development in Europe (Yes the continent and birthplace of actual democracy needs more (((democracy))).
Blatant shill reported and reposting what
You slid of the frontpage
Soros organises and finances attacks against Hungary.
Soros is using german ministry cabinet as a meeting place for lobbyists with german car nanufacturers to launch an attack on Hungary
In the case of Hungary the organisation started engaging in “major mine laying work” with the German government and economic opinion-makers in connection with measures adopted to ensure that non-governmental organisations receiving grants from abroad declare such funds, he said, indicating that they sought to change the Hungarian government’s position through Mercedes, Audi and Bosch, among others, by exerting economic pressure and endangering Hungarian jobs.
he better start crashing buttcoin instead of pumping it. He only had one job dammit.
No clue what the fuck you talking about you spammer.
But focus on the this half-dead old crippled kike who's merely the poster boy of all this government backed regime changing destabilization.
US government funding soros groups in EU:
Only when Trump got elected a backlash occurred against this anti-right funding:
Or just news from last week from Judicial Watch over US funding soros groups:
Those omnibus funding have nothing to do with Soros’s groups and the U.S. Agency for International Development, or USAID right shillboyo?
But i'm supposedly the shill for pointing out your garbage rhetoric of constantly beating drums for that subhuman kike. The same kike even israel has pointed out as a boogeyman. Yeah yeah, eat a shotgun you hooknose.
Regardless of Orban's kosherity, remember that incrementalism works.
(((They))) won't fuck with the election because hes still worshiped. Can't make it that obvious.
First they need to break his image, then his supporters will be begging for his removal.
Orbán already lost an election back in the early 2000's because he played nice and generous with the opposition parties that smeared and defamed him.
He learned his lesson and won't give a fucking inch.
But we all have iPhones and Talmudvisions, and the media says Hungary is poor!
Yeah, a lot of people don't remember but back in 2002 fidesz was all lovely dovey capitalists who actually believed the bullshit about democracy.
Can I have TL;DR explanation of the OP's graph? What am I looking at? Who is who?
Orange = Emperor of Mankind
Black = Traitor Legions
Red = Chaos
Green = tau
Blue = Gay tau.