19 years old Brazilian neonazi stabbed a nigger at school for criticizing his "racist" beliefs and threatening him
Classmates say he likes to draw swastikas everywhere and make references to the KKK
19 years old Brazilian neonazi stabbed a nigger at school for criticizing his "racist" beliefs and threatening him
Classmates say he likes to draw swastikas everywhere and make references to the KKK
I didn't ask for these feels.
I was that kid back in the days
and I got away with it, feelsgoodman.
This is pretty common in Brazil/Columbia, its just considered normal teenage edginess there
Its ironic how politically correct the US and Europe tries to be when the "diverse" countries they try to emulate care little about political correctness
did the nigger die?
This isn't true, bro. I'm Brazilian and I can say pc is BIG AF here.
You can't joke about anything anymore, niggers, fags, wemen, if u do pc comes at u and you can even lost your job or you have to pay a fine…
Cultural Marxism is big here after all, fucking kikes…
Nope, just went to the hospital.
well you probably live in the northern states you fucking cuck.
I live in Parana, nobody fucking likes niggers here, only baby boomers who watch national television like globo/novelas where they constantly lecture about LGBT and other gay shit involving cultural enrichment.
I'm from Minas lol
Okay, but still the gov and media care about it, so it's not like there's no pc in Brazil
Isn't that picture/video of the guy on that concrete slope taunting a crowd of feminists from Brazil?
where's the sauce, i want to see this huenigger get reverse diversified
Also, just a sidenote, this is happening, I hope you faggots have the stream up and running, there might actually be violence today if we're lucky, if not it could turn out to be some gay protest and everyone cries in tears, either way, see below.
they are all niggers they never sent their slaves back like the other countries
meanwhile at le %56
fuck all those niggers
Santa Catarina here. Get on my level, bitch. (but thanks for arresting the squid commie, that's dope)
jokes on you nigger, I have 1 apartment and 1 house @ Balneário Camboriú left by my grandparents, the only thing that sucks though is that I have to constantly rent that shit out or I won't be able to pay the bloody IPTU, if you want to buy it off of me i'll gladly sell it, but i'll keep the apartment, that shits cozy as fuck.
Balneario is lit, good on you my dude. I just bought a condo last year though, not looking to acquire right now. Happy to be off rent, though.
And, I thought you nazis were peaceful types open to rational debate. What gives?
Whose really rabid? The man that gets stabbed for debating or the one that does the stabbing due to illusions of grandeur and other mental deficiencies.
Self-defense situation.
I'm pro-violence anyway.
The way you write makes me believe you are Brazilian.
I'm pretty sure the nigger is
There is your faulty a priori assumption. Fix that before you post here ever again.
I'm pretty sure inbred, autistic and bloodthirsty nazi cunts like yourself can't be reasoned with. As proved by this whole thread.
((( )))
Nice blackpill, but almost 1 in 2 people are white in Brazil
t. Visited Brazil
This is what black debate looks like.
You seem to have mixed up nazis with dune coons my friend
I've heard many anons say Brazil is much more redpilled than the US, though I haven't heard the same about Colombia. The few """anons"""" that have mentioned Colombia are shills saying "durrrr Colombia ins't US ergo not redpilled."
I know Colombia is redpilled because of how they tried to fight feminism and socialism, but it seems it's becoming as pozzed as the US.
t. el goblino
Hahaha wtf is wrong with you, first you think nationalsocialists are violent. Then you just ignore the fact that the nig nog threatened him. If someone threatens you, you have to take him out. He is a threat to you, it is basic fucking power politics mate. I can't help that you have been brainwashed into thinking that strength is evil.
It's not that expensive to go to another country and travel, buddy.
>Eyes Glued to Gibs Computers To Supplement IQ
are not violent*
Jesus, at this rate Brazil will become as bluepilled as the US in 5 years tops!
My experience in low-middle class Brazil (where I stayed) was redpilling, but to know the bulk of the middle class and the upper class are involved in going in the same direction as the US is blackpilling.
We don't negotiate with Communists.
>>>Zig Forums
It's really hard to die from stabbing, unless the attacker really knows what he's doing. People can get stabbed dozens of times and still make it. I don't know the story but probably the nigger started shit, as they always do, and the edgy guy just defended himself, without really trying to kill the nigger.
Why is a fucking cuck with a complete lack of understanding of context not surprising to anyone here?
I'm pretty sure that if you're trying to debate and get stabbed, that the other guy won. Now fuck off, faggot.
I am sorry user for audience here. But if you were in front of bunch of Zig Forumsacks, they would had stabbed you too.
That's the protocol.
Actually no, i am joking, edgy stabbing faggots deserve a bullet too.
What's worse he mentioned "KKK", which means he's a controlled opposition or newfag that needs to lurk more before considering such ruthless actions as stabbing nigger.
But is this Brazilian even White?
It should be legal to stab and generally assault and kill niggers. Killing niggers and kikes is a human right
Make it legal by repeatedly doing it and convincing the majority to do it also.
When it is so common that nobody can stop it anymore, organize a demand for the legality of it.
Afraid that yo will be stabbed next? You will. And you have no power to stop it, deformed kike.
Only with our equals.
We are above everyone else, and we can do whatever we want with inferior beings.
Stabbing niggers, communists, feminists, faggpts and kikes is ok.
You are impotent to stop it.
Instead, we will shoot you.
That is why you ALWAYS kill the niggers. Not just harm them.
See OP
Talk shit, get hit.
Castrate them.
Hue Hue Hue
Eurofags will never understand that you can't compare and giant country with endless land and cultures to small countries. It doesn't apply.
Now compare all of America to all of Europe, then you start to get it.
That doesn't work at all. Burgers are what, 5 or so peoples, Europe is dozens. There are local customs, etc, but still I don't think it's comparable. But you're right that what works for a small country doesn't necessarily works for a large one, even less so if the larger country isn't homogeneous (and I don't think any large country is, even China and Russia have their akbars).
Yes, whiter than most americunts
Pictures from the segregation era always make me sad. Niggers used to be so well behaved and well dressed and respectful. Soul on Ice aside, most of them were okay when they were subject to proper controls.
Since all Indo-european people are the sons and daughters of various ancient Celtic tribes.
Yes, just ask the Basque and the Finns.
I didn't know there were so many Brazilians here.
Im cool with that. Im a burger from Texas. Spread our ideals brazilianbros.
Looks like a mutt to me
Indeed, you should go since you've clearly never been there
They weren’t happy, but go ahead and keep telling yourself that lol.
We're secretly the most multicultural board, trolls are typically angsty mutts that wanna get in touch with their inner Aryan.
Once we win and bring back Atlantis, maybe we can turn them into adorable cat girls to be maids in our flying Thulean villas.
jews are most inbred, they always project
Colombian here. Colombia is pozzed, but not quite at Brazil levels. Also, nobody gives a shit about nogs here. Our main problem consists of Venezuelan refugees and commie paramilitary fags.
No jew. We are the legacy of Ice Ages, past and future.
I bet you think neo-paganism is what our ancestors believed. You should start reading what the Thule Society read and created in their libraries, maybe you'll fully figure out why the National Socialists chose the Swastika as their symbol.
Impressive counter bait: 9/11
Why? Alive, they are still animals that will kill and destroy because of their frustration at being inferior to all.
Never let the enemy live. Genocide the enemy.
And that was the beginning of the brainwash. By posing those monkeys as well dressed and well mannered "people", the jews made everyone lower their guard, and little by little, the monkeys gained support from the media and from boomers, to the point that they became idolized by both.
Presenting niggers as good people was always part of the jews' plans.
Niggers aren't people. They must be slaughtered as the raging monkeys that they are.
We had colonists from Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Spain and France, with a big immigration from Japan as well (the largest amount japanese outside of Japan, in fact). The true brazillian is a descendant of one or more of those (former) great nations. The niggers and other subhumans were brought by the time that deformed kikes forced communism into mainstream here.
We keep killing niggers for being nigger, and burning faggots alive, using any pretext to do it. Keep deluding yourself, impotent kike. Brazil is an Aryan country, invaded by monkeys that are being systematically killed so we can make Brazil All White again. And you kikes are the next on the firing line.
Is this normal?
Are you a nigger? Because you have the reading comprehension of one. No where in that post did he say anything about niggers being happy then.
They are most unique of Celtic tribes.
They are mostly mongolian, user.
Africans are good people
This kid has the guts to stand up to the filthy shitskin hordes. Good for him.
Whites will only survive in this world if they are willing to struggle violently to survive.
This. Segregation showed that if you lynched any nigger that stepped out of line, you could keep the vast majority of them from chimping out.
Yes, it was unnatural and uncomfortable for the niggers, being forced to behave like humans with thousands of years of experience in civilization and society. But it fucking worked, and it was for their own benefit as much as it was for ours.
Of course hopping the border is cheap you porch monkey, but apparently living anywhere but a shithole favela is too much for you, you fucking brazilian scum
Your country and your people are trash, built on nothing but drugs, violence and trannies, you stupid fucking nigger, end your life
Meh not really. No more than forcing a cockroach to wear a suit and tie and abstaining from eating wallpaper would benefit him. We should have sent them all back to Africa where they belonged. Talk to any African immigrant, they'll tell you they massively prefer their own country. Blacks weren't meant to live in white societies.
Obviously the nigger was getting up in the face of the kid.
You know, like any other type of antifa faggots, they go "LOL PUNCH A NAZI" and when they get utterly wrecked they bawl and go "b-b-but I was only g-g-giving my opinion!"
It was extremely painful.
He's obviously white, bro
There are a lot of whites left in Brazil, and if you've any empathy, a trademark trait of white (often in excess) you should feel bad for them because what happened to them will happen to America unless we take drastic action, and soon.
The bourgeois is the (((enemy)))'s greatest ally?? I'm shocked. shocked I tell you!
"White than you!"
"Don't forget the cucks, Jimmy. These ooga-boogas and yids might seem like the worst thing ever but without cucks and their BS, none of them would be here to begin with."
Hugh Neutron.
Cybernetics and genetic engineering will turn them into 156% Face SS fanatics einsatzgruppen.
fucked up website
Without trying to detract from the thread or shitpost. Did the kikes ever try mass MK Ultra tactics on the nogs or did they do it to themselves? I can't help but think the jews assisted in the destruction of the family structure when it comes the the nogs. See first pic and compare their families today where no father is present and no accountability is there. Was this their own doing or were they assisted in some more obvious ways which can be used to wake them up a little more?
Yeah. This sick world made us fucking sick but instead of bitching or fapping to yiff pr0n, we slowly turn that sickness into a poisoned dagger.
Wrath, sloth, gluttony, pride and lust is what got niggers. They're an extremely suggestible race and function in crabs in a bucket societies, once they get a bad idea that they're proud about it doesn't go away easily without dismantling their private society entirely. They have to be isolated from vice, completely, since they cannot on average filter out bad ideas with long term consequences.
Always remember why wrath is considered a deadly sin. I have to meditate twice a day and remember that the evil and bastardized races are born as they are; that light casts the shadow out.
Actually, when the dindu father is involved in criminal activity, the spawn is more likely to be do so as well.
There was a crime problem already back in the 1950s, the 1960s protests were far from peacefull and clean etc.
For you
Jewpedia is not a source.
Not only struggle, but by genociding every single race that is against the White Master Race.
The mistake was to do anything in their benefit.
Niggers must be killed for existing. Period.
Hipocritical niggers always flip out when someone calls them nigger IRL.
Them they have the nerve to say whites can't do the same thing when someone calls them racist.
appeals to reason dont work
Nice D&C sliding. There are many white people Brazil in the south but most of the population is mixed race.
yeah, most in public schools and middle-poor school