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Steven Crowder has a poll over on his Twitter right now(>muh e-celeb poll)
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Steven Crowder has a poll over on his Twitter right now(>muh e-celeb poll)
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How about you link straight to the poll you filthy nigger
Oops hahaha here
Datamining. He would have been banned for previous tweets if he wasn't protected.
Use archive you dumb fuck.
Steven "Holocaust Doubter" Crowder
He should just go full Rockwell and start a Blackwater esque corporate security agency to protect himself and run for president in 2024 with Nehlan as his vice.
There's a video out there of him bashing Nazis and singing the praises of Israel.
yeah he looks like a typical 56% with the other 44% being (((chosen))) but (((satire))) usually back fires for kikes since they are arguing against the truth and in the end it sounds like "Omg the sky is fucking blue lol, gottem" Keep the kultur shifting I say, let dumbasses like this stay relevant by being edgy, because in the end he's only after the shekels and let a bunch of normies get redpilled when (((they))) shut it down.
Fuck off and die.
I don't have a twatter but have a bump.
Car accidents are gonna have to graduate to bus accidents at this rate.
my thoughts exactly. that poll is a honeypot
like all the recent (((polling))) on
or (((random))) plane crashes…oh wait
We did it m8s.
Bump for boomer comments
why is this bumplocked? this is great!
42% now. Poll closing soon.
Jared Kushner controls 8pol