Sex marketplace seized by U.S. justice authorities

U.S. law enforcement agencies have seized the sex marketplace website as part of an enforcement action by the Federal Bureau of Investigation

backpage dot com has been seized by the alphabets just now

i can't find the thread but i was all over this as being the result of the fosta on one of the threads here or at Zig Forums or some other chan last month

when i would do the "pimp and ho" roundup posts at chimpmania, that site kept coming up as being involved in trafficking so i'm glad it's getting the black bag treatment, regardless of what else happens

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Other urls found in this thread:

No one learns the lessons from pirate sites. Every time one would get siezed, the users would just migrate elsewhere.This stops nothing

This is great!

Is this the first site to go down because of FOSTA?

Don't you think this should go here?
Also user-ib has been shoah'd

it redirects to another address now. still looks active, but I'd let the kik-tards test the waters first.
Fantastic source for shitlib opposition research. Save those 'wins'… they may come in handy some day

now watch this will cause another shoah in the media and lead to a major movement to legalize prostitution

It's already moved to "dating" sites.

If a woman is going to whore herself out, she'll find a way. Shutting down these sites goes after pimping and underage/ MS-13 sex slaves that are drugged out and turned out.

t. has paid 400/hr for it, rarely, but a man has needs, and she was a law student

Rothschild's dragged kicking and screaming into the streets along with every family that has helped them when?

What shit.

To be fair, in the UK laws like FOSTA are passed on a regular basis and the government doesn't even bother to pretend that they are for anything other than shutting down legitimate democratic parties (e.g. the BNP and NF)

Good riddance. The goverment could make arrests a hell of a lot easier with every dumb drug addictted hole and mentally ill nigger on there.

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All the betas in this thread who pay for whores bitching about the logistics.

This is part of the pedo round up you retards. Backpage is for getting girls, trannies, and STDs. If you want a real bitch and don't want fucking aids you stay off the streets and creep zones. Go to a strip club and get a few dances then ask if she ever does house calls.

Fucking betas man, I swear.

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Did they only take the DNS? Anyone got the IP number?

TBH craigslist is probably behind this.


Yeah, and you're her employee

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craigslist took their hooker page down even earlier

Got a pic of the replies?

Yes, I'm sure she doesn't have a "manager". That's just how the escort business is run, she does not own herself.

no. craigslist personals section is gone because of this law. no m4m, casual encounters, etc

i put it there as well. first, the thread there is tangential to the main point about fosta, secondly, i thought it was important enough to have its own thread, and third, the thread where i remembered backpage had been mentioned most extensively is gone already

but thank you for your concern

indeed. one of the things i learned from assembling pimp and ho news articles is that most of the bitches who get turned out are underage, and that was almost always involved, usually mentioned by name

i wouldn't be surprised at all if these types of sites didn't have coded ads for the more, ahem, select clients

good question idk the answer to and don't know offhand how to find out

top cuck

not only is he getting cucked by his wife, he's also getting cucked by his girlfriend

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And how much does she put away on her account or spend on herself instead of pitching in for living expenses and whatnot?

Those women don't fell an ounce of respect, and much less love, for him, they just see him as another client that they can take advantage of and be paid by for their "services" not with money (at least not implicitly, but he must spend money on them) but with a place to live and always having someone to be there to listen to their vain, stupid and vapid woman bullshit and deal with their emotional needs while she fucks other men and has her sexual needs satisfied by them, and whenever they actually decide to throw him a bone of just get tired of his whining, they probably just go starfish on him.
To think, this guy probably goes around bragging about having two women, lel.

posting Sonoko because.

Yeah exactly. So now they needed a way to get rid of the competition.

Sounds like Rapps husband.

Serious question: how (if at all) is this FOSTA law going to affect dating sites like tinder?

its 7 pm wheres my provided info?

Instagram too though that's not really a new thing.

-40 minutes left!



But isnt crowder owned by a kike at his network? Fuck off shill.

where to? since CL personal shut down my poon stream is at a snails pace, need to know where nasty horny and old bitches went

Don't people use things like tindr these days? I've not dated or had sex with anyone other than my wife in over a decade.

married too, so need an user hookup source
tindr run by jews

Consider suicide.

I've always preferred TER for my professional escort needs

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never mind just reading other threads and found jesus

Damnit! I have this fetish for Asian cosplay escorts between the age of 18 and 26 reading reviews of services provided by other has been a great guide in finding the hottest up and coming 1st year chinese or japanese Perdue freshman.

Shit!!! it looks like I'll have to use a VPN, drats!

A nice relaxing Saturday afternoon Asian cosplay massage has been booked. Thanks for the heads up, may as well book while the booking is good.

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I have a feeling "massage" websites are about to have a very big boom


Shills have found their footing and are putting up all the slide threads now.

and plebbit

When with the alphabets shut down Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, Grindr, Instagram, and Snapchat for sex trafficking?

good but more will pop up in its place so it doesnt fix anything long term. we need a dedicated, pinned news thread, this doesn't deserve it's own thread.


Kill this degeneracy.

The pick up artist was prime cringe kino

You're ignorant of the scale of what goes on with They've been repeatedly implicated in pedo rings, and probably 1/3 to 1/2 of the niggerpimp busts that I've cataloged over years of watching crime reports have involved Backpage or similar sites.

We're not talking about the LOLbert spergs's dreams of high-class "sex workers" using the internet to find "clients," we're talking about pimp nigger thugs and their female accomplices usually older whores themselves finding 13-15 year old runaways and troubled youths, getting them hooked on drugs, beating and raping and intimidating them, and then "turning them out" as whores.

The pimp will rent a hotel room for the weekend near the interstate just outside of town and place an ad on Backpage to get johns. Then they run the johns through, as many as they can, to fuck the kid over and over through the course of the weekend, and then they move on to another location.

That is NOT the kind of shit happening on Facebook, Twitter, Tinder, Grindr, Instagram, or Snapchat.

Educate yourself, or fuck the hell off.

This is gonna wind up being connected to the various pedogate investigations. Just do a news search for old articles about this site and pedo rings, and then extrapolate to the above, and imagine what kind of site an Emirate from Dubai might have one of his slaves use to find entertainment for the master when he travels to the USA.

You can bet your ASS that this seizure of the site will lead to government officials being implicated.

The FBI has been raiding the homes of some people involved. is giving me problems and won't load this link right now

>Federal law-enforcement officers descended on the Arizona homes of two former Backpage executives Friday, and a message on the classifieds website said it had been "seized." Local FBI officials confirmed "law enforcement activity" Friday morning at the Sedona-area home of Michael Lacey, a co-founder of An Arizona Republic reporter also witnessed FBI activity at the Paradise Valley home of Jim Larkin, another Backpage co-founder.

>The notice said the seizure was "part of an enforcement action by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation Division, with analytical assistance from the Joint Regional Intelligence Center."

Mail fraud charges incoming.

>Backpage started as the literal back page of the New Times, filled with classified ads. Lacey and Larkin, former New Times executives who sold off the newspaper chain in 2012, retained the lucrative interest in the Backpage website.

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one site can be corrupted so remove the whole internet
good idea scholomo start your bit of news with #SHUTITDOWN>>11456011

Oh well.

I would add faggots and newfaggots to that list as well like you but still good point

look at you come on here with you bullshit sperg out nonsense about 13 year olds gang banged at the edge of town that you've (((researched for years))) I've done my own fair share of actual business travel and have seen these girls, normally two or three of them at a time in there lounging hip hugger sweats, belly rings, and for the most part there are all over 18 if not 25 and up trying to make a better living than working at an Arby's because that is all of the education they ever got out of high school or attempting community college.

As for your BS reference to pedogate? world apart, for that you need to look into state foster care, and state agencies for protecting children.

BackPage wasn't only an outlet for escort or adult services. It was a classified ad site like all others that had jobs, employment, rentals, tools for sale, etc.

BackPage will be made to be the scapegoat that's for sure but will it address pedogate? not at fucking all. Joe Bidens and John McCains, or Harvey Weisnsteins whores didn't come from BackPage

What a load of BS

you read like some war on drugs success story. Hopefully more and more people see through this bullshit but they won't, like they never do, and just like the war on drugs you'll get a retirement package and be hooked on whatever vice is your choice in retirement.

whats bullshit about it is they made the law up but they could of just busted them with what they had but they made this bullshit up and are pretending its backed up by this stupid site or something, saying that alll women are hookers on the internet.

and because pussys and noone will say something about women on the internet, but me, they want to shut down all the websites, again pretty much selling sex online.
thats how they pushed that emily goblin girl and the ban guns story, becuase they kept posting stories about her saying what are u going to do/ and posting pictures of her acting whorely.. whoreely. and then banning her nudes but the news sites said she was 18. it was fake topics and this was on 4chan not here

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why did you respond to the same post three times in two separate posts?

no (you) for (((jew)))s

because I liked my user ID

Look at this picture and tell me this guy isn't a yid.
They are attracted to sleaze like flies are attracted to freshly dropped turd.

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100% Jew. his "wife" and "gf" look like fucking trannies too

Looks Italian.
Could be Sicilian.
Semitic and Italian genes.

Look like marxist females to me.

Banged a few escorts off of there back in the day. Happened to go on it yesterday by chance and saw it had gotten v&.


okay bot, thanks for your opinion

I am sure backpage will be replaced by some jew controlled amazon, ebay type subsidiary or the like

eBay went to shit in late 2000

inc dump humongous shit edition

its all a shill shit thing. everything is made up. including any body who gives a fuck. they will not do anything about child shit they turn it into a black market. because they dont get rid of it its like banning guns.

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The problem with escorts is you can smell their last customer on them.

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The Q story (the group that grew out of >>>/pedowood322/ into a phenomenon) in the NYT wasn't a slide thread. Your kike mods are the actual problem.

I want drug legalized and regulated like alcohol because while everyone knows that an older +21 guy buying liquor for a teenager is pedobear-tier, buying a bag of weed for the same teenager is seen as oh so progressive.

Weedman keeps saying that he's legalizing pot to protect the children. This is the real reason why. ALL of the DUDE WEED LMAO promoters are pedos.

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dont know what in the godamn fuck about buying drugs and legalizing or deregulating a black market has to do with pedos you stupid faggot
seems to me the ones who have it where i cant get it are th eones using for what your claiming so fuck you.

So anyone heard from Jim lately? I do hope he didn't do any business with the flip fucks that were a part of this because it would be a real shame if another yid went into the oven and the site got shuttered before we finished gloating about the rest. kek

Backpage is just another craigslist. what is the real reason they were taken down?

You're an idiot, this could very easily be used to shut down ANY website.

Um, bigger question is what site won't it affect? Any website can be used to advertise whores. no site is safe from shutdowns.

FBi only needs to make a board on Zig Forums advertising whores and then use that as an excuse to shut this site down.

Everyone who thinks FOSTA was a win is a fucking retard. Holding a website liable for what users individually do is not helping anything.

Not a single pedo will be arrested. they are holding the website liable for what pedos do. you brainlet nigger.

Go back to school and improve your reading comprehension, but first take your dick out of that eight year old's boy's mouth.

Reading through this thread and seeing retarded posts like

you fell for the feminist propaganda, you're fucking retarded know nothings, 99.99% of the women on there are over 18, whores,and they're just too lazy to work and want easy money. Hell, most of the women on there are over 40, you've just been gaslit by christcucks and feminists

Is that the 4am word of the day, Schlomo?

Why do you care so much about buying women, huh?

To the bingo hall. Duh.

Or just, you know, call an escort service.

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Or as says call a brothel and have some recourse if she robs you.

How is Carlos Chantor/Stephanie Bustcakes going to prostitute himself now? CWC can't live on Sonichu merch alone.

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So like what's going to happen now? Is every person who's visited backpage going to get arrested or like what?

You hooked up with Jesus? Could have told us beforehand that you were looking for gay mexicans.

Good. Whorepage was an abomination.

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