Our Year: 2018

A shift in public thought is occurring. To beat the jew at his own game witness the truly amazing numbers of this year. 18 in the jews' tongue is representative of life. 1-A 8-H gives the initials of Adolph Hitler himself. 88 years ago was 1930, the fire of National Socialism rises now as it did then. 14 days from now will be the 129th birthday of Hitler. I wish to post today to preempt any raids or blackpills.

In the spirit of his efforts let us each reveal our power levels a little bit more, speak more openly and honestly, and redpill the minds of everyone we can. One step at a time. Summarizing from Mein Kampf; Nothing worth building is done overnight, it will take effort of many generations to stay on the path and perfect the people. We are the vanguard of the modern times. Give honor to the ancestors and family for preserving and serving. As no man is perfect let us remember them heroically where possible. Focus on the positives of what they have collectively done for us. Let their efforts inspire us to move forward when we are feeling hopeless. When your neighbors may fall into perceived turmoil and believe the media, the liars of the press, the jew and his servant, and all other manner of despair; be there as a friend to him. Give hope, give truth, give out of the charity of your heart for your brothers. Let us be united in our struggle to bring TRUTH into this world. Let us worship, share, and rejoice in God as He blesses us. GOTT MIT UNS.

Remember those 14 words. We are working for our children and for each other, never forget that. Forgive petty squabbles, ignore trolls, and move into the real world. People are ready to hear the messages of National Socialism, but not the name of it. The name of the ideology may be tainted to the average person, but the ideas behind it resonate with our white brothers. Talk hobbies, conversion stories, Hitler appreciation, and other whitepills. We should encourage each other!



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Other urls found in this thread:


Personally my first contact with NS was after watching TGSNT, but I was a libertarian at the time. The longer I was on that road the more I realized that Anarcho Capitalism was more logical. And I learned of a few people who went from liberty idealism to white nationalism/ NS. It didn't make sense to me until I went on Zig Forums once and started reading the redpill thread. Instantly I realized how wrong I was. It pointed out how all the libertarians except for a handful are white, how everyone in favor of small government is a white gun owner, etc. The efforts all of you and many others have made I am grateful for. Please continue to spread the TRUTH in small discussions and to your friends. This year alone 2 of my friends became agreeable to National Socialism's ideas.

Gear up the 8/8 is probably going to have a celestial happening

there is no beating the jew at their own game user.

This post is pure 100% Kikery

The Jews needs to go in the oven and be turned to ash. That is the only Game. What comes afterwards will be our game.


Actually no. That's not the game. Wanna know how I know that isn't the game? Because not a single jew has ever to my knowledge been thrown into an oven and turned into soap.
The game is practical politics. The game is NOT violence or terrorism or killing or anything like that because everyone who wants to plant bombs or blow up federal buildings or shoot people end up in maximum security for life and are thus useless to any political struggle.

so many federal agents online nowadays and OP is a Jew. It's blatant and more people need to know it.

Sieg Heil

Didn't mean to sage

but you did mean to get the get
you failed

Attached: good_joke.mp4 (640x360, 260.16K)

If you're not replying with anything useful, don't post.

Lets put those numbers to good use then.

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But those knavish swindlers - who praise their own 'silent work' and shelter themselves under the cloak of anonymity, are just worthless drones, in the truest sense of the term, and are utterly useless for the purpose of our national reconstruction.

Now is the time to speak up to family and friends. Don't reveal your power level, but drop some hints. (((They))) are being found out. I'm seeing it first hand.

I'm gonna get my throat cut for this, but Hitler sort of looks jewish. He has some facial features that jews have, even when he was young.


I would literally

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< prevail against crime by being more of a criminal

Are you sure you've thought this one through?


This, thank you.

If you kill someone in self defense, while he's trying to kill you, is it a crime?

I think he means that by using subversive influences, wide-spread political propaganda and comedy with the intent to brainwash, we have effectively turned the very methods used by the kikes to subvert our brethren to subvert them back. I see nothing wrong with this. Read Sun Tzu. Honor will get you nowhere when fighting against rats.

The difference with us doing it though, is our message isn't bullshit. It's not about lying to people, it's about telling the objective facts. Trouble with the kikes is when they lie once, they have to keep on doing it. So far, I think it's coming back to bite them in the ass. If they just listened and followed Hitler's suggestion of going to Madagasgar, they wouldn't have even had to deal with the sand-cult, would have been much easier for them to handle a bunch of nigs than arabs. Now they're faced with Iran, Turkey, Assad, possibly Iraq, all with the backing of Putin and Xi. Not to mention all the other groups around there who might join Erdogan's efforts.


OP was a mighty bundle of sticks this day.
Bump for visibility.

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Gematria isn't Jewish, it's Babylonian.

Is there something they didn't steal?

I wonder if Hava Nagila was some arabian folk song or something.

Attached: there is nothing the jew won't steal and call his.png (1266x214, 83.53K)

As it comes from creature unable to create art or music, it probably was


Didn't mean to sage.
Actual comment: Why hasn't anyone created a redpilled version of The Onion? You could literally name the jew and still be politically correct

WW2 was a flase flag with 70 million crisis actors.

The left plays identity politics boys

you are getting tricked into playing identity politics for the right. centralizing power for the ZOG to overtake.

idk seems like a bad idea. of course name calling will be directed at this response but seriously


can u explain how א (aleph) is unicode א?

You mean we should just not care that we're being systematically getting flooded with 3rd worlders in every single white country?

This user gets it.

"Outjewing the jew" just means not falling for bait.


Use identity politics for satirical purposes.

Want to know about the original "white genocide" by of all people, the British?

Forced deportation fits the definition.

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Fuck that half measure shit
It means ending the yid and appropriating its property for the use of the Reich.

to beat the jew at his own game you must become like a jew. that's what japanese did (or they were always like that which is more believable).

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Hey I'm not saying that the importation of 3rd world immigrants is a good thing. I'm just saying that its doesn't have to be about "white countries" how about "western countries" or "Christian countries" or any of the other identities you could have chosen.

whats important is not the race or religion of the country you wish to defend. its what the country stands for/ its roots.
our founding fathers were not "white nationalists" and therefore if we go that direction we doom ourself to future death by playing the same game as the jews

The founding fathers didn't live in our time of constant occupation and subversion. Despite their feats they had not the spirit to cleanse the Jew.

I disagree I think they lived in a time similar to our time.
ex: (no quartering of troops in private residences)

your mistake is thinking that our time is any different or more special than the past

infact Benjamin franklin tried to outlaw the jews from their country.
the jews want nazisim to rise up in America. that way they can turn the rest of the world on us and end us like the new Germany for the 21st century. learn from the past.

infact Benjamin franklin tried to outlaw the jews from the united states. he proposed this **

Their time was dealing with the Jew as an irritated wound that some would scratch but otherwise leave to heal itself.
Our time is dealing with the body besieged by the Jew and all its symptoms. Their presence is felt in every organ of the nation and our race.

the problem with jews is not their race though. it is the evils of society in general. all they do is simply accept the lowest forms of societal interaction.

greed is not specific to jews, hatred is not specific to jews, racisim is not specific to jews.

they as a culture simply manifest those things most easily because of the self centered nature of "muh race" it is easy to turn a blind eye to your peers.

to correct the problem of today we must reform the jews. not play their game but the "white" version.

jesus was most successful in taking their power by reforming their ethics

my question to you is do you want to sink to their level by being the white version of the jew. teaming up and trying to exterminate. or do you want to be better than them so all races can look to your achievements like the white people in the past who wrote great works

i don't think being cricified can be called succesful.

I have no intention of reforming my enemies.
I want them dead.

This is getting close to "If you kill your enemies, they win" territory, user.

Hebrew is basically a slurred version of Arabic, so, probably.



its called sacrifice for the greater good.

after that sacrifice we see the old jewish centralized rule of rome disbanded.
isn't that what you want. bear the burden of your cross for the greater future.

killing somebody doesn't defeat their ideas. ideas are bullet proof. what has bombing the middle east brought us? war on the homefront.

I'm not a Neocohen, so I wouldn't bomb for Zion.

that's great that you wouldn't do that. but unfortunately the people of Germany didn't all decide to get into WW1 but the citizens still had to pay debts after the war.

Same goes for you, we will inherit the power to this country. we better see the world in the correct manner.

white nationalism is the easy route. somebody is a bully based on their race (jews) and we respond the same way (whites)

the mans way is to be above that game and to simply correct the wrongs without becoming what we seek to destroy

I'd say what they did to Ireland was worse.
Be England
Force all the good land in Ireland out of the hands of Irish people and into the hands to English landowners.
Plant grain on the good land for the purpose of export to England.
Irish forced to work the land for the English
Irish forced to subsist on shitty land where only potatoes will grow in enough abundance to feed the Irish
Potato famine happens because shitty land and shitty potatoes are shitty
At the same time, grain harvest on Irish land booms
English still take all of the Irish-grown grain. No shortages of any kind in England.
Irish die or leave Ireland by the millions.
English laugh.

Furthermore, the founding fathers of the USA WERE White Nationalists. We The People was always meant to refer to Whites and only Whites.
The first naturalization law specifically clarified that only free Whites could become citizens.
Also, White Nationalism is honest and open. "jewish nationalism" (or whatever they call it) is neither open nor honest because they lie and subvert everything they can. White Nationalists want White countries for White people and only White people. We don't want to either subvert nor enslave other people. We just want them to GTFO of our lands.

Besides, what are thousands of nuclear weapons?
When we take back our country the rest of the world WON'T DO SHIT because they don't want to ignite the nuclear fires of the apocalypse.

First, racism is not inherently bad. Indeed, when balanced by reason it is necessary as part of the "immune system" of a people.
Secondly, the main problem with jews is their worship of the talmud. The talmud tells them to be subversive assholes hell-bent on enslaving the non-jews. There may also be genetic reasons for their horribleness. But, no one who follows the talmud (or (with full knowledge) defends those who do) can be anything other than evil.

White Nationalism is about preserving heritage, culture, and homelands (through deportations of non-Whites and strong border control). It is not about exterminating anyone. Indeed, it is about stopping genocide (specifically White genocide). Some overly hotheaded types may disagree, but most would agree, I think.

False dichotomy
You apparently advocate for preserving nothing of actual value.
Demographics is destiny
Profound genetic difference between racial groups is scientific fact, and the biggest effective differences are in intelligence and behavior.
The leftists claim that race is a cultural construct.
In fact, the opposite is true. Culture is a racial construct. The genetics of a people determine their ability to succeed and also the quality of civilization that they can build and/or maintain.
Race is extremely important, and those who deny this are either fools or liars.

ok clever guy then how is centralization of power good? how would national socialisim be good if we centralize power

also don't make lies about the founding fathers being white nationalists. that is just false. read the works of Thomas Jefferson before you just repeat what others have said

LMAO lets perserve microwaved dinners, classic rock, and all the other white culture

This is true. The kikes first disarmed us by using humor. Look at (((The Three Stooges))), or the (((Marx Brothers))). Looking back at these old films, it seems quite mild and innocent fun, but it was the start of the degeneration and ultimate kikery.

Unlike the Jews, the Japanese can at least create things. And what they can't create originally, they make excellent copies of.

You couldn't be more wrong.

Articles of Confederation (first constitution of the USA) en.wikisource.org/wiki/Articles_of_Confederation_and_Perpetual_Union :

Naturalization Act of 1970 legisworks.org/sal/1/stats/STATUTE-1-Pg103.pdf :

Nationalist, yes. Let's keep cultures separated from other cultures because that causes conflict.
Socialist, no thank you. The only way we can end the cancer that is government is to not have any government, because government will always metastasize. Instead, let private companies provide services. Let DROs flourish. Let reputation networks flourish. Let people consent.

remember….jews burn so well there isnt even ash left over. and they burn super fuckin fast and super fuckin hot.

National socialism is not Marx and Engels + nationalism.
Your private companies will already fuck you almost as hard as any government and, in the absence of a government, just as hard.

What we're talking about is something like free enterprise… but with the state-enforced restriction that you produce no goods or services that harm the country or its people and you create no artificial shortages or surpluses for your own economic gain. You do not profit from the misfortune of your countrymen. You do not harvest what you did not plant. The citizenry must not bear the brunt of mistakes or malfeasance of a small number of executives (or executives in collusion with a transient state full of short-term leaders with no incentive to preserve the nation). If executives can run their industries in a way that benefits the nation, they will be allowed to do so; if they cannot, they will not.
Oh yeah… and a currency that represents a unit of work as opposed to a unit of debt.

Bye useless faggot.

You can't outjew the jew.
You are a low IQ spergy little nerd.

It's not about violence vs. nonviolence. It's about the balanced use of both. Without violence, intellectual tactics carry no weight, have no enforcing power. Without intellect, purely violent tactics can easily be spun as "idiot politics" for people who are too dumb to do anything else. Kikes love the Breiviks of the world because their mindless application of violence makes the rest of us look evil. The best strategy as embodied by NS Germany is a combination of clever psychological operations and physical strength.

The powers that be know this.

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"Peace and friendship with all mankind is our wisest policy, and I wish we may be permitted to pursue it" "all men are created equal" -Thomas Jefferson.

Oh yea sounds like a white nationalist like you?
no idiot they only put white men because they observed slavery at the time but worked to abolish it. you are as stupid as a leftist

Slavery and Torture are two of many subhuman behaviors that are beneath an Aryan man.


Attached: america is a white country 2.jpg (1240x1870 3.66 MB, 3.48M)

Anything but mindless. He deliberately targeted teenagers that were fully indoctrinated and poised to become influential members of Norway's political class.

Breivik did nothing wrong.

Breivik did nothing wrong.

Fuck off you fucking twat.
We're going to gas you too.

You're going in the dark like a neon sign you fucking traitor.

We will never know how much good Breivik actually did. He probably won't ever know. It's enough to make you weep, really.

you think your collection of cherrypicked quotes means they were white nationalists?

typical dumbass doesn't go to source material and relies on internet pictures for his information


Every one of your posts stinks of civnat, Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. reddit and basic bitch christcuckery. Lurk two more lifetimes.

Polite sage.

(((Current Year)))

Shoo shoo filthy jew.

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Way to go for completely disregarding their quotes. They were pretty clear in their intent and meaning. You might want to keep an open mind if you want to better yourself as a person :)


God told me to unite the various factions of Americans using memes because only Whites have the will to defeat Whites.

To that end we should remind the Bernie bros why they really wanted to vote for Trump, because Bernie was supposed to be anti-war and anti-free-trade and anti-bankers.

God told me that many atheists and Christians don't understand prayer, in it we ask whether God wants us to have something and if so how we can get it not because we want it but because God wants it.

God told me this through 432 outrun music.

ps 440 is jewish

Attached: 432-hz-vs-440-hz.png (801x467, 420.03K)

Bunch of fucking opticucks and people who watch too much Jordan Peterson for their own good in this thread.

Trying to rebrand yourself and water down your message into a just a more waycis Tea Party does nothing but bastardize your message. Incrementalism and trying to sneak your way into politics, things that only work because of larrge means of funding and constant barraging of narratives through TV, school, and Hollywood. Things that we don't have. The window for whites is closing fast. Now is not the time for compromise.

Can't tell if boomer, retarded, or both

Our year has been cancelled.

It took Hitler more than a decade, chin up.

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