Trump signs memo ending 'catch and release' immigration policy


U.S. President Donald Trump signed a memorandum on Friday ordering the end of a policy, known as “catch and release,” in which illegal immigrants are released from detention while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hey, that's good!

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>As part of the order, Trump is requesting "a detailed list of all existing facilities, including military facilities, that could be used, modified, or repurposed to detain aliens for violations of immigration law at or near the borders of the United States."

Heh, and we already know rapid deportation is in play as well.

California's going to get rekd.

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Good but unless he can get a more permanent law through congress and senate the next demorat or rino will just put it back.

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What a fucking crazy weekend.

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Trump finally does what he promised to do on day one, over a year ago. Shills BTFO'd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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more salty than Bonneville.

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Fuck off back to trs big brain


We full tent cities under military watchtower guard nao homie.

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Wow. We're moving pretty fast now. That caravan must've really set him off.

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Jesus fucking Christ, give it a rest already, nobody fucking likes you, or your spam. Have you ever heard of quality over quantity, you absolute pentanigger?

No coincidences, user. What happens in 45 days? Here's a hint:
School's Out

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Where are the shills at? They must be swallowing handfuls of their prozac and saying goodbye to their waifu figurines

Attached: America's_new_frontier_trump_wall.jpg (739x960, 79.42K)

*runs in out of breath*
Shit shit … what did I miss? I don't get paid without (you)s!!

I remember how apparently asshurt (((someone))) in tallying the votes for AZ must have been. It took days for them to finally call it solid red in Trump's favor here for whatever reason.

Any time the shill activity dies down it means they are confused and awaiting new orders. If there is significantly decreased shill activity for a day or more it means some really big shit happened and we haven't learned about it or connected the dots. When David Brock died there was a significant lull in shilling for a couple days, for example, and only later did we learn of his untimely demise.

Oh yeah, he died.

It is also the weekend

Operation Wetback 2.0 soon please

Sauce pl0x

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Good. I hope we see 20 million deportations in the next 8 years.

you mean

He hasn't been photographed in public since his (((heart attack))) and he is a well known gadfly.

The nigger is dead.

You mean the Sabbath just started on the East Coast.

He's completely stone cold and his soul roasts forever in that layer of hell reserved for gay pedophiles, forgive the oxymoron.

A man can dream.

Hate to double post but I triggered you so hard you posted thrice.

Brock is quite dead. He will never go on TV or be photographed at a party or anything, ever again. A quantity of burned dog shit now occupies an urn with his name on it, Lynn De Rothschild saw to it that his actual corpse was tied to a stump where the tide ebbs and flows two times a day so the crabs can eat him and shit him out.

Amelia Earnhart (Earndhart?) was eaten by crabs, but probably not until she died on that deserted island.

When will CA sue the POTUS over this?

I thought I heard screams of "Oy vey!" in the distance.

Not if the 9th wants to keep more circuit judges from mysteriously dying like they have been…

Why wait 15.5 months or so? Why not do this on day one?

He has been shifting the Overton Window.

It's high time Trump reshuffles the 9th, that is in his executive power.

…if it is within his power to do this now, then he has been able to do it all along. And if he were so interested in shifting the overton window in our favor, why did he do the whole "I like taking the guns" diatribe?

Looks like the shills found their scripts. Reported.

no (you) for (((jew)))!

never respond without breaking the links!

(((jews))) get paid by the (you)

report and then filter

this one 9b7b3f only has (2) ITT so far. note the tactics

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No, complaining about him waiting over a year to do things he could have and should have done within a month of taking office.
Yeah, literally the most important one there is, that he cucked out on hardcore which multiple states took as an invitation to pass kiked laws.

Waifus are what keep a man sane sometimes, just like any ideal or hope to look forward to.

Didn't upload, for some reason.

Attached: Respect the waifu or lose the laifu.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

So the pathetic script is that Trump is the hero our nation needs, but why is he not being becoming Hitler fast enough?!

What's the point of even detaining them? Take a pic of their eyes like they do in Afghanistan and then kick them out behind the border. If they get caught illegally again their possibility of applying for visa is denied permanently

Also, perfect timing for the summer job market. High schools and colleges about to set millions of wetback replacements free, which means millions of boomers and genxers can shift their little basement darlings out. Taco niggers out just in time for an election year in a nation full of short attention span normies.

I'm preaching to the choir but that shill script was on the menu from the moment he
announced his candidacy.

>but what about issue X, he's weak on that, no good

Now, and since the day he was sworn in, every time he makes an unarguably positive move they start up with the same shit.

This is actually the best thing he's done as president so far (maybe killing the TTP).


excellent news

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Shortly after David Brock's heart attack the wikipedia page-hits, contained within search results, had a death-date listed for him, but that didn't last long. I don't remember if I tried archiving it or not, but I did search .is for archived versions of various google search strings I assume I would have used which I copied out of the address bar and it came up empty. Honestly though, I don't even know if search strings can be archived. Anyway, I took a screencap. Dat nyukka dayid

Attached: Brock.jpg (992x204, 42.56K)


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Everyone that clicks the Jews option will get their account banned. This is a trick for another easy purge of the Alt-Right on Twitter.

Worth it though.




The nigger's pushing up daisies now. Praise kek.



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Fucking finally.

what is up with these sticky slide threads???

He's been waiting around for just a golden justification to act for a good year now, if anything he's probably surprised it took so long.

So how does it work NOW? Do they put them into planes & air drop them into brazil or something? President Trump mentioned he wanted to deport people very far away right?

They stay in privately run prisons and forced to do labor, basically a soft form of a slavery plantation.
All you honkies probably think that’s a good thing but Trump is going to put your dumbass in there next.

Fuck off kike. You're a slide thread.

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Maybe you, nigger.

Not a nigger, but not a bootlicker either. Yeah no shit maybe, and maybe you nimrod.

Can't really see a problem with this. Come to the country illegally, get forced to do hard labor. Don't want to be forced to do hard labor? Don't come here illegally..

What else are we supposed to do? Just send them back, so they can hop the border again tomorrow? Imprison them, so they can sit around all day and get free room and board at taxpayer expense?

I guess we could just shoot them, but making them work at least produces a net benefit. It does take jobs from Americans, though. So… maybe we could use them as test subjects? I'm sure there are some experimental drugs that could use some volunteers to expedite human trials.

But wasn't DACA Just a memo too?

As if a million spics kvetched out in horror and were suddenly deported.

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I've seen this thread before.

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Cause they’re going to make you do forced labor when you break some bullshit law. Forced labor means $$$, and once they’ve gotten all the undocumented immigrants they’re going to come for you.

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KYS kike, we know all about your WW2 propaganda.

"And then they came for the Jews" but then they stopped coming because, well, things just instantly improved.

Illegal immigrants


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It's a real shame that we've mostly forgotten about Shadillay.

They're invader scum and deserve worse than death. I'd gladly volunteer time out of my day to flay the skin of the spic horde's bodies until they die of organ failure.

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The way I see it, we need a 3 strike rule for illegal immigrants. It's bullshit that Americans pay for their welfare AND their prison sentences. If you're caught sneaking in a 3rd time BAM BOOM death sentence. They have no respect for our country, our laws, our culture. If they're gonna fuck us 3 times in a row, it's time to fuck back.

it was an executive order
or are you merely pretending to be retarded

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literally kys
no (you) 4 u

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Here, have a reconstruction of the record label graphic.

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I see Zig Forums still doesn't understand the concept of ingroups vs outgroups.

Just because the outgroup has no rights does not mean the ingroup has no rights. The outgroup does not deserve the same rights as the ingroup – if they wish to be treated as full citizens, they should stay in their own country.

I don't care if it isn't "basic compassion", illegals shouldn't have access to social welfare. Not even emergency room visits…