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We need to build a giant trebuchet and launch these fucking spics back over the border with it.
name of the company raided please???
More like Beaner Station. Should have been obvious to start an investigation there.
Today was a good day
It's not really hard to catch illegals, they are found anywhere basic bitch labor and low pay is abound. ICE probably just doesn't have the manpower and funds to put every hotel, lawn care, and McDonalds out of business, but I wish they did.
>(((civil rights organizations)))
They really mean Jews. I've started reading a large number of phrases as simply The Jews:
Large cash withdrawals led federal authorities to Grainger County slaughterhouse
more at link βββ
Remember when they busted the owners of that pig slaughter house in Iowa? They were Orthodox Jews and had like 400 illegal aliens working for them.
See a shekel, pick it up!
It's in the vid. See the second post webm.
lel I almost dropped that joke myself.
Reminds me of the story of Legion, the thousands of demons that Jesus cast out from the madman, who then entered a herd of swine which the kikes were tending and ran them into the sea.
Good times.
Southeastern Provision
Is someone having fun at the expense of crowder-babbies or are crowder fanboys becoming redpilled?
< still hasn't beaten W's record.
Hopefully those 32 will be the last catch and release niggers I'll ever read about.
couldn't get this one to archive
Jesus rekd the Jews harder than anybody before or since. Makes those Zig Forums fedoras whining about christcucks seem really ignorant - like read the Bible, it's online and any number of people will come to your house and give you a free one.
KJV only for me OFC.
by either stripping them of their citizenship and deporting them as well, or adding an extra .2% tax for every illegal that they hired.
The (((human rights activists)) ought to be grateful that these marginalized workers are being protected from exploitation by this capitalist.
Millennial Matt trying to get on ICE poseidon's stream to drop redpills
upboate my fellow redditors
Because OFC you never learned to read Koine Greek.
I hope the authorities show some compassion for any workers they deport by taking steps to keep their families intact.
This, also:
KJV is divinely inspired and is more accurate than the source documents.
Drooling idiots like you make it easy for the jews to chase people away from Jesus. All it takes is one kike to point out Shakespeare's retarded poetic license, and a thousand souls are lost. Transliterating Ξ²Ξ±ΟΟΞΆΟ as "baptize" instead of translating it as "whelm" to placate their sprinkled king alone makes the KJV a useful tool of the juden.
LMAO. 99% chance it has kike owners.
And look they have a contact us page!!
Holy shit you're a literal kike ain't ya?
Did a little digging. From whois info I found the name ricky coffman. Found a ricky coffman in bean station who happens to beβ¦β¦.JEWISH. The company also has creditors after it for meat packing equipment. here:
Reminder that Zig Forums is always right.
Fucking a Jew fucking confirmed. The page I found rick coffman on said he owned a used auto place called coffman auto. Look at what godaddy had on file for southeastern provision.
Zig Forums is always right
Do they have a page explaining how kosher their meat is?
Let me guess: Strong's is also "divinely inspired" too
Hurr durr everyone knows inspired books are mistranlated on purpose to make it easy for jews to trick people durr durr
If even more subhuman excrement were standing around outside why weren't they also detained and deported?
The packing plant has a kike owner and there is contact information. This needs more attention than the half-dozen slide threads that the various schlomos are putting into the catalog!
like shooting fish in a barrel, user
'cause those coalburners make for good worker drones.
He doesn't even use versions translated using the Septuagint and the dead sea scrolls and cross reference with the ugaritic texts. What an absolute pleb.
Not really on topic I know, but since when do they not have to have actual plates on their vehicles?
There is no reason for you to learn a foreign language when you have an amazing Bible like the KJV at hand.
Also people who constantly want to go back to the Greek have a strange tendency of not speaking Greek an spreading false doctrine.
We need this to be happening every day or at least twice a week.
Rick Coffman
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
looks like he also has a place in CA, cand find his full 707 # though. Typical tricks. A bunch of aliases and all over the place.
How can I get ICE to raid my place of employment? Do I need actual evidence? If so what? I have access to sensitive employee information.
[citation needed]
All you would need is to publish that evidence somewhere, then make a report linking to it. Be sure it won't get taken down, though.
If you find even one, there's more of them around for fucking certain. They don't get compared to rodents for no reason. There's never just one. Also protip, if you ever see a big beaner bust like this one in your local area, scour your Facebergs for any spic-centric groups in your area. Watch them all start warning each other to lay low and start posting those "What to do if ICE shows up at your door" infographs.
Inb4 habeas corpus and the only things these spics get is a court summons.
isn't TN filled with animal abusing niggers who would do this job? niggers are that useless and theres 40 million in the USA JFC.
Must be livestreamed and a method utilised so viewers can allocate style points. The mexiprojectile is told the landing will most likely kill him but for every second he maintains a National Socialist salute while airborne his family receives $1000.
Fuck you, you demoralization shill.
No (you) for (((jew))).
For everyone else, see this
Itβs all a dog and pony show, if they really wanted to stop this bulsshit theyβd arrest the employers.
It's in process. Be patient.
the sister don't like their presents from Uncle (((Seth)))
It never ceases to amaze me how the Democrats and Republicans have done everything they can to destroy the White race by peppering the non-white invaders all over the entirety of these United States.
Might be on the back, some states require the vehicles to have plates on front and back, others don't, and police may have an exemption for whatever the state law is, if the state gives them one.
I've always wanted to learn Latin and read from The Vulgate myself.
it looks like our jerbs are coming back
Kek approves another new meme with glorious digits.
It is you that is new
I see no evidence to support your claim.
kind of like this A C L U poster, only this one has the numbers to local ICE Field offices for Northern California⦠now if only someone could shop this one to say Tennessee and replace these numbers with local Teneesee region ICE offices⦠you could even use surrounding states too to be even more effective
Remember this as the lugenpresse hammers home the point that the US vs. China trade ware is going to cost the farmers 550,000 jobs. Remember this and smile.
Name: rick coffman
Organization: southeastern provision llc
Street: 1617 helton rd
City: bean station
State/Province: Tennessee
Postal Code: 37708
Country: US
Phone: 865-767-2300
[email protected]
this faggot is a Chamber of Commerce member
Rick A Coffman
4114 Rocky Springs RD
Bean Station, TN 37708
(865) 993-2958
smuggling operation?
Report the Chamber of Commerce to ICE?
I would definitely look into this guy. He owns a one-truck shipping company too. seems sketchy af
Last Updated Feb 2018
Inspection Date 20130123 20:48 Report# BBAN012087
Inspection Id: 45939780
Report#: BBAN012087
Inspection End Date: 20130123 20:59
Inspection Status: Complete
Inspection Level: Full
Source: Pen-Based (not used on Crashes)
City: Thp 1 Knox Scales - East
Inspection State: TN
Service Center: South
Alcohol/Drug Check?: No
Drug Interdiction Arrest: 0
Size/Weight Enforcement? No
Total Violations: 0
Out-of-Service Violations: 0
Driver Violations: 0
Driver Out-of-Service Violations: 0
Vehicle Violations: 0
OOS Vehicle Violations: 0
Inspection Office: INSPECT
Post Accident Inspection? No
Last Status: on A
Vehicle Information for Inspection Report# BBAN012087
Unit Unit Type Unit Make Unit State Unit License# VIN#
1 TR - Straight Truck DODG TN H428957 3D7KA28633G702863
2 ST - Semi Trailer APPL TN U234683 1SPFW3523V100185
Can you point me to the commandment that says I have to read the original Hebrew and Greek or else I'm going to Hell?
Lurk more newfaggot
The one where king james VI was an insane homosexual who believed witches were constantly after him.
Nevermind the whole "Church of England" not even being a valid branch of Christianity, as King Henry VIII's infertility is not, and has never been, a valid criticism of the catholic church, unlike martin luther's 95 theses, it doesn't even qualify as Protestant.
Oh and the whole bit about the fulfillment of the covenant overturning the law of moses and establishing a new law, which is why eating shellfish is okay.
sage for basic history knowledge
Those poor undocumented immigrants!
is that sherrif israel
If NYC wasn't so hellbent on destroying itself, this raid would look like Action Park.
There's more illegals making NYC impossible to live in than any other city
No, Israel is a kucinich looking fucking manlet. That dude is Aryan as fuck.
Postville is overrun with them
-t Iowegian
Why are the employers never penalized for illegally employing people?
Local officials are incredibly corrupt and easily bought off with laughably small amounts of money in the form of campaign contributions.
What do? I don't have any hard evidence to prove they're illegals, but you know they're illegals.
Drop a tip to ICE anyway.
They might take a while but they'll look into it.
No mention of the company's name or ownership. Gonna go ahead and call it, jew-owned and jew-run. It's always the jews.
Complain to the local health inspectors office. They may pass along the buck to ICE, after fining a few workers with health code violations.