Listen up goy, Real Ricky Vaughn here, and I'm posting from behind seven proxies tunneled through a Tor relay runing on a ProxyHam mounted on a tree in a park where I'm stealing WiFi from your wife's boyfriend's Grandma's nursing home.
While I am not *the* Ricky Vaughn, I am one of the many ghost writers who contributed to the persona.
That's right. Ricky Vaughn was never just one guy. It was a group effort. Think Project Mayhem from Fight Club meets Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell meets the Gehlen Organization. Nobody knows anyone else in the group. Every operative independently covers their area of specialization. No one is in charge, no one shapes the Narrative and there is no agenda other than the Goddamn Truth.
For about 14 months, I volunteered several hours per day doing research and shoveling tweets into Ricky's DMs, which he would tweet out verbatim.
I proudly take credit for maybe 1% of Ricky's tweets. Such as most of his tweets about ISIS and Wikileaks and NSA and Snowden and Deep State conspiracies and the scoops found in Hillary emails–that was me.
I never asked Ricky for anything in return, and I certainly never wanted to become a "Professional" pundit e-celeb hocking my new e-book and hitting the Podcast and JewTuber circuit to build up my reputation in the hopes that some wealthy (((International Financier))) might notice me and bankroll my MSM aspirations.
I did it for the lulz.
Having my shit be read by Donald Trump Jr. and other top power brokers who followed Ricky was worth it by itself.
Having the tiniest impact in influencing the election to make Trump win was its own reward.
So this is how Ricky plans to distance himself from "racist" and "anti-Semitic" tweets.
Cooper Murphy
I never asked Ricky anything personal about himself and I told him several times that I never want to know his real identity. That's why he trusted me. I didn't want anything from him. I merely wanted to borrow his megaphone to his 62,000 strong troll army and share true facts with them which the MSM was censoring.
After Ricky got permanently suspended from Twitter for the first time on September 26, 2016, I never messaged him again. We were censored and we were never going to regain the same scale of reach. The ride was over.
I briefly followed him to Gab, but soon deleted myself after noticing that something felt off about Gabbaim as a platform, like it's designed as one big kettle to contain the Alt-Right's messaging inside an echo chamber to corral us to keep an eye on us.
Ricky returned to Twitter again in the spring of 2017, but he seemed different. He didn't talk the same way. Post-election, Ricky's entire tone shifted from smart, IDGAF verbal sucker punches to "Please Clap" groveling and cuck-shaming seeking acceptance by the same Political Establishment he just spent the past year and a half lighting on fire.
So I assumed it wasn't really Ricky, but was instead a JIDF tiger team impersonating him to trick those of us from the old group to message him to reveal ourselves for Mossad and Haim Saban to track down and assassinate.
After Ricky started spending all his time punching right and insulting and gossiping about other White Men to Virtue Signal that he was different, that he was a Good Goy, then I really started to wonder if it wasn't really Ricky and that he had been replaced by an imposter.
Regardless of whatever really happened to Ricky, he lost his writer's voice, he stopped being funny, and he could no longer speak with the same fire and brimstone that would trigger 50 Anime Nazi Loli trolls to show up in some Shitlib faggot's mentions or make Rick Wilson go apoplectic with jealousy or make Louise Mensch's nasty flapping shmundie gush like Moses whacking his staff on a rock.
New Ricky spent more time calling his own allies Wiggers than he spent Naming the Jew and shining the spot light on all of their endless daily acts of aggressive subversion around the world, and on their schziophrenic death drive seeking to hurtle us towards WW3 and DOTR.
Ricky turned into Bill Mitchell 2.0, a faggy alt-lite boomer who bends with the wind, just sucking Trump's dick 24/7. Ricky's fatal mistake was believing after Trump won that he was ever going to be accepted into the DC chattering classes, that the Shitlibs were ever going to stop calling him a Nazi and that if he could just play 64D Mindfuck Chess that he could trick Normies to support CivNat without needing to redpill the masses.
Post-Twitter, the only thing Ricky said that I laughed at was his resurrecting the antiquated insult "harridan." The rest of what he wrote was garbage.
I knew Ricky was a goner after he hitched his anchor to (((jew))) and Anglin. jew and Anglin are Agents Provocateur par exellence. Their job is to destroy WN by discredting us through association with them. They are both shameless degenerates, failures in life, drug addicts, and lying grifters who have no credibility to advise any White Man how to live. I'll listen to jew's advice when he can hold down a real fucking job, attract a wife who isn't a blue haired sheboon methwhore, and takes cares of his damn kids (he's probably shooting blanks).
Do I feel bad for Ricky getting doxxed? Do I feel bad that he and his family are going to be harassed by Shitlibs for the rest of his life, that he's going to get fired from his future jobs, and that faggots like Rick Wilson are jizzing in their cuckold chasitity belts about pursing revenge against Douglass Mackey?
Fuck Ricky. If Ricky had stayed true to his old self after the election, then I'd still be on his side.
But Ricky roasting other Politicians as corrupt hypocrites, like Nehlen, while hiding behind a mask and attempting to sell his services as a one man David Brock smear machine is not something I can accept.
Ricky fucked up and got popped for it. It's karma.
It's not like he didn't know what would happen. I had repeatedly warned Ricky that because he spoke the naked truth about the JQ that he was a high priority target for doxxing by the ADL, SPLC, David Brock, Rick Wilson and (((other merchants))) and that he needed to be cautious as fuck, trust no one and always practice clean opsec.
Ricky Vaughn RIP.
Where do we go from here?
If you take away one lesson from Ricky Vaughn, it's this:
*you* are all Ricky Vaughn too.
All you have to do is get mad enough and channel it and start writing.
The (((system))) is corrupt and evil, it cannot be saved and therefore must be destroyed, we're already in the middle of Race War, the news is all fake, and there are dark forces out there who have billions of dollars and intelligence agency resources who use Infowar to manipulate the masses to control all of us to prevent certain questions about racial differences and kikes from being asked in polite society.
But none of their Satanic power matters, because one guy with a phone can run circles around all of their best efforts and jam their propaganda narratives simply by speaking the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The rest of us Ricky Vaughn ghost writers will never be found. We're still out here.
And now that we've tasted success, and now that we have made an impact in the real world and now that we have deployed weaponized autism, the next time will be easier and our next targets will be bigger and bolder.
Someday soon, perhaps you'll read some indendiary leak posted by some user that jolts you our of your shit posting station and lights the world on fire.
I've been here since 2015, and this is the most pathetic attempt at damage control I've ever seen. Not even TRS was this disconnected from reality. Post more, clown. Make me laugh.
I told this piece of shit he was toast months ago, he pissed off too many serious far right people and would never be accepted as anything but a shill. He probably thought it was funny at the time, not seeing this coming.
Robert Young
>references a movie about ONE GUY pretending to be multiple people fight club
Not me, brah. I've never attacked anyone who had a public persona, much less one using their real name, which was more fascist than mine.
Wrong again you illiterate faggot. There is no distancing. Stopping living at your local Glory Hole and learn to read.
I never wrote his tweets insulting the Semites, but I wish I did. Ricky wrote most of his own tweets. I even said I only wrote maybe 1% of them at best.
Previous gamergater that then jumped on the Trump train and was kinda big among magaboomers during the election season.
Once the election was over his popularity dropped so he started acting like he was the leader of the far-right and pushed for more civic nationalism. Also got into a feud with dumbshit Paul Nehlen
He's basically a nobody that thinks he's a somebody.
Nolan Bennett
So how does it feel to be the punk-bitch ghostwriter for a Washington DC Conservatard? Let me guess, you did it for free too?
Look, we're all well aware that not everyone can or should come out full 1488 GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW. We need some people to ease the normalfags into it, at multiple layers and across multiple audiences. But Ricky Vaughn broke the one cardinal rule and just wouldn't stop doing it:
Thomas Thomas
fuck off ricky, you made your bed on Cantwell's show. Now I hope you get killed
Ethan Turner
I'm not really imagine my shocked by this.
I think a lot of the big social media personalities have ghost writers posting stuff. I wonder though who are Doug Mackey's ghost writers now and what's his connection with this Jewish employer people are talking about?
Tyler Scott
Both scenarios are plausible.
but he's on recorded podcasts with his own voice saying a lot of racist stuff.
Jackson Flores
His popularity dropped because he got ruthlessly shoahd off twitter for being the most tactically effective alt-right personality. Read that word again, effective. Let it sink in. There are a lot of loud idiots around who are not just ineffective but counterproductive. Ask yourself why. Good thing some of the more sincere idiots are starting to get it.
Yea, effective at getting boomers to clap for antifascist rhetoric. KYS kike.
Thomas Miller
He made another account on Twitter and hasn't been banned, it's still active but he locked it after his name was outed.
Caleb Howard
The biggest part of being effective is calibrating yourself to your environment. The environment is different now than during the 2016 primaries, no? You're either a shill or too autistic to live.
Aaron Gray
Zachary Long
people who LOVE vaughn are dumb but holy shit the people supporting his doxing or spluttering "d-d-don't punch right" in their support of nehlen are a special kind of stupid faggot
James Lopez
Brody Baker
Kill yourself and don't every post here again
Zachary Russell
And you're the cool one because you sit on the fence right? You sound mighty butthurt despite your Laissez-faire attitude.
Michael Green
that guy is a faggot, why is he using skull and crossbones on his shit, thats some illuminati attention seeking faggotry
Sounds more like the original ricky sold his account to some faggot or lost it to said faggot.
Jayden Wilson
Fuck off kike
Zachary Nguyen
Nevermind, the journo did his dox good.
Gavin Howard
Hey OP, could you post all this on /trs/ in the Ricky thread for archival? Would be much appreciated. I agree that at the rate Ricky tweeted he was probably being fed tweets so this is plausible.
Also, to all the TRSodomites, read this post:
Samuel Rodriguez
No, youre an astroturfing shill which is why you were banned. PR cucks get the gas for spreading antifa rhetoric against whites.
Ethan Martinez
A faggot who wanted jewgle to remove "jew watch" from its results.
if felt FUCKING-A FANTASTIC and i would do all over again exactly the same way you chemsex gangbang poz load orifice.
My just for fun hobby of ghost writing helped get Ricky Fucking Vaughn's tweets printed on a 5 foot poster board and mounted on the Senate fucking floor you effete Soylent chugging eunuch.
My shit posting while framing Russia went so much further than i ever dreamed and was so devastating that it helped reduce the Do-Nothing US Congress to a comically paranoid laughing stock who nobody takes seriously anymore.
My meme warfare blackhat sniper's nest did more to help make peace with Russia than a thousand useless State Dept career bureaucrats ever did. I helped enrage and frustrate the ZOG puppet Neocons to provoke them into over reaction to set them up for self-implosion, now that they went even more insane and want to launch a nuclear first strike against Putin to start WW3 all over some fucking frog cartoons.
If a nobody dilettante Autist like me can accomplish all that just by fucking around in my spare time as one of the ghost writers for Ricky Vaughn, then glory hole gimps like you should be very afraid of the day I ever do turn pro and really do apply my full talents to Make Meme War Real Again.
In conclusion, as your attorney I advise you that since you have never accomplished anything in your shitty life that is as great as what i have accomplished, and since you are a nihilist loser who is a net-negative drain on everyone around you, I am therefore ethically bound by my state bar association to professionally recommend that you immediately kill yourself faggot.
So, underlying the Ricky Vaughn doxing is a deeper narrative. Ricky Vaughn approached Paul Nehlen selling data mining services for political campigns via a group called "Smartcheckr Consulting Group". The charges for these services were $2500/month. Furthermore, the Huffington Post article on Ricky Vaughn has shown that he was unemployed since some time in mid 2016 yet was living in an apartment in NYC with no issue, thereby indicating some additional means of income. If Ricky Vaughn was selling data mining services in the capacity of a salesman, it follows that he made a commission. This brings up a few, obvious, questions.
Questions: 1. Who is behind the data mining outfit? 2. What does the data mining take as input (sources, methods)? 3. What does the data mining give to a client as output? 4. To what degree was Ricky Vaughn involved? 5. HOW DID RV AFFORD HIS PLACE?
Tentaive Answers: 1. "Smartcheckr" - "", "". Note the dropping of the "e" in the "er" name. Is Chuck Johnson, of GotNews, Wesearchr, freestartr, etc behind this? 2. Social media? more? Where does the "facial recognition" play in? 3. This is spelled out to some extentin the document linked, but to what depth do these data points reach is a real question and again, where and how are they sourced? 4. We know RV was a salesman. Was he known to others within the organization? Was he a known public salesman, or was this all back channel? 5. Blowjobs? Selling research to people? What the fuck is going on!?
The same spergs screeching about how radioshow hosts that want to gas the kikes aren't hardline enough, were shilling for this guy. There is no way he isn't controlled op.
Jace Price
I've already archived and saved everything but have a bump nonetheless.
Angel Campbell
Imkikey strikes again.
Asher Powell
You're through, Ricky.
Hunter Edwards
Tough shit, Ricky. You're trapped in here with us now, whether you like it or not.
And I'll let you in on a secret. We're not trapped in here with you.