Any nuclear engineers here? is it easy for a terrorist organization to make a nuclear bombs and fuck us up?
How hard is it for ISIS to make a nuclear bomb?
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Even someone as stupid as Kim did it !
there are no real terrorist organisations idiot, useful idiots are recruited and trained by the intelligence community and allowed to carry out low impact high profile attacks.
*kim jong un
How hard is it for an agency that glows in the dark to fuck shit up on easy mode and say it was a rag head?
real terrorists would do what the french resistance did during ww2. blow up bridges, ports, dams, sabotage hydroelectric and water treatment plants, derail trains, print and distribute propaganda, expose corrupt politicians, hijack trains, ships, planes.
what are these "Religion of Cuck™ic terrorists" doing? killing random civilians in public places, expanding the reach of surveillance and security forces. they are GROWING the power of the government they "oppose", and escalating the wars in the middle east. seems really counter-intuitive to me, unless of course they are manipulated assets and their controllers' real objective is to increase their respective agencies budget next quarter.
How hard? We're learning they're just ONE public faction of a single larger organization already in control of all the nukes.
All they've gotta do is buy or ask for one.
I'm MORE concerned by NTT has routers in America with the name Sayonara in it.
You'd need a critical mass of fissionable material in two or more pieces and a way to slap those pieces together quickly and precisely enough so that the pieces don't fizzle out after starting the explosion. The hardest part is getting the material.
Now if you're including dirty bombs they might have at one time been able to collect all of the smoke detectors in their 'caliphate' and blown them up in a single bomb that might have been annoying to a small area.
It's basically impossible. It takes the full backing of entire nation states decades to come up with a few devices. It would be infinitely easier for them to steal one or buy one from the norks.
Nukes are easy to build, enriching uranium is the difficult part
Depends on what kind of a bomb you mean. They lack the brains and resources for a proper nuclear missile (look how many years it took for Kim), so most they could do is one of thise suitcase nukes, which would be a bitch to transport into anywhere but yurop.
But it's irrelevant because ISIS doesn't care about damaging infrastructure, as already mentioned.
the fuck is the norks?
It's over. We're done. If this is the type of shit thread that gets left up I can safely say the elementary school faggots are here.
seriously? Here is a hint you referenced their supreme leader in an earlier post.
Excise my ignorance.
in terms of creating and manufacturing a bomb from scratch, not a prayers chance in hell. purifying spent uranium into weapons grade plutonium is EXTREMELY difficult to do. completely impossible to do without the proper facilities etc..
however, israel and iran both have nuclear facilities. i dont see iran helping isis anytime soon, but i could definitely see the mossad giving their pets all the ingredients. but even then, i could only see it as a ploy to get isis (if they went rogue) stomped out. bibi would be like "look goyim, we need this taken care of, theyre gonna nuke the levant" and bingo, we have real troops there ready to clear everyone out of there for the yinon plan.
so like said. building the bombs is actually pretty fucking easy. enriching uranium is out of the question for these retards though. and if we DO hear about isis obtaining nukes, we should be very skeptical and look to israel and other nuclear powers as to where they got it from.
I'm not even an engineer and I could construct a rudimentary device. The hardest part from what I've heard his acquiring or making the fissile material
Do you have a single shred of proof to back that up?
thats silly user. you arent going to be able to effectively build an ICBM in your backyard, especially sans engineering experience.
the hard part is and has always been to enrich the spent uranium into weapons grade plutonium. this is why kims nukes can fly, but never go boom (fairly certain all his tests have been for the actual missiles, and that he is balking about actually having nuke warheads). he can feel free to prove me wrong any day now, though, by exterminating california
why would they glow in the dark
hes implying that goatfucker terrorist cells are too fucking retarded to ever accomplish something like this, and that if it ever happened, it would likely be because of some IC organization was using them to stage a proxy attack (or falseflag against their own country, which is unlikely in the case of a nuke).
are you really that retarded? how do you not know about glowmemes?
It would be easier for Israel to supply one of their ageing nuke cores, a la Sum of All Fears.
When will Israel be labelled as a Terrorist State? F'r Sure ain't nobody queued up to Fight the Permanent Security Council.
as a member of a terrorist organization, I find the appalling.
KYS RETARDED BRAINWASHED, Nuclear weapons don’t EVEN exist.
ISIS doesn't have to make a nuclear bomb. Israel will probably give them one.
If ISIS wanted a complete nuke, all they'd have to do is ask their Mossad handlers to send them one.
The fact that this has not happened says it all about their real goals.
Would be much easier to construct a chemical weapon bomb.
How Can Nukes Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real
Do you mean in a survivable way for the technicians, or is not an issue here? Because you would need to create an instantaneous Critical Mass Loading while not permitting the fissile material to disperse. (see Cusack's Los Alamos film.)
Dirty Bombs are much more effective as a Terror Weapon, whether Chemical or Radioactive.
How hard is for Pissrael to supply them one?
some, perhaps many, are stooges. but lots are legit independent. ELF, the niggermudslimes in apefrica, some of the smaller splinter cells.
it's neither one none the other and most dichotomies are false
>real terrorists would do what the french resistance did during ww2. overcharge for coffee at the cafes, talk about them in french behind their backs, and give them VD through their whores
this. stealing or buying is their only way. real independent terrorists will use chemicals or conventional explosives.
pro tip, state actors will never openly use chemicals even as state-sponsored terror, they're ineffective and were proven so in wwi. the only reason state actors use chemicals is to false flag.
see above. pretty much any use of chem that is claimed to have been done by an independent terror group is legit, and pretty much any use of chem that is claimed to have been done by a government is a false flag done by a terror group that is backed by another government.
trivial. the problem is not having it be traced back to them somehow.
We all hate this guy.
I'm no nuclear physicist but I think if they really wanted to they could set a few million aside and buy someone who developed nukes, like the guy who did for India and Israel, he could also do one for Isis. So all they really need is to perfect the manufacturing process. And unlike countries, who can't test nukes anymore, terrorists could "easily" test them with live targets like the US did.
Btw, different nukes have different signatures. So once it was detonated countries would know whose tech it's based on.
I don't think they're dumb enough to do that. The foot soldiers might be, but their bosses must know that something that big would get them destroyed.
Who says an unlikely (((friend))) won't just give it to them if it fits their fancy, OP?
The core idea is actually pretty simple, the issue is getting enough material to make an effective weapon.
You might not know this but Uranium-235 isn't easy to get, illegally other otherwise. Plutonium is even harder to get in large quantities.
Also, I hope this isn't deja vu. Forum pic related from Nov 2000.
How much?
They'd just have to ask Israel, which would say "no, that's not on the plan, just keep attacking every country around Israel and keep leaving us alone" to which ISIS would say "sorry daddy".
Not that fucking hard to be perfectly honest.
Until it mysteriously turned on and blew up his mountain research facility.
I said nothing of ICBM. I'm saying a device. Yeah if I had about 1.6 billion and 100 white men I could build a rudimentary device in less than ten years. ICBM MIRV maybe twenty years
Nuclear weapons aren't overly difficult to make, the problem lies in the delivery.
Shhhhh hahahahahaha everyone's nukes belong to me now muahahahahaha topkek
I'm sure it's pretty simple OP, they just go and ask their good buddies in the Mossad.
Realistically: you could build a device in 2 years tops and an ICBM MIRV with about 10 times more money in about 20 years minimum.
Any problem Israel has making one is overcome in their being able to just steal one.
Sage for another cuckchan-tier thread.
What about the switch names?
Interesting video. You got the rest? Thanks.
no bully pls
ISIS cannot make anything. They rely on the USA and Israel to sell them equipment.
Check this, it's a nice watch.
Don't come back, cunt.
Moshe, you know damn well you source your parts from every nation kikes have a nose in.
LOL, WWI was ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO. You think chem weapon technology hasn't advanced?
Perhaps these terrorists mirror their inbred genetics and are incapable of anything else but a typical Friday night in Chicago
The structure of ISIS is cell-based. That is, ISIS is composed of multiple tiny cells that cause massive amounts of damage…relative to their size. They're hard to track down because they operate largely autonomously, and there isn't a "country of ISIS" officially.
Such a group of people cannot safely construct a nuclear weapon, or even any new military technology. The problem is not their size or their expertise, but their structure.
It's a weakness of groups like ISIS. They necessarily rely on other entities to bolster their military technology. The only reason they are dangerous at all is because they are supplied by (((certain groups))).
sage, shit thread
Shit thread op
You got an estimate how many cocks i gotta suck to aquire the required amount of currency to achieve this?
How new are you?
I've lurked here since 2014 and posted since 2016, and I have no idea what glowmemes are. Probably because I don't follow all the american politics specific threads being a Europeasant.
Guerilla warfare isn't the same. Blowing up a power plant wouldn't make people who go to open spaces in large cities fear for their lives.
After Vegas I know people who won't go to outdoor concerts anymore.
This. Ever wonder why "terrorists" attack plebs and not some politician gathering or Hollywood event? The modern terrorists are used by agencies to justify their funding, they are trained or manipulated to attack "safe targets".
How jew are you?
100x this
Real terrorists dont exist in the western world, atleast not in the sense they want us to believe.
Blowing up a power plant would possibly kill hundreds and hurt thousands in a large city, if you can keep a blackout going for just a few days and actually expose the ineptitude of the government.
Also ask yourself why none of those guys ever survives, or even attempts to survive.
B_ST K_R_ _
Hide your shit you dumb nigger
21 years old
Registered republican
Gotta do better than that kid you literal retard
Hide your shit Martin
3047 Castlebrook Ave
Lose some weight fatty. Cardio and eat right
See your mom and dad here? Good fuck kid there's a reason to be user
Not at all, with the help of their friends.
So are you saying that in even though billions of people are unhappy with the evil things the elites are doing to them globally and of that, hundreds of millions are angry enough to blow something up, not a single one has decided to form a group and fight the elites on their own?
I wouldn't be so certain.
Most terrorists throughout recent history have attacked targets of little importance. Why?
Because it is easy.
Because they don't know any better.
Because they mistakenly believe that carnage = high value targets.
Because they're angry and they choose to attack objects that represent what they're angry with.
It could be any number of logical reasons.
Not everyone is as clevr as you.
Not that terrorists exist but cant you make a low yield bomb by using explosives to literally slam fissionable material together? And if so why not wrap it in cobalt? Or do you need a stronger bomb for that.
T. Not-physicist
It is one of those things that you don't want to post here.
If your white you can figure out the answer.
These sand niggers lurk here, no sharing designs.
Considering the fact that ISIS is just a mossad cover operation, pretty easily. They just have to requisition one from irael.
Those are Family Atomics from House Rothschild newfag.
Rods from God.
the nature of wind and weather hasn't changed.
Chemical weapons are scary nowadays. Look up what happened to that Russian guy Skripal and his daughter.
Kek, if they really wanted war they should have used some of the real good Porton Down shit and killed thousands.
Pussies with their fake ass play acting.
I don't know what you are talking about. What's so special about it?
What's funny?
I'm saying they pussed out, they're wimpy fags. If the British were serious this attack would have looked more like the Sarin attack in Tokyo.
I thought that was Ricin. Are you talking about the Aum-Shinrikyo one?
Yeah and it was Sarin. Also Aum Shinrikyo developed a nuclear weapon with the help of ex-Soviet scientists and tested it in Australia's outback, look it up. Quite the rabbit hole.
It is in the plan. Don't fuck it up you builder.
That's crazy. Although 2KT explosion doesn't seem possible with current technology, still the scientists could be downplaying the energy and comparison.
As I said it's quite the rabbit hole. I also believe the various fulminates of say gold or even other same-group metals could cause a nuclear sized explosion. Perhaps this is what nukes really were from the start, mercury fulminate mixes with some other metal?
I don't like to believe anything any more. It's all possible.
ISIS already has nuclear weapons. They are sitting in their military bases in Tel Aviv. Of course, if they used them even normies would figure out who controls their operation.
I made one yesterday. All it took was a couple burritos and extra hot sauce.