==CAR SMASH Several dead and others injured after ‘car ploughs into crowd of pedestrians’ in Germany
The incident took place in the city of Munster this afternoon==


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SEVERAL people are dead and others injured after a car reportedly ploughed into a crowd of pedestrians in Germany today.

The incident took place in the city of Munster and members of the public have been warned to stay away from "inner city areas" by police.

More to add:
Police from all over NRW is being ordered to Münster.

Driver ploughs into crowd in Germany killing and injuring multiple people… Developing…

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Merkel when?

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Part and parcel of being culturally enriched.

Two months if dubs
Three days if trips

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Two months it is. Check em.
Though, honestly, Germans just voted her back in. They want trucks of peace.

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It was either her or Mr. (((Supercuck)))
Also check AfD percentage

Well, it is almost that time of year user.

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such is life on the west

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wew it's been awhile since one of these happened

apparently the driver is dead

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this isn't even a happening in germany.
this is like like announcing "nigger shoots nigger in los angeles" in the united states.

Does that say he killed himself? My German's rusty. Wonder if that means he died from driving the car into the crowd or an hero'd himself


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Before trucks where manufactured in Germany this never happened. Germany must ban these vicious assault trucks.

Attached: germany merkel blocks.jpg (1500x1125, 214.6K)

We don't vote for the Chancellor, retard

Romanian News

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Vote AFD goy

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because OP is a faggot

Yup. Police confirmed the suicide

is that the German-Kurdish national that drove the truck of peace?

That's what I'm told. Bastard shan't get away with it.

How does he keep getting away with it?


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Forgot link

Danke mama Merkel

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He can't keep getting away with this.

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What a cunt.

Looks like refrigerated trucks.
Delivered cold as ice.

Alright, what the hell are those things? They look positively awesome and torturous.

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_


Gass the kikes.
I do not even know what to say. I think it can be time bomb. We can only wait for next moves of religion of cuck's soldiers. Always after one terrorist attack is another, after one suicide of famous person is another, that's the psychological dependance supported by news papers and every kind of media.

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Wild time in the history of munster. Learn your history. Martin Luther, etc…. wild wild ride



authorities are suspecting more perpetrators than just the suspect that killed himself

I am disappointed that the terrorists are becoming weak willed degenerates

also I think this was a hit rather than a terror attack

That much is obvious

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Is this real? And not following the meme; how do they keep fucking this up? You'd think they'd know the meme by now.

tbf it is in Romania they don't speak English

Murderous millennial preachers and prophets take over the German city of Munster after Martin Luther unleashes a Pandora's Box of religious anarchy with the Protestant Reformation. Dan's research and book list. Articles: 1.”For the Honor of God and to Fulfill His Will: The Role of Polygamy in Anabaptist Munster”

Did you misspell "glass"?

who knows man, they know it isn't real either way
it's a white man with a scary gun broadcast in gypsyland it matters that their viewers think its real
like nicholas de jesus cruz being a white supremacist hit pieces that hit all major media outlets on the same half hour

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Reports of a second attack
Had a bomb, which didn't go off
shoot on sight issued

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They are in a better place now…. reincarnated in a fantasy mmorpg world.


Source or gtfo


ban the cars now!

Fuck, didn't notice double "s".

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he can't keep getting away with it

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The german system is made that you specifically can'ät vote for the chancellor.
Only for the parties in the parlaiment, and then they vote for the chancellor. So the party with the most seats gets most of the time their way.

A few other European countries work like that as well, like Ireland.



Who as a result historically has been England's plaything.

Typical post by a pseudo intellectual who thinks he's smart.

Didn't they already confirm a bomb in the car that didn't go off?

Fuck, neither did I consciously! "Glass" just seemed to fit better grammatically.
My subconscious autism is acting up

Ireland's weird political system actually went into place after they got their independence.

Still I doubt it made them strong.

Oh fucking course it didn't, the system lead to the gay Indian becoming their leader despite nobody wanting him there.

You know what would fix this problem goy?
Mandatory automatic driving vehicles.

show me that sauce boi

They found something suspicious but have no idea what that is yet.
Could be a lunchbox or a bomb we'll see about that

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Ireland needs to go back to the quarters and king of Tara system.

He's a c*nt, but a correct c*nt.

leave and come back when you are an adult

Just another day in the Religion of Cuck™ic Republic of Germany. This is German-on-German workplace violence that has nothing to do with Religion of Cuck™, or any religion for that matter, except maybe Christianity for being intolerant and racist.

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Looks like he did the Munster Mash

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I know nothing or Irish politics but obviously if they are using a similar system than enslaved Kleines "deutschland"it is not good for the people of Ireland.

How many kebab shops has she filmed herself in ?

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As many as she could to humiliate "germany" and its people as much as possible. Also to add to her already large bulk.

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It's important for one to realize that nothing will happen if you wait for someone else to do it. You have to do it.

The hard part: You must decide for yourself what to do.

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This is why we need to ban assault vehicles! If we do this then no one will die! Our next step after is to make sure the government will drive you everywhere.

Results of the last election in Münster:
CDU: 32,8%; 62.275 Stimmen; -0,1
SPD: 20,9%; 39.714 Stimmen; +0,4
DIE LINKE: 10,1%; 19.285 Stimmen; +0,9
GRÜNE: 14,6%; 27.738 Stimmen; +5,7
FDP: 13,5%; 25.683 Stimmen; +2,8
AfD: 4,9%; 9.392 Stimmen; -7,7

Carlos, goddamn, you're as cool as ICE.

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Leave and return when you aren't a degenerate faggot.

Dailymail: It is not yet known if the incident is terror related - police are treating it as an attack - though motive is unclear
The memes write themselves.

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True, I mean, I knew they're retarded, but it seems with every new day, a new level of retardation hits.


Since they haven't discussed the skin tone of the perpetrator, his country of origin or an estimate of the dead, I'm going to have to assume this yet another native right wing native German terrorizing Europe over his impotent rage at Religion of Cuck™ and that's why the media and government is covering it up.

You just KNOW if this was a Muslim migrant they would announce it right away and completely overplay the fatalities and make it seem far worse than it was.


I wonder what was on his van of peace's playlist?

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Protestants went crazy and did a bunch of murder. Catholic church caught their leaders after a siege. Skinned them alive with heated pincers. Threw the remains up in a cage on the church. Shit has been sitting there for a few hundred years.