Are white supremacists really that bad?
We all know any non whites are sub human mongrels needing to be put down. So are white supremacists that hold the same views bad?
Are white supremacists really that bad?
We all know any non whites are sub human mongrels needing to be put down. So are white supremacists that hold the same views bad?
Are you a faggot? We all know OP deserves to be put down, but are you also a faggot?
LeL. Ok niggerlover
Then why call storm front users stormfags?
Why call new users newfags?
You're the newfag here nigger. Now go hang yourself and make your fag mother proud.
Wow that really hurt my feelings.
They're better than normalfags but a good half of them are drug addict degenerates without any sound ideology.
Anyone who is not straight and white is sub human and needs to be killed.
Pretty clear
There is hierarchy in all things. There are superior and inferior races, superior and inferior ideologies, and superior and inferior people. Many of your typical 'skin-head neo-nazis' are unfortunately bottom of the barrel in many respects. It's a sad truth that those with nothing else will find pride in who they are - so rather than being proud of their job, their school, their hobby, successes or club or whatever - they find pride in their nation, because they literally have nowhere else to turn.
There of course are many among us who are successful, intelligent and could fit into other groups if they so desired (and may do as well) - but who see the preservation of our people as the highest virtue. The world will always need foot-sloggers and cannon-fodder, and I'd certainly take a 'low IQ neo-nazi skinhead' over your typical 'weedy jew-loving fag faggot' any day of the week. The fact remains though that many of them are unpleasant people with little to offer the world besides their lives - which fortunately is exactly what will be required in the near future.
are you 12? go the fuck away. nobody wants you here.
When DOTR arrives, do you think it'll be nerds or skinheads doing most of the heavy work? Many of them don't understand National Socialism at all, but at least they're on the right side.
More anti-working class nonsense from someone who's never interacted with any of these people. I used to box with right wing skins, they were mostly decent, family focused people who were strongly against drugs and all forms of degeneracy. Meanwhile, many of the armchair activists of Zig Forums can barely get their own lives together, much less a family.
I'm not against the working class at all, I come from it. I'm talking about your un-working-class secondary school drop-outs who do little else in their lives but take drugs.
The sad truth is that a lot of them do rally with us. I'm not talking about people who struggle through life doing the best they can but never had wealth or a good education. I'm talking about your bottom of the barrel scum, and you better believe that they are out there. They are unpleasant people. Working class generally are more pleasant than upper class.
Sounds to me like you've internalized race hatred.
You sound like a faggot with no real world experience. Why don't we use YOU as cannon fodder? Oh that's right because your soooooo intelligent. Only women and kikes would talk about using their fellow brothers as cannon fodder.
Exactly. You lead from the front. We don't need another talking head cheerleading the race, we need men to preserve it.
The problem with stormfront isn't that they're White supremacists, it's that they're moderate boomers who aren't even allowed to post swastikas.
StormFront users been convicted on hate crimes before. They take action.
Sounds to me like you've never lived around low-lives who do not actually care about anything but who still claim to be 'nationalists' simply for the edgy factor.
I'm up for that actually. I do not know if I have a lot to contribute mentally and have been preparing physically for a long time now. Fact remains there are inferior whites who call themselves nationalists. Lying to yourselves won't help.
If you kill a sub human vermin you're a hero in my book.
Strike that vocabulary from your mind. They are not inferior, they are subordinate. As sovereignty guides force, force protects those who create fecundity. That's how all Aryan societies are stratified.
No. That's whole point of this. Righteousness; truth, justice and order. There are people who were meant to lead and people who were meant to serve; evil that is to be opposed, and a force of righteousness that must fight it. That's how I see it anyway. I believe there is purpose to this existence.
The forces of evil desire to invert hierarchy or else remove hierarchy altogether. There is a reason why 'equality' is the mantra of our enemies.
You're a total moron if you got that from what I posted.
He's right, there are inferior whites
I think anyone with a healthy sense of awareness of the real world around them can understand why Stormfront doesn't want people on their site threatening to ethnically cleanse non-Whites. The sad truth is that the more they allow National Socialist imagry on their site, the more and more LARPing idiots will start mouthing off and making cringy statements.
Anyone who claims to not care about one's image is either actively hostile to White politics or too dumb to be of any use to the racial struggle. German National Socialists didn't dress in rags and teeshirts, they dressed to impress because they cared deeply about public relations. Anyone critical of thinking about how one presents oneself to the world is either an enemy or a moron.
Also, the NSM has a really shitty flag. It's ugly and chaotic.
First of all, only communists slap letters on flags.
Secondly, flags must be simple and if possible, balanced. Here's a much better flag.
See? Balanced and beautiful. This is a good flag.
Sure, if you ignore the late 20s and early 30s where they were a paramilitary gang.
What he probably meant was that you should see them not as inferiors but as subordinate.
In other words, see them as people who should be lead rather than scum you want nothing to do with.
How many spics or niggers have you killed?
Exactly this. Did Odin reject the Vanes as degenerate sister fucking scum? No, he brought them into his society as the third varna.
A paramilitary gang that dressed to impress and was concerned about their public image.
Compare and contrast to this gang of yelling people wearing mismatched "uniforms" and an ugly flag screaming at the top of their lungs at a bunch of faggots with no power.
What a fucking waste of time.
Oh this is Maldraw the faggot bee. Kill yourself gook. You'll never get above $2 on patreon KEK.
taking the obvious bait: If white supremacists refers to the rabble seen in the pic? Most of those sorts of groups are led by kikes and kike puppets. And filled with Feds. The people who join those types of groups out of a zeal to protect our white nation I commend but they are not helping our cause. They will make great cannon fodder and RWDS troopers. But we aren't there yet. Call me an optics fag all you want but we need to persuade more whites to our side. You don;t do that by shaving your head, wearing all black, and popping a seig heil for the media. Be smart. Look presentable. Look professional. Look like the people you are trying to persuade. Not a fucking cartoon.
Except that picture is from after the institution of the Reich. The Beer Hall putsch was not done in uniform, just whatever they were wearing.
That being said, you are correct about optics and uniformity being important, not only for those outside the group but also for those within it.
What is supreme is subjective and highly depends on the enviroment. Of course niggers are inferior in countries that value white values but we dumped you at a random place in Africa you'd be the nigger.
The attempted coup in Bavaria is an extreme exception to everything else they did. Essentially, Hitler overestimated his support and drastically underestimated how difficult it would be to stage a revolution.
The entire plan was deeply flawed and ad hoc. It's coup attempts like that that must be learned from and avoided. However having been here for a long time, I am sadly of the opinion that once we gain in strength, such a foolhardy attempt will be made and thousands will get killed for nothing or end up in prison for the rest of their lives.
Revolutions almost never work IRL.
Besides, as you know I'm not talking about violent struggles (which almost never happen anyway) but political struggles. In a violent revolution, you can wear whatever you want and the only thing that matters is winning. But Hitler wasn't in one, he was in a political struggle and once he realized this and acted accordingly, he won with relative ease.
We must do the same.
No. There is hierarchy in all things. Dump (largely criminal) whites in Australia and you go from sticks and face paint to civilisation. Dump whites in the resource rich Africa and you get nations that can feed the other planet - take the white out and those nations once capable of feeding the entire planet cannot even feed themselves and need aid from others.
I actually think that the 'inferior' whites would prosper in an environment like Africa because doing the bare minimum would actually result in a noticeable increase in quality of life. That first success would likely spur on increased advancement. Leave them in nations like the US or UK and the less intelligent will flounder as their efforts will never amount to anything, because all the basic things are already provided.
Yes, because without it, I wouldn't be comfortable in saying white cock is better than black cock in my butt.
I agree with the rest of you post but most of Australian whites where voluntary immigrants from britian , not prisoners,
im australian and i annoys me we forginers allways say to us DUDE ALL YOUR ANCESTORS WHERE CRIMINALS LMAO