The Rape:
or why the Feminist cult defends Religion of Cuck™ic rapists.
1. The bull of Capitalism/Religion of Cuck™ united will then rape Liberal-Socialist Europa.
Bringing forth a unification of polarities (uniting Yin with Yang). Unification of polarities is the highest goal of many major esoteric themes, including in Buddhism.
2. Feminists representing Venus (love and luciferian light) are the spiritual path to enlightenment. It is believed that they will birth a new race of Europeans/Americans and liberalize the children. To the modern esoteric, a virgin is not physical virginity but spiritual. The spiritual virgin is a slut, who refuses the wedding ring (ring of bondage, ring of Saturn). And through this process is more enlightened and can lead the materialistic meat eating mankind into a higher state of consciousnesses. This is why we see that after a terrorist attack, celebrity sluts come out and say "only love can save us", as in love the terrorists to prevent terror.
3. Also it is important to note that many esoterics sees what Christians would call Satan as the Creator, and this is why it has been easy to play with themes and indoctrinate people of different faiths at a young age (while offering them wealth and power).
Because the material world is bad, all personal deities such as Allah, or God, or YHWH are actually manifestations of the devil tarot card: the horny goat or bull, the flesh of Adam, nature and matter itself. And only through Sophia (feminine 'wisdom'… or Luciferian light as opposed to Demiurge matter) can man go from Sparta-like dumb warriors into feminine Athenian sophists. And in this sense, because nature is bad, even the Atheist is seen as profane. Only spiritual science is held as the highest form and much of our modern science is really just esoteric occult lies posing as real science. But don't disagree with them or you're ignorant and profane, a stupid caveman.
To put it in more simple terms, femininity is subconscious and masculinity is conscious, and they must be united to bring forth a higher being. See the Masonic drawing board with three pillars. One pillar being Beauty, the other pillar is Strength, and the third Wisdom which the Mason must achieve by uniting the first two pillars.
4. 9/11 was a ritualistic act done by Jews and the Bush cartel using esoteric Kabbala (even Mossad's official credo is esoterics 101). The first two pillars were knocked down. The 9/11 memorial became a cube (Saturn) flowing down into the earth (materialism) with water (feminine rebirth). After which was built the third pillar of wisdom, a reflective twisted "One World Trade Center".
If you look at the dates of 9/11 there is a very esoteric meaning here. The same can be said about the Apollo mission to impregnate the moon goddess and unify the world in space, JFK and Marylin Monroe ("sex goddess" as she's called today) who were both killed in a ritualistic fashion.
From the slaying of the patriarchal patriotic bull (who warned us of their plans in his last speech) now burns the divine flame at the JFK memorial.
5. Also take note that when you see devil movies like Rosemaries baby, to the esoterics who make them they see the devil as a male patriarchal force raping the innocent feminine divine, giving birth to profane flesh babies. They believe Christians/Muslims/Jews worship this evil materialistic devil god, or god the Creator because creation/nature is profane and evil. To them material is bad because it is not the true light of the spiritual realm which rests the higher deity. This higher deity is the All or Monad. Lucifer/Sophia/Venus is only a way to reach this Monad and she is trapped by the masculine demiurge Creator. The fall of Lucifer to them is not a fall but Lucifer descending down to help mankind learn divine feminine wisdom, just as Prometheus, just as Buddhas come to earth to teach enlightenment. Lucifer represents both masculine and feminine united (Venus and the rebellious angel), also called Abraxas. And through him/her love we can ascend beyond the flesh into our avatar spirit bodies in the Monad or "All". Again these themes are about unification of all religions so they will use any theme to push their agenda. There is a reason it is called multiculturalism while trying to destroy the diversity of cultures, religions, and races.
Attached: katie perry muslims white genocide.png (673x675, 593.27K)