I would like to start a discussion on decentralized right wing anonymous networks.
We are not going to discuss the mentioned movement although it's credentials are undisputed (happy 1 year anniversary guys) rather I would like to focus on their message:
Feel free to copy our model, but do it in your own city, with your own close knit friends and name it diferently (or not at all) to avoid any associaton with us, stay of radar and maintain anonymity.
Ram potential
Obviously I have alot of material saved since I spotted them and recognized their potential early on (someone posted a thread here) and supported the idea from early on
But I promise not to spam and drop my.whole folder, just the few pictures I saved today and their videos which I find fucking awesome
So you guys are with IE? That's Damigo.
That was at Berkeley. Where I think they fought BAMN I'm not member though.
user you are worse at this than the totally not XSEED shills on /v/. You are allowed to be in clubs.
On a side note, here's a hilarious article on Damigo, which provides many lulz:
Bro, actually I really aren't a member. Just a RW ultra from central Europe )
(I'm on video here)
feels bad
Imagine if the young fit guys in ram tried to run of a city council seat, they'd win by a fucking landslide because every other SoCal politician is a fat slob or a boomer. So much potential with their group.
Are there any groups like these in Australia?
Get redpilled
Get /fit/
Get friends
Redpill them
There's your group.
I'd caution against naming your group anything, or even calling it a "group" (but I'm speaking from the present climate of Western Europe). Vet members very carefully, and keep "actions" to no more than 3, or lone-wolf if possible. Diversify your supply chain and make it as anonymous as possible.
Keep the 14 words as your only goal. No nonsense over Ireland, Scotland, Basques, Germany/Poland or the Balkan clusterfuck. We can sort those out on our own afterwards.
Once you have done your actions, having given everyone the experiences, you disband.
Everyone starts over from ground zero and build their own group
Do actions
This is how you build cells, this is how you have massive growth, this is how you avoid infighting, drama, becoming lazy, etc.
How do people start groups like these? Can I just put out some kind of ad like "Looking for some dudes to get /fit/ with (no homo)" and then just redpill whoever comes along? Or maybe something more formal? "I'm looking to start a club of people who want to get /fit/ and better their country, meet at gym twice a week." Would developing some kind of image help first? I just don't know how people even begin to organize these things.
So you are asking
You do know where you are, right? I mean, not every user is a friendless sperg, obviously; but Zig Forums isn't exactly known for its extraordinary social skills.
That's not at all what I'm saying, and it has nothing to do with the socialization that's needed to start a local right wing "cell" or group. I have close friends that I would consider redpilled, but they aren't the type of people I could convert to being activists, or people that would join a right-wing group. Basically, even though some people might have the knowledge necessary to be good candidates for these things, they won't participate if the image of the group isn't clear. I guess my questions are how does one recruit/vet quality members, and what kind of image do you want for your group and how will you advertise it? Basically, it's all about marketing and finding the right people, which is a different problem from actually communicating with them.
Goddammit, one of these days I'll proofread my shit.
"Antipodean Resistance" larped too hard and got ASIO'd
I'm so happy I was there )
You must prove by trial, whether the recruit is an individualist or ready to commit to a higher-than-self purpose. Our cause is just and beset on all sides by the worlds greatest evils. Victory WILL require sacrifice. We need the kind of folks that understand this and will fight and possibly die for the future of their people. Individuals will just get us wasted time & energy and innocent lives lost.
Those cunts reeked of controlled opposition, I'm not entirely convinced they weren't ASIO from the outset.
Any good ways for a skelington to get pretty fit without a gym membership?
just do pushups pullups and run
consider these your fundamental execises, they build your foundation
on top of this you can set goals for other exercises or activities as they come along
This plus boxing and dumbbells.
Antifa does this part well. They know the sort of "scene" that sympathizers are likely to be a part of and embed themselves into it. Supporting it, participating, hosting events, etc. Commies have been doing this in the US going all the way back to the beatniks and folk music revivalists. Not to mention arts and school groups.
I don't know much about RAM, but I wouldn't be surprised if it grew organically out of a not-overtly political scene, in this case a local MMA community. This is where you need to begin. Identifying "scens' that would attract potential sympathizers and then transitioning the followers you gain through the scene into political ones. You would have the wider group concerned with scene activity and then have an inner circle initiated politically.
No.. no noo
No.. jesus christ did you mot even fucking read..
You sound like a charcter from always sunny..
chocolate is for lovers
Wat dis mean? Who dis?
Found it on vacation in Salzburg.
What? I don't think so, they are still posting on gab. And I think they are doing great work.
The left is a sticker from Bulgarian ultras, right one is a quote by (((Theodor Adorno))) aka Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund from his essay Erziehung nach Auschwitz:
"The evil of folkways like the Rauhnächte and the Haberfeldtreiben and however else these popular customs may be called is a direct precursor to the violence perpetrated by the National Socialists."
The Haberfeldtreiben was a form of folk courts from rural Bavaria where humiliate and punish transgressions against the social order
Perfect post with the perfect plan.
That's not how anonymity works you fucking stupid LARPer.
We have an illiterate faggot shill here. Ban incoming
You already got two good replies I would also suggest bars (monkey bars) and bodyweight like ram does
First indicates CSKA MOCKBA ultras was there, second is a nat-soc sticker in German which would be cool if some German translates as mine is not fluent (been a while since highschool :)
System Resistance Network is the NatSoc group for UK anons. Their relatively new but their propaganda is the best in the UK by far.
Translated it here:
Interesting approach, plastering these words dripping with contempt for the goyim in public.
I heard good stuff about it. Support
Check this out bro;
Thanks heaps bro, I don't know how I could miss it is CSKA Sofia.
Shame on me, we are associated/brothers with CSKA Animals
hello there, fellow right winger
I will register to your (((very specific online community))) the first chance I get
where do I sign?
Gymnastic rings are all you need to get /fit/. Other than that just eat healthy and go for a walk every now and then.
Bumpin for gettin /fit/
Not homoerotic enough, sorry.
Kill youself.
That icludes you mod.
You need to killyourself mod
You need to end your life
End your life my brother
End your life my brothers
End your life my brothers
You will die this year
End your life my brothers
you fucking faggot spamming for gets, get the fuck out
fuck you satan kike
Post a variant of the immunity cat pic to dispel the kike magic faggots
I do chin ups with 20 pounds extra on me in a bag and am planning to work my way up to 40 pounds.