Japanese government to import 200 000 pajeet IT "specialists" and train 300 000 more:
Japan will bear the financial cost of the skill training of Indian technical interns.
Expect a sudden upsurge in hygiene-related incidents and fecal-oral transmitted diseases in Japan. I do not know how the Japs agreed to this.

Attached: poointhegpu.jpg (960x655, 292.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you honestly think they agreed to it?

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I am sure that I'm going to find a kike if I dig deep enough, but I am not even sure where to start. Japan's government system is a maze and their officials are usually camera-shy.

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I trust the Japanese government to enforce its visas more than I do the US. This is still a dumb move, Indians aren't actually good at IT, they just work for cheap. They'd be better off importing white brogrammer Chads from the US.
However, maybe they chose indians to prevent race mixing. Dravidian men are uniquely offputting.

Japanese people have had their image of Indians clouded as being nothing but curry cooks and Hindu/Buddhist iconography. They're gonna quickly realise what a fucking mistake it is letting Indians set up colonies in their cities. With nationalism on the rise, surely they'll oust them before shit really hits the fan.

Yet extremely prone to rape.

Why the fuck do all Pajeets have that same mustache? Do they only have a single barber in the whole country and the streetshitter can only cut it one way?
Pajeets are like a cross between a nigger and a White creep, I've never met a Pajeet who wasn't either creepy as fuck (way worse than any White) or completely autistic. Not to mention every one of them smells of shit, if I ever had to share an office with them I'd ask for a transfer, even niggers don't smell as bad.
If this was Japan's plan to make otakus look attractive they did a great job, otakus even with a pillow will look smooth as James Bond close to these creeps.

Attached: Japan_deputy_pm_Hitler_had_right_motives.PNG (1723x424, 343.12K)

It's perfectly simple, Goyim-sama. Honorable Nippon has sadly dropping birthrate, and it must reach out to the international community to keep its economy strong. Too many honorable elderly are retiring, and not enough honorable young Nipponese are going to work to replace them, Gentile-san. These needy foreigners will learn valuable skills in Japan and bring valuable skills from India, and impregnate valuable schoolgirls in Osaka while raising bottom line in honorable stock exchange and making more diverse curry restaurants in Tokyo and helping honorable Japan stay on right side of history, Nippon-chan.

These Poos are also good training for honorable 6 million Somalian refugee-chens who need your help, Japanee-sama. You do not want to be racist-desu, do you? Think of the honorable moral arc of the universe!

Attached: Oriental_Merchant.jpg (600x701, 52.68K)

Moustaches are popular in the South, due to European colonies there they're probably trying to look like British military officers who had a mandatory moustache rule until WW1.

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (700x286, 373.54K)

Nothing about this on Japanese news… Most likely exaggerated pajeet nonsense.

It's slightly old news, from March of 2018.

How fucking new are you?

Attached: Of_Course.jpg (480x360, 21.88K)


They fell for the cheap Indian programmer meme. Now they get garbage products. Do not hire from India their schools are garbage, their degrees are meaningless since cheating is rampant.

They are terrible. I know a guy whose specific job for a while was fixing garbage that Indians did. After a while he just said that an entire project had to be thrown away since it was too difficult to salvage that it would be easier to start over entirely from the beginning.

It the same shit as posted weeks ago, there is no source other than india times.
It's like watching RT and saying that russian economics are good.

Well, I'm a happier man if that is so.

They shouldn't have to rely on foreigners at all. Teach young jap males instead. I bet there's like any other first world nation, tons of unemployed ones not getting into the job-market because of bullshit like this.

Corporations has to have a loyatly towards their own kind or else the nation falls. You can't have "nations" within the nation.

Pajeets might be the most objectively pathetic race on Earth. Kikes are scheming, niggers are retarded savages, chinks are soulless ant-people, but the pajeet race is a race so miserable that shitting in the street is a core component of its identity.

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Are you seriously telling me they couldn't find 500K IT savvy japs? This excuse may work in america but jap nation isn't going to buy this.

Nigs are worse.

The next-gen zionist geopolitical nexus continues to come into focus. US, israel, India, occupied Japan. EU cooperation in Nordstream II, OBOR, and Chinese strategic military assistance to Pakistan should be seen through this light.

It would be amazing if chinks, pakis and pajeets obliterated each other.

Dravidians are essentially Australoids, same as Abos - objectively the least advanced race on earth.

Unlikely. It will be a Chinese millennium and India will sink, seeing its territory carved up. They will have plenty of land in the US, though, dutifully overseeing White genocide on behalf of Trump's donor class.

I am amazed there are still people around who believe chinks' self-glorifying garbage. It's bullshit of the same caliber as "India superpower by 2030".

or the streets.

Chinks might do it, they aren't retarded and have numbers. India can't even figure out how to get rid of poo, a solved problem for everyone else since at least the Roman empire.

Attached: India_In_2030.webm (640x284, 11.3M)

(((Corporations))) have loyalty towards their own (((kind)))

Gotta love this colonial mentality.

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Is this is first steps towards the kiking up of Japan?

Yo Dawg I heard you like graphics and poo so I put a poo in your graphics processing unit so now it's a graphics poo'ing unit.

Attached: yo dawg.jpg (481x481, 55.27K)

The moustache does not help.

Having been to Japan many times, I can verify that they already make curry 100 times better than Pajeet curry could ever hope to be. I don't foresee this arrangement lasting long-term. Japanese consumers are distrustful of any foreign craftsmanship. They barely accept products made by Whites. Street-shitters can't possibly hope to attain the quality that Japanese consumers demand.

Attached: merchants_of_japan.png (255x191, 11.7K)

It's not that they don't understand how to poo in the loo. It that they refuse to. Streetshitting is literally a cornerstone of their culture. Even their own government and fucking (((UNICEF))) keep trying and utterly failing to make them poo in loo. You can lead a pajeet to a toilet but you can't make him use it.

Not to mention free of fecal contamination.

I fear Japan may slowly be on its way to being as kiked up as the Western countries. Japan has (((Chabad-Lubavitch))) in Tokyo, and there are (albeit small) (((NGOs))) pushing for multiculturalism in Japan. I've also heard rumors that Emperor Akihito is the product of Jewish intermarriage into the Japanese Royal Family. I haven't seen any solid proof, but considering that (((they))) intermarried into European royal families, it's not exactly all that far fetched.

Have a (((You)))

The real question is: Are they Aryan or Dravidian?

Someone post the photo of a female Japanese government official with Soros.



How exactly are Indians more advanced than Japan in anything?

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This is going to in a plague.

The Japanese are a fairly clean and germaphobic people I imagine their immune systems are that strong. Imagine how Japan will look after they import Nurgle Pajeets.

they have enormous production capacity for fertilizer

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you didnt think that one through, user

So how are the Japanese reacting to this?
I know they're very nationalistic people.

There are several versions:

Will we get poo anime?

user, I have bad news for you…


They're trying to get rid of street shitting ways, bless their hearts have the webm

Attached: pajeets_daily_grind.webm (640x360, 7.89M)

Is everything about India centered around shit? I know it's a meme but it gets strange after a while.

Not everything

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Say what you want about them but the Indians are at least subservient.

What exactly does Nippon get out of this?


But the Japanese don't even like Koreans and as far as I can tell Koreans look a whole lot more like Japanese then Indians do?

They can show them the wonders of having actual shit in their food.
They already drink coffee make of cat crap, so this is clearly the next logical step.

And Canadians drink coffee made from Orangutan feces.

So explain the Pakis raping Britain blind. Pakis are Indians. Pakistan and India were one country until very recently.

Civets don't even resemble cats.

Attached: asian palm civet.jpg (285x320, 22.16K)


If you weren't a shit skin pedo worshiper you'd know the biggest difference between the two.

Why did the two split? Muslims. India and Pakistan is a warning story. Do not tolerate Muslims they come to take not to learn or anything of a benevolent nature.

Hindu Indians commit rapes all the time in India. Muslim Indonesia has fewer rapes. I think it's the common Dravidian / Abbo genetics that makes them rape machines. The Indians are just as much a threat as their Paki relatives.


Guys we have to save Japan

This is the kind of multiculti bullshit that killed the west in the 70s and 80s and itll only get worse from here

Obviously Japan wants to keep it quiet.

Hope they like poo in the streets.

Attached: Pajeet's Conundrum.webm (640x640, 1.28M)

What this guy said but I'd like to compliment this with my own theory.

Humanity (sensu lato) is divided into two major behavioral subtypes according to environment. Maritime masterrace and continental barbarians. Peoples that lived in coastal areas and riverbank areas tent to culturally and technologically advance faster than inland cultures (see: Phoenicians compared to the rest of semites, Greeks compared to Scythians, Romans compared to Illyrians, Nords compared to other Germanics, Slavs compared to Western Europeans, Hong Kong vs mainlands chinks, Japs vs Koreans etc…). Dravidians might be hierarchically ranked almost as low as niggers but the actual reason Australian abos have devolved to pre-denisovan levels of intellect, making some later Homo erectus more advanced than them, is because while the rest of the Australoid race kept expanding in the indo-pacific regions making some exploration breakthroughs and arguably even breaching the Americas fucking abos found a continent scale island were they could literally burn down and still provide free resources necessary for their survival for millennia, whereas niggers needed at least some minimum of low cunning to survive against apex predators and large aggressive herbivores adapted against the earlier.

dont they have like some kinda real mafia there ? Ninja warriors and shit ?

Look at a heatmap of rape in India. It's the northerners that do it much more than the southerners.

They still are feliforms.

Muslim women don't get raped because they're property.

Not going to happen. Only sons of the Emperor who have married high Japanese(!) aristocracy can become Emperor, and that high aristocracy doesn't marry outside its circle either. Hell, they don't even really go out into public. And those families have remained the same since before Jews came to Japan.
We don't have to worry until some kike gets at least some aristocratic Jap title, and those aren't given out anymore.

Niggers are far far worse.

this has been said before here, almost verbatim

for being 'high iq country' the japs sure are retarded

This doesn't sound like Japan in the slightest, maybe the companies in question are being pressured into these arrangements by their (((foreign investors))) and (((international business partners)))?
That's one thing that comes to mind.

vid very related.

Poo in the roo, Akihito!

Indian IT workers are worse than hiring literal niggers to run your servers.


Lol, coolies are the most obedient people.

I live here, visas are getting easier to get because of Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

I've seen a couple indians in foreigner bars - which are just as degenerate as you'd imagine - and I am definitely noticing more of them. fuck.

also: birthrate statistics are skewed. people lie about being virgins on those surveys(which are often conducted publicly by sketchy university students) and plenty of younger people even have kids.


Indian+Japanese happas are hot though. If you deny that you must be a fag.

Pop in look is just a fucking meme. These days India is cleaner than US! I'm not an Indian shill but if you ever visit India or heck watch some videos you'll see how developed they are. I used to be a hater but now I respect Indians for what they have become.



So stop spewing stupid memes and embrace your future.

poo in loo

Eat shit libcuck

im going to japan boys

open bob

How about you follow your own advice, stop spewing your jewish nonsense and embrace (((your))) future right here -> >>>/gaschamber/

Fucking kek, saved. Love how they try to show clean stone floors as normal in their city.

Having been there before, most Japs hate non-japs, let alone whites. These pajeets will literally be treated like poo as they will fail, be lazy, cheat and not be good at what they are there for. They will be despised universally.

Please wash your hands, Pajeet.

Jews did this. Wonder what the leverage they used was? Probably (((economic))). In any case, Japan capitulated. The Japanese leadership just sold out the Japanese folk for Shekels.

Goodbye Japan. Maybe I will visit before it falls into Hell. Probably got about 4 years.

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what the fuck did I just watch?

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I always hear from plebbit weeaboos that work in Japan that salaries are low and IT is over-saturated.

That's why even the biggest Otakus rarely move there to work in IT.

You need to know technical wap, which is difficult as fuck so merely being fluent doesn't cut it.

I don't see street shitters getting anywhere in Japan.>>11460602

I don't understand how people hide their disgust with Indians. They're honestly the ugliest of all races, even beating out chimp lipped niggers, which is an accomplishment. Their food is terrible and they smell like shit. And most importantly, they're fucking stupid.

Why do people assume they are technologically literate just because people outsource to India for cheap labor? Why do normalfags insist on denying all their senses and reason when they see these disgusting people?

If Indians are like this then I can't imagine how primitive the Dravidians were.

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Most normies have made cognitive dissonance an art. The two most important words for any liberal is
They can convince themselves that since
X are like Y, then it's not fair to say anything about X's propensity for Y. Think of it like a logic escape hatch. It's the most important tool for modern liberals.