It's on a rightwing youtube live show, so Jason will be outnumbered in the comments and the moderators will probably be biased towards Spencer, tune in and show your support for Jason!
It's on a rightwing youtube live show, so Jason will be outnumbered in the comments and the moderators will probably be biased towards Spencer, tune in and show your support for Jason!
I will definitely tune in despite not being a huge fan of Jason for his LARPing and third-worldism autism. I’ve watched HEELTURN before when Cultured Thug was on and it is full of Zig Forums-browsing autists. The only issue is that Spencer may out-charisma Roo. As long as Roo keeps his cool it won’t be a total disaster
He should debate Finnish Bolshevik. He's smarter than Unruhe desu.
Finnbol is autistic and would sperg out
Well this is going to be a disaster and great propaganda for the nazis. Jason ragequit from debating no book muke on whether the USSR was socialist.
are you implying that the roo won't do the same?
Roo will probably embarass himself
you underestimate the power of weaponized autism. It is a chaotic energy, it has to be harnessed correctly.
unstoppable autism meets immovable retardation. I wish there was more left/right debate streams