Because you consent to using it… you agreed to be detained you agreed to be spied on
But much freedom muh freedom…
We OWN YOU and you agreed to it so we have the basis to own you…
Because you consent to using it… you agreed to be detained you agreed to be spied on
But much freedom muh freedom…
We OWN YOU and you agreed to it so we have the basis to own you…
Gonna say nope they are a public utility
We can do anything even using your hardware to mine crypto for us with script… cause YOU are on OUR website…. I've actually heard a "redpilled" friend say this the other day????
YouTube is THEIR website LET THEM rape you
now this is real (((4d chess)))
Relocalize or die, faggot.
daily reminder you use uBlock origin and uMatrix
use adnauseam instead and bareback youjew, hit them in the sheckels instead of being passive. alternatively do it manually and click every ad you see and buy nothing.
Internet people are not your allies. Improve yourself and create small local cells.
How about The website doesn't even seem to have "terms of service".
bitchute is proprietary and centralized.
if you want to get into these things youjew and these other services should be used only for shilling back to your own systems.
Huh, it's like Youtube WANTS to open up the market for a competitor to step in….
Won't work, the same way the conservative forks of twitter, wikipedia and facebook never worked. The normalfags move as a herd.
how do companies know it's not working? It would look to them like the ads are working right?
I'd rather not click than have a (((free plugin))) running on my system, thanks though mr shecklestein zer aviv nissembaum
It's not valid because Whites couldn't keep niggers out of their restaurant, but Facebook wants to keep Odinists out of theirs.
They're not entitled to boot us over race or religion any more than we are entitled to boot someone for being a nigger under current US law.
Whatever anyone says about anything other than that is not relevant because you can be a private business all you want, but the Swastika is a religious symbol. Also, BTFO.
Nope, not a public utility. But they do have to bow their heads to the !st, because of their monopoly on speech within their site. No different than the Oil towns, sure even the sidewalks were owed by the Oil company the Courts told them they could not censor speakers on their sidewalks.
Look it up, it fits the case there.
Just wish I could remember the case's name.
there is already court precedent stating that common spaces ala public grounds must not infringe on rights so no, youtube moved from "private company" to public grounds when they effectively monopolized video platforming
it's open source nobody has found any kikery going on with it. kikes will attack other kikes, if it hurts youjew then its worth using.
jewtube has kvetched several times about what they call "fraudulent clicks / click fraud" as if this is some kind of illegal fraud (it isn't). they've had to refund advertisers a few months ago. this also destroys smaller sites, if you run this on a small site that jewgle gives zero fucks about, then they will blame the site operator for the click fraud, and then cancel their google accounts. originally website operators did this themselves on their sites to generate money.
remember the goal is to erode advertiser trust in jewgle in general, as a side effect some site's may get more money temporarily, until google catches up. as far as detecting this, i'm sure jewgle is trying as hard as they can. one of the limitations of adnauseam is that it simply sends a request for the ad, it doesn't load the ad and it doesn't execute the associated ads javascript.
a more dedicated option would use selenium and full browser automation to actually go to those advertisers pages, and then sit on the page for a few seconds while the javascript executes and completes it's full tracking.
Yep, same with imageboards,reddit,twitter,facebook etc.
Not yet, code gets updated and fixed
Establish a user base then fuck them, I didn't say they were stupid.
You can do what you want but I'm not installing a 3rd party plugin, I'd rather just use my host file as god intended.
Trusting a kike ever, even when they're jewing other jews. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend.
>(((the soyboy who drew the icon)))
Who cares, shill? Read the source code. I don't care if a jew is jewing another jew.
Very true, but also incomplete.
Best analogy. You cannot refuse to bake a cake (deny use of a product) because your supposedly protected religious views are against. So how is YouTube free of this?
My normal stance would be YouTube is private business and they can censor anything they want.
However ted k summarized this. Essentially use of technology is a prerequisite to exist in society at this point. You need computers to apply for jobs… avoid massive fees from paper bills… etc. You basically cannot produce any sort of video or get much viewership without YouTube/Google.
They should not be acting as gatekeepers.
the concept is solid. eventually someone needs to come up with an alternative.
if you want to have the same effect without the plugin clicking on ads and purchasing nothing is even more damaging.
Oh too add. A lot of people here on Zig Forums seem to have forgotten/never known, the Jewish propensity and tradition for revenge.
So like I said in they can be used to the benefit of humankind, most especially when the yid in question is on the path of revenge. Their very well developed short term goal acquisition can be used.
Just treat said yid like you would a condom, get the job done and then toss it.
fuck off youtube shill
Nice try satan, but you're forgetting minors.
Not when they receive government subsides, they don't. Hope they get shot up again.
This is one of those "Iron and Blood" questions OP
if that's the case then all the bakery's can turn away fags right?
Adblock Plus + NoScript.
t. technician.
Arguing about flavors of ad blocking aside, use SOMETHING to filter fucking ads as long as it works.
The internet should be considered a public accommodation.
ironic trips
funny how "private company" is the go to line, but christians areforced to bake the cake
This, they even bill themselves as a public utility in all but name.
This guy gets it. It isn't the "net" that needs neutrality- it is the data on the net.
But it's not public. It's on their servers. The internet isn't some magical, public space like a park. It's like a mall, you're always standing in someone else's store.
And as other anons have pointed out, if a bakery can't turn away fags, jewtube can't turn away anyone else.
I liked their old name better
No Satan. If YouTube changed owners and all (((jewish))) content was then censored you'd be the 1st to kvetch and kvetch hard about annuda shoah.
And all stores are public accommodations. This has been a settled issue since the 1850s.
Wrong. Fiber optic cables paid for by the taxpayer are public accomodation and must be subject to common carrier rules. Private servers are not covered under that.
Yes. They can screw over their business partners. It's totally jewgal. It works… until it doesn't.
But they need to use those public cables to transmit and receive the data to and from you from and to their servers. YouTube can be told "Sure, you can censor peoples videos, but if you do then you have to use your own cables to run your service."
Mods are absolute faggots.
Stickying their own threads. Anchoring a thread that actually generated better discussion than everyone just calling everyone else Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns reddit or shlomo because the OP did not conform to rigid standards… which reminds me, at the top of a page from archive.whateveritisnow the original link is right there to be seen by anyone willing to look, you fucking newfag shitskin controlled opp pieces of shit.
And the wordfilters. Jesus fucking Christ.
It's like /b/ but without the fun and somehow with more cancer.
you're behind quite a few years user. try out uMatrix, it shits all over noscript. ublock origin is much better performance wise and doesn't do the bullshit "non-intrusive ads" while selling white listed ad space, iirc uBlock origin should be using a few of the same lists as AB, AB+ and, AB Edge.
t. former AB+/edge noscript user
How about this… uMatrix and UBlock Origin… but when I find myself on one of those "it seems you have an adblocker, please disable it to continue" sites, I can disable uBlock and uMatrix to satisfy the site but also have Greasemonkey with the AntiAdblock Killer script and AdBlock Latitude and still view it with no ads if it seems ok otherwise.
Is good?
I simply refuse to use sites that do such bullshit.
OP, you giant faggot, it's a public company. You must suck more corporate dick than an IBM salesman in 1950 if you think a ToS means anything. They could put in some shit like, 'you agree to be sodomized by OP's mother's black boyfriend if you downvote xyz'. It doesn't make it legal. So when it comes to their spying, they're fucked. Selling user data, open to being fucked. Censorship should be the ruin of them. Gov could easily step in here and force 'Alphabet' to sell off Youtube AND Gmail.