Trump on FIRING MUELLER: We’ll See What Happens, ‘Many People Have Said I Should'
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Optics of it will suck but it is necessary.
Please put more effort into your OPs, OP.
Firing Mueller would be great but would probably force the kikes to JFK trump, while blaming it on the inevitable frenzy of screeching psycho-leftists.
Lefties were always gonna get violent
Time for the warriors to die like warriors bleeding to death in a hole
Yep. He who strikes first, hardest, strikes best.
He definitely has a deadman's switch left for Pence or Melania to trigger in case something happened to him
Melania, not Pence. Hell, even fucking Barron over Pence.
But Pence as Pres could declassify top secret documents
Actually apparently the VP can also declassify intel
can't we just cut to the chase and bring back guillotines?
hmmmm, so we gotta get pence to VP to declassify those docs u say…wtf are you on about ya fuckin mong
Mueller helped cover up 911, I suspect that Trump allowed him in simply to watch him and see what he does, who he talks to, and so on.
That in case something happened to Trump Pence could declassify documents incriminating the ZOG cartel as a deterrent from them JFK'ing Don
Pence is kosher as fuck. He stands with Israel over Trump.
Pence only supports Israel because it needs to exist and be destroyed for Jesus to return.
Read your Bible.
Honestly he should get rid of sessions now too, the man is out of his element amidst the legitimate traitors entrenched in DC
not gonna happen no matter how hard leftypol wants it
He's a stooge. When Christ or John say Israel they are not talking about the state, which did not even exist in their fucking time. It was the province of Judea. That's all Mossad psyops.
Also friendly reminder this is happening the day after Israel gets caught trying to start ww3 in Syria
Not that I expected much from a torposting kike worshiper
This makes you mad. Evangelicals only support Israel because it's necessary for the end of the world. They know Gog and Magog (Turkey and Russia) will destroy it and plan to let it happen just so in fulfillment of prophecy.
Read your Bible user. Israel is to be destroyed utterly.
Read a history book, faggot. There was no state of Israel in Christ's time. You're falling for post WW2 kike tricks.
It's OK, you're a Jew, this isn't exactly music to your ears.
I don't care what the fuck you do afterwards, but Step 1 is to put down the based kike of pacifism kool-aid, turn 360 degrees and walk away
Hellow my (((fellow white person!)))
Go slurp some Jehovah foreskins you Godless desert nigger
If you were really anti-kike wouldn't you be happy that evangelicals desire the destruction of Israel?
declassify it all, crack their shell and make them bleed
I wanted to kvetch about how Trump saying vague things without any action shouldn't be pinned, but it's so hard to keep track of what he's thinking that I'm glad everything he says gets pinned. A single sentence doesn't seem relevant, but it comes back bigly a few months later.
And I could fuck a unicorn if only Santa would bring me one
Instead of fucking off so it can self implode and fight endless kike)Muslim wars
kek your keyboard layout got the best of you there
Lots of blackpill kikeposting ITT
Trump will be just fine, the tides are turning.
everyone needs to block the kike zogbot goon using 000000 and it's very easy, here is how.
Wow there are a lot of you, you must be really smart. I hope the weather in Tel Aviv is nice, who knows the hour of His return?
what happened to those saying mueller was greatest ally and literally thread-making defending him
Trump headfakes the kikes on bombing Syria, they raid his lawyer's office, what happens next? I hope he has a plan
I think that was a Q-ARG thing.
Trump always has a plan, man.
Spamming this on every thread.
That was q larp propaganda. I expect they're formulating a wd40 chess excuse
It is not live action! It's even turn based. You know what's really disappointing? There's great ideas in it, forcing people to do research and learn things. But the idea that Mueller is really a deep cover good guy is ridiculous. He deserves to be fired and kept far away from government, because his investigation is a fucking travesty.
Mueller could be fucking Hillary and still not be /ourguy/ after all. We can't do much but wait and see either way, this doesn't have to be decided today.
The best thing to do is plant fake evidence on your lawyer prior that sends them derping into the weeds and sets them up for massive public disgrace.
Mueller needs to be hanged. He was FBI director during 9/11.
think about this user: how could he prove that the evidence is fake?
would extremely blatant forgeries really convince them that its fake?
I disagree. The first person to resort to violence is (almost) by default in the wrong. But after they resort to violence, absolutely no quarter should be given in striking back. For example, I wouldn't have been on board with the U.S. nuking Japan not once, but twice, if they didn't first attack us unprovoked at Pearl Harbor.
this user's pic related is about the totality of action that should be taken against these creeps
Mueller should never had been there in the first place. At the very least, Mueller raiding Trump's lawyer's office gives him justification to fire him and replace him with someone who won't actively try to fuck him over.
Mike "Israel should dictate US policy" Pence will never declassify a goddamn thing, you cocksucking lunatic.
Trump should just take him out and shoot him in the street.
Trump knew of the raid. He has eyes and ears everywhere in NYC. Watch Mueller funds nothing of value.
How will Mueller recover from this?
How will the Q niggers rationalize this?
magnified optics are a force multiplier
Its to throw people off the scent goy so they don't realize just how based he really is!
As if the optics of randomly investigating a man, not a specific evidence based crime, are better.
Who the fuck cares about this crap anymore?
Don't you IMBECILES get, that all of this is just a big circus without ANY FUCKING real meaning?
Nothing will change.
Trump is, and will always be, a fucking KIKE PUPPET.
So a panther is wrong to ambush his prey?
Dial it all the way up to make the gun shoot harder, user
Oy vey! Drumpf is muh kike puppet. Just go home goys, why bother, its hopeless!
Weak effort, JIDF level.
Yop, it IS hopeless.
Until you morons finally decide to get a REAL president for the first time in about 50 years again.
What the fuck is it with you illiterate tards and your fucking vernacular? It's bad enough I see constant typos left and right here, we don't need any more illiterates shitting up our grammar and crying juden again.
You're evading any argumentation here, Isaac.
What a surprise.
Standing on your head won't make your nose unhooked, upside-down satan.
And yet here you are
Trump is going to wait until Mueller "accidentally" leaks what was confiscated and use that as grounds. watch and see.
I'm good officer, thanks.
Read a book, dumb nigger.
We're national socialists user. We know from history that with Jews you lose.
The answer to the Jewish Question is the Final Solution. Trump supports kikes.
With the force of 9000 black suns, btw.
Fucking optics cucks reeeee
Why, out of the loop on this guy
Trump can't fire mueller outright. That would be a complete shitshow and the GOPe will impeach him the next day. He has to fire that retard Session's and replace him with a AG that will fire Mueller.
Nope, who chose sea turtles?
I have my freedom. You want something from me talk to my lawyer. You know the one.
In plain English, sue me.
Sorry princess, but you won't get that impeachment that you oh so constantly dream about
Not happening, kike.
Mueller helped cover up Israeli and Saudi Royal involvement in 9/11.
Yes, things are proving most peculiar. Indeed, the conspiracy theories are becoming conspiracy fact. And now, something that never happens, simply never, incredibly, it's impossible to believe the outrage of this.
This is the biggest story of our lifetimes.
Freeze this moment in time. Remember all that occurred in your life today. April 9th 2018. The day the Republic died.
4-9-18. USA Died.
How will we say it? How will we remember it? We speak of "nine eleven". What shall we call today? People speak of "Watergate". What will this be called?
Four Nine.
It already has a name.
Judgement Day.
I'm expecting Sessions to resign pretty soon but the rest of the anti-corruption is going smoothly. I think that's the goal. Make sure that the rest of the chain is exposed before cutting off the top rung. It'll require Sessions falling on his sword so that Rosenjew can be fired, and that's ok by me. Trump moves someone into the role who is already on the cabinet and has been confirmed by the Senate. For example the guy who is acting Secretary of State is interesting.
Don’t think that will work out for you wolves.
You stupid whore. This isn't about Trump anymore. It's about all of us, you utter christfucked nigger kike faggots. You know literally nothing, you utter shit.
lol @ her having to hold herself upright with the flag. Hilarious. What's her illness, did she ever say? I heard she wound up with an injury, trying to walk like a human in India.
Pardon? What's that in the original Russian?
I say fucking fire him. I dont think they could do much in response that isnt completely showing their hand. Don't see much blowback on Trump for doing it. It's clear they are no longer after "russian collusion" at this point.
Better fire Mueller now than let him do an October surprise
Mueller has nothing, I dont fear an october surprise, I think Ann Coulter is right, even with nothing firing mueller can make him a democrat martyr.
Fuck off with that shit.
The only way you become a martyr is if you actually get killed.
But the topic, do any of you grasp this?! The topic isn't Trump. The topic is now the fucking Constitution. Because everything depends upon counsel. And counsel means private tete a tetes with your lawyer. Like you tell all. That's the only way our entire fucking system works. Now there is no legal restraint, because they just waltz right in and buttfuck your lawyer if they don't like you.
Only you won't hire a lawyer - nobody will. Because nobody will be that stupid, because there is no attorney client privilege anymore. And that means all rights are gone. They vanished this day, 4-9-2018. This was the day America ceased to exist.