)4)4) We (7(7( are exposing George Soros this Sunday - Speakers Corner Hyde Park. Join us. We have performed an invocation unto Ma'at to this end
Exposing $ORO$
93 93 93
Soros is a jew and should be considered jewish
He deserved the oven. If he dies then his corpse deserves to be desecrated in a most humiliating manner.
He's talked about all the time. By the President. By the cuckservative MSM. By Jonestien. By everyone with a MAGA Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal owns twitter.
What's the point of this then?
Open Gates of Truth and Justice
-Cerebrate Sangmoore
What's the point of this then?
We have certain news that will go viral. Chemical attacks and funding Anti-Brexit campaigns.
I can't be more specific
GCHQ would like photographs of London-based Zig Forumsacks, obviously.
Also a useful filter for determining who presents a risk of actually acting out, the farther you travel to get there, the higher they will rank you on the threat radar.
I'm not GCHQ
You also don't know how to use Zig Forums. How did you find this place?
And how about you go fuck yourself and never try recruit on Zig Forums again. You don't know who we are, nigger.
Don't take my word for this. You will see what will happen this Sunday.
The URL was in his briefing pack, along with a flash drive full of BASED AESTHETICS.
Nice kike psy-op you have there. Way to out yourselves in ways I won't explain to you so that you continue to do so. Eat shit.
I'm on your side you wretch. I'm audiobook user from some months back. 200 years together and culture of critique: an evolutionary analysis of jewish influences in 20th century intellectual and political movements.
The fact that you seem to already know your "event" will be a "success" just confirms what you are.
People tend to make an effort to show when they're being paid to do so.
You're the same people who are plastering that controlled op shit with the crossed out eyes and gabbai link all across the UK.
Met police, MI5, some special taskforce or worse.
So you dictated literature written by others which already has status with the right, much like Red Ice shills always read William Pierce speeches to establish their channel.
Effective tactic but obvious to those who know to look.
he fact that you seem to already know your "event" will be a "success" just confirms what you are.
I represent the black goat of the woods with a thouand young of Brit/Pol
We have eyes and ears everywhere.
We have ANTIFA facial recognition software to doxx them live with drone mounted cameras
We have audio / voice recognition software on )))Our((( team.
I am not a psyop
Hyde Park Speakers Corner - London - This Sunday - The information dropped will be ground zero of the 2018 meme war.- Be there
-Cerebrate Sangmoore
Great LARP faggot, one of the more creative ones I've seen lately.
So you post about it here where alphabet soup and pewdiepie fan club can read it instead of creating burner boards and irc clubs? Fair enough, I understand recruitment. Would be nice if this thread were used for strategy discussion for all of UK instead of just being plastered with D&C.
Btw flash mobs are far more effective and can be subversive. Planned protests are government sanctioned live performance drama. Organic marches and rallies are the blood of our great civilization.
Worry not. We are organized, tactical, methodical, adaptable, capable.
The smell of ANTIFA and Religion of Cuckā¢ist urine is the smell of victory.
-Cerebrate Virtue
Be there, esteemed councilmen of the SPQR
Facebook and Google have already told the uk govt what brand of toothpaste uk polacks use
Go there, take pictures of all the Scotland Yardfags, post here to dox.