Knife advert airing to try to convince "British" youth not to carry a knife.
The only thing which can fix the London problem right now is a nuke, and the way things are going, they may just get one from Putin.
Knife advert airing to try to convince "British" youth not to carry a knife.
The only thing which can fix the London problem right now is a nuke, and the way things are going, they may just get one from Putin.
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As much as I'd like to see that disgusting hellhole glassed, putin doing it would send us all to WW3 and it will have been all for nothing. However, if by some divine chance he can coax israel into doing it's Samson Option and nuking everything in europe, we might get what we all want.
this is how the kike undermines nationalsim, nke the populace so apathetic it removes their will to fight.
yeah lets nuke the uk…. that make the world a better place (for kikes)
the simpler solution would be a return to a homogenous society and live in the residence of the nigger you've just murdered
not a kike free first post
I can't take any more and I'm only 7 seconds in.
[citation needed]
OP said nuke London, not the entire UK. Are you getting nervous Hebe?
I', not a heeb, hebe. nuclear weapons radiate the landscape, what I said was drag the jew out of their flat, execute the entire family, including the 6 year old daughter, and then move into their apartment, drink their booze and fuck in their beds….. how does that make me a hebe, please explain?
Very well, but I do not see how that is simpler at this point. Massive swaths of London are just full of shitskins, and with their maintenance abilities and hygiene practices, any residence they've occupied probably needs to be scrapped and rebuilt. Save for the historical artefacts, most of London would not be missed.
Horrific seeing subhumans squatting in London. Truly a sad sight.
Holy shit.
All of those future rocket scientists and sheeeit.
I just can't hold it anymore, guys.
Our future looks bright.
(Well, black, kinda, but what's the big difference, right?)
for simply promoting a nuclear attack on London I'd prefer to ass fuck your 8 year old son with the handle of a snow shovel and then split his skull wide fucking open in front of you before hanging your wife from the cross walk….. and that makes me a hebe…. please clarify?
I think the jew has made me the phycopath.
but on your big boy pants. I never understood why PolPot killed intellectuals. now I understand, it's because filth pervades the daily life of those who wish to live peacefully and normally and intellectuals and kikes do not make that possible. If there was a will, every living single shit skin in London could be dead in a week…. or 9 months, I do not care but radiating London in a nuclear attack as the other option shows me a person who can't sleep with blood on their hands.
And I would so like to face fuck you with a chain saw.
Not only do they squat, resources which should be spent on the ethnic British are diverted to police, jail, and treat these zoo animals. They are a complete loss to the nation in every metric. Work long hours and pay your taxes goy, we need that money for extra anti-knife task forces.
I was right the first time, you are hebe and a pedo at that. The rest of your nonsense is pure siegetardem. Get gassed.
Same shit in the States user. Trillions spent on babysitting and incarcerating fucking animals. And those are the ones already here. Meanwhile yids are trying to bring even more in. They really do want to utterly destroy the West. Madness.
dude fuck you. I don't buy into your white boy pussy games, I'm simply too old for it. Let it be a noose around the neck and tell the truck to leave. Let the kike kid rip apart 42 miles outside the departure point….. fuck you Jew
Historically the Jew has always brought this down upon themselves. whether it was 1611 or 1270 of 1836, the Jew brings this upon themselves.
Hopefully 2022, 2019, 2027 or whenever it is see's kiikes killed everywhere. It's a historically fact.
what was that, one white for every 14 shitskins shown?
Say goodbye to the 56% meme and hello to the 6.66% meme
White men don't address other White men in this fashion. That's niggerbabble.
Also: """"British"""" niggers have the worst accents imaginable. They're horrendous.
Your digits confirm. Also notice that the first white girl you see is with a pack of niggers.
nonetheeless, you live in a world of what is right and what is worng. I am simply tired of PC nature. It's gone too far, frankly the gloves need to be put on, the PC shit needs to go out the window, the war needs to begin, and fags such as you justifying the means and methods need to be buried in a ditch.
I want to sit back and watch it all on my favorite news channel. Is that so wrong?
Love how they used blacks to sell it. Shitlibs will have an aneurysm over it.
I'll be honest, I am willing to trade a lot of historical building/artifacts to fix the demographics and culture of what were white countries.
I think a catastrophe would be a good thing for a lot of places. How many would starve, or be killed off fighting for food. It would be sort of like chemotherapy. Shitskins would die off much faster than whites.
One of these 4 niggaz gotta wait until he can pump his premium load into her.
I think we should start a GoFundMe campaign to address this injustice.
you know what. I met a strange nigger today, maybe even a nigger with a white goy in his woodpile, and I though to myself "I don't have a problem with this guy, this nigger" and then I met him again, and he said nothing to me, and then I met him for a third time, and he said nothing, so I said to myself…. this guy has a problem with me because I am clearly white, and I gave him a pass, I wanted him to do the great and meet, which I do every fucking day to people I meet. I say hello, I open doors for old women. But come the end of the day I drove home having met a nigger who would kill me and my entire family and I gave them the benefit of the doubt and it was a mistake.
motherfucker I am tired of it
If every single non white on earth would simply cease to exist at the same time as our entire history an culture should I be giving the opportunity, I would honestly have to think about it.
I mean we can always just kill em all, we can't exactly get back the text in Alexandria. Sure is tempting though.
tl;dr of my entire fucking life.
user, the point is to be mindful of the language you use in moving forward to improve White society.
‘’White boy pussy’’ is uttered by niggers and kikes 24/7 to degrade and demoralize White men and boys. It’s but one of many tools being used to wreck Western Civilization. You should know this and endeavor to get the jew mindset out of your thinking that prompts you to use this phrase so easily.
I’m sick of it all too.
One of these fucking days, you (((cunts))).
this isn't going to work, moshe.
Holy shit. And how sad is it that the primary demographic they market this to is niggers and shitskins?
Imagine the same brainwashing the Founding Fathers had to free themselves from. They had to write books arguing for the justification of something so basic and self-evident as having a natural right to carry a weapon to defend yourself.
Where were you when the London Faggot Diversity Council made advertisements promoting concealed carry?
just glass this fucking planet already
even third world shitholes largely don't look as bleak as London housing project areas
In my room on Tuesday the 10th browsing Zig Forums politically incorrect.
The only thing relevant to London is that the City and it's money laundering operations remain undisturbed, if the rest of the city ends up as a slum inhabitated by various tribes of brown mystery meat they don't give a fuck.
Digits confirm.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns
What the fuck happened?
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns
Pretty dumb filter. Not sure why it's here, anyway it's the mayor's tweet about knife control.
The accent of British nogs is so unpleasant to the ears.
I've personally heard niggers talk in Spanish, English and French, and it sounds like shit no matter what, that's just how niggers are.
It's targeted. The vast majority of violent crime in londonistan is niggers and pakis in the usual age bracket and that's who they're ostensibly trying to reach with this spot. It's kind of like how commercials for CPAP machines and diabetes medications feature fat people and commercials for dick pills feature old men.
We know, thats why its funny they are admitting it.
Several meme potentials available right now.
why don't you and your faggots at the NSA come and wreck my head? I was defending a nuclear attack on LONDON. Should I couch my words in your pissy boy pants? A NUCLEAR ATTTACK ON LONDON will mean the end of the fucking world. EAT MY FUCKING COCK.
A nuclear attack on NYC, LONDON, Chicago, LA…. I'd rather fuck your fucking face with a backhoe and no minced words are needed jewboy, no PC bullshit is needed. I bet the boys at the camps don't disagree with me.
And your telling me how I need to parse my words. You will fucking die, and it would be better and your kind were dead last year.
Point is, if I cut your fucking cock off and shoved it down your fucking throat you'd have very little to say about anything other that begging about the remainder of you bitch pussy fucking life. Many cunts need to be destroyed and now I know why Saddam Hussien threw people off roof tops, because they deserved it.
This motherfucker will get me, but he wont get the 6,000,000 other Americans who feel just like me.
I am so sick of this fucking board, it's kike overtones, it's inability to formulate a directive, the corrupt FBI, the War on Crime, The War on Poverty, the War one Drugs…. none of it has worked and all I actually do see is some state trooper with a boat and campe, and 4 different cars and 3 ATV's in his driveway instead.
It's here to make a fool out of people who don't belong here, you stupid fucking nigger.
The President of the United States of American can tell me what is going on, and I'll await that directive. The United Staes of America is falling in my lifetime.
Now THIS is edgy
Just yesterday I was reading an article on how to train dogs. There are basically two schools of thought:
Authoritarian dog training (old school) is basically where you punish the dog and handle him to make the dog do what you want.
Non authoritarian dog training is also called positive dog training and is where you do not punish him or anything. Instead, you try to make him do what you want to by positive incentives and rewards. Nudging, more or less.
That video is watered down non-authoritarian training. Instead of going in with the army and restoring order and telling them what to do and punishing them if they don't what you told them, it provides completely meaningless positive incentives: "London needs you", "your energy" etc.
And even worse, never is an actual prohibition being depicted nor is a possible punition nor even a reward and it isn't even clear who puts out the message. Is it the mayor? Is the UK government? Is it the police? You literally can't make a video like that less effective than that.
Britain is filled with tens of millions of non-whites who have been resident since the Empire Windrush landed.
Muslims, a recent arrival after 20 years of American-isreali military displacement in the middle east are just a small percentage of the overall invasion.
The number one threat to any white in Britain is nigger random violence, which is planned jewish terrorism by proxy.
It's not an Religion of Cuck™ic caliphate but a jewish caliphate.
There is no democratic process that could ever grant the natives freedom from jewish democracy, so what we'll do is form an American-isreali created false opposition called the 'alt-right' that consists of freemasons, homosexuals and jews insisting we vote for conservative jews as a last chance saloon out of the jewish matrix.
Worked well for America and the orange kike pushing for more isreali wars hasn't it?
You’ve got to get the Englishmen angry.
Angry Englishmen are the strongest force in the universe.
Not even the passage of time will stop angry Englishmen.
Calm Englishmen are fairly useless
Wow, London sure is full of niggers.
"It will rise; again, some day, with abrupt majesty, for such is the law of waves. But in the meantime nothing can be done to stop it. The unfortunate — the fools — are those men who, for some reason best known to themselves, — probably on account of their exaggerated estimation of what is to be lost in the process — would like to stop it. The privileged ones — the wise — are those few who, being fully aware of the increasing worthlessness of present-day mankind and of its much-applauded “progress,” know how little there is to be lost in the coming crash and look forward to it with joyous expectation as to the necessary condition of a new beginning."
niggers, mystery meats and blonde girls. Really makes you think.
It's probably a function of low intelligence. Low IQ groups can't pronounce certain sounds correctly. In English they generally can't do th sounds derived from ð (weak th - eth) / þ (strong th - thorn) and just have these horrible sounding vulgar f sounds.
Also I'd just like to point out again there must be a gigantic number of whores fucking blacks in the UK since these propaganda videos are full of mulatto mutants.
They're pretty much all from the underclass/polish immigrants
We should make a Zig Forums version.
All it takes is just one look at the 'British' Olympics, Football and any other 'British' representatives of 'Britain' over the past 40 years to see that most of the mixing is done by underclass Anglos breeding muds.
Here we go
There are a fuckload of mulatttos here. While there might be some Polish mix ones - and indeed there are, 90% are from white British women and girls coalburning. This has happened since Windrush
Also Polish are less inclined to coalburn as they cannot return home with their offspring as they would get bullycided
Yeah I also said underclass, as in the underclass of native brits you retards
You can have some Somalian fugg some Albanian and if the kid poped out in England it can play for the national team and Olympic team.
No, yoyu were equating the two and trying to lay emphasis on Poles. What about the coalburners from other countries?
Its never going to work, the ones doing the stabing get more reward from their shitskin peers. If your rewarding the dog with kibble and someone is rewarding it with bacon, the gods going to follow the bacon.
Simply build unshielded, high power X-ray emitters, put them in a truck and park it in a shitskin area with a time switch and a LOT of batteries. Come back in a week and drive off, the area will be neatly "bleached"
Is this copypasta?
millions of the fuckers.
british comedy has featured "i wanna black baby" characters for a long time. Its been programmed well.
The rate of violent crime is still a fraction of that prevailing in the USA. And the % of whites is still much higher.
That has precisely fuck all to do with intelligence, it's a product of where the person was raised. A Brit who is good with accents can pinpoint where you grew up to within 15 or 20 miles based solely on your accent.
*forgot the important bit.
And then from that general area, they can tell by your accent whether you're under-class and likely from a council estate, or not.
Accent is still a very important social indicator in the uk, which is why underclass children try their hardest to lose the accent once they get into university women's studies course.
The funny thing is, when they get angry or excited their fake cultivated class accent will drop off and you hear the drawl of the estate come through. You can't fool anyone gen X or older about your class by changing your accent.
To be fair, Asians and blacks constantly fuck this up even into the third generation.
Compare by cities and try again.
Does that even matter if the whites have become complete cattle? And believe me Americans are idiots but we still haven't literally recreated 1984. I'd rather live in India.
And for gods sake if burgers can handle muttposting you can atleast handle this you over sensitive cunt.
Do they now admit that it's subhumans doing the crime?
How is this any different to the US?
As the majority of folk in this are nonwhite, I can only assume the major message is "lower class whites and nonwhites should lay down all arms". Let alone the fact that knives are tools.
Who is this ad even for? What is this ad supposed to convince people of?
See, at least back in the day if they wanted to convince people not to do something they'd do these edgy ads where they show the victims. Like, if they wanted to tell people not to use knives they'd show people paralysed from the neck down because they'd dropped their own knife and somebody stabbed them with it.
But, of course, you can't do those any more due to political correctness so now you've got this limp wristed shit instead. I wouldn't be surprised if all the kids appearing in this ad get knifed before the month's out.
Maybes hes from London.
That was such a nice photo until I panned up the stairwell and encountered those goblins.
I don't understand this ad.
All the "I'm the energy", "I want to be the next thing", and "London needs me alive" makes it sound like it is going to be an anti suicide ad or something.
I posted before I was finished.
How is "London needs me alive" a reason for not carrying a knife? How does carrying a knife negativity effect your ability to stay alive?
One day people will be able to 3D print knives. The government won't be able to control that.
The British will make people pay a license to own a 3D printer, and all 3D printers will be required to stamp serial numbers on everything they print.
Small price to pay for diversity.
Damn. Perhaps I can steal a butter knife from my grandma when she's passed out. She hasn't registered any of her tea sets, yet. I could inherit the whole knife drawer if I play my cards right.
How would the government ever be able to stop people from having knives? They are a basic tool that everyone uses on a daily basis.
The government can't control it now. You can grab a knife from any kitchen. Your bog standard criminal is mostly likely going to use a kitchen knife or something cheap. The only people their newest ban are going to hurt are knife enthusiasts. Much like every ban the British government have ever put in place, it's not designed to actually fix the problem. It's designed to strip law abiding citizens of their rights whilst allow the politicians to masturbate themselves raw over what a good job they've done.
What is the new ban?
We also need to ban kitchens. For the children.
They basically want to prevent you from buying knives online, as well as some other stupid shit.
This is technically legal to carry
I've seen a jap make a knife out of molten candy and chocolate. He cut vegetables with it.
Granted, he used an imprint of an actual knive, but that isn't needed
What happened to stab safe kitchen knife thingies? Britain needs them NOW!
Why Britain can't into modern technology?