Chinese President Xi said Beijing will "significantly lower" tariffs on auto imports; no direct mention of trade dispute with Trump.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns
#BREAKING Xi vows new steps to open China market amid US trade spat
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns
Other urls found in this thread:
Kikes on suicide watch
Well ching chong my ding dong, wonder how wide he can open it.
mods on Zig Forums are subverting the platform for their minuscule penises.
This faggot is a rice farmer from SA and full cuck.
Syria war over
China trade war won
I love this timeline
Told ya they're bluffing, cardboard fucking economy.
If we let them flourish they'll actually be able to harm us in the future.
Dump China while they're still vulnerable.
My money is more on the ChiComs Bringing in European Cars. The Han will not take our tariffs lightly. Expect some pitiful Retribution coming from the Chinks.
They already horde BMWs and Mercedes by the ton, Xi's desperately asking for Western investment to save the country from its debt bubble.
Why do I get a feeling of "Just" from this photo?
Does it matter? Anything they will do will make that bubble Pop. If only they do something hasty and retarded, like invade Taiwan.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns twitter
These word filters are just getting ridiculous.
The Chinks seem to think it does, but when someone uses American debt as their source of income to take out more debt than they earn they might be retarded.
Score another win for Trump.
What the hell is it supposed to be
Christ why did they even try to save face if they are just going to give up three days later?
well not exactly yet
So the US and China will trade places? Is that like a new thing they'll do every 10 or so years to fake a flourishing economy? Hey you get to be flourishing. For this and this many years. But when they see us as failing we switch?
They bailed out the US (((banks))) by buying their debt after (((9/11))) to get access to (((their))) money. This is the bed they made.
Its against China, even France won there, but untill Trump have a meeting with the Dalai Lama you cant say that he won.
Exactly this. What did you people think? That they would bring in Dodge Ram's and Chevy Silverado's en masse? TOPKEK
Chinks like EUROPEAN not American cars. Hell, not just chinks, the whole world but America really.
but user..I've never seen him wear red shoes to indicate he's a cannibal?
Pic related.
Zig Forums is always right.jpg
Because there is an elite status with owning a Merc or a Beamer. On top of that, rich asians look down upon blue collar work for many reasons. They want their cars serviced instead of fixing it themselves, like with American vehicles, because they see it as a waste of time when they can be doing something worth more on their time.
Brand new trucks like that are serious status signaling.
Those suburban beasts will see more time in the city before that actually see dirt.
True. A luxury SUV isn't made for off-road driving with the original stuff it has on it. Still they would have it serviced even for the simple shit like changing the battery or inflating the tires.
One reason they look down on blue collar work, and for a good reason, is that some shit in Asia isn't standardized. You are more likely to die as an electrician over there than in a western country, for example, because in some places the infrastructure is half-assed but it works and they get away with it until it breaks. That is when they either finally upgrade it or just fix it and continue as usual. Imported cars are standardized already so they just follow that.
Obviously, this mentality needs to change but it won't until they get their shit together.
/fa/ here, those aren't just any red shoes. they're rick owens island dunks. which were never released in red
So he has a bunch of red sharpies then.
It's amazing what standing up to a paper tiger will do. We aren't the same Americans the chinks are used to.
no, he paid an insane amount of money to have high quality leather dyed.
t w i t t e r
Does soy affect the brain that badly?
Yes, and nice trips dubs.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns twitter
Are we reading the same thread? What's happening here is America is slowly but surely being sidelinded from international trade. In the past, the rest of the world was extremly keen on doing business with America . Why? Because America had the biggest consumer market in the world.
This has changed. As of 2018, China has a consumer market as big as America (and will surpass the American market at the latest in 2021) and with Trump handing out sanctions left and right including to allied nations (sanctioning your own friends and allies™, how stupid is that?), Europe will simply say "cool" and turn to China (and Asia more generally speaking) and China will do is doing exactly the same thing as evidenced by this very thread. Because again, when Xi Jinping says he's going to cut tariffs on foreign car imports, he's not hinting, at all, at American cars.
Chinks are all about saving face and after Trump made them lose face through his tariffs and threats of tariffs, doing more business with the rest of the world and ignoring the US restores said face.
The Petro Yuan might be the "U.S. Killer".
Not because it's inerehntly a god idea or has any value/strength by itself.
But if enough countries accept and start trading with it, the U.S. loses a lot of power.
And half the trade partners the U.S. has only maintain contracts with them because of said power.
China is actually playing a very interesting game here.
This is supposed to replace the West as the next superpower?
Cowards, the whole lot of them.
chinks have been a slave race for nearly a thousand years, they outnumbered the Qing 5000:1 and yet were made the shave their heads and submit.
Investors are aware of their subservient nature, and certainly took this under consideration.
Indeed. Chinks and all authoritarian countries understand geopolitics, the US absolutely doesn't.
You're acting as if that's a bad thing. With a little bit of luck, European companies are going to make a killing and possibly even "infiltrate" Chinese companies (which are mostly European spinoffs/joint ventures in the first place).
I don't think any of you understand what the chinks are doing.
Europe produces a fuck ton of cars. They send a lot of components to China, yes, but after being assembled, they're brought back to europe where the cars are actually built.
China has a lot Volkswagen and other European cars with Nissan coming a close second (Japonese) and a very small ammount of American cars.
What they'll do is create a very profitable market for cars back in Asia and soak in the external investement from that.
One country that does the oposite for instance is Brazil, with it's "Brazil Tax" imposed on all electronics Imports, making a computer/cellphone extremely expensive to buy. There's 0 fucking investement from the Industry to explore the Brazillian market because of this: your profits are terrible compared to dumping your new iShit in Asia.
The U.S. is about half-way on the scale between these two. And China is giving it a push in the Brazillian direction, while the kikes give it te same push but internally.
Think about it: what is Chicago but the world's biggest Favela?
AFAIK, this is all a public show to sway support from the world bank handling transactions as the "trusted 3rd party" to private arrangements between countries.
This mirror tax is just "common sense" regarding import/exporting between countries without a broker that wants a cut.
To be fair though, Chicago has some top tier architecture around the Magnificient Mile and canals. In terms of architecture it's the best city I've visited in the US. Also, Chicago Style Hot Dogs are great (deep dish Pizza is shit though). But yeah, apart from that…
polite sage for autistic off topic
So does Rio de Janeiro.
Let me tell you the other side to this.
The US is trying to save itself from bad trade deals. If Europe or whatever country wants to deny their own citizens of "jobs no one wants to do," then that is up to them. Demonize blue collar jobs, get your useless 4-year libshit degree so you can feel superior than everyone else and make your imaginary $100K/year, and destroy your own country till the cows come home.
On top of that, if you want China to produce shit for you, you have to tell them EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of how to manufacture your product. I find it funny when the fake news networks keep spouting how China stole our IP when the truth is YOU RETARDS GAVE IT TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Lastly, when the US gets its shit together, this will be the battle of quality vs. quantity. The reason the chinks are improving the quality of their products is because of the same reason you gave them your IP. They cannot make a product better themselves so they just copy whatever updated IP they are handed. You get what you pay for still applies so don't be surprised if you have to pay a fuck ton for your imported US products.
This abomination of a country needs to collapse under its own weight already, stop buying plastic anons.
What does this have to do with selling your cars? This just means that companies won't be forced into joint ventures to gain a possibility of selling their cars. Which is the main focus of these IP sucking schemes.
They're doing the shit you're describing since the 80'.
Like spending billions in Syria?
Let me fix that for you:
The US is trying to save Israel from bad trade deals.
And this is how I can tell you're 100% american and never set foot on European.
Industry, the so called Blue Collar jobs, is expanding like crazy. Even in south Europe where agriculture was the majority of jobs for a long time.
Europe isn't pushing the chinks to work for us. The chinks are opening a market to Europe. Chinks want, for the first time in history, to buy a lot of European crap (in this case, cars) and fuck over American car brands.
You'll be hard pressed to find a Mustang in Europe. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find ANY American car in Europe. The local producers already make them cheap, confortable and safe, Importing cars is a dead market around here.
Now exporting them is another deal.
And this is even more of your American Wisdom showing.
Tech is a scrap of paper with a magic formula. When a country dominates a certain tech, it means it has several thousand qualified individuals that can understand and work with it.
China doesn't. To give you an example (because I worked in the field), when Huf (a german company) assembles keys for cars, they assemble most of the internal electronics back in in europe. Then they send the unfinished key to china, where they weld the plastic cover, screw a couple of bolts and insert the (locally cheap) batteries. Then the keys are sent back so we can encode the transponders.
Why go to this effort?
Because China does not have qualified personnel to work with delicate electronics on the scale required by European manufactures. Neither do it's technicians understand how a transponder system works.
Yes, there's a couple dozen people in the entire country that know, but we're talking about needing 10.000 people for the production of car keys alone.
On the other hand, paying an european to screw bolts and weld plastic is a waste. It's 80% cheaper to have some chink do it.
In fact, it's so cheap, the money you save pays off the transport of the keys back and forth like this.
Which is never. The U.S. never left an Emergency state ever since WW2. The U.S. lost it's shit back in 1927 and never recovered. And while Israel has an arm up your bumhole playing Ventriloquist with your government, it never will.
nice photoshop
What's the point of sucking IP when your work force isn't educated and trained to work with it?
You can slap some PCB's on a steering wheel and fool someone into buying your "revolutionary safe-breaking-system, no fatalities guaranteed!" until someone dies from it and noone buys your shit again.
What the chinks need (they know it, Europe knows it) is a new generation of technicians, engineers and doctorates. Until then, no matter how much IP they steal, their market isn't competitive wordlwide when it comes to high tech.
For fuck sake user, Japan is what, 5 times smaller? and it completely eclipses them when it comes to High-Tech.
China is doing one thing and one thing only: starving American companies from costumers.
They've already started doing that in africa a couple of years ago (go try and find an american car in east africa, I dare you) and now moved on to europe.
Give it a few years and America's car industry will have themselves and south america for costumers. A country that depends on it's exports to keep that 17 trillion dollar debt from fruther escalation (or escalating as quickly).
What you call bad trade deals were in fact two things which America historically wanted and needed (and actually still does): influence abroad through the spread of capitalism and cheap goods.
The reason America has a trade deficit with just about anyone is because America produces shit nobody wants and isn't innovative at all contrary to all the propaganda (check out WHO holds American patents).
Europe is the one that still has industry! Europe is the one that still has EUROPEANS working in factories! And you're portraying us as the ones denying their own citizens blue collar jobs?
Haven't even read your post any further as your 2 first phrases were already retarded beyond belief.
And that my friend is an absolute game changer for European industry.
What does that have to do with the user's argument?
My impressions is that they're buying companies left and right in Eastern Europe. The ones that weren't plundered by the Germans.
They're doing it for the IP theft numbskull. If you have an unfinished product that needs the transponder encoded you can easily copy it as your own.
Which is 2016.
By the way, how's the weather in Tel Aviv?
Syrian war IS a terrible deal to America.
Their government isn't worried about trade deal. It's worried about losing it's power.
Not just Eastern. They even bought public utility companies, ISP's and hold a large chunk of companies throughtout all of europe. But now those companies need to expand, need to find a new market or China's newest investements in the west will flounder. That's why they're opening a market: to buy their own crap.
You misunderstood what I wrote on a fundamentla level. They're not dumb. They're simply not trained. At all. Your average chinese will graduate highschool and look for a blue collar job. Very rarely will one invest in further education.
I didn't even say that they don't have engineers, technicians and Doctorates. I meant that they do, but in such a low percentage compared to the rest of the ppopulation that they can't supply the demand for qualifications the industry requires.
It's like the UK about nurses: the UK has a fuck ton of shitty nursing schools and a couple of good one's. Over the years, the amount of poorly trained burses overwhelmed the amount of well trained nurses so much, they now have to import nurses and other health-workers from countries like Portugal and Spain.
You know what the latest legislative push Israel is making?
They're trying to legally define criticism of Israel and their policies as "anti-semitism".
So I'm not shocked to find an american advocating that criticism of America and it's policies is "anti-american".
Thank God not all of your fellow countryman are that stupid.
Funny thing is that most companies in the us are dependent on immigrants. With all the scaring away that the us is doing, they are going to loose the few industries that they have left.
He really does look like one of those Comet Ping Pong Scenster pedos.
Old ways die. New ways spring up to fill the void. The strong endure and the weak perish.
Boo hoo, jews wont have their magical debit economy. Boo hoo, we'll have to make teenagers pick fruit and mow their parents lawns. Boo hoo companies will have to pay workers more.
Those who depend on slaves and serfs are weak. The strong will survive and it'll be hard for a while. Our civilization has gone through worse.
The harsh truth about the illegal imigration is that it kep the industry costs down.
American could produce a lot of cheap crap when niggers worked for half a peanut butter can.
But nigs decided nigging shit was more profitable, so CEO's and their democratic buddies looked to the south for an answer (while the republicans did the same searching for soldiers).
It's a "damned if I do, damned if I don't situation": kicking out the illegal migrants will run down a lot of industry and companies into the ground as they'll no longer be sustainable, but keeping them around ruins the local demographics with all the problems associated with illegal migration.
Fixed that for you. Wouldn't be surprised if he was though. A site that hemorrages users like that but stays afloat? (((Someone))) is giving him a little help.
Jews will be gone along side every ounce of Gold they can carry out of the country.
There won't be money to pay them even for the shit jobs. The young will starve.
Except they can't without raising prices of their products and losing out on international trade.
I would take this more seriously coming from a country that didn't base 60% of it's economy on oil trade from foreign nations.
So did Rome.
That is true. Tons of blue collar workers are mexicans and other spics. It already starts with something as basic as a restaurant.
Who works at restaurants in Europe? Executive chef and cooks are European (of course, Europe is the continent of fine cooking after all), waiters are European + 1-2 immigrants are dishwashers.
Who works at restaurants in America? Executive chef might be white (and if he is, he often is European. Countless French, German, Swiss, Austrian and Italian chefs in America), cooks are spics, waiters are spics, dishwashers are spics.
It's like I'm in Greater Israel threads.
Then we'll adapt. I refuse the black pill of "we're fucking doomed because some fish lipped yellow faggot isnt selling us plastic crap"
Not a photoshop, not the only time it's happened either.
Not my fault (nor my problem) you Burgers can't into economics and geopolitics.
This. The US doesn't need to impress Europe or anyone. We do shit our way and what works for us. Good for Europe if the Chinese want their shit but you have to remember that they are rich because of whites and the kikes.
To the naysayers, say what shit you want about the US. Europe lost its rights a long time ago. Maybe you need to focus on fixing that shit instead of arresting your own citizens for wrongthink.
This appears to be quite an emotional and shortsighted post. No one is attacking you here and always remember not to let the jew divide you from your fellow whites. Also in a globalized world you can't just do whatever works for you and ignore everything else because that's the way to get overtaken and conquered.
How did Europe lose its rights? Besides, arresting citizens for wrongthinking happens at similar levels in both the US and Europe (which is very little compared to third world countries).
Oy vey, not sucking up to the europe we turned into the worlds cuckshed would be dishonorable!
A globalized world is only a globalized world so long as we keep treating it like it is. The day we fight back is the day another paper tiger folds.
If europe wants to export cars and have their IP stolen then fine. We cant govern them. But we're sick of playing chinas game and wont let them dictate terms. Globalization is a false god.
You abso-fucking-lutely do. Literally everything relating to American international power and clout is based on that. And indeed in no small part American self-confidence and optimism is based on America impressing others (or at least supposedly doing so).
no small part even American*
China has like 1,37 billion people and can barely compete with U.S. that has around 320 million. Counting whites only then around 220 million. China is total shit if you look at their production per capita. Also, U.S. is one of the biggest food producers for China, they cannot sideline the U.S. because it is dependend on that food. A big chunk of city living antpeople would most likely die within weeks/months without U.S. food. Compared to the west China is still lightyears behind and sidelining the U.S would damage them more than it would damage us, Europe alone wouldn't be enough to make for that.
It was a few years ago now, but I remember Top Gear reviewing a bunch of their cars and the only decent ones were just previous-generation Euro models with a few styling changes.
This thread sure got subverted fast into a "worship nonwhites while bashing a white country" thread.
The only legitimate point in your entire post, the rest is cold sweat infused whining (like most American posts ITT btw). The problem however is that the US, and this may come as a shock to Americans, is not the only food producer in the world. Wow! Shocking, I know.
And there is a continent called Europe, which produces more food in quantity than the US (another shocker) and in better quality than the US and this continent is cozying up with China as we speak, after getting spat in the face at the same time as China. I'll ask again, just how stupid is it to spit in the face of your friends and allies™? How incredibly stupid is it to do so while AT THE SAME TIME doing so to China?
And that is without talking about massively food exporting countries located comparitively close to China like New Zealand or Thailand or even India.
In short: if you believe China NEEDS American food exports, you're simply wrong.
fuck off puk gai
Demanding legit trading that isn't disadvantageous to the U.S. isn't spitting someone in the face but common sense. China and Europe will not sideline the U.S. because of this, the trading situation now is what it should have been from the beginning. They are simply crying because they lost the extra they gained by kikes deliberatley fucking up our trade to the advantage of them. Even if you were right and China wouldn't need America, trading with the U.S. is still very profitable for them in a fair trading agreement. And as you can see in the political landscape right now in Europe where the right is growing exponentially, i wouldn't count on Europe being Chinas gullible buddy forever.
Or how about we focus on rebuilding American society rather than allowing decay to destroy us while we wear a facade of dominance. A healthy society is better than power. America only need defend herself from threats and ensure safe passage of our people from nations that care more about GDP than demographics.
I'll believe it when I see it. That has never been part of how they've done things.
Nono goy you don’t understand how TYPICAL of Americans amirite fellow Europeans? we will simply align ourselves with the chinks while America self-destructs since its beyond repair anyways!
t. Chink
Or call the USA's tab.
That's some massive rewriting of history right there.
It was the US which forced free trade on the rest of the non-commie world post WW2 and then on a truly global and savage scale post USSR. We didn't necessarily want it, the Asians didn't necessarily want it, the Africans didn't necessarily want it, the South Americans didn't necessarily want it, the Oceanians didn't necessarily want it - but it was forced on all of us nonetheless!
Fast forward about a couple of decades and here we are. There isn't any "disadvantageous trading", what happened was the US lost at it's own game called free trade! That's the irony of it, you lost at your own game which you forced the rest of the world to play, irrespective of wether they wanted to or not! Lost for the simple reason that Europeans and Asians make better stuff than America does. Pretty ironic and even quite pathetic to be honest.
And now like the sore losers you are, you want to change the rules of the game and indeed the game itself (and rewrite history).
But the ball is not in your court anymore, which is what you have a hard time understanding.
I am right. China doesn't need America. In fact nobody does, it's not the 1950s anymore.
You're funny man. If you had a clue about European politics you'd know that the European right wing wants a productive relationship with China as with the rest of the world (who talks about being a gullible buddy to anyone?).
Some European right wing parties are even strongly pro China. Look at Golden Dawn in Greece or Fidesz (which just won a landslide) in Hungary for example.
That's what YOU think and I personally agree with you. But the American elites and indeed a very large part of the population sees things very differently. Churchill was a monumental scumbag but he was right about Americans being slow to understand things (speaking about the general population here, not you personally), maybe in a few decades the American population will get it but I'm not holding breath.
No. You're in a thread where you believe numbers are magical God-like predictors to human behavior, and I'm in reality. Tell me about how only believing in "muh data" worked for Hillary Clintion.
You stupid fucker when will you learn: KIKES implemented this shit who knew exactly what free trade was and why it would be detrimental to the U.S. in long term, they fucked up shit ever since WW2 ended and especially in the 60s is where it went downhill because of kikes, with peak fuckery being the Immigration and Naturalization Services Act of 1965. Everything that you blame on the US happened in that timeframe where kikes had most reign and Boomers were too stupid to see it. Nothing since WW2 ended was ever in the interest of the American people, so of course we want the rules changed. Anyways if you think Chinkland and everyone else would be completely fine without Burgerland, good for you, but i don't believe so.
I don't doubt that, nothing wrong with a productive relationship, but the European right is not interesting in having an exploitive relationship with China as kikes do. Fair trade with China was never the problem, which is exactly what Trump is doing. FAIR trade, not disadvantageous trade. Fair trade is not face spitting, in fact it's Chinks throwing a tantrum that spit in our faces for not being able to exploit us anymore, absolutely disgusting subhuman ant behaviour.
After living under the thumbs of jews and their pet catholics for 20 generations, white American men went from living in piles of logs surrounded by savage teepee niggers to the Masters of the Entire Earth in just three generations. If we ever get our gumption back, it will be that easy again.
invalid filename on my computer
So long as America harbors kikes and is complicit in their plans (more than complicit actually, happily executing their plans to full extent because of human rights and liberalism for Democrats and israel for Republicans), America will get blamed as well and rightfully so. This is called complicity.
Definition: Complicity is the participation in a completed criminal act of an accomplice, a partner in the crime who aids or encourages (abets) other perpetrators of that crime, and who shared with them an intent to act to complete the crime.
How about you stop doing that and you won't be blamed anymore?
Of course we would be fine. You massively overestimate the importance and popularity of America to the world.
Again, that's a very dishonest way of putting things. Fair trade according to you and Trump is trade in which the US has a balanced trade sheet or, even better, a surplus (if the US had a surplus with China, Trump would never had mentioned it and you know it).
And that's just not how it works. In a free trade environment there is no God given right to a surplus nor to anything. It's essentially a big brawl, a big free for all battle in which say 5% of the countries come out on top (China is one of those) and 95% lose and become the 5%'s bitches (the US is one of those).
America failed to win due to the reason I already explained and that's it. Nobody gives a shit about Americas 100% SELF MADE trade deficits except for Trump supporters, the rest of the world doesn't give a fuck and why would we give a fuck? Why would we give you guys a favour just because you make shit products? Out of pity? Ridiculous. If you didn't want to lose you shouldn't have created that free trade environment nor force it on the rest of the world in the first place, but Americans never think things through and thus you keep getting fucked by your own plans.
You burgers are honestly killing me. It's you guys who constantly talk of muh socialism this and muh meritocracy that yet when it comes to trade you suddenly become worse than the most red and brainwashed communists on the planet. I don't think even the Soviets ever thought they had divine rights to a surplus like you guys think. Man up you sore losers and face the consequences and next time think things through.
You are right about the Americans who do support kikes knowingly or unknowingly, boomers and traitors will get their ticket. Make no mistake i blame them as much as i blame kikes, but should i live miserable due to stupid decisions they made?
Exactly what we're trying to do right now and why what happens is a good thing.
Indeed, time to change that and start winning.
Of course not you dingus. Do you think we want Chink acknowledgment or something? Do you think Chinks will cave to Americans due to pity? No, it's due to Might. You said it yourself, "in a free trade environment there is no God given right to a surplus nor to anything. It's essentially a big brawl" and now that kikes are being removed and stopped from fucking shit up localy, we prevent Chinks from exploiting us. What exactly can you say against that other than throwing a tantrum? Nothing. There is no reason why America shouldn't fight and stop getting exploited, might is right. If Chinks want to keep exploiting us they can go ahead and try, but as you can see in OP, Chinks so far caved in because they cannot easily exploit us anymore without kikes fucking shit up internally in the U.S.
You and me know this isn't about fairness, i want the West to win and you're apparently for Chinks winning,."How dare you stop Chinks from exploiting you!" is what you're saying right now so in the end you're just subjectively angry about Chinks not being able to exploit us anymore, while i am happy about it.
We're done with your shit, Wang.
They say this type of shit every few years when the US gets riled up. They never actually follow through with policy changes, it's all talk meant for the globalist newspapers use.
The US has 2.7 times the total industrial output of China as it stands. Hell Germany has 1.2 times China's output. It has plenty of industry left, what it also has is a massive trade imbalance because it ships out components such as plastic pellets, integrated circuits, and raw metal then imports completed products. Kikes intentionally created this system, they even bought out US Steel and tanked it so they could take all production offshore.
I have no idea where you get the idea that the US has less industrial production per capita than Europe. Let alone agricultural and resource extraction.
In reality if the US was only white, ie if all contributions and costs to the economy and government attributable to non-whites were discounted, we'd have had a 0.8 to 1.5 trillion dollar federal budget surplus every year for the last 30 years. We'd also have a public debt of -2.1 trillion a year, that's right a public surplus every year because we wouldn't suffer all the investment that the kikes and liberals push through the muds. And that is with asinine liberal or neocon policies in place. Just imagine what a real right wing policy which is openly protectionist and imperialist with heavy tariffs would produce. The great irony is that the liberal welfare state would only be possible at all if a country was full of whites and only whites. And further imagine what would happen if all the liberal pork for wothless "art" or colleges which exist only to spit upon the society which pays for them were cut. What would happen if all the embezzlement and corruption caused by kikes magically vanished?
White Medicare beneficiaries
White Social Security beneficiaries
White Welfare recipients 2015
White Medicaid recipients
Total Medicaid Spending
Total Medicare Spending
Total US Government Spending at all levels 2014
Total US Government Revenue of all types and at all levels 2014
2014 income distribution of Whites, alone, not hispanic
2014 “Who pays taxes”
2014 US Federal Budget
US Non-Hispanic Whites in 2012
A white US wouldn't even bother with "trade" rather it would simply exterminate every spic in the western hemisphere and take what it wants. And since nobody else has any means to project power except Russia to a limited degree nobody will do shit to stop it. Especially if you start taking territory from shitskins and just giving it to them. I doubt that Russia would turn down Constantinople if it was offered up on a platter.
The plan of kikey trade is done, now is the season for war. Our ultimate goal is extermination, not a single child spared.
There is the issue that China requires 2 things from the USA it cannot get elsewhere.
Food and coal.
Now they can "solve" these problems but I doubt they will. Chinks could and are planning to "modernize" their agricultural production but given the utter failure of their urbanization plans already and their complete disregard for sustainable development at all levels I have a feeling that their already over-stressed land will suffer and quickly degrade. Good because I want them to starve. On the coal front, they cannot really get coal elsewhere as the US is sitting on 79% of both known and proved reserves(in BTUs) which remains so they will have to make a deal for gas from Russia but given their history with Russia and the border disputes this itself creates a number of threats not the least being utterly dependent upon Russia for energy supplies.
So you don't care if the world's largest oil exporter since 2011 closes its doors, looks inward, cuts all aid(the US pays for over 85% of the expenditures of European NATO), and leaves. Good because that is the plan and that is what you will be getting. Plan is to destroy international fiance and trade to force nationalism into a position of utter primacy.
Maybe he is saving that as a Trump Card for latter?
Chinese currency is built on a house of cards unlike reasonable people could never fathom.
It's one thing to be a newfriend around here but it's an entirely different thing to be this technologically illiterate in 2018. i blame steve jobs
Damn your post oozes of Zig Forums pretentiousness. I think I'll need a shower after replying.
But is the only one that lies directly across the ocean across which that perishable food has to go.
Europe? Half a World a way.
Argentina? Ditto.
Russia? Only viable but transferring food over land routes wouldn't be my choice. Especially the climates that central asia has.
A continent that is currently shaking off the commie yoke and has even more reasons to despise China for their practices.
Getting tariffs on the same level as your partner has against you spitting in the face?
Jesus christ user, New Zealand has the same number of citizen as a small Chinese village and even smaller than their sheep flocks. And they produce livestock not rice or soy.
Ladyboys aren't considered livestock.
This doesn't make sense at all.
China is in its position it is now, because the West fucking supported it, fed it by opening its markets towards it, hoping that due to the accumulated wealth it will turn into a democracy.
Did the Chinese just outplay the US?
Are you trying to be funny?