EMERGENCY! Microsoft going nuclear!


Microsoft have changed their terms of service so that they can monitor any of your personal content, including the files on your PC, while using their products or services and if they deem it offensive they can take that content and their products/services away from you and ban you! If you happen to have an Xbox or have bought PC games from the Microsoft Store and are logged into your Microsoft account on any device while committing your "crime" you can be banned from Xbox Live and have all your downloaded games and any credit that's still in your account taken away!

But it gets worse. This applies to all Microsoft products and services. So therefore Windows itself! I think I have already been a victim, probably due to posting here, as recently my Windows 10 key was revoked out of the blue. I contacted Microsoft and they told me my key was no longer valid but outright refused to tell me why. So I had to buy Windows 10 again. I didn't buy it direct from them of course. Please post if this has happened to you very recently too.

I'm pretty scared about what's coming. They want us off the internet and I think this is how they're going to get many people. They're going to just shutdown our Windows on the basis of us breaking their new terms of service. What if ISPs are next?

Other urls found in this thread:


you deserve everything you get

Go fuck yourself kike.

Attached: Kaabaalaa.jpeg (1024x768, 51.42K)

You know the answer. An exodus is coming. When a window closes a linux opens.

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Until Intel and AMD follow suit and disable your hardware, all of it, then you will eat the apple.

I've never used anything like Linux or whatever and don't want the headache of trying to get everything working or having to find entirely new software that works on it. If some things even work at all.

This obviously won't just stop at Microsoft. Something needs to be done about this and quickly.

Isnt this against European law?

Then we need to gather all our tech Zig Forumslacks and develop our own stuff in an ever increasing censored world freedom is gold.

You think the EU wants to uphold free speech??

Bye Micro$haft

Not about free speech but about bought products, if you bought something its yours and they cant take it away from you. So if you bought a game from xbox store it cant be taken away from you.. i think the same thing happened with steam


Well if you haven't tried it must be a headache, nothing will work, and you will go from having a really productive tool at your fingertips to a totally useless pile of junk. And you won't be able to change that then; so I can see why you haven't even attempted it.
Get help, (not with linux - that's simple) just in general.

What a comeback! What are you, a Microsoft fanboy?
Anybody giving a damn about their personal safety uses non big corporate OS's.

Muh I am afraid to go out of my comfort zone so I rather pass over my privacy instead.
Why are you even here?
As it has been said before, you deserve all you get.

But this makes me wonder about Skype tbqh, I have experienced some strange behavior earlier of it. Shutting down the computer not once it - only app behaving this way - I faced a message saying Skype is transferring data at the moment and thus it shouldn't be closed.

I am removing this crap for good, fuck them.

What about open source / on cucked phone alternatives (other than a Nokia 3310). Is there an OPENBSD' phone?

Attached: 14244128971114.jpg (487x522, 36.37K)

1. Create wrongthink thought virus. holohoax-redpill.jpg
2. Insert wrongthink into safe content. single frame of cute-puppy.mp4
3. Spread to normfags.
4. Normfags spread to everyone who uses Micro$hit.
5. user 'discovers' wrongthink in video and reports Micro$hit to ADL
6. ADL & (((MSM))) kvetch "Micro$hit is spreading holo​caust deni​al propaganda".
7. Micro$hit ban everyone.
8. Micro$hit has no customers.
9. Micro$hit is kill.
10. Profit?

Attached: thoughtvirus.png (1756x1875, 1.41M)

Just about all "free" software that has unblocked access to the internet is now attempting to utilize any free gpu/cpu cycles.
Bitcoin mining botnet.

Tell that to people who bought Xbox Fitness. Microsoft literally took it out of peoples consoles when they cancelled on-going development.


Why did you have it to begin with?

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Too bad people actually want to use their computers instead of just feeling smug about them.

play microsoft live/ steam/ ubigoy games.

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Microsoft has sort of already done that themselves on a small scale:



This was obviously the end goal of their new ecosystem. When they've got all of your stuff on their servers, they can cut you off from your fix for being a bad goy.

I recently built a new workstation, and installed W10 on my old one for gaming. Thankfully, I've always used Linux for my workstation, so my shitposting is safe from the OS jew.

What if user broke an actual Law, would it be reported to the authorities by Microsoft, FB, Google, etc.?
No Dr. Patient, Priest Confessor, Lawyer Client confidentiality agreement with Interwebs, software, etc. so…

i don't know anything about computers, are there any resources that can spoonfeed me how to get into this

I think so. Hasn't that already happened with at least some cheese pizza?

Next up bank accounts, drivers licences, passports etc.

This turned up to 11/10

We could release an Xbox T-virus called Tay-chan after Tay and Ebola-chan for the bantz.
Why contain it?

Most linux distros can be tried from a usb key, and they all hold your hand on how to do this. Try some out, set aside a few hours, and try some. You will feel like a retard for ever using windows for anything other than gaming in no time.

Interestingly enough coming from a strong Win XP/7 background after I switched to linux some years back I am way more familiar with this OS than any recent win releases.
Then again of course a large part of it is Win basically being vandalized by bad, overly-simplified design decisions.

Honestly anons give linux a try, if not for anything else then to realize how much Win (and I presume OS X) treats its users like retards. And of course it's intentional: the users won't make a stand against more and more restrictions, less and less privacy if they don't know any better.

Fear is the mind killer.

really, cuck?

Nigger what the fuck are you doing?

what linux you recommend?

Not them but just go with a Debian based distro.

So I should pirate it and get not only a total Microsoft ban but probably an ISP ban too?

Holy fuck don't do this why the fuck would you do this? This is like having a top of a line security and monitoring system and leaving a giant gaping blindspot on the front gate. It negates the entire purpose of using tor in the first place. Mint, ubuntu, and debian are pretty good at holding your hand when you're getting started.

Are you a fucking dumb nigger? What's a fucking VPN? Please tell me you're not barebacking this site like a complete moron.

It depends on what you want to do. Debian is usually a good choice. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is easy to learn/use and generally has readily available support for any issues that might come up.

This was the entire purpose of giving Windows 10 away (((free))). I already didn’t trust a single bit of kike Bill Gates and its Mossad kike operation called Microsoft. The only good thing about kiked Microsoft WAS that archaic technology was still being used. Obviously, the kikes have come to realise that the actually free internet isn’t beneficial to the kikes and this is why kikes gave kiked Windows 10 (((free.))) Do yourself a favour and either install a Linux OS or, more practically, buy a key for a previous version of Windows (yes, they work) for a couple of dollars online. Do it ASAP as well, because kikes will push harder the more resistance the kikes get.

You want malware with that?


Attached: youlovebarebacking.jpeg (367x440, 19.22K)

And when the VPN company is forced to hand over your IP address? Or just hacked by NSA or GCHQ?

Ubuntu is partially developed and funded by amazon

One of the biggest problems they are going to have is overestimating the reliance on technology. Not going to say technology hasn't become a staple for most, but really should have held these cards for another generation to make sure the reliance fully took hold. If it were all to go away today a good percentage of us (not (((their))) pets though) would still be able to move forward. Another generation of constant technoexposure and might not have as much confidence. The fact they are going balls to the wall with this behavior across the board is the curious part. Are they aware of a deadline? Are they afraid and pulling all the stops? Are they stupid enough to think because some cucks will absolutely die without a constant feed of kikebook and soy that we all are so reliant already? I hope this is all the last screams of a dying subspecies.

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You are hopeless, and Hitler dubs decree you should just keep using wangblows

checked for all is botnet

Trips confirm life is a botnet.

Any source on that OP?

It's not 100% protection but goddamn user you are fucking stupid. It's better to have no protection because it isn't perfect?

manjaro ftw

White power linux available here stormfront.org/forum/t786671/

Nigger, just get off the internet and play with a calculator.

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install gentoo

Why should i choose this over Tails?Security concerns?

Are you retarded? Just use Linux.

I'm crying! :D

user, you may not have to worry about Tails or any other Security concerns now after your ISP logged your modem connecting to that site.

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Apparently the new terms are supposed to start on May 1st, but they seem to have started them earlier if what happened to me is related and judging by that second news story I posted.


Oh shit, downloading an os from a site of jews pretending to be nazis. That should work out well for you.

It's the only way they'll get anyone to play (((vidya))) - with a stick, not a carrot.

The retailer already gave Microsoft the money.

A few days ago, Microsoft invalidated the key to my Win7, and a couple of versions of Office Suite. I never use the shit anymore, so I told them to go blow.

Still, I paid the Microsoft tax, many times over. I paid money for permanent use of those programs. That they unilaterally cancelled my ownership, it seems to me they owe me money for breach of contract. I figure Microsoft owes me around $500.

are you retarded?


Yes, and you shouldn't be supporting that.

If idiots like you would take at least the most MINIMAL FUCKING EFFORT to stand up for yourselves we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.

Guess you'll just have to behave yourself then or your toys will be taken away.

No more wrongthink for you.

Did you try contacting them and if so did they basically tell you to fuck off like they did to me?

I'm pirating Win 7 here and there's nothing you can do about it.

You really think this is just going to stop at Microsoft? Go ahead and stick your head in the sand. I'll stand and fight.

Yep, that's what happened.
I was backing up a laptop when this stuff hit. Contacted them, they told me to fuck off, and I reciprocated.

OP, POST THE GODDAMN SOURCE NEXT TIME YOU FUCKING Steve Huffman aka "Spez" is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal, owns reddit NIGGER. JESUS FUCK.


I've got a horrible feeling we're going to see truckloads of people wondering why their Windows' suddenly no longer work. And they probably won't be SJWs.

Just get Linux Mint, faggot. Easy to install, and it looks and works pretty much like Windows. Why the fuck would you go back to Microsoft when you know they're fucking you, like an abused girlfriend? Also, anyone still using Google products is fucking retarded.

OP is barebacking a Mongolian fingerpainting forum user. lel

Is Steve Huffman the guy in the video? I've never even watched anything from that channel before and didn't know anything about him. I was just interested in the news he was talking about.

How? They hold the keys to your PC.

They could plant CP on there, call the cops and have your ass pounded in prison within a week.

Is my protonmail potentially going to be compromised?

Also fuck I need to tell my GF about this and get her to download Tails OS god damn.

It's the new word filter for r.edd.it. And if you don't know who Huffman is, then I have no idea why you are here or why you aren't doing your research.

Honestly if these fucks lock me out of Windows 10 I'm going to set fire to a Microsoft owned building somewhere.

You all should do the same. Lots of people get away with arson in my area too and are never caught and there's a lot of tech buildings here.

Have you ever pushed a taser away that was pointed at your face and caused one pig to shoot the other with it? I have. They don't want to fuck with me anymore.

I'm so sorry I'm not an expert on faggots on r.e.d.d.i.t.

So is Windows 7 ok?

Windows 7 is for people who use computers in a business environment. Linux is ostensibly for people who work closer to the bare metal, but online, it's for smugposting and then whining behind closed doors about dependencies and libraries, and engaging in sectarian sniping over which distro is objectively superior to all others.

Windows 10 is a mark of shame. The veracity of the statements may be up for debate, but according to some, everything under the hood is a completely mismanaged shit-show, due in no small part to diversity hires and H1B codeshitters.

Sounds like they shouldn't violate your terms.

Attached: wecandoit.jpeg (800x1030, 79.65K)

I doubt it. It's a Microsoft product so therefore will be covered by the same terms and conditions.

I tried to be hardcore but my mom won't let me.

How can I be hardcore like you?

Attached: Xbox-diversity-consequences.jpg (588x640, 95.99K)

Windows 7 is better than 10 but it's still spying on you. Linux can take a little more work from time to time but it really isn't hard. You may as well say self driving cars are superior to manual ones because it's easier, or that we should all use Google and Chrome because it's convenient.

Well that's just embarrassing. Wonder who was in of the Japan market and how raw their asshole was that week.

And all 152 are probably Americans working in Japan.

I'm not surprised though. Microsoft can see everything you're doing and typing on Windows 10, not to mention they know everything about you.
If you use a computer with Windows on for anything other than playing vidya, typing out your bullshit PC approved schoolwork or shitposting with apolitical normies, you're doing it wrong.

People forget that the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. Eternal … not convenient. It's what happens when you stop teaching kids history/civics.

The true price of freedom is whatever all Jewish blood on the planet is worth, which is nothing.

Thanks for being a corporate slave OP

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Not quite because basically you adhere to their terms of service as part of the purchase.
So with the agreement, you settle on their terms or they reserve the right to revoke your shit even with a purchase.
I mean, someone *could* make a claim against it but I don't think it's all too simple to sue Microsoft over a product key.

It's the same idea as being banned from Xbox Live or whatever. You violate the terms, they remove you.
I won't be surprised to see a lot more companies follow suit. They can threaten to remove the toys and gadgets that keep the goyim occupied and distracted, but ultimately we are a determined bunch and will find a way… Lest they're willing to run the risk of the few unstable bowlcuts among us losing their shit over not being able to play Minecraft anymore.
It's all part of the ever evolving war to curb free speech, you amerifags have no idea how worse it gets from here. Think 1984 Britain (basically what we're seeing now with people being arrested for trying to stop their daughters from being raped by pakis) but worse.
If they have their way, we won't even be able to go to the shops or go to work without a daily privilege check and a mandatory hate speech scan on your phone.

Also this does raise my curiosity a bit.
Windows 10 is a beast of a spyware. I commend Microshit for being able to make something so intrusively harsh and overbearing on users. Do you suppose they can practically lock people out of their computers in the near future not unlike to how ransom-ware works?
I can just imagine that along with revoking a product key, Windows actually locks the computer fully and prevents any other operating system from running with the explicit warning that the computer was locked for hate speech violations?
I don't suppose we're at that stage yet, it's still rotten and underhanded for them to do this shit to be honest. I shall be keeping a close eye on policy changes for the few normie tier things I use that's for certain.

They pretty much do that already with the mandatory non-cancellable non-delayable updates.

Why have you not installed GNU/Linux yet, comrade?