Why do the Japanese venerate the bold young man who assassinated a literal Communist who was trying to institute Communism in Japan? They venerate him because he did what they wanted to do, what they believed needed to be done, but were too COWARDLY to do it. Change the clothes, give them the katana, ask them if they're ready to do the same thing and they wet themselves like pansies.
But go ahead, user. Let yourself feel the impotent rage. Go ahead and get into the "Black on White Crime" threads and drink deep of posts like and which don't just relay information but do so in the most necessarily detailed way possible so that you don't just learn about the incident but that you feel it. You gotta feel it, anons. You gotta feel that impotent rage, because once you realize how helpless you are to vent this anger you now have you're ripe, you're plum ripe to potentially go do what these cowards never will but won'y shut up trying to incite and encourage and goad you into doing.
Someone's gotta do it, amirite? Boy oh man I hope someone actually creates those glorious death squads soon, like said:
Yeah I bet you hope that since you won't be doing fat nothing
Then GO DO IT, FAGGOT! DO IT or cut the crap.
I'm sick of you pantywaste fruitcups trying to get others to do your dirty work. The most you faggots do is send pizza or maybe, on rare occasion, SWAT a dox address. Do you show up? Do you do anything? Of course not! Why endanger my ass when I can get someone else to do it?
hur hur Day of the Rope! Day of the Rope! It's like Christ's Second Coming only completely nebulous, vague and has no central figure of hope to cling to - if you just believe and repeat it hard enough someday over the rainbow some group of men with spines will actually rescue us trembling faggots!
Give the info without all the unnecessary detail, and yeah it's unnecessary. You write the info like it's a creepypasta SCP article you obviously copy/paste from some notepad you got saved for such occasions. Just say what happened, give the date and link the archive. You don't do this to spread info you do it because you want someone to do something about it.
Your post about the 7yr old getting raped, stabbed and mutilated needs only be
Literally two sentences. No need to make it a huge production, but we both know you did need it. You needed it because you were brainwashed into being the same kind of spineless coward who posts this stuff hoping anons would get so angry they would do something finally – oh, but not you. Never you. Gosh no, I need to watch my anime and jerk off!
You cowards disgust me. Anyone dumb enough to fall for it is a puppet of a coward. Do something proper, get a neighborhood watch together.
Heck, you can even pool money together and buy surveillance equipment, put it up in a location known for being garbage and have it on constant live streams or something. Call the site "BlaCam" or be funny like "RaceDontMatter.com" or something DO SOMETHING other than try to get anons to waste their lives doing the one thing you can't stop dreaming about but are too cowardly to even do yourself because you know it's a waste of blood and life.
"Black on White" posts/threads piss me off because of people like you.
there's your redtext
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