At the University of Iowa they hung up more of the "University greats" in the ped mall. They decided to include more diversity and these are the best they could find.
At the University of Iowa they hung up more of the "University greats" in the ped mall...
Other urls found in this thread:
Notice the differences between them
no you missed a vital detail
>finds genetic causes of disease
Mark my words, that one is only up there so they can tear it down for being racist and replace it wit "studies the relation between basket ball and koolaid" later
Hey, at least they know it is a problem in need of correction rather than a way of life in need of political activism.
Someone shop Tyrone in and "Sells Crack"
The negress is literally wearing a T-Shirt
Better quality one to work with
Another retarded one for you guys
Is OP the guy who was putting up "It's okay to be white signs" during a the feminist rally on the ped mall?
My sides are bursting.
I wonder if someone called and complained that the posters themselves were racist if the kikes would get nervous and take them down. One could argue that these posters were a dogwhistle for white supremacy and belittling POC.
Reminds me of how the media always reports when a nigger gets a non-retarded grade school test score. They don't do this for any other race, not even spics or sandniggers but they'll do it for niggers because they are just that retarded and in need of patronisation.
smh, nigger just close the fridge
What those blacks do requires no education beyond a fourth grade level. A French chef has a more respectable career and credentials. Think about it. Makes complicated, technical culinary works of art that are consumed by business men VS advocates for diversity. What a joke. Posting on this board is arguably more accomplishing and impressive.
No, I transferred to the university this semester. I have a year and a half left until I finish off my PhD
I'd be interested to know how many Zig Forumsacks are trapped in the university system. I recently re-enrolled to finish my CS degree. Walking around campus is torture.
That's what I'm going for. Just keep to yourself around people you don't know, and tough out the diversity and inclusion classes.
Plenty of non-university routes like online courses and code camps. They're cheaper and take way less time. I work at Google in a technical position. I got the job by educating myself online and teaching myself the required skills. Also, I never completed high school. College is an expensive meme.
Negate sage.
I don't want to say I doubt you, but…
I unironically believe that your path is the future. With the age of the internet, information is always at your fingertips so schools in the physical catholic descended sense are obsolete.
The only real way to get into the six figures and up is to get the document saying you have a formal education. Unless you are some golden child.
*checks priviledge*
Nothin personnel….
There are many people doing this these days. People are slowly figuring out that traditional brick and mortar institutions are unnecessary. In the future, online education will render physical schools irrelevant. Remember, employers want someone who can do the job not a piece of paper saying you spent four years in a Marxist shit-hole. Heard of that JF Gariepy from WarskiLive? He's a PhD that works for a legit online university that offers technical degrees for $2000. It's so cheap because they only need to charge for examining your assignments and tests. Its a respected place, too. Google and other tech giants hire their grads and Stanford accepts their grads for continued education.
No, it isn't. How much you can earn is determined by your skillset and how in demand your skills are. You can have a PhD in whatever but if you suck, no one is paying you big bucks. People want someone who can do the job.
I've seen all of these in the last year… it's hilarious how patronizing white liberals are.
It's more amazing that blacks aren't fucking pissed off about getting the equivalent of giving the bratty child in class a gold star for not fucking everything up for a few minutes.
It's bizarre. You gotta wonder how they do this stuff and still seriously accept the idea of equality. Leftism, not even once.
This. Once employers can create their own industry recognized academic standards and certify their employees for learning on the job, there will be no need for this traditional degree university shit leftists ruined.
Google is already doing this with AdWords and Analytics. They offer official certification in multiple areas. All certification can be obtained by studying online. The certifications alone are enough to get you an entry level position in digital marketing. It pays better than engineering, too, and the salary cap is way higher. To top it off, the certificates currently cost nothing.
Affirmative action in action.
Broke = making breakthroughs in neurology and physics
Woke = counting the number of black people in the new Star Wars movies
Giving you the benefit of the doubt, what did you study?
Rope yourself, you faggot, pock, or kike.
You can impress plebs with that because people don't realize how a computer is constructed. They think building requires advanced technical work when in reality, it's about the same level of difficulty as assemblies a Lego model.
Only data analysis, html, python, AdWords and Analytics. Enough to get me a somewhat middle-class job. I'm not an executive engineer or anything but it's enough to give me middle-class status. Honestly, I can't see why people think getting a decent job without a degree is unbelievable. You need to red pill yourselves.
Literally why? And how?
Arguably it's easier than lego because you can assemble lego incorrectly while fitting all the individual pieces together in a way that isn't technically incorrect.
With these photos, let's make a "Which of these don't belong?" game and post them on Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter.
Wtf do you mean by "why?"? So I could get the job I wanted, obviously. How? Udemy, codeacademy, Edx, a Code Camp, etc.
If you want red pills, look up the YouTube channel Engineered Truth. He talks all about this shit and how to get high-end careers without degrees. He's some skinny Asian faggot but he's cool enough. Yeah, not white but this is purely about info. If you want to complain about that, don't even bother replying. I don't have time for bullshit.
I appreciate the info faggot, was just wondering. Doesn't sound too interesting though.
Go fuck yourself, asshole piece of shit.
One more thing: did you make some kind of portfolio or something? Surely companies wouldn't hire someone without some sort of proof of competency (which would traditionally be a degree).
Also I'd like to shed some light on why degrees are becoming worthless these days… its because the foreign students cheat during tests and the professors are afraid to call them out
The board is automatically adding that hidden "jack" message every time you mention Twatter.
Believe it or not, not everyone is into coding or digital marketing. What about getting certs on the job for plubming, electrician, HVAC, construction, oil drilling, hell even overseas contracting maintaing bases for the military worldwide and tax free? They make as much even more than what you say about those jobs.
Yes, you need a portfolio, especially if your position involves serious coding. The channel I mentioned covers all of what you want to know in-depth.
Where I live most trades require a multiple year apprenticeship before you can get started. DMers can earn over 150k per year easy. If you want answers, do some research.
Did you have to move to some shithole city for the job? How long did it take to learn enough to become employable?
You still make progressively more each year youre in the apprenticeship program. Its not a bad route to go at all in the trades. Plus youre gonna be active all day, which is a good thing.
Except the market is oversaturated with coders. Get into MRI and neurofeedback if you want to be in the next high paying "meme profession."
Yeah where do you expect someone to get the equipment and resources to learn that crap?
The latter you can actually learn by yourself fairly easily if you're willing to invest a couple hundred building your own EEG.
7 months
With DM or coding, you can go anywhere in the world and earn great money. All you need is an internet connection. I could go to Japan or or Brazil and keep earning the same money. That means I'm mobile and have infinite options. I can bug out anywhere. If you're a tradesman, you're only gonna earn decent cash in English speaking countries. Good luck locating to eastern Europe or somewhere similar and earnings anything decent. My middle-class status also allows me to attract higher quality women than if I was a tradesman. I will find for myself the highest quality blonde European woman and turn her into my personal baby factory.
Entry level positions without degrees pay well. They pay even better if you opt to learn some more math intense material. Not a meme profession either.
I assume she's investigating some drug or diet that has that action, but the sign makes it look like she's just practicing self-restraint.
Yeah, they enjoy setting the bar so fucking low. Wherever do they get their hope from?
I've heard there are paper-mills as well. Buy a paper.
Also, check retractionwatch. It's a little leftist leaning, but you can see just how many Chinese, Jewish and other people's papers are being retracted for doctored images or data.
I heard in leafland there is an epidemic of cheating among Chinese and Indian students. Professors can't say anything about it because its discrimination.
That would require basic self awareness.
He followed easily-obtainable-online instructions on how to connect individual components without messing it up so he deserves front page status but only if the title of the newspaper is "Who the Fuck Cares News".
You sound jealous. Clearly his genius and celebrity are haunting your mind.
Nifty idea, I wonder how they dealt with details like the butter's softness at different temperatures? lol
You know how I know this faggot is larping? He works at Google; the R&D division of the NSA, and he is shitposting on Zig Forums without even using protection. I bet he's not even behind 5000 skeletons.
Even the half spic nigger does something scientifically useful by studying species.
Lol all the women are doing retardes shit and the men are doing actual work
Where the fuck do I put in a complaint on being underrepresented in diversity as an Asian?
Why does diversity always have to mean niggers and shitskins?
In the same place where you'd complaint about underrepresentation of whites. Kikes don't really care about diversity, just destroying white countries, because they see these are their only real threat to world domination. They're wrong anyway, as if they "win", some power like China would step in and turn the world into a borg cube.
hahahahha. Fat bitch should know a thing or two haha
I've done some inquiries and it appears one of /ourguys/ has been trolling the fuck out of these kikes.
Which one of you glorious faggots has been doing this?
That sounds like CY + 3 Canada.
Associate professor here. The job is easy, but coworkers are cancerous.
Missed one
I live in Iowa, most of us are not like this, just in Iowa City and Des Moines. Iowa is pretty white too. Not a bad place to raise an aryan family
Aboard the USS Implicit Bias Explorer, going where no womyn has gone before.
She invented the Privilege Microscope Scanning (P.M.S.) technique, shitlord.
tbh I think we should champion niggers who are improving themselves.
fuck the University of Iowa. literally nothing good comes out of it
-t. Cyclone
looks like she ate all the sugar so nobody else can have any kek
Unironically me
now the rest of you Iowa anons need to get off your lazy rears and help me out
Gee, I sure seem to recognize some of these pictures and stories :^)
Iowa is a goiter-belt state. Iodine deficiency causes a 10-15 point reduction in IQ.
Exactly. It's like this buzzfeed piece where they try to go 72 hours without using black inventions, but they realized there weren't any so they had to lie and make shit up and the entire story ended up looking like something Zig Forums threw together to paint niggers as useless, delusional apes.
That niglet invented the PC, shitlord.
good lad
They truly are subhuman. Anyone else would interpret this garbage as mockery. In fact, some of these pics should be turned into memes to mock niggers.
nigger you better be on a vpn….
you're a legend m8.