'THE STRATEGY OF TACTICAL RETREAT BY THE JEW So it finally happens. The endless aggressive revolutionary pushes for the erosion of tradition, ethnic homogeneity, the rule of law and basic social contract rights have reached their saturation point in the goyim, and dissent starts to transition exponenitally from a few pockets of air at the bottom of the slow boiling pot to bubbles large enough to detach from the wall and float all the way to the surface. After decades of mockery, cries about the malevolence of the jew begin to take root and spread among the population. So what do you do?
If you were an idiot, or doing this for the first time, you might consider doubling down. Putting all that hard earned political, financial and military power to use, push the shadowy system of governance you have thus far established through meticulous infiltration, bribery, manipulation and blackmail to its limits, roll the dice and pray for luck. Effectively, let fate and numbers decide the game for you. The problem is that you are a jew, and you have been aware of the countless times your tribe has been disenfranchised, driven out and outright subjected to massacres after falling into complacency and overconfidence, lulled into a false sense of security by its seemingly unbreakable grip on power through hapless puppets. You know very well just what the wrath of the common people can be, how it can overpower even the most intricate network of corruption and control, how opportunistic goyische allies underlings can flip allegiances at the drop of a hat the second they see which way the wind is blowing. So, again, what do you?
You stop. You reconsider. You weigh all the options, and arrive at the conclusion that the host's grievances are about to overwhelm his naive ideals, desire for personal comfort and innate aversion to violence. He will not listen to any further one-sided demands, his self-preservation insticts are kicking in. So instead you JOIN HIM. You LISTEN TO HIM. You RELENT. You take stock of his most immediate issues, and look at the ones that are contributing the most to his increasing loss of temper. And you become the champion of these causes. All the while you direct those who are committed beyond recovery to the previous course of action to see it through to the end. Needless to say, now you relentlessly mock the worst excesses of this radical wing, take "brave stances", blow them the fuck out on national television. You blunt the edges of the blade when it has already been stuck deep inside the enemy.
You've destroyed the institution of mariage. You've procured nearly limitless military support for your homeland. You've secured key positions in administration, finance, media, academia. You've opened the floodgates to immigration and settled hundreds of millions of foreigners in his lands. So when the goy starts to get restless, you ruthlessly oppose Religion of Cuck™'s homophobia and misogyny. You call out the stupidity of infinite genders. You defend the brave communist paragons of free speech who got jailed for teaching a dog to commit the hitler salute. You turn a man who left his nation's civicnationalist party over disagreements about "racism" into a martyr standing up against immigration. You promote IQ-based racial determinism as the be-all end-all of governance all while making sure to point out exactly (((which race))) has the highest [supposed] average IQ of all. YOU ENSURE THAT ALL OPPOSITION TO IMMIGRATION ENTAILS RACIAL EGALITARIANISM YOU ENSURE THAT ALL OPPOSITION TO SOCIAL PROGRESSIVISM EMBRACES HOMOSEXUALITY AND WOMEN'S RIGHTS YOU ENSURE THAT ALL OPPOSITION TO GLOBALISM AND Religion of Cuck™ ENTAILS SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL YOU ENSURE THAT ALL OPPOSITION ARGUMENTS FOLLOW THE SAME PRINCIPLES OF UNIVERSALISM AND EGALITARIANISM THAT THE POSITION DOES And, above all - not a reference to the merchant to be seen. Compromise is the death of reaction. This is not the first time a right-wing resurgeance has happened, not even the first time since WW2. The fire is still alive, and there is plenty of steam, but it is being tapped and redirected on a massive scale right as you are reading this. Fuck your "based danish comedians".
This video and countless others like it are being shilled hard on jewtube right now, and it's the epitome of controlled oppositon. Implicit acceptance of the left's present successes, while pretending to address the gross oversteps without even alluding to the core problems. hooktube.com/watch?v=B0TmH_PMTIY
Good analysis, but you assume incrementalism doesn't work. Maybe we'll have to accept that our generation will not go full 1488… But we'll certainly prepare the ground well for our children.
Liam Barnes
No, that's the thing. Incrementalism works only for the side that is actively keeping up the pressure. Which is the jews. They stop, but they are never pushed back beyond their starting point. By growing complacent all you are doing is allowing their already established pieces to go to work.
Look at demographics, for fuck's sake. The window of opportunity is limited.
John Nelson
If the jew wanted to return to safety, he would stop countersignaling christcuckoldry, which permits the jew to magically become a Christian just like any other. Christcuckoldry permitted the jew to remain in Western Europe, "converted" or not, at the end of the Middle Ages.
He could also stop trying to provoke WWIII. What the jew just did this week makes the wars for Israel thing so transparently true that only the taboo keeps people from talking about it.
The jew egregore Yahweh is not as intelligent as our egregore Kek, because the jew is not as intelligent or curious as us. Yahweh makes the same mistakes over and over.
Joshua Garcia
This guy was actually once the boyfriend of one of the leading figures of the far left wing party.
Lincoln Collins
Why did Whites keep believing that things weren't that bad? Not just because if our parents didn't they would lose their jobs. Because the only way around the jew filter was magazines like Instauration and mix tapes. Everyone who didn't think something someone had said on TV would be accused of having gotten that idea from the far right, so people needed to pretend to only think things said on TV.
The Internet isn't just our salvation by allowing us, for the first time since radio was invented, to speak freely. It also lets the traitors speak freely, and they go crazy out virtue signaling each other and outstrip the ability of the jewsmedia to normalize their signaling.
A dark age is an age in which virtue signaling allegiance to various superstitions masks a decline in personal and civic virtue. The dark age we are in began when Darwin was ignored as a racist and Freud was accepted as a scientist, and has advanced to the point of engineering and military collapse, and even to the point that trust in institutions has broken down.
By 300 Romans were no longer able to make classical sculpture and by 450 the legions weren't able to defend Rome. But we won't be invaded.
The Internet is right now allowing us to end this dark age. Virtue signaling is routinely dismissed as such and personal and civic virtue are again recognized.
Jason Gutierrez
Rebel Media shills pushing their controlled opposition. Yes, he attacked Swedes and didn't even make a veiled references to where their policies came from the jew This is just a rehash of a meme which first surfaced in the 90s The kike uses this tactic and dumb goyim like you thinks something is actually changing. AREN'T OUR JEWISH REBEL SHILLS BASED AF GOY? remember include huge paragraphs of pablum to seem intellectual
Fuck you kike.
Thomas Lee
Whether or not the civnatosphere is controlled opposition, you have to admit their potential to redpill. I got drawn back to 4/Zig Forums after years of being away right around the time Trump got elected because of the sudden explosion of "critics" like Molymeme and Sargon of Mossad. Before I undertook serious research on WWII and the JQ, I was busy living under my own liberal rock, wondering why I was so unhappy, why white people sucked so bad. The Alt-Lite was my stepping stone, my gateway into realizing, hey, there are a lot of other people who share my opinions. Knowing you're not alone is a huge factor in mustering up the motivation and courage to begin exploring new worldviews on your own. These "based comedians" serve this purpose incredibly well.
Are you actually fucking retarded? OP is arguing against cuckservatives.
Jason Morales
Jack Roberts
Quality insights and discussion in this thread; bumped. The Jew has allowed his own virus to get out of hand; that's what tends to happen when you play with viruses like communism, etc. The SJW phenomenon is actually so effective as a weapon against whites that it's inhibiting white society from defending Jews, even if the whites wanted to defend them, and deep down they don't. The us cannot afford another fucking Jew war and the decay of our social institutions caused by the Jew is one cause of this.
Ryder Jenkins
I'm afraid to say, I think you're right.
Luis Stewart
the funnier part is that many Jews swallowed their own CultMarx poison and are showing signs of possibly succumbing to it within a generation. its possible they memed too hard and played themselves.
Thats exactly why they're trying to turn the next gen into trannies. They'll be the ones without anything to live for thus the most dangerous.
Cooper King
Interesting bread. Not sure if I agree with OP's premise, but it's bound to spark a good discussion. The way I see it, breakdown of political correctness - even when pushed by kosher faggots like Rebel media - leaves the jew naked to criticism, because once the taboo of speaking openly about race is broken, it's only a short step from there to begin talking about the jew. If they want to run comedians that contribute to that breakdown of political correctness, then great. I see that as a win. A non-PC, racially aware population is far more open to pro-white and even NatSoc ideas than otherwise. Even if OP is correct and this is a jew strategy to weather the fallout of an awakened goyim, then it is an overwhelmingly bad strategy on their behalf. In doing so they are doing the lion's share of our job for us, actively contributing to deconditioning the masses away from political correctness, which reduces the effort that we would need to expend to do so; not only that, it drastically reduces the time required to un-fuck people's thinking and make racial awareness socially acceptable again, and time is not something we have a lot of. So I'd be inclined to say don't interrupt the enemy whilst he's making a mistake.
Just to be clear, I'm not blind to this argument, but I am tired of these claims going unchallenged. People point to the same french statistics, but I've seen no proof that Jews are that much more likely to be targeted than the general white french population. The same commentators on the left who played cover for the very real threat of sharia law and mass rapes in the UK are now mainstreaming demographic replacement arguments. Sure, Jews are hysterical and reactionary. How is this new? Calling someone a SJW is like making the distinction between "old" and "new" feminism. Muslims worship kikes as gods chosen.people.
Christian Harris
*My second point was on Corbyn
Blake Sullivan
It's strange that Darwin would be regarded as racist. He essentially proved (going by his theories) that negroids are the same species as caucasoids. If he had been racist he would have modified his theories to get the desired result - the way Freud would have done.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
Wish I could go to Sweden with n army of Russians and hispanic mercenaries
Jace Wilson
Yep. This is the strategy of (((controlled opposition))).
Jace Thompson
I think you know. Good thread, by the way.
Isaac Collins
This. The film, PCU (1994) is about a college campus where political correctness runs rampant. How it's depicted is not much different from how unis are now.
Dylan Roberts
The complete eradication of Jewish DNA from this planet is the only solution. There can be no compromise from this, anything less than that would mean complete death.
John Butler
At the end of the day, uberkikes like the Rothschild family doesn't really care about the well-being of their less wealthy brethren. They dangle Greater Israel before the ordinary Yids, and use their hatred of Whites to push any kosher agenda they want, but nothing more. Observe, how women's rights backfired on the Jews. Hebrew women are mostly liberal as fuck too. They don't breed. Hell, even Jewish billionaires are getting taken to the cleaners now. Notice how unceasingly more and more Arabs are living in Israel. The Zionist state has a huge problem of demographic displacement as well. For centuries the Jews tried to bleached themselves by marring into the Western nobility. Now they mix with Arabs and Negroes once again, and it terrifies them to the core.
Nathaniel Reed
The attempts to corral dissent into approved "right-wing" tracks is obvious. Every alt-right or new-right celebrity is a Jew or a faggot or a parody. Most seem to have links to other Jews and law enforcement or intelligence operations.
I feel that doubling down on racism, anti-brown sentiment, ant-faggot sentiment, anti-egalitarianism, and especially anti-semitism is the wave of the future. The (re)normalization of these sentiments is what (((they))) fear and (((they))) still are limited in their manpower and money and time, even being so damn powerful. We need them to put *everybody* on lists, to divert time and attention to entrapping us, harassing us, and helping them become more paranoid and widen their dragnets ever further. We need there to be more normalfags who aren't even racist to be called Nazis by screeching Jews and 56% goblina golems.
Spread those divisive memes, (((they))) sure are and (((they))) won't stop, why should we? I want a future America to be a place where brown people of all shades, kikes, Muslims, and other unsavory elements who belong far away to actually *FEAR* much the same any one of us rationally fears the shanty towns of South Africa or the slums of Brazil. Europe's a goner, Canada's fucked, the USA is probably going to be the last bastion of whiteness. It's not possible or even desirable to reform those lost hellholes, not in my opinion. Let's take in the angry and afraid white refugees instead of more mud people. I'm completely sick of seeing or hearing about racial or ethnic minorities. We want more whites to feel this way.
Jackson Wilson
And just how, pray tell, did he prove that?
Josiah Thompson
Regarding that video, since when is Denmark so much better off than Sweden that they may poke fun at Sweden? While Sweden may be full of low IQ kat chewing Somalians, Denmark is full of murdering immigrant gangs like "Loyal to Familia" and "Brothas".
Robert Fisher
It's not and neither is most western countries. And it's not a coincidence either that it's this way. It's a D&C-tactic i see many times, because naturally if someone posing as a fellow nationalist but from another country, mocking your own country, you become slightly annoyed and angry at that person. I've seen many posts saying we should just let the Jew genocide various european people because of how shitty they turned our countries into. And because of all the traitors involved with that shit is our fellow countrymen. But in the end it's just a Divide and conquer-tactic. We're all in this shit together and maybe your country is going good at the moment, but it's not something to brag about because if we do not stop the jew wherever they are enacting their plans of the european man's destruction, it will happen to you too.
Josiah Taylor
But that isn't true. Indeed classical sculpture continued uninterrupted. That said the number of pieces created declines as a lack of centralized authority resulted in more limited concentration of wealth which means there wasn't large administrative class which could afford such works and wanted to display their wealth to each other. As the elite became a warrior class personal equipment became more important as did your personal redoubt.
Firstly Darwin had nothing to do with niggers.Secondly by definition they are the same species since they can interbreed to create viable offspring. But they are a different sub-species and were seen as such for several generations before kikes declared that demonstrably proven racial divisions were "pseudoscience".
Angel Gray
Within the next century, if this illusionary peace continues, I see us keeping up the pressure, and kikes declining, both demographically and in terms of determination, as other people have already pointed out. Just look at Soros' son, a degenerate who his own father obviously doesn't consider worthy of inheriting the whole fortune, as he donated a large part of it to his (((foundation))) while preparing to die. Their own poison has affected them, too… And while we suffer on a larger scale from it, history has proven that we will rise again and again in time.
The internet has allowed us to spread our views and see how many of us there actually are. It has allowed us to see the fake news and propaganda as such, and I'm not talking about us, but many normalfags, too. Even when I go on fucking sport sites, occasionally I see redpilled comments. The internet has already toppled the jew, which is why they are frantically scrambling to shut it down… We are just in the beginning of the transitional period. For better or worse. We can help speed things up.
Ayden Watson
Acceleration is always a good idea Nothing is static and nothing ever will be
Ayden Barnes
Don't know anything about sculpture, but the literary works show a marked decline after the 3rd Century Crisis. When reading from Constantine onward it feels like a completely different Empire.
Carter Diaz
interesting take, although perhaps what isn't considered here is that while all you say may be true, they're giving themselves enough rope to hang themselves with so to speak. All the average millennial and under has heard since they could talk was the tolerance and acceptance bullshit. So, anyone saying "gas the jews race war now" would be immediately rejected. This may be the first step in gradual indoctrination. think of how the communists did it. First the pushed anti racism, then it was pro faggot rights, then it was pro tranny rights. etc etc.
To me at least this seems more about people de programming rather than outright infiltration, which I'm not saying isn't the case here but it may not be so for all.
Austin Butler
They're homos and don't know how to come out of the closet and admit their love for bbc?
Yes, but for them as well. Their agenda is suicidal. Success for them also means their own destruction. Shlomo is a fucking nutjob.
Daniel Jones
The OP makes a great point regarding how previous resurgences in right wing thinking and awareness have been dealt with. The "pressure valve" theory is the best way to describe their tactics and in the past (most recently the early to mid 90's) it worked stunningly well. When (((they))) have total control over the platforms on which all high minded political discussion takes place, then they have complete control over the public mindsphere, using it to atomize and disperse any form of wrongthink.
What has been different with this go-around, at least so far, is the introduction of the internet into the equation. The internet unintentionally caused all groups to become atomized and dispersed across an infinite number of outlets, forums, and other spaces where wrongthink could not be effectively policed. As long as there is one bad goy ready to shitpost in the comments of that danish comedian's youtube video, we stand a chance. What is troubling is (((their))) all out effort to consolidate the "internet" into a handful of outlets which will once again allow then to effectively deal with wrongthink. I don't know who is winning right now, especially in light of the calls to regulate these internet monopolies (primarily Facebook), but we must absolutely retain our ability to shitpost freely or the pressure valves will once again serve their purpose and destroy whatever momentum we may have generated.
Landon Williams
God, I hate this argument. That may be the definition of species that you learned in high school biology but it's no more correct than any of the other simplified obfuscations of concepts you learn at that level of schooling (see: 99% of things you learn in a high school physics class). The problem with this approach to biology is that that the process of evolution necessitates a fluid definition of species, this is so immediately apparent to anyone with a greater than cursory knowledge of the subject that even wikipedia covers it in the opening paragraph of the "Species" page. They even have an entire separate page dedicated to the "Species Problem".
While there is no single theory capable of objectively delimiting individual species, many of the theories would support the various "races" being considered separate species, especially the separation of negroids from the rest of the human spectrum. I could spend all day listen "hybrids" of two classically distinct species that are reproductively viable (just look at how much hybridization has played a role in human evolution for example) but the fact is that the "reproductive viability" definition is sorely lacking. Any way you slice it, the enormous differences in morphology and behavior between negroids and the other races is great enough that they meet the criteria of several conceptual definitions for what consitutes a separate species.
Jaxson Kelly
This is really old work, so you can imagine how primitive it is. Darwin focused on the body parts a living being possessed, how it functioned, and the development of the living being insofar as observable from conception to maturity.
Ian Powell
Humiliating sweden isn't a big deal, basically everyone can do that.
For better or worse, my children will mistrust Jews.
Luke Wood
Alexander Miller
Muh womens rights, National Socialism is pro woman, thats all you need to say. We care about protecting women, leftists endanger women. Theres your rhetoric.
Eli Russell
Ironically people do by default, most ZOG propaganda is designed to dampen this natural fight or flight instinct. Trust, money, power, no matter how you slice it or what odious diatribes from the vaults of German social philosophers you dig up, the Jews have clearly taken too much for too long. Trump's prostration before Israel is a beacon for white men to wake up and learn about the slave-master relationship.
Unshackle your MIND! There's a lot of sociopathic madmen and idiots you'll meet during your time serving in the infowar, but your efforts will be what brings about our destiny. Memes are the root of our social matrix. We are the memes. We are the youth. We are the resurgence of hope and a future free of weak-minded charlatans and the DNA abominations of the other species.
We must FIRST AND FOREMOST, segregate other races in mind, body and action if we are to succeed. Give each subsection of what we plausibly dub "humanity" a goal and let the weak be removed. I assume I'm not wasting my breath talking about all this, but death rates need to exceed birth rates for us to maintain our power. By necessity, we need to facilitate situations "Bill Gates in Africa" style, where we start poisoning or systematically culling the nigs. We need to make the Leftist demon of systematic racism REAL!