I think the Jews just pulled the plug in preparation for something. Who knows….Today just keeps getting weirder and weirder though.
I think the Jews just shut down halfchan
Other urls found in this thread:
works for me you nigger
Your mother should've 503'd you.
original poster is obviously of alternate sexual persuasion
Porn-induced perversion*
Sage for fake news
Q unironically predicted this. Also, I've been having similar issues on and off for the last two weeks. I just figured ((someone)) was trying to shut down information flow.
Lets face it, you have to wade through tons of shit on half chan, but they are WAY faster than this place. But, it's a shithole.
(((they))) are testing the waters
Obviously. I know a lot of people think Q is a larp, but let's face it. Shutting down all of facebook/Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter/chans to conservatives or everyone is completely possible. Look at what happened to the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack.
We need to brainstorm ways around that.
Wew lad, that's an interesting word filter.
If you can't tell that it's all a LARP, then you aren't smart enough to post here.
This thread is certified cancer and should be excised.
And? How is then desiring a nuke proof comms net due to a larp a bad thing? Sad!
user, pls
that's wordfiltered right?
Fucking retard.
You too.
Get the fuck out newfag shitstain
I just can't remember his website's name because iirc he changed it and I never really cared.
stormfront/Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack
kek'd that was the one.
We are not conservatives.
Why would you even mention that place?
Yes goyim, some of you are technically capable or innovative and might come up with something that had not occurred to us: give us your best techniques so we can be sure to make sure they don't work either.
You're glowy as fuck.
A thread died for this
go back to your shitchan