What is wrong with jews?
I'm new to the board and would like to know more on the subject. I would appreciate sources and book reccomendations(Everything. Go ask in the QTDDTOT thread when your ban expires. )
What is wrong with jews?
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What is right with jews?
Good work team.
Read "Mein Kampf". Stalag Edition, or Ford Translation (FT also has a great audiobook). Do this asap.
Marxism is Economic Judaism
In the professional world, this Talmudic family-society model is overhauling the modern understanding of racial capacity and potential with a fantastical ideology based upon 'Anti-Capitalism' (Phony version of anti-Usury or anti-jew). There are two modes of the dialectic model of 'Racial Integration': Theory and Practice (Passive & Active).
Mode 1) You are to (passively) accept the theory that we are all human beans and that the potential in all modes of performance, whether physical or mental, are equal among every race. Yet, within this theory is implied a fundamental dichotomy of superiority/inferiority that must be harmonized with the application of another theory of ignorance.
Mode 2) In the practice of tolerating the ineptitude of a fellow workmate or colleague who is of another (lesser) race, or in the practice of recognizing your inadequacy to a fellow workmate or colleague who is of another (greater) race, the fundamental idea is to (actively) acknowledge that you are different. Just as you are supposed to theoretically harmonize this dichotomy with the application of the theory of ignorance, in practice your behaviour must be adapted to your fellow human beans (the inferior).
Now, we can see where this leads. In any analogy, it is clear that the inferior cannot spontaneously perform at the level of the superior, and that to equalize the performance of inferior/superior means to decrease the performance of the superior. This practice, for the means of enhancing the collective, is a kind of nihilistic relativism that leads not the enhancement of the inferior but to the degradation of the superior at the expense of the collective. In the application of the theory of ignorance, there is a complete annihilation of observation and eventually the very theory of the collective (the subject of this ideology) is abolished and replace with the fixation upon the inferior (Which superiority is being replaced with)'.
The marxist ideology of 'Racial Diversity' condemns racial superiority whilst promoting racial inferiority as a virtue. It cannot function as a practical or theoretical model for human behavior. Why? If it hasn't already clicked in your mind, allow me to condense it for you: Theoretically, the word 'race' implies genetic diversity, therefore Racial Equality (as defined by marxism) = Racism (as defined by marxism). Practically, each individual is identified with a race through the observation of his differences to others and what subcategory within the collective he/she falls into, therefore Recognition of Race (as defined by marxism) = Racism (as defined by marxism). The ultimate goal of this marxist (jewish) ideology is to destroy the very perception of race, and to erect a standard generalization (Human Being) that dehumanizes those who internalize this ideology in the practice of racial identity.
I would argue that marxism is a machination of the jewish social engineers who have simultaneously sown into the minds of the collective that judaism is a mere ideology instead of a gene type. I would argue that this is whole thought system (that marxism is only a component of) is designed to dehumanize the superior humans - whom orientate their culture, economy and continuity around their own racial merits - that the jews (as inferior humans) see as a threat. I would argue that all systems of thought ever created by jews have been based on the orientation of their culture, economy and continuity around the merits of other races, and that marxism (jewish) is a social engineering device injected into the lives of all races (by jews) except jews for the sole purpose of sustaining jewish parasitism of and promoting the racial integration of all other races whilst maintaining jewish isolation.
Unless you are an outright 'Racist', you can be 'pincer-moved' with this dual-mode dialectic - into either obeying this cognitive dissonance or outright rejecting it (which results in you being identified as a bad goy). Don't think that using their own arguments against them will work; they have internalized this thought system, their minds have been disabled with the application of the theory of ignorance and they will just project their insanity onto you. Either way your human rights will be sacrificed upon the altar of equality, and only the flexing of your superiority will save you from such a circumstance.
I don't know OP, what could possibly be wrong with a people who believe they were hand-picked by god, promised by that god that everyone else will be their slaves and a who have a larger book of loopholes than of actual rules?
"What is wrong with Jews?"
Nothing, this isn't a question of "Wrong" or "Right". That's a childish false dichotomy created by our "new society" so you ask that exact question you did in the OP.
This isn't about right or wrong, it's not about evil and good - just or unjust. It's about us and them, ours and theirs. It's about the world having a finite pool of resources to be shared among disparate warring groups - and the tactics, no matter how underhanded people will employ as a group to pool those resources for themselves.
Once you understand this, then you understand the Jew.
Anyone making it about "Right" and "Wrong" has literally fallen for their own enemies dialectic.
You want to begin this journey? I'm not going to spill it all out for you, these spergs will though - but I will point you in the direction you need to look for the first time in your life; read a Culture of Critique by Kevin McDonald, research the Second World War and find out what the true motivations in their OWN words was for Germany, then take a quick scroll through the History - google, "How many times have the Jews been exiled" and wonder who the common denominator might be and finally, if you really want to know - go read the Gospels and the Old Testament again for the historical, theological and philosophical background of the conflict.
slide thread
And if that's not enough to convince you, try to find a good translation of the Talmud, learn about Jewish orthodox law. And finally - look into how many Jewish empowerment groups their are and then look into their positions socially through raw stats on economic status by ethnicity and religion.
Pilpul is pretty much the biggest reason why the Jews are a problem. They will twist and deceive to no end. en.wikipedia.org
>The Hebrew term pilpul (Hebrew: פלפול, from "pepper," loosely meaning "sharp analysis") refers to a method of studying the Talmud through intense textual analysis in attempts to either explain conceptual differences between various halakhic rulings or to reconcile any apparent contradictions presented from various readings of different texts.[1] Pilpul has entered English as a colloquialism used by some to indicate extreme disputation or casuistic hairsplitting.
Most of the media is controlled by a few corporations, most of which consist of Jews, the same is true for Hollywood and the pornography industry, as well as various other, smaller industries. They are a fraction of the worlds population, but are overrepresented in nearly every position of power.
They are also the majority of the people pushing stuff like feminism, sexual deviancy, homosexuality, race mixing, white guilt, and other aspects of cultural marxism. If you dislike any of those, investigate into where it originated and who is pushing it.
A good starting point in terms of literature is The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald. If you want to go deeper, then follow what said. Start looking into the inconsistencies with WWII and the holocaust, and from there into the rest of history. The one thing that nearly every culture has in common is that they have expelled Jews at some point.
It may seem daunting or extreme, but keep your mind open and think objectively, rather than with your emotions.
It's called war you idiot. You can hold moral pretensions but that's how you lose.
Except they aren't moral pretensions. They gladly throw their own under the bus. They would sell you their mother if the offer was good.
They're biologically predisposed to certain traits, like all races. Their culture is backwards and evil.
Read The Culture of Critique.
Their genetics. Which by proxy, cause everything else that is disgustingly wrong with them.
The only war you understand is your fierce battle against 8 year old girls for ebay pony dolls.
The Jews are an incestuous and pedophile sect where they arrive in prosperous cities and among them leans and infiltrates society,
the Jews are neurotic can only socialize among Jews, their attitude with non-Jews is always an act, the exploitation is correct ,
lies, deceptions, sexual exploitation, the life of Jews over non-Jews is an act, religion generates traumas in men and women,
in general the kohen are in charge of social control and rituals, bring Jewish mental illness to the masses,
the things that they fear promote them for non-Jews, while they defend themselves (race crossings, immigration, addictions, pornography and debts).
"There are two points around which an integrated are pattern of Jewish personality is often constructed: neurosis and inferiority. Robert Park, who introduced the concept of the “marginal man,” characterized him as suffering from “spiritual instability, intensified self-consciousness, restlessness, and malaise” (“Human Migration and the Marginal Man,” American Journal of Sociology, Volume 33, 1928). These are classical symptoms of the neurotic personality, which the Jew undoubtedly shares with his Christian fellows; but, for all its theoretical likelihood, actual evidence of a distinctive Jewish bent toward neurosis is "
Mental illness male genital mutilation
male genital mutilation.org/brain.htm
jewishmale genital mutilation.org/spectator.htm
jew infiltration
jew infiltration education
Israel takes money victim holocaust
Israel paradise paedophiles
Pedofilia en judios ortodoxos
Ultra orthodox men studie holy writes All day and don't work
Jews want racial pure
Genetics illness by incest.
Jews men get sex with white women.
Get this and read it. You will finally see the truth
Fuck I hate kikes.
I believe it would take 2+ years to go through it all.
The "Culture of Critique for Normies" series is pretty good. I don't think embedded playlists work in hooktube, so link instead:
… actually here's the whole thing as one video, it's an hour long though.
Required reading:
You should really update your infographic. Nudleman (Nuland) was later promoted to Deputy Undersecretary of State for European Affairs, and reported directly to Obama (bypassing Kerry). Actually, her meteoric rise from spokes-hole to the most powerful civilian in Europe is a pretty good red-pill on the Nepotism Question…
This same thread has appeared 6 or 7 times this week
Clearly, imkampfy is a fucking idiot and doesn't recognize a slide
Jews hate Nature, feel no empathy and see no sacred quality therein, and act always to destroy where able.
It's a shame that OP was so gay but man look at the hand clutching in that first pic by those (((Israelis))).
Fish swim, dogs bark, birds fly, Jews subvert their host nation.
Define "Wrong" because all you need to do is look at a kike to know what evil looks like.
Here’s the tl;dr version since you seem a little slow:
-Jews move into a country that feels sorry for them and takes them in
- they stick to their own group and do not blend with the locals, forming their own little state within a state. If and when they do blend with their host population, they marry their daughters off to the non-Jews as they believe Jewishness is passed maternally. In this way they blend easier with their host population.
-they begin to work their way into positions of power. Lawyers, educators, entertainers, politicians if they can. Then they practice nepotism to get their fellow Jews into similar positions. Remember, they blend with their host population but behind the unsuspecting host’s back, the Jews are Jews before and above all else raised in Jewish culture and ways. They recognize each other even if the goyim do not. With a wink and a nod, one Jew elevates another to a position of influence based on their shared tribal status
-from those positions of influence, the Jews are in ideological lockstep, working to erode whatever pillars to support the host population. They don’t need meetings or confirmation to do this, their neurotic paranoia and upbringing prompt them to do it automatically. They push “liberalism” and love of the outsider to their host but in-group favoritism in their own community
-now they are free to practice rent-seeking and economic exploitation to line their own pockets. They’re not actually “better”, they’re just good at cheating and worming their way into getting what they want at the expense of their host population
-eventually the host population notices the “coincidences” and gets tired of their economy being destroyed by parasitic vagabonds and throws the Jews out
-the Jews whine and bitch about how they’re being unfairly persecuted and scapegoated and someone feels sorry for them and takes them in
-the cycle repeats
Jews also have one dreaded fear.
Nationalism. Regardless if its NatSoc, NatCap, NatUnd, Nat ETC….
The jew fears it because they are and always have been a race of faggots on the run. Don't believe their shitty story about running away from being slaves, Egypt fed them and saved them and when it came time to help Pharaoh build his pyramid, the yids ran off. Fuckers couldn't hunt or farm, God had to give them bread and this is their OWN story. Jews are so worthless, they become a net drain on everything to the point that any community with them kicks them out. Thus the fear of a nationalist party. Nationalists will end their gypsy ways of running when the bill comes due, and a jew would rather be gassed then pay money.
Media manipulation.
That ending white privilege infographic is incorrect. Firstly, the source specifies "% earning 100k+" not "in the 1%". And secondly, because it is not the 1% we are dealing with, the maths is wrong.
Here are the real numbers:
Jew Non-Jew All religions
% of population that is this relgion 2.0% 98.0% 100.0%
% of religion earning 100k+ 44.0% 17.5% 18.0%
% earning 100k+ in all US population 0.9% 17.1% 18.0%
% of group in 100k+ earners 4.9% 95.1% 100.0%
you would do well to lurk various threads here and at halfchan before asking such a broad question. by doing so you will gradually learn of their parasitic nature, their exaggerations/lies and their undue influence in controlling our banks, media, and politics. you will find it's not a question of "what have they done for us?" or "how will we survive without them?" (they would have you believe that they are responsible for all advancements in modern society) but how much can society thrive without the jews. the same can be said for niggers and spics. these 3 groups of people do well when they attach themselves to a predominately white grouping but when in large groups of themselves create a cesspool which contaminates everything about them. cases in point: central/south american and african continents. jews, however, have sneakily managed to infiltrate traditional white nations by disguising themselves as white and by appealing to the dregs of society have managed to lower standards wherever they have been elevated to a position to do so which is why society has fallen from the Ward/June Cleaver mores to the filth the permeates todays society. The correct answer to almost every thread on these forums that begins with "Why?" is "Jews."
Then read the Tanakh (Old Testament).
Anti-kike awareness threads should be pinned. They're a toxic curse on this planet and the closest a living creature can come to pure evil.
"Hey Saul, how many of (((our people))) does it take to screw in a lightbulb . . . ZERO! We hire some dumb goy to do it for us and for pennies on the dolla!"
"Pennies?! PENNIES?!!!! We can't pay them that much!!"
"You're right Saul Schlomo-Shekelstein-Rothkyke-Ginsburg the third! That is way too much! We'll just give them one month leeway on the interest of their high interest Re-finance-able non-shekel loans!"
"My god (((who probably doesn't exist))), you're a genius, just like the jew who invented electricity!"
They don't care about anything except themselves
they have no real agenda except to horde money and to cause chaos, not to achieve anything, they are just sociopathic sadists.
look at any Jew in the eyes, they are a fucking vacuum, they have no soul.
I am not exaggerating with this shit, they are fucking awful.
I'm honestly shocked mods haven't deleted this thread. If you want a full understanding of jews in a clear and concise way I reccomend finding Dr. William Pierce's American Dissident Voices broadcasts and listening to all of them and realizing he was right about everything.
this reeks of OPPO research. If I were a jew I'd want to know all of my worst enemy's arguments so I could get to work on crafting a new narrative that renders them inert.
Jewish author Alfred Jospe notes that “when a male Jew is called to the Torah, he recites the traditional blessing, asher bahar banu mi’kol ha’amim praising God ‘who , has chosen us from among all other nations.’ When Jews recite their daily morning prayer they say the benediction, she’lo assani goy , thanking God ‘that he has not made [us] gentiles.’ When they pronounce the benediction over the Sabbath [Saturday] wine, they declare that God has chosen and sanctified Jews from all other peoples in the same way which he has distinguished between Sabbath and weekday. When Jews make Havdalah Saturday night, they recite the traditional ha-mavdil on , glorifying God for setting Jews apart from all other peoples just as He set apart the sacred from the profane and light from darkness.”j
look, goy, we dindu nuffin, okay?
Jews are good people who forcefully sterilise and kick out blacks/africans from their country and properties and Israel will be the light of all nations in leading humanity to eradicate all niggers from G-d's green earth.
Fun fact: Louis CK is part Jew
he admitted it on a radio show
Louis CK is also a creepy sociopath who raped a retarded girl when he was a kid (also admitted on the same radio show: "Opie and Anthony")
can't find sound bite of second claim, but it's out there, look for it.
he apparently showed her his dick
but i have the memory of him elaborating about it another time, where he claimed he abandoned her in his basement because his mom showed up, and he fell asleep and the girl was scared and cold when he found her.
Fun fact:
Freud was a paedophile pervert who promoted the commodification of sexuality in society through his psychoanalytic philosophy
Another fun fact:
Freud's son is a convicted child molester
I guess it runs in that disgusting Jewish bloodline
How exactly is that going to work if the jews consider us niggers too?
My mission now is to redpill this guy
All Larping aside
100% serious here
Hitler was right
no shit
100% serious
Israel needs to disappear off the map, in addition to every jew
We will never have any peace in the world until these global manipulators are stopped
They don't, which is why they're genestealers.
This is why Tor should be banned entirely.
>but user, that's what (((they))) want, you to completely block Tor
That's fine. I have not once, in an entire two years, seen a single Tor post worth keeping around.
I cringed at that
Straight from the Jew's mouth.
Guess you can't be fags ALL the time.
Stop being such a soy bean
the community at work user.
Today I spoke with a fellow hwite person, red pilled AF, he will publish a book next year, "Nacional Socialismo en el Siglo 21, Nuestra Lucha" (Nat Soc in the 21st century, our struggle). Already local nat soc groups expressed their support when the book gets presented. Gonna be a hell of a party.
Pic realted for you, checked btw
Anybody have that chart about when are the best times to post to facebook / Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter to redpill people there?
How do you use VPN's and still post here?
Look at the biggest thing happening right now
Trump starting WW3, and you know why, Israel
Just read How The the jews Betrayed Mankind, thats a good starting point, the pdfs are free. Third book in the series is out in July I think.
Also, when God gave them Mana He said only take what you need to eat for the day, otherwise the extra Mana will rot. But they still took more than they needed!
Anyone have anything on the history of US-Israel relations? There was some compilation here IIRC but I forgot to save it.
Not a whole lot of people, even us, know just how putrid and evil the Jews really are and have been for thousands of years.
We're talking about THE evil. The most vile, disgusting, and terrifying force to have ever existed. They epitomize darkness.
Ritual sacrifice and cannibalism for starters. Never mind their collectivist mindset, their thoughts on the goyim, and complete lack of moral integrity.
There are no “moderate” or good Jews. They are all liars, all thieves, all of them are parasites without exception and they know it and are proud of it.
There are no honest Jews and any Jew who doesn't treat you with outright hostility is trying to manipulate you.
They are almost inconceivable to the modern European mind. How can one people be so consistently evil for so long and somehow manage to hide their insidious nature?
At every turn in history they have been there as a collective to cover their own tracks but it is not like the tales do not exist - they are just meant to be forgotten.
I'm referring specifically to US-Israel relations, as in the state of Israel that existed after 1948. I was talking to someone about what a shit "ally" they were and while I could name USS Liberty, selling missiles to the Chinese, and this latest Syria false-flag off the top of my head access to a larger compilation would be better. I could have sworn there was one but, again, I didn't save it.
My apologies; I read your post without looking at the image. That may very well have been it.
Jews love black magic.
They're jewish.
bumping this so i can finally read it later
Success breeds envy