So what's the deal with all the hate on cap society? Are people thinking that any other form of economic exchange will keep them from being units of labor? There's nothing wrong with that in my eyes. We're all cogs in a machine keeping the wheel turning. What am I missing that's pissing people off?
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal. twitter r
Yeah, I can support absurd interest tax but what's the dealio with anti-capitalists
I prefer state capitalism - fascism.
You gotta read Marx to understand where these faggots are literally coming from. I'll break it down as succinctly as possible.
Alright, I understand the general notion here. But I don't see how it calls for a complete downfall to capitalism. I also don't see it being true that we're all wage slaves who have to take loans to survive.
>supporting (((capitalism)))
This is a national socialist board
Go read the communist manifesto. It's laid out in like the first couple sentences.
Communists want to get rid of classes and have us all have the same level of wealth. "capitalism" prevents this fair idea "equality" that they want.
It's a faggy ideology for lazy people who just want everyone to be nice. It's unrealistic.
Are you twelve?
Or are you some pathetic asshole with a trustfund?
The term is ill defined because it was never meant to be descriptive, its merely a pejorative used by marxist kikes to denigrate productive economic activity and later after everybody came to despise marxism it was used as a cover by kikes in America to hide their nepotistic bullshit behind.
A feudal lord or factory owner produce something, a Marxist would define them as "capitalists" or in the former case a "pre-capitalist" while a kike banker who fucks up the economy constantly and produces nothing of value was bother overlooked by marxists(shocker) to the point that Rothschild funded commies in Europe. While in America which always had a population which despised socialism in general the kikes associated themselves with productive managorial class even as they despised them. To this day you will find very few kikes involved inf manufacturing, resource extraction, or agriculture.
I've been around since /new/ and am not a Natsoc. Because I think it is to soft and an ideology based upon love will not be willing to kill 4.5 billion shitskins. Hans the overman wouldn't stomp a little kike-girls brains to jelly under his boot and laugh about it, I would. inb3edgy6me
Dear diary: OP was a faggot today.
Socialism (Jewish Marxists) and Capitalism (Jewish Bankers) are two sides of the same Shekel.
"capitalism" as a system is (((jewish))) and was conceptually invented by the son of a rabbi, (((marx))), as necessary type of economy to be passed through on the way towards "communism." check it on google ngrams, while the word "capitalist" existed before (((marx))) as a descriptor for the actions of one person or a small group of persons, the word "capitalism" was not in usage before his works.
"capitalism" fails for the same reason that "communism" fails - it doesn't scale up.
the commune is a fine system for a family or small group of families, but it cannot work at scale, and when executed at scale, the lack of price information causes severe dislocation. in most cases, the people stating their desire for the implementation aren't really interested in being part of a commune, but are interested in control of the commune - they want to be the planners, not the planned, they want to be equal, but some citizens are more equal than others. essentially all the capitalist critiques of communism are based in fact.
similarly, the mechanism of free exchange obviously profits all involved when dealing with small groups of persons. it likewise falls apart at scale, because once removed from a small locality, it becomes a race to the bottom in terms of price factors; someone overseas is always willing to work cheaper than the people close to you geographically, and those who have the gold will make the rules the original golden rule and wind up as imperialist powers running sweatshops overseas, or importing slaves to work for minimal wages, while the people around them starve for lack of work. again, we see that all of the communist critiques of capitalism are also based in fact.
the answer is that the dichotomy presented is false, just as most dichotomies you see presented are false.
the answer is the third way, or more accurately, the original way: national socialism.
(1) the state exists, not to further the economy, but to further the welfare of the nation which founded it
(2) the nation - check the etymology of the term - being a homogeneous entity, cares for all of its members. therefore some kind of social safety net at the very least will exist, and perhaps even some form of distributist or guild-based redistribution will be used to protect the weakest, the widows and orphans, etc. national resources belong to the people and as such are managed in stewardship by the government
(3) at the same time, there is no removal of private property or free exchanges - so long as it is not used at the expense of the people. someone can certainly own a factory but they won't be able to import shitskins to work in it and won't be able to outsource labor to the turd world and put their own brothers and sisters out of work
think about it this way: the (((jews))) hate natsoc, but you'll find lots of them on both sides of the capitalist and communist dichotomy, and so-called "austrian" economics is (((austrian))) both in founding and in nature.
good book, the Zig Forums mega upload has a copy
lel direct and to the point
What the money's used for; it's not put toward development, it's put toward making more profit. If the money were controlled by the government instead of by private owners, it wouldn't be so much of a problem, but the fact is our society is pressured through debt whereas in a good society, development would be encouraged through inspirational, ethical reason.
I'm all for National Socialism, but it's called 'Zig Forums', not /natsoc/. All political discussion should be allowed and you should already have confidence that National Socialism will naturally dominate for being the best political ideology there is.
Yeah, true.
You're in the minority with that opinion I'm afraid.
Yeah, that's why I only use this chan when I've finished replying to all the other threads on my preferred chan sites and I've still got more time at work to pass.
The holes in the system seem more clear now but I gotta interject. Aren't the terrible sweatshop jobs building up the economy of the countries they've outsourced to? Even if it isn't fair by any standard. In terms of my opinions I think that factory jobs like that should be in American. People should know exactly what they're getting into (minimum wage for labor) so they aren't blind sighted. It would be a relatively unsatisfactory job and that would be made clear it would only be a starting job which you're guaranteed to hired for if you apply. This would increase jobs so much if anyone could be hired at these places.
Excellent post.
a (1) i can get behind.
If our leaders view humans as interchangeable units of energy and cogs, they'll start viewing them as food and scrap eventually as well; we'll end up serving civilization rather than civilization serving us, as it will become phenotype of it's own controlled by a few chosen vampires at head that have to constantly lower the consciousness of their cogs in order to more easily manage their "mobile biomass". The magical meat machine metaphysical view of the world is commie pseudoscience and those people always end up getting dominated by those that don't believe such rubbish. Forcing everyone into giant public societies of socialized loss and private gains as atomized units, mostly to practice usury and to force war, is jewish as it can get.
I'm a fan of private society socialism, if that private society gets large enough and has the land it becomes a nation really. I don't hate markets, I just don't think everyone has the ability to be breadwinners nor should piety towards it determine the fate of peoples, merit or is capable of discovering divine truths of the nature of reality.
Oh look a Zig Forums dialectics thread.
I’d say that there is no argument against capitalism because the itself is almost completely meaningless. It is a construction of kikes created for the purpose of fucking with western civilization.
Capitalism is just a term applied to a bunch of behaviors which accrue “capital”, this does not have to be just hard currency or the financial assets the kikes hold so dear. It’s interesting that despite their central position within Marxist dogma kikes(and liberals as well) are allergic to the means of production. Farms, land, skilled labor, factories, ect are all anathema to them and were abandoned in favor of faggots, pozz, and “vocations” which don’t produce material products. These vocations can be used to rent-seek off of the public dole without any tangible means to assess whether or not the kikes, women, and muds who hold these positions produce anything of benefit to society. The leftist whether jew, pussy, or mudman loves the idea that he cannot be measured by the produce of his labor, hence their gravitation toward the service industry and media and aversion towards STEM, agriculture, manufacturing, or resource extraction.
White nationalism and for that matter all traditional white political/social behavior is about accruing capital. But being whites what they considered “capital” differed vastly from what rootless kike parasites consider capital. And since kikes control academic and thus get to define what terms mean it is any surprise that they define capitalism in kikey terms whether they claim to support or oppose it?
Children are useful, land is useful, mineral resources are useful, a state which facilitates the survival of your family line is useful, a military to defend your nation’s interests is useful, accrued knowledge is useful, socially conservative institutions which support adaptive behavior are useful, laws which preference your people over others and make you strong at their expense are useful, common interests which compels a minimal amount of cooperation among the population even if there is no touchy-feely volk are useful. All these things should be considered “capital” because really what this is all about is survival and propagation over all else. The nation and the race are means by which your family line interbreed with other good stock to produce further generations of fit organisms who then produce yet more indefinitely. That is what this is really all about. That is why the white race really matters, not only are few races intelligent and capable of maintaining civilization but only your race is good breeding stock(happas have shitty health). And the nation which supports your race and family is a vehicle for the perpetuation of your blood. Those who are naturally predisposed toward adaptive behavior(white conservatives) are vastly outbreeding liberal whites, kikes, and shitskins born in industrial nations, hence their need to constantly import more muds, but why not also enforce a religion which enhances those adaptive behaviors through indoctrination and a promise of an afterlife only for those who are adaptive. Same thing with secular society and politics, the weak are to be despised and shunned and the strong indoctrinated to make them still stronger.
And pretty much everything the left holds dear is maladaptive or useless; their ideals are a parasite which kills any host which kills the host society because they are not interested into survival. They are in fact opposed to survival; it is a cult of slow suicide. It demands pleasure today and celebrates the destruction of tomorrow while ironically claiming it holds the keys to some undefined future utopia.
The base philosophical tenet of all traditional/rightist though is “survival at all costs”. I spit in the face of happiness. I piss on the grave of “fulfillment”. Those are goals of weak, the leftist, the diseased.
Fill your hearts with hate, place children and survival over all else and see things within that context. Once you do everything becomes clear black and white, good for you and bad for you, nothing else matters.
Capitalism requires socialized losses to exist and is not same as markets. It's justification is entirely based on after the fact metaphysical ideology based on bad theology, just like communism.
A question to everyone lurking: If the magic hands of the conglomerates declared White people to be obsolete cubical equipment unworthy of capital, would you accept it's judgement? I sure as hell wouldn't.
No, the capital remains foreign owned, if anybody profits it's ususally a small possibly foreign elite like the Chinese diaspora.
You even see that in China, where rising wage levels cause production to be outsourced to places like Bangladesh or Vietnam.
The only reason why we don't see fundamentally rootless capital moving en masse to Africa to cash in on the arbitrage of the rock bottom wages there is a combination of political instability, lacking infrastructure and nigs being utterly stupid and needing a massive amount of surveilance and instruction for work.
Capitalism isn't the problem, it's just a tool, but rather (((capitalism))) is.
How is giving jews and chinks a license to be white collar niggers not a problem? What we have is basically us charging gang charters instead of niggers with crimes and subsidizing their pimping because they threaten to burn the city down.
If the central banks and all the conglomerates went tits up, our enemies would lose a vast majority of their power and justification for their genocidal policies.
Give it up commie. You ain't budging no one.
Thankfully mods are not asleep and anchored your shitty thread.
Well to be hones the South Asians are also very stupid by white standards and Chinks are none to bright. Moreover it isn't simply labor value which did that. The kikes openly bought the controlling interests in US steel and then sold it off with the express intent of eliminating the single largest steel producer in the world simply because its Union was anti-commie and wouldn't join with the others.
The simple reality is this imperialism, merchantilism, protectionism, and nationalism have forged a strong empire each and every time they have been implemented earnestly. They have a record of success. Free Trade does not and instead has a record of slow decline and redistribution of production. Marxism just has a history of abject failure.
But at the same time lets not get too rosy a picture of nationalist dictation of production. The German development and procurement systems during WW2 were a fucking mess and their logistics were terrible. The US had a better system but still was rife with waste as ideas which were not up to snuff were discarded for workable solutions. In the US system the waste was front loaded with tons of R&D and few decent systems being produced with an eye towards smooth implementation and logistical ease. In Germany the waste was back loaded with good ideas pushed too hard and fast creating a system with huge overlap and inter-service rivalry for battlefield niches and equipment which wasn't reliable when first fielded. The sheer variety of ammunition used in the germany system was a fucking nightmare.
The "economic miracle" in Germany came from getting rid of the tremendous amount of investment created by kikes in the Wiemar republic not because the bureaucracy had a talent for encouraging particularly good growth. They simply had the rare opportunity to divest every parasitic fucker who contributes to pulling society down.
You won't answer such a simple question because you don't like consequences: What do you value more? Blood or money? If you value blood more than money, than you cannot be a champion of international capitalism which desires to commercialize everything until all of civilization's trust, blood and soil is consumed in a race to the bottom at the expense of everyone else– especially the unborn.
There is a danger in fetishizing the race. Half of the whites where liberal faggots who deserved to die out. The remaining ones who are breeding are often very cruel and ironically in the US at least probably simply don't care about communism despite being very racialist and willing to just kill every kike they could get their hands on as a general principle. The race is the only suitable vehicle to propagate your family as all the others are trash or very different(japs) but we shouldn't pretend that there wasn't a flaw that got us into that mess in the first place.
I suspect that in America at least things will end up far more nationalist but far less communalist. The liberals, ie the whites who cared about social signalling and empathy are dying out. The ones who are left are taciturn and insular. They'd have no problem putting their nation and race before all others but they won't be friendly and triumphal about it. Afterall they are the ones who left the German cantons because they didn't like Prussianism or the Cavaliers who fought the destruction of Britain under the Roundheads and the kikes they left back in. These people are bitter by nature.
Prussianism which is what Natsoc is derived from is based on the love of one's people. Americanism(without the taint of the Roundheads in New England) is based on the hatred of one's enemies.
They are not dissimilar in their ends and means but they are fundamentally different in their motivational sentiment.
Capitalism is inherently the idea that you provide goods and services to other people and they give their goods and services in return. It is voluntary economic activity.
The issue people have with capitalism is that it works only in very free societies. If everyone can shoot you for ripping them off with no repercussions, you aren't going to rip them off.
Jews realized that white people were figuring out that authority always eventually corrupts and were moving away from sucking the dick of whatever royalist faggot came along, thereby destroying Jewish authority and control, and so they made sure to keep capitalism relatively tamped down with government. The United States was one of the first success stories of relatively accurate capitalism, and exploded into a world super power within 200 years of its inception. However, Jews don't want whites to live in a literal K-selected economic system because that invariably means that whites take over every single time. Liberty and freedums and God are not easy things to argue against following, as is the revolutionary idea of not fucking with other people.
A literal Jewish plot and condemned by the God of christians.
Your point being that you can't argue against liberty or following God(s) or being moral.
Ultimately, any number of people will claim that they have the true, real, ideal system that will save humanity. It is all larping faggotry because none of those faggots do anything in real life and even if they do there are plenty of people such as myself that don't exactly like the idea of some nigger coming along and saying "we dictator now."
Fuck off, I own guns for the same reason I hate kikes, because if you dare come onto my property or into my state or into my country and start talking about your grandiose plans to subjugate me and my family, you are a faggot and I fully intend to fuck with you as much as possible.
No matter how much bullshit people spew, they will never justify trampling on their fellow man for some gay "greater good" that is subjective at best and an agenda at worst.
In any case, all of this dick wagging over who has the best system (which has gone on for thousands of years) is a waste of breath and most likely encouraged by kikes, who are the kings of starting worthless initiatives that are going to solve all our problems, goyim. None of this shit matters until whites aren't being raped and murdered in their own land.
I will say that any fucking faggot that plays the communist game of switching one oppressor for the other is an enemy and should probably consider that he is advocating for oppressing his own people.
Blood of the battlefield is thicker than the water of the womb, but I am loyal to blood.
I can't believe that Joel Osteen is a kike faggot because I'm christian?
No it doesn't, it is a system driven by people. If the people are a mismatched mass of human filth infected with judiac principles, it will commercialize everything. Communism is the opposite of capitalism and does the exact same thing you claim capitalism does, but happens to be jewish. You aren't excusing the semitic part in this are you?
How much have you done to defend either one of these? Arguing against K-selected economic theory on a mongolian whittling forum?
And who put men on the moon first? You are defeating yourself both factually and metaphorically at the same time.
Are you trying to pass our (I assume you're an evil white straight male lmao) current situation off onto the boomers that sold us to the jew? That isn't capitalism's fault, that is literally the fault of jews and their (((welfare programs)))
What other "chans" do you post in pray tell? :^)
The capitalist environment makes the entire nation wealthier in turn making the government wealthier which creates opportunity for development in the fields you suggested.
But we as people have the choice as to what cogs or gears we're used by. Even if you start over again with a local system of economics it'll grow again and become the mega-factories they used to be. We are units of energy working towards the growth of our nation's economic system.
No, it's a type of legal system of infinity dividable ownership and liability with nonlocality to put it briefly; it's justification is based on 18th century metaphysics rather than some sort of divine right or honor codes. It what makes it different from barter, mercantilism, kingship and others forms of legal economies and ownership. A vast majority of humans do not participate in what makes capitalism unique that exists only in the realm of the virtual titles being shuffled around. It was designed for aristocrats and bankers in their home nations to be white collar niggers in their colonies aboard.
You cannot stand against usury as a capitalist with any integrity, since it would break the back of it. It would also break the back of communism, since it too requires a massive amounts of usury and a central bank to command the economy in their struggle towards "utopia". Capitalism is a materialist phenotype, just like communism, that demands the people and land to be sacrificed by those that command the public society whim. Instead of being lead by a soviet and politicians, it is a board of shareholders and businessmen; they become the same as the business world and government world constantly trade seats, this why our regulations and safeguards fail.
Freedom as the highest virtue is quite absurd, it is to declare that impiety is the ideal– for duty, marriage and responsibility are types of noble bondage. Keep in mind that you're already subjugated at birth and you forced at gun point to serve cabal of nameless dictators that can at any time, no matter how many guns you have to annoy their grunts with, imprison you or kill you if you resist that will make an example out of you. Freedom is based entirely on the amount of power you have within a society, but power ought to come with responsibility; to have one without the other is to either become a slave or a rogue. The freedom of the hermit is a myth that few can ever obtain nor even desire, for it is in practice, voluntary exile from civilization. The Unibomber is the perfect example of what happens to you if you truly take the freedom as the highest virtue meme too seriously and got MK'd.
The best system is the one that best serves a people within a given environment, but there are many fraudulent legal entities and financial instruments that should not be recognized in any fair court.
Racial legacy is unprofitable and is considered a threat to international cabal of conglomerates, Whites have been marked like an old growth forest for being replaced by more cooperative machines, serfs and slaves. If you wish for Whites to thrive you must free them from their indentured servitude and them being bound to all the other races or this bad total peace will never end until you are bastardized to nothing but a novelty pet race at best.
Space is completely unprofitable and will be for the foreseeable future. We have no reason to go to the stars until we've drained this planet dry and prices becomes incredibly high. Capitalism is very poor at generational long term planning and discourages such behavior.
They're both apart of the exact same spectrum of materialism, the synthesis is fundamentally the same given enough time. Humans becoming indistinguishable from any other unit of measurement within an economy and they become slaves to the phenotype they're bound to. They both off-set their losses onto a public society, this why they want to consolidate every single private society(like families) into the public society in which they can fleeced more easily. This why capitalist societies are losing their rights more and more as it cannot survive with such privileged workers and demands cheaper slaves.
Human determine what new humans come into the world, not natural selection, if you see yourself as a apeman then you ought to practice the sacred soul alchemies to rise your consciousness to an acceptable level of a man. Capitalism encourages, if anything, interchangeable meat machines that can be rapidly deployed in any market; it demand endless growth without delay. Intelligence, legacy, honor, spirituality and beauty are nothing but frivolous expenditures that go away once they become unprofitable. Look at China's ant people, they want your children as less than that.
haha nah