I'm a white boy and I just wondered how I'd feel if I had a dark skin instead. Tbh I wouldn't mind it. All I rly care about is being a christian so I wouldn't mind being a nigga. In fact if I had to choose between being asian or black I'd pick black.
That you are or might as well be a nigger based on how you write. Set yourself on fire, then you can be a coal black crispy nigger. But hey, at least you won't smell like a blend of cocoa butter, body odor, and fecal matter like the rest of them.
If i had to reshape my body to go undercover with nonwhites, yea black would propably be the way to go. Definately nothing slanteyed and wetbacks are just weird. Not sure if i could stand the smell tho, that would be suicide inducing.
Charles Roberts
Pol is cultured , I saw them at the zoo in their chimp cages.