Why arent you guys satanists?

Stop associating yourselves with a kike on a stick and a fuckface sky faggot kike, why not be satanists? You'll piss the Muslims and kikes because that's their mortal enemy and they hate white people. I advise all white people to become satanists, its also a fitting religion for white people considering what their tenants are and what they view as sin.

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Jews are satanists you dumb shit.

Maybe I should just kill that fat whore "priestess" and her pedophile husband down at JoS, maybe then you'll quit being retarded.

Fuck off Atomwaffen.
Paganism is the only true alternative to Christianity.

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nigga pls
only commies could be that stupid

Honestly, Satanism has some good principles, but the problem there is that theistic satanists (as in, actually pray to Satan and shit) are very often, but not always edgy retards. I don't buy that pedophiles or jews worship satan, both because it sounds retarded in the first place, and because they don't conduct themselves like satanists. However, I generally embrace Satanism much more than the semite religions. Paganism is cool too.
My only critique of this post, aside from the fact it's a shill post, is that you used a picture of baphpmet with a fucking hammer and sickle.

Lol the deity you worship is just another kike invention just the same as anything else fag

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This this some sweet iconography. Christcucks an satansucks btfo.

Church of Satan was infiltrated by jews

Luciferianism is legit. The true aryan way.

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What if you are in hell right now and heaven is a reward for being a satanist

Satanism is about degenerate individualism IE hedonism. Natsoc is about working together in service to our people.

Note that you go in the ovens with the jews because satanism is hardly any different for judaism.

the church of satan was started as a front by cia programmer anton and his psyops buddy anquino….. gas yourself 6 gorillion times you kike

And how you plan to defeat judaism, cuck? Being a slave to your jewish master?

The only thing I "associate myself with" is the aryan race and the vision of Adolf Hitler. That's my allegiance, anything else is a joke,

There's more than abrahamic religions ropebait.

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Or you're being deceived and you're going to be harvested and consequently burn in hell.

Yeah guize, why aren't you teenage edgelords like OP? It really pisses off his mom's third husband n sheeeeeet.

But is it worth it living a life of hell on earth to maybe live for eternity in heaven?


Worship the eternal shill?

We can't even objectively prove the existence of any higher beings, only that some force beyond our knowledge created everything. We judge religions based on the results and structure that they bring. Anything that promotes the family and eliminates all degeneracy without hindering scientific growth is the religion Zig Forums endorses. Satanism is as says, far too centered on individualism and has very little planning for the future in addition to promoting hedonistic attitudes.

Dafuq happened to the space I put in

Be gone, foul demon.

Fuck off back to >>>/israel/ you kike


religion is just politics but with non corporeal entities
at this point kek has a big enough following for you to not have to care about other religions

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