This tweet could use some record correcting.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
This tweet could use some record correcting.
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
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so we should all marry and turn our kids into sex slaves to jews like trump?
unless melania is kiked, trump would have to hate her, and barron would, to marry off to a jew
Go back to your Dilbert comics, chessfag.
Is Ivana Trump (1st wife) a jew?
ivanka converted when marrying jared kushner
You understand we're going to kill you blackpill fucks right? You're going to be tortured to death along with your families and friends and an example. Your agony will last for days or even weeks, depending on who your torturer is. You deserve to watch your small children being carved up while alive. Your mother slowly crushed under a hydraulic press. You will see this, before you are crucified. You could have prevented this.
No, she's Czech.
The irony of using the whole "Redpill" "Bluepill" bullshit on this board… Co-opted from a (((Hollywood))) movie made by a pair of fucking trannies and featuring the last human city (((Zion))).
Yeah… Take the blue pill and you'll wake up tomorrow a loser larping about killing people on an internet forum.
Take the red pill and you'll wake up a loser larping about killing people on an internet forum.
Might as well take the black pill too. You'll wake up the same no matter what.
You weren't on /new/ when was it first becoming the norm, that's essentially the joke. It's ironic and was an attempt at poking fun of all the changing definition kikes were playing with.
If you ever saw that comic that goes "here, you can be anything you want" and neo replies "then why are you a nigger?" then it was from the time it began.
Even the real jews don't push this shit any more. Sneaky red pill?
And Matt Furie is a soyboy faggot, yet we still use Pepe.
It's almost like you don't understand memes.
Yeah, it's a sneaky redpill!
That Ivanka is so crafty. She even married a kike that's $250M in debt to George Soros just to redpill everyone.
She's good. Praise kek, fellow magapede.
What fucking reality do you live in?
Also, this.
I have not known a timeline where kikes do not cry about 6,000,000 at every single opportunity.
Even kikes I've known in real life and not just the average blue checkmark twatter kikes. Literally every fucking kike I've ever talked to for more than a few minutes will bring up the Hoax.
You must not know any kikes. That's fortunate, but the meme of whining kikes about Hitler is real.
I distinctly remember an SJW, maybe tranny parroting this exact rhetoric.
The 56% meme is such blatant D&C that I feel like calling you out on it.
Never liked nor cared for Trump's family. I don't even know what makes them relevant, how is their "opinion" different from common celebrities?
Trump was elected to fulfill his promises, since then his family members have been spouting leftist bullshit all the time.
the absolute state of drug-addled leftists
Total Recall the original actually
Yeah sneaky chess redpill definitely.
Like naming your son Barron after a Rothschild.
#neveragain #maga #based
Look at this kike sperging out.
Truth is blatant D&C. Stop with all the truth or this kike here comes to kill your family.
got to be a shill
no one can possibly be this retarded
How is it now back to "over 6 Gorillion"?? Didn't Raul Hilberg himself put the number somewhere below 6 Gorillion years ago? I would get EXACTLY 6 Gorillion because of the magic number, but OVER? Also, why does she not mention the 5 Gorillion non-jewish victims, like last year? Has she accepted meanwhile that this number was completely made up by Elie Weasel, as he himself admitted, or is she raycist now?
Maybe you should tell her "Hey, Ivanka! Good news! Turns out all the camps in front of the Iron Curtain, that were initially thought to be death camps, were actually no death camps at all, and all private investigations into those of the East, conducted by various experts in the 90s - private because official investigations were never allowed - would indicate that it didn't happen there either! Also, there are zero documents to this day that show any sort of proof for gassings! To the contrary, we have documents where Hitler condemns the burning of synagogues during that singular incident in 1938 and tells everyone to immediately stop! And a document from some point in the 40s where Hitler says he wants the "Jewish Question" be put on the back burner till after the war. Indeed, it looks like 90% of the deaths resulted from epidemics after your Air Forces devastated the German infrastructure!
Quick, tell it to your Jewish friends, I'm sure they'll be delighted to find out about that, won't they!"
Keep dispensing the pilpul, Hershel
How can they say "Never Again" when it never happened to begin with?
Jews are not people. Killing 6 gorillion of them is equal to pouring bleach into an ant hill.
This woman gets on my nerves. She's a convert to Judaism, so she probably tries to be more Jewish than actual Jews would be to prove herself.
The official number is 5.6 million.
You clearly know nothing.
It doesn't matter what the official number is. The official position is 6 MILLION MOAR!
The irony of the red pill is that if you go to deep in the rabbit hole, you will realize all women are shit and need to become a woman yourself if you want a good woman. TOP KEK
Jack Dorsey aka "@jack", who lives at 830 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco CA, is a child rapist, murderer and cannibal.
I can't stand that traitorous whore.
You people can't meme.
This might be the first war where the women belonging to the leaders don't get raped after losing because of how skanky they are. What Chinese or Muslim soldier would risk coming home with jew germs all over his dick?
That tweet can be read in more than one way. kek
Checked for extreme memes.
Jewish historians have acknowledged that the number was less than 6 million since the 80's in academically accredited work (Admittedly, their figure was not that much lower back then, but it was still significantly lower than 6 million, something like 5.1 million). The 6 million number has always been a meme used by media pundits and celebrities, ever since it was first printed in American newspapers before anyone even found any concentration camps.
Don't just post that here, go tweet it to Ivanka.
Any self respecting person wakes up at that moment, and realises that yes, they ARE a National Socialist, in world view, at the least. From there, the entire lie unravels and workplace discussions become careful opportunities to drop information, foster doubt in the jew narrative and generally find like minded people.
Mod, why is this thread bumplocked?