Is the world going to end THIS MONTH?

Is the world going to end THIS MONTH?
The Rapture begins April 23 when the 'death planet' Nibiru appears in the sky
Conspiracy theorists have sparked fresh fears that the end of the world is fast approaching.
On April 23, the sun, moon, and Jupiter will align in the constellation Virgo to bring on the start of the biblical Rapture, according to the latest claims.
And, that night, it's said the mysterious planet Nibiru will appear in the sky, followed by the onset of World War III, rise of the Antichrist, and seven years of Tribulation.
While the predictions are certainly alarming, you probably don't have to start bracing for the apocalypse just yet.
For one, NASA has repeatedly insisted that the so-called ‘death planet’ does not exist at all – and, over the last few years, numerologists have rescheduled the end of days countless times.

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strange times and strange habbenins. the future, however short or long it may be will only get weirder from here on out.

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Just like how the world ended in 2012?
Either way, no honest man has anything to fear. Kikes offend God and have a holiday dedicated to avoiding his wrath.

doubt it 1000s dooms days have come and gone

I hope so the rapture comes. With my grades this semester God knows I don't have future.

Nice quads, OP. And yeah, it'll end like all of the other dozens of times it ended, and when it doesn't it definitely will next time of course.

looks like you answered your own question, faggot
do people actually believe in any of this christian esoteric mumbo jumbo? it always seems so flat earth tier

The calendar ended in 2012 because no more stone to carve
It's just that some people like to be alarmists for the sake of it

oh really?
https ://

I would wager to say that imageboard culture is like this in general. At least on /v/